Curly hair isn't sexy?



  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    I rock my curls. I LOVE my hair and so does everyone else. I don't know who has been telling you that straight is better? Straight hair is pretty, wavy hair is pretty and curly hair is pretty. It all depends on the person. For me, I love the curly haired ladies but then again I'm probably a bit partial :).

    I straighten my hair two or three times a year and enjoy it while it lasts but I stick to what's natural for my hair and a TON less work and that's wild, unruly curls.
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    I love my curls and they are me. If a guy doesn't lie it or find them sexy, their loss.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    My hair is curly too, tight curls. I used to always straighten my hair and ppl would like it, but I'm like u I dont want to damage my hair anymore. So now I love my curly hair. Most ppl with straight hair want curly hair just as ppl with curly hair want straight hair. Both sides will gives reasons why. I think it all comes down to wanting what u can't really have. Honestly, now that I've come to accept my curly hair, I think straight hair is rather boring. Curly hair is fun~ So just embrace it!
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    men think its sexy. seriously. thats usually what guys love most about me- this big springy red hair. lol. when i straighten it alot of WOMEN perfer it, but that dosnt matter so much to me. lol
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Sorry, I call BS.

    Google image, in 2.2 seconds I found literally HUNDREDS of stunningly sexy women with messy curly hair.

    I have many incredibly sexy friends on MFP (not just by my judgment...but by the commentary of all the drooling men that fawn over their pages), with curly hair.

    Now, that's not to say you may not 'feel' sexy...but that's internal. Blaming your hair for it...nope...not buying it!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    People pay a fortune to have what some of us have naturally. Wake up dampen it pick it out and walla beautiful curls.....

    THIS! So many women get perms and curl their hair. We dont have to hardly do anything and ours holds MUCH better lol
  • xoMeaghan
    xoMeaghan Posts: 175
    Hmmm that's a good question. I think curls can be incredibly sexy. I've had friends perm their straight hair to look like yours, so obviously I'm not alone!

    Some compliments from your friends might be because they aren't used to seeing you with straight hair. If I curl my hair tightly, I get compliments too and get told I should do it like that more often. I think it's the novelty aspect.

    Not sure why random people in public would treat you different though. That's weird.

    I agree. I have naturally wavy hair, and I let it hang loose when I'm lazy, but when I do something different (Pin it up a certain way, curl it, crimp it) I get compliments as well saying to do it more often. It's just how people see you everyday and then how you change your look a bit and how it changes everything because they're not used to it.
    I saw your photos and you look stunning with curly hair!
    Tip: Don't change for anyone else, whatever makes you feel more comfortable than go at it!
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    I hear the same thing!
    "why don't you wear your hair straight more often"
    my answer is ALWAYS, if you want to spend an hour straightening it for me while I study, go for it.
    or to the ones that say it EVERY TIME I straighten my hair
    "you're slapping God in the face, this is what he gave me" <--- that usually shuts them up:)

    My hubby says it doesn't matter, they both look good blah blah blah, but I know he likes it better straight too.

    yes guys, why is this?!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    yes guys, why is this?!

    I will say, certain types of faces, look better with certain types of hair.

    Maybe that's the thing?
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    Sorry, I call BS.

    Google image, in 2.2 seconds I found literally HUNDREDS of stunningly sexy women with messy curly hair.

    I have many incredibly sexy friends on MFP (not just by my judgment...but by the commentary of all the drooling men that fawn over their pages), with curly hair.

    Now, that's not to say you may not 'feel' sexy...but that's internal. Blaming your hair for it...nope...not buying it!

    most of these gals also have their hair done for them everyday because it's their job to look good....I'm talking about naturally curly hair that doesn't look like curling iron curls, when I wear mine naturally, it looks like a frizz ball, if I add some gel/hairspray it is unpredictable on if it'll look good or like I just rolled out of bed lol
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    yes guys, why is this?!

    I will say, certain types of faces, look better with certain types of hair.

    Maybe that's the thing?

    probably, and I happen to like my hair better when it's straight too, but that's because it looks sleeker/shinier and not like a frizz ball and I can actually run my fingers thru it haha
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    "Other people's opinions of you are none of your business."

