The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I've noticed a few people begin to make excuses when I answer their question about how I did it. I just wanna say "look, I'm not trying to recruit you. Eat what you want to eat, and keep on watching TV all evening."

    I guess I wouldn't make a great motivational speaker on weight loss. :laugh:
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    I am a pretty well known political type figure where I live, and my weight over the years has been mentioned on a local blog in a not very nice kind of way. It seems to be the way some men attempt to belittle women they can't actually win a debate with. I got to read about my own weight loss the other day when I saw the comment that I "must be doing something, because she's not so fat anymore". It's going to be interesting to see what they manage to come up with once I hit my goal and they can't use the "fat" insult when they have nothing else to say.

    My favorite one- My husband is an RC Aircraft hobbyist. I refer to his planes as helicopters as "The Girlfriends" because he spends so much money on them. He's been saving for a new plane, and when I teased him about it the other day, he told me I was going to have to find another word for them, because he HAS a new skinny girlfriend, and best of all, he married her a long time ago.. I love that man!
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    "I liked you better when you were fatter than me." -very good friend

    Um... Thanks? If our friendship hinges on that, I think we should see other people.

    I am know as "this use to be my best friend until she got skinny", LOL umm I still have 40 pounds to go!
  • kmjenkins
    kmjenkins Posts: 396 Member
    I recently went through something similar with people making comments which were backhanded compliments, then it got to a point where people were saying things directly to try and make me feel bad about myself, like making a stinky cheese face and telling me none of my clothes fit, etc. Now if I don't want to open up a conversation or feel negative or attacking, and people are asking me questions I don't want to answer I just put the ball back in their court and say as innocently as I can-- "I don't know..why do you want to know?". If you don't feel comfortable doing that, just be honest and say its your personal journey and you prefer to keep it that way.

    Seriously, weight loss is hard, harder than most things people will do in their life in my opinion--just because our bodies are viewable and people can see our changes as we lose weight doesn't mean that everything we are going through or trying to accomplish needs to be put on display just because someone wants to come up and bombard you with questions/observations or snide comments. Never allow people to make you feel uncomfortable or threatened, if you allow it you are giving them permission to continue treating you that way and nosing into your business. Just be polite and put it back on them or tell them you don't want to share, it's easier said than done but I've found that it really helps.

    Take care and keep on! :smile:
  • xxempress
    xxempress Posts: 122
    The girls that work the front desk at 24s call me "skinny" every day I come in. At first it was cute &it was a nice compliment to know that they've noticed. I'm far from skinny &now I feel slightly embarrassed especially if there's a hot dude checking in next to me:blushing:

    This one always gets me... "Damn, girl you look so good!" In my head I'm like wtf I always looked good hahahaha!!!
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    When I've previously lost weight, my mom was like "Are you on drugs?". I told her "Yeah mom... I'm takin these protein supplements!"... She stopped eventually. Then she started worrying about whether I was eating enough (I was a starving student) :laugh:

    This time around I haven't really lost that much yet, but I've been asked three times if I'm bulking and give me funny looks when I tell them I'm doing the opposite. They just think I'm bulking because I'm starting to get some muscle definition again!
  • tamimac12
    tamimac12 Posts: 36
    When I tell people I started working out, they ask what I'm doing... when I tell them, they say oh that's too much... you need to be careful and do this... or this worked for me when I was losing weight...
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    I think one of the things I'm not prepared for is getting attention from people who would never have looked twice at my heavy self.

    this. after a lifetime of being overweight, i'm almost halfway to where i want to be, and i've just now reached the point where strange men treat me as human when i'm out and know, they look, they hold doors, they meet my eyes.

    i find it a little creepy. but i guess it's normal? i hit this weight at the beginning of the year, before gaining a few pounds back, and at one point i told my boyfriend (now fiancé lol) that he had better put a ring on my finger or i was going to start wearing one so guys would stop hitting on me. (they weren't, a lot, but often enough that i was totally uncomfortable, because i've never had to deal with that.)
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    They ask what I am doing to lose weight
    I tell them I found this website
    They wanna know all about it... until...
    I tell them I have to log all the food I eat.

