The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • sarabluebell
    sarabluebell Posts: 68 Member
    Well since your not spending all your money on food I guess you can afford a boob job.(.Im a B) My jaw dropped open stunned..Didnt realize she cared that musch about my boobs or lack there
  • crazybigchick
    Oh my favorite is when people gush and say "you look so good...for having four children" so basically I don't look good but I look better than what they would expect me to. lol
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    I heard "Wow! Your butt isn't as big! you look great!" lololol so funny
  • Karrie262
    Karrie262 Posts: 152 Member
    "I liked you better when you were fatter than me." -very good friend

    Um... Thanks? If our friendship hinges on that, I think we should see other people.

    Yuck!! People SAY these things??
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 303 Member
    Them :"You've lost so much so fast... is that healthy?"

    Me:" Was it healthy when I ate so much so fast? Was it healthy when I consumed a weeks worth calories in a day?"

    Them: "Are you sure It's safe to workout that hard?

    Me: "Much safer than when I was afraid of having a heart attack when I would climb the stairs to go to bed."

    Thank you for this post...I feel much better now!
  • Karrie262
    Karrie262 Posts: 152 Member
    I am a pretty well known political type figure where I live, and my weight over the years has been mentioned on a local blog in a not very nice kind of way. It seems to be the way some men attempt to belittle women they can't actually win a debate with. I got to read about my own weight loss the other day when I saw the comment that I "must be doing something, because she's not so fat anymore". It's going to be interesting to see what they manage to come up with once I hit my goal and they can't use the "fat" insult when they have nothing else to say.

    My favorite one- My husband is an RC Aircraft hobbyist. I refer to his planes as helicopters as "The Girlfriends" because he spends so much money on them. He's been saving for a new plane, and when I teased him about it the other day, he told me I was going to have to find another word for them, because he HAS a new skinny girlfriend, and best of all, he married her a long time ago.. I love that man!

    Awe, so sweet :D
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    So I haven't heard too much on my weight loss other than your looking good. My husband on the other hand likes to tell me what to eat and such. like: "should you be eating that?", "that's not good for you", "why are you eating that if your trying to lose weight?"
    Every once and a while I have a treat as long as it's with in my calories i don't see why he makes such a big deal...he's not doing what I'm doing and he's not me, he doesn't get to say what i can or can not eat.
  • 30forApril
    30forApril Posts: 49 Member
    I've gotten a variety and my husband has been interrogated about my weight as well on one occasion a brother from our church that works with my husband asked him if I was sick or if he'd done something to me, because I was so skinny (160 lbs compared to the 200+ I used to be) my husband said "no she's not sick,.. i just put a lock on the fridge and keep the key with me at all times" why would my weight loss have to be for a negative reason? and as if my husband could actually "do" something to me to make me lose weight? lol... if that were the case, I would have had him do that a long time ago! haha

    I also get the "come on tell me, tell me what you're taking so I can take it to." I tell them, I don't take anything,(and incase I sense a slight slice of doubt I add) " I CAN'T take anything because of my non existent thyroid and medications I HAVE to take... I don't even take vitamins without consulting my DR. about it ( at this point they realize I must have another trick) ... I proceed with " I lost 50 lbs by working out 3-4 hours a day and making healthier choices." they respond with "where are you working out" (because it's not about how hard i'm working ,rather the place I do it at because the location melts away the fat) I tell them at my home, all by myself.. ofcourse they always respond with "oh, no see I can't do it at home by myself...blah blah blah (I tune out at this point) .. I tell them that's what works for me.

    another is when people who haven't seen me in a while compliment me infront of my MIL, they'll say something like "April you've lost weight!" I never know what to say so I just say, "ya think?" they respond with "YES! , you look good!" then the MIL chimes in with " yea she's lost alot of weight, she used to be so huge!" hahah! her comments used to bother me when I was fatter, but not so much anymore... I let her comments motivate me to keep going til I hit my goal!
  • Jenncoc86
    Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
    Me: I lost 20lbs Them: Were you trying to?
  • 30forApril
    30forApril Posts: 49 Member
    So I haven't heard too much on my weight loss other than your looking good. My husband on the other hand likes to tell me what to eat and such. like: "should you be eating that?", "that's not good for you", "why are you eating that if your trying to lose weight?"
    Every once and a while I have a treat as long as it's with in my calories i don't see why he makes such a big deal...he's not doing what I'm doing and he's not me, he doesn't get to say what i can or can not eat.

