The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • karolineoberhaus
    karolineoberhaus Posts: 10 Member
    I was told that I lost "a ton" of weight. hahaha didn't know I had "a ton" to lose! :)
  • karolineoberhaus
    karolineoberhaus Posts: 10 Member
    ^^^^^^omg! Someone said that to me too! And my thought was the same..."ummm, I never really weighed a ton..."
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I have mentioned to people at my work that I have a goal to be losing 100lbs. Often i get "ohhh you don't need to lose THAT much! 50lbs maybe at most - but not 100lbs".

    I get irritated at this, essentially people trying to be my doctor and telling me how much i should/should not lose. If i lost only 50 lbs, i would be still over weight for my height...possibly still "obese".
    ALMCMF Posts: 2
    Hi Al here, Last summer for my 1st Cut I went from 215lbs to 195.6lbs...This March I was 238lbs &, 220lbs Now..But ppl always say Iwish I had your Discipline or could control my Earring A.K.A. no juke food & pop...
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    I haven't lost enough for anyone to say anything to me.....yet. :wink:
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    I have a friend who has been in WW since forever - many many years. And she constantly grazes - she is eating her points but she is constantly eating. So when I had told her I had lost 30#s she was like 'How?" What diet are you using? I told her that I was eating anything I wanted - only portioned properly, and was exercising. She kept asking - what are you doing? How do you do it? Since then - she barely talks to me. I have now lost 50#s and it is quite noticable. She didn't say a word the other day when we saw each other. I have to laugh. She has found the 50#s... She just can't believe I could lose that weight without some type of restrictive diet.
  • ssbarfarkle
    ssbarfarkle Posts: 150 Member
    Congrats to you all for the weight loss! I only hope someone will say some crazy thing to me someday. That will be a NSV in my book. Congrats again, I hope to be as successful as all of you!
  • mallorymcfatty
  • itsmackenzie
    I am in the middle of losing a lot of weight that I have carried all my life. It's noticeable. Most people say something along the lines of, "Wow, you look great!" which is a wonderful boost for me. Plus it has the added benefit of allowing me to either say "thank you" and move on, or to open up a discussion about it if I so choose.

    It's amazing to me what some people have said to me though! Many people will come up to me in the hall at work, and instead of saying "hi" will say, "So how much weight have you lost?" I am not comfortable giving my number out to everyone, because I still have a long way to go, and frankly, it's still embarrassing to me that I had so much to lose in the first place. I had one person who could not let it go (and this was someone I can NOT stand under the best of circumstances!). When he asked how much I had lost, I just replied "a lot." He kept on asking "so how much is a lot?" Seriously! Why does it matter!?

    When I first started losing weight, people would ask me if I was losing weight. I learned to answer, "Yes, I am certainly trying to!" because if I just said "yes" it was following with something like "have you been sick?"

    Many people want to know what I am doing. I have started making stuff up, because no one believes that I could just change my eating habits and exercise routine and have any success. I told someone once that I had been hypnotized. Haha!

    My favorite is the woman who said "I didn't know you had weight loss surgery!" Yeah...I didn't. How uncomfortable.

    What is the craziest thing that someone has said to you while you were losing weight?
  • cqueenbee12
    cqueenbee12 Posts: 48 Member
    LMAO! I sware this just happened to me the other day. I started slowly changing my eating habits about a year ago and started eating better. I joined MFP a few weeks ago, and I am loving the food tracker. It has helped me a lot lately. But I have always been the big girl at home and especially at work. All of my coworkers that i am close with are all Big girls/women. The other day one of them says girl, you look like you have lost weight. I said yes, I am trying to slim down so i can look good for my wedding in nine months. She actually looked at me and said well now, don't go losing too much weight. Another 20 pounds and we will have to kick you out of the "fat" girl club!
    GHUMBEL Posts: 8
    My best, my Barbie of 32 years takes the time to comment on some of my food purchases, taking time to comment on the nutrution label when she could lose an easy 50 # i'mgoining to lead by example
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    My mom and mother in law both need to lose weight badly and they see me losing and ask for "secrets". I told my mil that I was eating well, taking my thyroid meds and exercising and she pretty much said that exercising is stupid because fat people look stupid when they exercise :/ I'd rather look stupid than jiggle when I breathe.

    That is kinda funny, pathetic, but funny. My response would be "yes, but only for a little while, then they look fit".
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    My mom and mother in law both need to lose weight badly and they see me losing and ask for "secrets". I told my mil that I was eating well, taking my thyroid meds and exercising and she pretty much said that exercising is stupid because fat people look stupid when they exercise :/ I'd rather look stupid than jiggle when I breathe.

