3,500+ Calories Burned Challenge: Mon, 7/16 - Sun, 7/22



  • tropicalgirl34
    tropicalgirl34 Posts: 124 Member
    Week #2

    Weekly Goal: 5000

    Mon: 1416 walk, circuit training, stationary bike
    Tues: Rest Day
    Wed: 1307 walk, stationary bike, circuit training
    Thur: 2845 yard work and heavy cleaning
    Fri: Rest Day
    Sat: Rest Day
    Sun: 654 Yard work

    Total: 6222
    Left to go: +1222 over
  • hoorahbear
    hoorahbear Posts: 9 Member
    Had do some catch up but it's done.

    Week 1
    Goal: 3500

    Monday: 103 (stationary bike)
    Tuesday: 533 (C25K week 1, walking)
    Wednesday: 528 (P90 Sculpt 1-2, walking)
    Thursday: 660 (C25K week1, walking)
    Friday: 146 (walking)
    Saturday: 865 (C25K Week 1-2, weight training, walking)
    Sunday: 698 (Stationary bike, weight training)

    Total: 3533

    First week. Awesome
  • jaimelb94
    jaimelb94 Posts: 114 Member
    Week 1

    Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: 907 (P90X Cardio, 5 Mile Run, Walking)
    Tues: 578 (P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps/ Ab Ripper X, Walking)
    Wed: 704 (P90X Yoga X, 3.5 Mile Run, Walking)
    Thur: 469 (P90X Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X, Walking)
    Fri: 491 (P90X Kenpo X, Walking)
    Sat: 994 (P90X Core Synergistics, 4 Mile Walk)
    Sun: 727 (3.5 Mile Hike with 35 lbs Child on your back, Walking)

    Total: 4870
    Left to go: 130

    Did pretty good considering I had sore Knees for most of the week and couldn't do as much as normal.
  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    I didn't join this initially cause I didn't see it! but....

    I'm just gonna act like i saw it and I did achieve it! cause I did. 3,600 this week. I'm not gonna give you a breakout by days...mostly cause i'm lazy. ;)

    Congratulations everyone!!!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3,500

    Mon: 783 (spin class)
    Tues: 657 (20 min. cardio intervals on the arc trainer, 35 min. weights, 5 min. core)
    Wed: 0
    Thur: 562 (32 min. weights, 20 min. arc trainer intervals)
    Fri: 0
    Sat: 0
    Sun: 764 (36 min. weights, 25 min. track intervals)

    Total: 2,766
    Left to go: 734

    Still missed 3,500, but got a lot closer this week than in weeks past.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    MMarvelous - Month 3 at least LOL

    Weekly Goal: 4000 (Traveling all this week so I need to push myself to get these burns DONE!)
    Mon: 383 calories burned (NROL4W)
    Tues: 309 calories burned (Treadmill w/ HIIT)
    Wed: 0 calories burned (Rest Day)
    Thur: 437 calories burned (NROL4W)
    Fri: 0 calories burned (Rest Day)
    Sat: 1462 calories burned (1 hr Boot Camp, 30 mins AMT, 20 min Walk & 30 mins Elliptical)
    Sun: 1151 calories burned (1 hr 10 mins NROL4W, 40 mins Arc Trainer & 40 mins Elliptical)

    Total: 3742
    Left to go: 258...Well Zumba class changed and I didn't know it. So I burned some calories but not nearly as many as I would have in Zumba....I live to BURN more calories NEXT WEEK
  • Emmy248
    Emmy248 Posts: 18
    Is there going to be one for the week of the 23? If so, where can I find that post?
  • theweightisover
    theweightisover Posts: 79 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3000
    Mon: 649 (45 min treadmill @ 2.5mph = 291; 30 min stationary bike = 358)
    Tues: 552 (30 min treadmill @ 2.5mph = 194; 30 min stationary bike = 358)
    Wed: 552 (30 min treadmill @ 2.5mph = 194; 30 min stationary bike = 358)
    Thur: 552 (30 min treadmill @ 2.5mph = 194; 30 min stationary bike = 358)
    Fri: 711 (60 min stationary bike)
    Sat: 356 (30 min stationary bike)
    Sun: 356 (30 min stationary bike)

    Total: 3728
    Left to go: -728

    Well, in trying to figure out what works best for me, I found out that I CAN reach the 3500 goal a little every day. Rather than trying to reach it in 4 days. Or maybe it was just reverse psychology I used on myself. Hmmm....
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    I have no goal. . not really. Just to try and do something everyday. . . but I never thought about looking at a week's worth, but here goes:

    Mon: 827(Run 6.05 - Drizzled almost the whole time - fantastic)
    Tue: 840 (Bike 14.95 -- Tempo -- 16.8 mph avg speed)
    Wed: 545 (Run 3.98)
    Thu: 410 (Run 2.99 -- Tempo -- 8 min miles -- good thing I went early: heat index hit 124 against a base temp of 91)
    Fri: 1834 (Run 7.67 / Bike 14.0)
    Sat: 0 (Actually biked 1.5 miles, but got sent home by T-storms, so doesn't count)
    Sun: 1607 (Bike 15.0 / Run 5.11 )
    Total: 6063

    I guess I should try for an eve 7K, huh? Actually, I'm not sure weather will behave for me.
  • rayita001
    rayita001 Posts: 150 Member
    Week 4
    Weekly Goal: 5,000 cal

    Mon: 0 cal (comforting baby with a fever)
    Tues: 935 cal (60 min Zumba)
    Wed: 1236 cal (45min walk and 60 min Zumba)
    Thurs: 493 cal (40 min walk 20 min aerobics)
    Fri: 565 cal (30 walk/jog,45 calisthenics)
    Sat: 280 cal (40 min swimming)
    Sun: 312 cal (Zumba Abs)

    Total: 3,821
    Left to go: 1,179

    This week I was in a bit of a slump. Next week the burn is on.
  • scottydewwannalosewt
    scottydewwannalosewt Posts: 52 Member
    I burned 6568 calories this week. So I'm happy with the results. I took up Zumba so I expect the number to be getting a little larger and I'm going to shoot to do Zumba at least two times per week and maybe 3.

  • Week 1:
    Weekly Goal: 7000

    I use the Bodybugg - will put in my total daily deficit - hoping to get a weekly total of a 7000 calorie deficit

    Mon: 1130 daily deficit (treadmill and elliptical)
    Tues: 1595 daily deficit (zumba)
    Wed: 657 daily deficit (rest day)
    Thur: 1117 daily deficit (zumba)
    Fri: 571 daily deficit (rest day)
    Sat: 1409 daily deficit (elliptical machine, curves circuit training)
    Sun: 1509 daily deficit (workout DVD)

    Total: 7988
    Left to go: GOAL ACHIEVED
  • ResetJen
    ResetJen Posts: 124 Member
    End of Week 3

    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: 378 (row, xtrainer, stationary bike)
    Tues: 1059 (pilates, strength, run, belly dancing)
    Wed: 344 (pilates, row)
    Thur: 589 (strength, run)
    Fri: 777 (pilates, zumba)
    Sat: 348 (cardio)
    Sun: 396 (cardio)

    Total: 3891
    Left to: 109

    Oh well not quite this week, will try again in Week 4
  • ichigo007
    ichigo007 Posts: 97
    WEEK 6: 7-16-2012 TO 7-22-2012 = GOAL = 9500

    Mon: 2132 (upper body circuit and swimming) 165 minutes
    Tues: 1562 (lower body circuit, Strength training, swimming) 148 minutes
    Wed: 1143 (upper body circuit, Strength training, swimming) 113 minutes
    Thur: rest
    Fri: 3225 (dancing, walking) 360 minutes
    Sat: 250 (walking) 40 minutes
    Sun: 1520 (circuit training, strength training) 111 minutes

    total burned: 9832
    TO GO: 332 over

    WEEK 1: 6-4-12 TO 6-10-2012 = 3733
    WEEK 2: 6-11-12 TO 6-17-2012 = 4700
    WEEK 3: 6-18-12 TO 6-24-2012 = 8186
    WEEK 4: 6-25-12 TO 7-1-2012 = 6753
    WEEK 5: 7-2-12 TO 7-8-2012 = 9826
    WEEK 6: 7-9-2012 TO 7-15-2012 = 9253
  • almacdee
    almacdee Posts: 9 Member
    Final Results for week ending Sunday, July22: 4007 cal :happy: :blushing:

    Weekly Goal: 3,500

    Mon: 584 (YMCA Power Hour Class)
    Tue: 691 (435 Tread Mill 256 Pilates)
    Wed: 584 (circuit/YMCA Tabata)
    Thu: 519 (Interval training YMCA)
    Fri: 844 (Elliptical Trainer 515, Dancing, ballroom, slow 329)
    Sat: 601 (Yogaloties 197, Dancing, ballroom, fast 404)
    Sun: 184 (Yoga)

    Total: 4007
  • tlctrace
    tlctrace Posts: 138 Member
    Week 3

    Weekly Goal: 4000

    Mon: 892 (58 minutes kickboxing/elliptical; 13 minutes strength training)
    Tues: 575 (30 minutes elliptical; 23 minutes strength training)
    Wed: 648 (44 minutes kickboxing/elliptical; 20 minutes strength training)
    Thur: 287 (39 minutes dancing/jumping jacks; 5 minutes strength training)
    Fri: 694 (50 minutes elliptical; 5 minutes strength training)
    Sat: 835 (80 minutes pushups/elliptical; 5 minutes strength training)
    Sun: 632 (45 minutes elliptical)

    Total: 4563
    Left to go: -563
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: 881 (Walk/Run)
    Tues: 560 (30DS/Yoga/Walk)
    Wed: 597 (Walk/Bodyrock)
    Thur: 148 (walk)
    Fri: 842 (run/bodyrock)
    Sat: 0
    Sun: 1262 (bike)

    Total: 4290
    Left to go: 0
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    Fell off the wagon this week due to Lasik surgery and a whole bunch of family hoopla. Back in for the next one (Wk 8), though!
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    I'm in for 3500!

    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 430 (elliptical/cybex machine 40 min)
    Tues: 350 (cybex 30 min)
    Wed: 550 (45 mins Cybex, 5 min spin cool down)
    Thur: 450 (45 mins spinning, intense)
    Fri: 450 (40 mins elliptical and weight machines for 20)
    Sat: Rest Day
    Sun: 1147 (Elliptical, Jacob's Ladder Climb, Rope pull machine, treadmill)

    Total: 3387
    Left to go: 113 :-(

    I was SOOOOO Close! I'm going to count it. The machine counts are different than the MFP ones so I'm going to claim victory, dangit! I worked my tushy off last week!