    I can relate to this! My husband will do the same thing, but I know he does it with good intentions... He's really disciplined and when he sets his mind to something it gets done , come hell or high water , he kills it... he can't comprehend why it's so hard for me to stay on task and follow through with my goal... He doesn't take into consideration that I have A.D.D. and that his goal is the opposite of mine... I want to lose weight, he tries to gain the weight.. he different goals! lol.. ohwell at least he tries to support me!
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    Mine was 'I didn't know you had that much to loose'. Umm, yeah

    I get that a lot! My reply: you have no idea.
  • Josephina57
    Josephina57 Posts: 170 Member
    I think one of the things I'm not prepared for is getting attention from people who would never have looked twice at my heavy self.

    It ticks me off.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    when people say Whoa you look so effin s e x y now i say HMPFf...i was always S e x y.

    I realize I am old, but this could have been in Chinese and I would have understood it better.....


    Hold My Phone Freddy's finger?
    Help My Poop Feels funny?
    Heavy Metal People F--kin' footballs?
  • shelleybelly35
    shelleybelly35 Posts: 13 Member
    I always get, "what's your secret" too! There is no secret people. We eat healthy AND exercise daily. It is pretty simple.
    What is disturbing is that I have an obese co-worker who tries to avoid me now. She will barely talk to me, and hides from me. We used to get along just fine. I'm not sure why I have to make an effort to be nice to her, to say hello, etc. She just won't say anything to me anymore unless I initiate. I haven't said one word to her about my weight loss, and she mentioned it only once. She asked me what my secret was, and I told her exercise and diet. She said "see I want to eat brownies." I laughed and said, "well, an occasional brownie is fine." She said, "I can't give up cheese." I said "I know. It's not easy, but I have gotten used to it." After that, she hasn't mentioned anything and won't talk to me unless I pin her down. It's weird.
    I did this for my health because I had metabolic syndrome, and not to make others feel bad!!
  • hgaspard83
    hgaspard83 Posts: 66 Member
    My favorite is , oh you will never lose weight eating that?? or counting cals does not help people lose weight, I mean if it works for you then do!!
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    Mine was 'I didn't know you had that much to loose'. Umm, yeah

    I get this quite a bit. I just tell them that I hide it well. And when they keep going I just say " You havn't seen me naked." they shut up. XD
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    They ask what I am doing to lose weight
    I tell them I found this website
    They wanna know all about it... until...
    I tell them I have to log all the food I eat.

    "Oh I don't have time for that" they loose interest

    Did they think you could loose weight just going to a website?
    And not doing anything?
    and be on that website for like 30 seconds (cos it only takes a minute or two to log)
    and it would like suck the fat from you??

    weird XD

  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    Oh my. I just heard something crazy like the examples above today. I saw a former co-worker who I haven't seen in a few years and the first thing she said was "Wow, you look so different. Were you sick?"

    I wanted to scream at her "No, I just stopped pigging out on junk!"
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I think the weirdest was when I was getting new shoes the other day because my other workout shoes were hurting. The guy that helped me, when I said I needed them for workouts, started talking to me like I was just beginning so when I corrected him and said I'd been at it almost 6 months now. He then asked what I did and I said weights, general strength training, and cardio. His eyes got really big and he said, "but you're way too young to be exercising like that!"

    He thought I was 16 (I'm 22) and just told me to eat my vegetables and stay away from the stuff that would stunt my growth. I'm 5'2", I imagine at my age I'm not getting any taller.
  • MissMayBe840
    I think one thing EVERYONE wants to hear is "Have you lost weight?", but yeah, people have to learn the difference between giving a compliment and being pushy! :ohwell: