all my single ladies



  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey ladies...worked out almost 2 hours today...I am BEAT.
    I woke up at 6:30 to do fasted cardio (brrrrrr cold walk to the gym!)
    After work I lifted for an hour (full body) and did 20 minutes more of cardio.
    Burnt about 800 calories. :indifferent: Very tired now. Only eatin 1500 today.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Had a nice phone conversation with the gentleman I met in the grocery store the other day, so, that brought a smile to my face. In addition, I went to the gym and totally worked it out. I burned over 500 calories by walking on the treadmill and taking a 45 minute kickboxing class. I've definitely got my sexy on today.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Had a nice phone conversation with the gentleman I met in the grocery store the other day, so, that brought a smile to my face. In addition, I went to the gym and totally worked it out. I burned over 500 calories by walking on the treadmill and taking a 45 minute kickboxing class. I've definitely got my sexy on today.

    Woohoo!!! I'm glad you two are hitting it off. :happy:

    I'm burning my 500 later on when I complete my last run of the G28K program! It's high 40's today and sunny. I was really stiff and sore this morning, but after some light cardio, stretching, a hearty breakfast, and a cat nap, I am feeling functional again. Another carb-heavy meal and I will be go to go for my run. I am refeeding this weekend, so eating at maintenance. That will be about 2400 calories today and 2000 tomorrow.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    OH and I forgot-- I broke my plateau!! I am down to 132. I got my sexy on this morning by wearing shorts at the gym...and looking GOOD in them. :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    OH and I forgot-- I broke my plateau!! I am down to 132. I got my sexy on this morning by wearing shorts at the gym...and looking GOOD in them. :bigsmile:

    Songbyrd, you've been banging it out lately. If I decide not take the next session of boot camp I'm going to be looking to you for workout suggestions. You really seem to know what's necessary to continually lose weight. GREAT JOB!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I am REALLY DISAPPOINTED b/c it appears I miscalculated the number of days I've been participating in this challenge. According to when I posted my first official post today is only day 24 NOT 26 therefore I have 6 more days left of my challenge (burn 500 calories a day for 30 days). DAMN, DAMN, DAMN, I was sooooooo looking forward to it ending on Thursday and now it looks like I have to go until next Saturday. This is SOOOOOOO NOT sexy.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Well look at it this have two extra days to get even sexier!!! :laugh:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Well look at it this have two extra days to get even sexier!!! :laugh:

    Good point, you'll have to remind me of that come Friday and Saturday....Thank you for putting a positive spin on it b/c I REALLY TRULY need it.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I tried my little black dress on this morning and I can't believe it almost zipped up. I had the biggest grin on my face b/c my birthday is in a month and it looks like I'll be able to fit into it if I stay focused. I remember when I first tried the dress on back in September and it could barely get past my thighs never mind zip up the back BUT today not only did it move effortlessly up my hips but it ALMOST zipped to the top. I can not believe how much progress I have made and am extremely happy. This may have been just the boost I need to see the 30 day challenge through. WOOHOO.......WOOHOO!!!!!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I tried my little black dress on this morning and I can't believe it almost zipped up. I had the biggest grin on my face b/c my birthday is in a month and it looks like I'll be able to fit into it if I stay focused. I remember when I first tried the dress on back in September and it could barely get past my thighs never mind zip up the back BUT today not only did it move effortlessly up my hips but it ALMOST zipped to the top. I can not believe how much progress I have made and am extremely happy. This may have been just the boost I need to see the 30 day challenge through. WOOHOO.......WOOHOO!!!!!

    YAY! That is such a great feeling!!! You're SO close now. Try that dress on every day if it's what keeps you motivated! :drinker:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Oh yea, I wanted to come on here and boohoo for a minute.