    "Oh I don't have time for that" they loose interest

    Did they think you could loose weight just going to a website?
    And not doing anything?
    and be on that website for like 30 seconds (cos it only takes a minute or two to log)
    and it would like suck the fat from you??

    weird XD
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    I did plan to have surgery, and I'm on a pre-op diet that's going so well that I may not qualify by the time my surgery date rolls around. I'm usually a super open person who doesn't mind answering questions honestly, as long as the person asking doesn't make me feel like a freak show.

    I'll tell you the ones that get to me, though:

    (Not a question, but a comment) "I don't see why you think you need to lose so much. You're not fat." Bless your heart...I DO own a mirror. I'm just fat, not blind or stupid.

    "How much weight do you want to lose?" and when I tell them "oh...are you sure? That's going to be way too much. I think you should aim for (insert arbitrary number here)." Yeah, I don't remember your occupying a seat in the surgeon's office when we set my weight goals. Trust me, I've done my research. I know what a healthy weight is for me.

    "Oh, that surgery will never work. My hamster's cousin's uncle's best friend's neighbor had that, and now she weighs 8 million pounds and needs a crane to use the bathroom. Have you tried (insert fad diet of the moment here)?" Why yes...yes I have. A few times. And guess what? It didn't work for me.

    "Aren't you afraid you're going to die?" Well yes, as a matter of fact I am. That's why I'm doing something about my weight. I'd rather die knowing I made an attempt than die even more quickly from a preventable illness. P.S. We all die from SOMETHING...I just prefer that my weight not be that something.

    And my favorite:

    "Isn't it haaaaaaard (they always draw it out like that) switching your diet all up like that?" Yup, you bet it is. It's even harder lugging my extra-wide butt around, and watching my loved ones enjoy things I know I can't do. I promise you, I'm not likely to expire from the effort of eating better. Maybe you should try it, too.

    Oh more...

    "Don't you miss chocolate cake/ice cream/double cheeseburgers with extra lard and mayo?" Well, not until you said THAT! (except the double cheeseburger...I hate cheeseburgers and always have) But I'd rather experience a full, active life than repeat the feel of biting into a chocolate cake. I KNOW what that's like...I want new experiences!
    Love. Love this ;)
  • cari132
    cari132 Posts: 2 Member
    LOL I know what you mean.
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    "OMG, you look great! Not that you looked bad before, but really really great! what's your secret?" When I tell them its the only thing I know that's 100%guaranteed to work I have them on the edge of their seats. Then I drop the bomb. "I make good food choices, I log my food, watch my calories and exercise faithfully!" You should see the crushed look on their faces [Mhua ha ha ha!!]
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    "How much more are you going to loose?"

    "Don't you think you're thin enough?"

    "What are you trying to be anorexic now?"

    "Don't you eat?"

    "You really need to stop loosing weight."

    "You're going to look like a golf tee."

    All compliments of my mother. Ok then. :)
  • NatStylz
    NatStylz Posts: 38
    One thing I got was "You have lost enough weight, don't lose anymore." I was just like I want to get to my goal weight and be happy with my body, it's not up to you to dictate how much I should weigh. It's my standards, not yours.

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  • Drawing_a_Blank
    Drawing_a_Blank Posts: 14 Member
    Visiting my folks after not having seen them for about six months:

    Mom: You look really good! How much weight have you lost?
    Me: 35 pounds total.
    Dad: Turn around, I think I found it.

    Yeah, my Dad can be a putz.
  • becabean
    becabean Posts: 49 Member
    i hate the " you could still do with losing a bit more" well yeah i know that i didnt say i was finished losing did i!
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    My Dad has a great line to use when people ask questions you don't want to answer...
    "And why do you think you need to know that?"
    or.. "What do you plan to do with this information if you get it?"

    I haven't had the nerve to use it, but I admire that he does!

    I love this, I'm using it lol
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    A certain somebody said "you need to do some exercise like I do." I reminded them they had no idea what I was doing.
  • mefit87
    mefit87 Posts: 57 Member
    The funniest thing thus far was what my nana said to me....
    NANA: "You're face is getting thinner" .... ME: Thanks nana, I'm working really hard (big smiley face)... NANA: But how come you're body's still fat..... ME: :S
  • agk14
    agk14 Posts: 3
    "So what are you doing? South Beach, Atkins, Special K?"

    My grandpa, angrily: "Are you going to bring your own food to every family function?!"
    (I did because I plan my meals ahead of time & family dinners are like Thanksgiving)