    If a guy doesn't find you sexy because your hair is curly he obviously isn't worth your time.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Thanks everyone, for the replies.

    I think a lot of it is to do with people not knowing how to take care of curly hair. Or having damaged curly hair that, of course, is going to look dry, frizzy, messy etc.

    And also, I always wonder, why do so many people with curly hair keep it short or in unflattering styles/cuts?

    We just aren't represented as sexy enough, though, this Tumblr has lots of sexy curlies;
  • hungreeteacher17
    hungreeteacher17 Posts: 135 Member
    I have naturally curly hair which I never straighten. Friends, coworkers, & even my husband suggest I straighten it but I never do. I've never been good at styling hair, atleast being curly is easy.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Sorry, I call BS.

    Google image, in 2.2 seconds I found literally HUNDREDS of stunningly sexy women with messy curly hair.

    I have many incredibly sexy friends on MFP (not just by my judgment...but by the commentary of all the drooling men that fawn over their pages), with curly hair.

    Now, that's not to say you may not 'feel' sexy...but that's internal. Blaming your hair for it...nope...not buying it!

    most of these gals also have their hair done for them everyday because it's their job to look good....I'm talking about naturally curly hair that doesn't look like curling iron curls, when I wear mine naturally, it looks like a frizz ball, if I add some gel/hairspray it is unpredictable on if it'll look good or like I just rolled out of bed lol

    Perhaps the models, but not the MFP girls...and those were just a few examples. My daughters hair is CRAZY curly. It took forever to find a hair style (and color) that suited her hair type and face...but now that we have, it's gorgeous on her (not just saying that as her Dad either). The best part is it requires very little care to look that way on a daily basis. She gets it from me (trust me, my hair is probably 3x more curly than the majority of the women who have posted here...yes, even more than typical ethnic curls!)

    Don't get me wrong, I'm often attracted to girls with straight hair...but it's the overall package that comes with the straight hair. But a curly haired girl with the same overall package gets my vote just as quickly.

    Oh, and for the record...looking like you just rolled out of bed isn't anywhere near as bad as most of you women make it out to be lol.
  • rockermom5
    rockermom5 Posts: 58
    I love my curly hair...although when it misbehaves, I wish it were smooth and sleek. But, it's my's long and curly and it's me. I have straightened it and while I think it looks's definitely a different look for me. I think everyone has a different preference..and if someone can't get past your hair, they just aren't worth your time.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Sorry, I call BS.

    Google image, in 2.2 seconds I found literally HUNDREDS of stunningly sexy women with messy curly hair.

    I have many incredibly sexy friends on MFP (not just by my judgment...but by the commentary of all the drooling men that fawn over their pages), with curly hair.

    Now, that's not to say you may not 'feel' sexy...but that's internal. Blaming your hair for it...nope...not buying it!

    Funny, that. Because when I search on Google, I find plenty of people with CURLED hair, not curly hair.

    No. I didn't say I didn't feel sexy because of my hair. I said I felt curly hair isn't viewed as sexy.

    I never said people say I'm not sexy because of my hair, rather I get told my straight hair makes me look sexy more than I am told my curly hair makes me sexy.
  • dunnweb
    dunnweb Posts: 49
    Curly/wavy hair is FAR more attractive than straight hair in my eyes.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,045 Member
    Right now straight is in style, so it is perceived as the most attractive. In the sixties when I was in Jr. high and high school, straight was all the thing, and I felt horrible about my curls, but my mother told me she had felt that way about her straight hair when she was growing up. I think style matters little to the guys who we are supposedly trying to impress (but we are probably trying to impress each other, really).

    I learned to love my curls, and now I get lots of compliments on my hair (although my daughters tease me that people are so startled by it that they have to say something, so they give me a compliment, lol). My curly gray hair is my trademark, and when I write a note I sign it with a happy face with curls. My husband loves my hair -- the wilder, the better.
  • felinelove55
    I always straightened my hair in high school back then it was more wavy. Then I got a perm...then it was way to curley. but now my hair is curly all on its own and I liberated myself. I'm done straightening it. I'm even letting the silver come in...looks cool with the curls. Sexy or not...doesn't matter to me....I have to do what works best for me.....and I'm feeling good about it......
    Enjoy your curls....