    I feel like I've been somewhat lead-on by the guy who I surprised with lingerie (grrr, $60 lingerie!!). I can't tell if I misinterpreted him, which is my bad, or if he's being purposefully vague. He's a very private person, and I am totally open and honest, so trying to read him (or anyone) is difficult for me. I was letting myself get comfortable with him because he made it seem like he was doing the same and even said 'hey, i might be catching some feelings too...'...but then last night we had sort of an odd conversation and it sounded like, once again, I was the only one with feelings. I really am not one for mind games and by now I'm really saying **** it. I straight up asked him if he was leading me on just to keep me in bed (I am 100% blunt lol) and he was apparently hurt that I'd think something like that. Well, that's what I assume when you won't give me a straight answer. Now I feel dumb for believing him at all. On the bright side, I have a friend in DC who wants to take me out, and while I was questioning the morality of that situation previously, now I no longer care, because my current situation is leading absolutely nowhere and I should be having more fun than this as a single girl!

    The other problem is that I have very few friends, and they're pretty much all guys, and it's hard to go out and meet guys when I'm only hanging out with guys LOL. This weekend I pretty much spent entirely in my room or the gym. My roommate's bf came back from Afghanistan (YAY!!!) so they spent the weekend together so I had no one to hang out with like I usually do. It kind of sucked. This is when being single stinks!!! :mad:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Oh yea, I wanted to come on here and boohoo for a minute.

    I feel like I've been somewhat lead-on by the guy who I surprised with lingerie (grrr, $60 lingerie!!). I can't tell if I misinterpreted him, which is my bad, or if he's being purposefully vague. He's a very private person, and I am totally open and honest, so trying to read him (or anyone) is difficult for me. I was letting myself get comfortable with him because he made it seem like he was doing the same and even said 'hey, i might be catching some feelings too...'...but then last night we had sort of an odd conversation and it sounded like, once again, I was the only one with feelings. I really am not one for mind games and by now I'm really saying **** it. I straight up asked him if he was leading me on just to keep me in bed (I am 100% blunt lol) and he was apparently hurt that I'd think something like that. Well, that's what I assume when you won't give me a straight answer. Now I feel dumb for believing him at all. On the bright side, I have a friend in DC who wants to take me out, and while I was questioning the morality of that situation previously, now I no longer care, because my current situation is leading absolutely nowhere and I should be having more fun than this as a single girl!

    The other problem is that I have very few friends, and they're pretty much all guys, and it's hard to go out and meet guys when I'm only hanging out with guys LOL. This weekend I pretty much spent entirely in my room or the gym. My roommate's bf came back from Afghanistan (YAY!!!) so they spent the weekend together so I had no one to hang out with like I usually do. It kind of sucked. This is when being single stinks!!! :mad:

    It does suck when feelings are one sided especially if the other person isn't open and honest about what's going on in the relationship. I'm alot like you in regards to being open/honest and blunt especially at my age. I just do not have the time nor the desire to play games so i put it out there and see what it brings me. Although I may be disappointed by what comes back I'm always thankful to know the truth (especially if it saves me alot of grief in the long run).

    If you think the young man is playing games and you're not into the games he's playing then it's best to cut the losses now and keep it moving. Ultimately you need to do what's going to make you happy and you're really the only one who can determine that.

    There not any cute guys at the gym? While this has not happened to me, I've been told by quite a few people (of both genders) that they have met people of the opposite sex while out w/a male or woman. So, the fact that you hang out w/guys may not be a deterant.

    I wish you the best in this journey and keep us posted.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Oh yea, I wanted to come on here and boohoo for a minute.

    I feel like I've been somewhat lead-on by the guy who I surprised with lingerie (grrr, $60 lingerie!!). I can't tell if I misinterpreted him, which is my bad, or if he's being purposefully vague. He's a very private person, and I am totally open and honest, so trying to read him (or anyone) is difficult for me. I was letting myself get comfortable with him because he made it seem like he was doing the same and even said 'hey, i might be catching some feelings too...'...but then last night we had sort of an odd conversation and it sounded like, once again, I was the only one with feelings. I really am not one for mind games and by now I'm really saying **** it. I straight up asked him if he was leading me on just to keep me in bed (I am 100% blunt lol) and he was apparently hurt that I'd think something like that. Well, that's what I assume when you won't give me a straight answer. Now I feel dumb for believing him at all. On the bright side, I have a friend in DC who wants to take me out, and while I was questioning the morality of that situation previously, now I no longer care, because my current situation is leading absolutely nowhere and I should be having more fun than this as a single girl!