    That is kinda funny, pathetic, but funny. My response would be "yes, but only for a little while, then they look fit".

    ^what he said...

    but i disagree with your MIL. fat people don't look stupid when they exercise. they look determined to get their weight and health under control. i applaud all the "fat" people since i am one. :D
  • stpetegirl
    stpetegirl Posts: 241
    I love when someone says you look like you've lost a little weight, are you taking diet pills? My favorite was a guy that is a distributor for diet pils, he actually made a trip out to his car and brought me back a business card and told me I had too much weight to lose to do it on my own and would need help!! WTF!! Are you serious???!!! I handed him back his card and just said no thanks!
  • nontimebomala
    I have a couple of people at work who ask me the same thing. How much EXACTLY have you lost? So at first I said a small toddler and as I lost more I changed it to a skinny teenager. I have also been rudely asked if I had developed an eating disorder. There are four people that I know of at my job that have had gastric bypass surgery. So of course everyone assumes I have too and when I say no they look at me like I am lying.

    I hit a rut just before I found this website. It was recommended by a friend who has been using it to help her keep track of her diet, exercise and goals. She looks wonderful. Can't thank her enough.
  • treimnitz
    treimnitz Posts: 51 Member
    Are you anorexic?! You're looking awfully thin!
  • JEZ112
    JEZ112 Posts: 12 Member
    That the type of exercise I am doing is not effective (walking)... Well, it is working for me. I keep telling myself, "At least I am doing more than that guy"... (picture someone in their recliner with the remote)! I truly believe any activity at all is good for someone who hasn't been active for a while...
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Are you gonna read those decorations on the box again..

    Aka..nutritional info in making a decision on food.

  • TinaInFlorida
    TinaInFlorida Posts: 51 Member
    So good to see that I'm not the only person who hears ignorant comments from people!!! I've lost about 60lbs so far and one day a friend said "don't lose too much more, you've lost a lot in your face. You are going to look sick" really!!. Thanks a lot!!! When I told a friend my goal was to b in a size 8 jean and she said "I don't think your body is capable of being a size 8". I'm pretty sure it is if I'm eating right and exercising. Its amazing how hard it is to find people who will support you when you're trying to better you health and life. So thankful for the like minds of MFP friends!
  • matthej28
    matthej28 Posts: 40 Member
    I've heard a lot of really ill-timed, well intentioned but horribly said compliments that were so back handed Serena Williams wouldn't have been able to handle it..fortunately for me I'm sarcastic and the more weight I lose the thicker my skin has gotten. So I while I am always grateful to those who are well meaning, those who aren't- well they just get what they get.. unfortunately these are all statements/compliments that I've gotten over the years

    Them: Are you losing weight so you can date more??? (with wide eyes and heartfelt concern)
    Me: Well no..I mean your boyfriend didn't seem to have a problem with my weight sooo......

    Them: Tell me what you take cause I need to lose about ten pounds too!
    Me: Ibuprofen. From the 5 to 6 days a week I spend in the gym (and trust me honey, it's more than ten pounds. Didn't say it-thought it)

    Them: I bet you think you're sexy now huh?
    Me: Yes. Yes it just happened this very second. Thank you for being here to share the moment with me.

    Them: Wow in a couple of months you'll be hot enough to date (a lovely guy tossed this jewel at me)
    Me: (snapping fingers) Aww a couple of months I'm gonna be busy. Living in a convent. On the moon. Forever.

    And my all time favorite:

    Them: I bet now that you think you're all cute (again, it happened in that exact moment I guess) you don't have time to talk to me anymore huh?
    Me: Well actually I didn't like talking to you before..I just didn't have the speed or agility to get away from you like I can now..

    The bottom line for me is this: I understand when you make a positive change in your life people will need to tear it down to some extent based on their own insecurities. If they want to lose weight but don't have the courage/discipline/motivation/determination- they can't imagine you could have those things. So they feel the need to pull your off of your course so that the status quo can be maintained. In their minds you looking better means they look worse. They just can't seperate your success from their's an unfortunate side-effect of losing weight in that some times you lose people too. But in reality this is a blessing..because if they don't cheer at your success they didn't deserve you anyway..

    And my favorite way to answer the question of "how much more do you want to lose anyway??" you know they tone they say it in..kind of snide, kind of rude but always with a smile cause that makes it okay..

    My answer : I'll make you a don't ask how much I want to lose, I won't ask how much you need to lose - never fails to end the conversation :)))

    I freakin' love this.