    The other problem is that I have very few friends, and they're pretty much all guys, and it's hard to go out and meet guys when I'm only hanging out with guys LOL. This weekend I pretty much spent entirely in my room or the gym. My roommate's bf came back from Afghanistan (YAY!!!) so they spent the weekend together so I had no one to hang out with like I usually do. It kind of sucked. This is when being single stinks!!! :mad:

    It does suck when feelings are one sided especially if the other person isn't open and honest about what's going on in the relationship. I'm alot like you in regards to being open/honest and blunt especially at my age. I just do not have the time nor the desire to play games so i put it out there and see what it brings me. Although I may be disappointed by what comes back I'm always thankful to know the truth (especially if it saves me alot of grief in the long run).

    If you think the young man is playing games and you're not into the games he's playing then it's best to cut the losses now and keep it moving. Ultimately you need to do what's going to make you happy and you're really the only one who can determine that.

    There not any cute guys at the gym? While this has not happened to me, I've been told by quite a few people (of both genders) that they have met people of the opposite sex while out w/a male or woman. So, the fact that you hang out w/guys may not be a deterant.

    I wish you the best in this journey and keep us posted.

    Exactly! I HATE games. I am totally honest with a person--whether I'm interested or not, I tell them. I don't want to waste anyone's time. While this guy is 'fun', there's apparently no substance to the situation, and while I'm only 22 and not looking to settle down, I don't want to spend extra time/energy on him if this isn't going anywhere.

    There actually is a cute guy at the gym...he's one of the personal trainers. We always say hi and wave every time we see one another, and usually he'll make small talk with me. But I get SHY around him because he's a cutie and so nice and I've wanted to talk to him for a long time. :ohwell: I'm usually not shy at all because I usually don't care LOL. I'm worried he has a gf or something! That would be embarrassing. I'm just not sure what to say to get things rolling!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Oh yea, I wanted to come on here and boohoo for a minute.

    I feel like I've been somewhat lead-on by the guy who I surprised with lingerie (grrr, $60 lingerie!!). I can't tell if I misinterpreted him, which is my bad, or if he's being purposefully vague. He's a very private person, and I am totally open and honest, so trying to read him (or anyone) is difficult for me. I was letting myself get comfortable with him because he made it seem like he was doing the same and even said 'hey, i might be catching some feelings too...'...but then last night we had sort of an odd conversation and it sounded like, once again, I was the only one with feelings. I really am not one for mind games and by now I'm really saying **** it. I straight up asked him if he was leading me on just to keep me in bed (I am 100% blunt lol) and he was apparently hurt that I'd think something like that. Well, that's what I assume when you won't give me a straight answer. Now I feel dumb for believing him at all. On the bright side, I have a friend in DC who wants to take me out, and while I was questioning the morality of that situation previously, now I no longer care, because my current situation is leading absolutely nowhere and I should be having more fun than this as a single girl!

    The other problem is that I have very few friends, and they're pretty much all guys, and it's hard to go out and meet guys when I'm only hanging out with guys LOL. This weekend I pretty much spent entirely in my room or the gym. My roommate's bf came back from Afghanistan (YAY!!!) so they spent the weekend together so I had no one to hang out with like I usually do. It kind of sucked. This is when being single stinks!!! :mad:

    It does suck when feelings are one sided especially if the other person isn't open and honest about what's going on in the relationship. I'm alot like you in regards to being open/honest and blunt especially at my age. I just do not have the time nor the desire to play games so i put it out there and see what it brings me. Although I may be disappointed by what comes back I'm always thankful to know the truth (especially if it saves me alot of grief in the long run).

    If you think the young man is playing games and you're not into the games he's playing then it's best to cut the losses now and keep it moving. Ultimately you need to do what's going to make you happy and you're really the only one who can determine that.

    There not any cute guys at the gym? While this has not happened to me, I've been told by quite a few people (of both genders) that they have met people of the opposite sex while out w/a male or woman. So, the fact that you hang out w/guys may not be a deterant.

    I wish you the best in this journey and keep us posted.

    Exactly! I HATE games. I am totally honest with a person--whether I'm interested or not, I tell them. I don't want to waste anyone's time. While this guy is 'fun', there's apparently no substance to the situation, and while I'm only 22 and not looking to settle down, I don't want to spend extra time/energy on him if this isn't going anywhere.

    There actually is a cute guy at the gym...he's one of the personal trainers. We always say hi and wave every time we see one another, and usually he'll make small talk with me. But I get SHY around him because he's a cutie and so nice and I've wanted to talk to him for a long time. :ohwell: I'm usually not shy at all because I usually don't care LOL. I'm worried he has a gf or something! That would be embarrassing. I'm just not sure what to say to get things rolling!

    Well, as I have said previously I am bold and can be very aggressive when I definitely like to be pursued and usually will allow the man to do that but there have been instances when I've made the first move and it just so happen to be with a gentleman at the gym. I had been seeing around but we had never even spoken so I just took it upon myself to walk over to him and introduce myself. I simple said "Hello, my name is ...... and I wanted to let you know you are very handsome and was wondering if it was possible for me to get to know you out of the gym". I think he blushed......LOL. He introduced himself and it went from there. Unfortunately, he did have a girlfriend but it was not embarrasing at all and we're actually friends now. He's since re-located but we keep in contact every few months.

    Now I know there are quite a few women that would never be so bold. I believe there's a time and place for everything and sometimes opportunities don't present themselves twice so you have to seize the moment. I don't make it a habit of boldly pursuing men but if it feels right then I go for it. It didn't result in a relationship but oh well, you can't win them all......LOL.

    Men have to face rejection alot so you just have to learn not to take it personal and keep it moving.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Oh yea, I wanted to come on here and boohoo for a minute.

    I feel like I've been somewhat lead-on by the guy who I surprised with lingerie (grrr, $60 lingerie!!). I can't tell if I misinterpreted him, which is my bad, or if he's being purposefully vague. He's a very private person, and I am totally open and honest, so trying to read him (or anyone) is difficult for me. I was letting myself get comfortable with him because he made it seem like he was doing the same and even said 'hey, i might be catching some feelings too...'...but then last night we had sort of an odd conversation and it sounded like, once again, I was the only one with feelings. I really am not one for mind games and by now I'm really saying **** it. I straight up asked him if he was leading me on just to keep me in bed (I am 100% blunt lol) and he was apparently hurt that I'd think something like that. Well, that's what I assume when you won't give me a straight answer. Now I feel dumb for believing him at all. On the bright side, I have a friend in DC who wants to take me out, and while I was questioning the morality of that situation previously, now I no longer care, because my current situation is leading absolutely nowhere and I should be having more fun than this as a single girl!

    The other problem is that I have very few friends, and they're pretty much all guys, and it's hard to go out and meet guys when I'm only hanging out with guys LOL. This weekend I pretty much spent entirely in my room or the gym. My roommate's bf came back from Afghanistan (YAY!!!) so they spent the weekend together so I had no one to hang out with like I usually do. It kind of sucked. This is when being single stinks!!! :mad:

    It does suck when feelings are one sided especially if the other person isn't open and honest about what's going on in the relationship. I'm alot like you in regards to being open/honest and blunt especially at my age. I just do not have the time nor the desire to play games so i put it out there and see what it brings me. Although I may be disappointed by what comes back I'm always thankful to know the truth (especially if it saves me alot of grief in the long run).

    If you think the young man is playing games and you're not into the games he's playing then it's best to cut the losses now and keep it moving. Ultimately you need to do what's going to make you happy and you're really the only one who can determine that.

    There not any cute guys at the gym? While this has not happened to me, I've been told by quite a few people (of both genders) that they have met people of the opposite sex while out w/a male or woman. So, the fact that you hang out w/guys may not be a deterant.

    I wish you the best in this journey and keep us posted.

    Exactly! I HATE games. I am totally honest with a person--whether I'm interested or not, I tell them. I don't want to waste anyone's time. While this guy is 'fun', there's apparently no substance to the situation, and while I'm only 22 and not looking to settle down, I don't want to spend extra time/energy on him if this isn't going anywhere.

    There actually is a cute guy at the gym...he's one of the personal trainers. We always say hi and wave every time we see one another, and usually he'll make small talk with me. But I get SHY around him because he's a cutie and so nice and I've wanted to talk to him for a long time. :ohwell: I'm usually not shy at all because I usually don't care LOL. I'm worried he has a gf or something! That would be embarrassing. I'm just not sure what to say to get things rolling!

    Well, as I have said previously I am bold and can be very aggressive when I definitely like to be pursued and usually will allow the man to do that but there have been instances when I've made the first move and it just so happen to be with a gentleman at the gym. I had been seeing around but we had never even spoken so I just took it upon myself to walk over to him and introduce myself. I simple said "Hello, my name is ...... and I wanted to let you know you are very handsome and was wondering if it was possible for me to get to know you out of the gym". I think he blushed......LOL. He introduced himself and it went from there. Unfortunately, he did have a girlfriend but it was not embarrasing at all and we're actually friends now. He's since re-located but we keep in contact every few months.

    Now I know there are quite a few women that would never be so bold. I believe there's a time and place for everything and sometimes opportunities don't present themselves twice so you have to seize the moment. I don't make it a habit of boldly pursuing men but if it feels right then I go for it. It didn't result in a relationship but oh well, you can't win them all......LOL.

    Men have to face rejection alot so you just have to learn not to take it personal and keep it moving.

    I think that's my problem...they come to me! I never really have to pursue LOL! Well I think the next time he comes up to me to talk about the weather I'll try to segue it into something weekend plans or something. Too bad I can't pretend to need a trainer and sign up with him. He sees me work out and he'd never buy that! :laugh: Okay, I'm making a non-fitness goal--the next time I see him in the gym I am going to tell him I'd like to go out with him some time!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Oh yea, I wanted to come on here and boohoo for a minute.

    I feel like I've been somewhat lead-on by the guy who I surprised with lingerie (grrr, $60 lingerie!!). I can't tell if I misinterpreted him, which is my bad, or if he's being purposefully vague. He's a very private person, and I am totally open and honest, so trying to read him (or anyone) is difficult for me. I was letting myself get comfortable with him because he made it seem like he was doing the same and even said 'hey, i might be catching some feelings too...'...but then last night we had sort of an odd conversation and it sounded like, once again, I was the only one with feelings. I really am not one for mind games and by now I'm really saying **** it. I straight up asked him if he was leading me on just to keep me in bed (I am 100% blunt lol) and he was apparently hurt that I'd think something like that. Well, that's what I assume when you won't give me a straight answer. Now I feel dumb for believing him at all. On the bright side, I have a friend in DC who wants to take me out, and while I was questioning the morality of that situation previously, now I no longer care, because my current situation is leading absolutely nowhere and I should be having more fun than this as a single girl!

    The other problem is that I have very few friends, and they're pretty much all guys, and it's hard to go out and meet guys when I'm only hanging out with guys LOL. This weekend I pretty much spent entirely in my room or the gym. My roommate's bf came back from Afghanistan (YAY!!!) so they spent the weekend together so I had no one to hang out with like I usually do. It kind of sucked. This is when being single stinks!!! :mad:

    It does suck when feelings are one sided especially if the other person isn't open and honest about what's going on in the relationship. I'm alot like you in regards to being open/honest and blunt especially at my age. I just do not have the time nor the desire to play games so i put it out there and see what it brings me. Although I may be disappointed by what comes back I'm always thankful to know the truth (especially if it saves me alot of grief in the long run).

    If you think the young man is playing games and you're not into the games he's playing then it's best to cut the losses now and keep it moving. Ultimately you need to do what's going to make you happy and you're really the only one who can determine that.

    There not any cute guys at the gym? While this has not happened to me, I've been told by quite a few people (of both genders) that they have met people of the opposite sex while out w/a male or woman. So, the fact that you hang out w/guys may not be a deterant.

    I wish you the best in this journey and keep us posted.

    Exactly! I HATE games. I am totally honest with a person--whether I'm interested or not, I tell them. I don't want to waste anyone's time. While this guy is 'fun', there's apparently no substance to the situation, and while I'm only 22 and not looking to settle down, I don't want to spend extra time/energy on him if this isn't going anywhere.

    There actually is a cute guy at the gym...he's one of the personal trainers. We always say hi and wave every time we see one another, and usually he'll make small talk with me. But I get SHY around him because he's a cutie and so nice and I've wanted to talk to him for a long time. :ohwell: I'm usually not shy at all because I usually don't care LOL. I'm worried he has a gf or something! That would be embarrassing. I'm just not sure what to say to get things rolling!

    Well, as I have said previously I am bold and can be very aggressive when I definitely like to be pursued and usually will allow the man to do that but there have been instances when I've made the first move and it just so happen to be with a gentleman at the gym. I had been seeing around but we had never even spoken so I just took it upon myself to walk over to him and introduce myself. I simple said "Hello, my name is ...... and I wanted to let you know you are very handsome and was wondering if it was possible for me to get to know you out of the gym". I think he blushed......LOL. He introduced himself and it went from there. Unfortunately, he did have a girlfriend but it was not embarrasing at all and we're actually friends now. He's since re-located but we keep in contact every few months.

    Now I know there are quite a few women that would never be so bold. I believe there's a time and place for everything and sometimes opportunities don't present themselves twice so you have to seize the moment. I don't make it a habit of boldly pursuing men but if it feels right then I go for it. It didn't result in a relationship but oh well, you can't win them all......LOL.

    Men have to face rejection alot so you just have to learn not to take it personal and keep it moving.

    I think that's my problem...they come to me! I never really have to pursue LOL! Well I think the next time he comes up to me to talk about the weather I'll try to segue it into something weekend plans or something. Too bad I can't pretend to need a trainer and sign up with him. He sees me work out and he'd never buy that! :laugh: Okay, I'm making a non-fitness goal--the next time I see him in the gym I am going to tell him I'd like to go out with him some time!

    If you all speak anyway, I think your comment about weekend plans is a good way to turn the conversation from vague to a tad bit more personal. At least this way you may find out if he has a gf before totally putting yourself out there. Because if he say's he and his girl are doing something then there's no need to tell him you would like to go out. At least you all have a friendly little thing going on so it won't seem so out the blue to ask about weekend plans.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

    I had another cool conversation w/the gentleman from the grocery store last night. He wanted to go out but I had hurt my knee during kickboxing class yesterday so I needed to really rest it if I was going to be able to knock out the last 6 days of this challenge. He already has plans for today so who know's when we'll actually get together but I'm in no rush since I don't get my hair done until Wednesday....LOL.
  • Kait_liiin
    Kait_liiin Posts: 31 Member
    So THIS is where you ladies have been hiding! With all the people on here losing weight for their partners and children, I was starting to wonder if I was the last single girl around. Love this thread :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    So THIS is where you ladies have been hiding! With all the people on here losing weight for their partners and children, I was starting to wonder if I was the last single girl around. Love this thread :)

    Welcome, the more single ladies the better. Now don't forget to post daily about how you've been getting your sexy on.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Ladies, I got my sexy on today!!!

    I got my hair cut, got cute bangs, went shopping and bought new pants/tops...I feel like I'm finally getting some fashionable clothes!!

    Now I want to go to the gym for some light cardio and loooots of stretching.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I don't know how sexy it is but I definitely got my workout on this morning. There are only 2 more days left of boot camp (Wed & Fri) so she brought it today. All in all it was a great workout and I burned over 500 calories so that's how I got my sexy on.