Let's Talk About Shirataki Noodles- The Continuation



  • kiminor
    kiminor Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks Chelle it was easy and tasty. I'm looking forward to some Italian dishes when I get home from CA
  • becca14u2nv
    becca14u2nv Posts: 55 Member
    Loved your blog...I will definitely be trying some of these recipes. Like a previous poster, I was only able to find the spaghetti tofu noodles. I'll keep looking around for the non-tofu and the different shapes.
  • cwade1021
    cwade1021 Posts: 95 Member
    Hilarious, I'm eating shrimp Alfredo ala shirataki noodles as I read this thread!
  • kiminor
    kiminor Posts: 38 Member
    I can my mixture with eggs again today. As it was warming in the skillet I added a few tablespoons foll of mango, peach salsa. Yum
    For lunch I finished off my mixture. Good thing too because I'm going out of town for a few days.. To change things up some I added some tuna and mayo. Oh my stars this was good food! I felt like it was missing something so I tossed in some sliced black olives. I can't believe how good this turned out! Not low calorie or low fat to be sure but a whole lot lower in calories than if I had used pasta. I may never need to eat pasta again. Thank you Chelle for encouraging me to try these again.
  • jms3533
    jms3533 Posts: 316 Member
    I am headed to my local Asian store tomorrow!
  • kiminor
    kiminor Posts: 38 Member
    I got my official miracle noodle shipment Thursday right before I went out of town for the wellness convention so I didn't get to play with them until this morning. Yesterday after picking me up from the airport my SO wanted Thai food so we went out to eat. I love Thai but it doesn't love me so I got crab fried rice. They give you this huge amount so I had 2 meals of it and still had a huge amount to play with today. Yes I had fried rice for breakfast lol.
    So I rinsed the miracle noodles and chopped them up to about rice size. I dry fried them until I heard the squeak. This was the first time I heard it because I had used a non stick pan before. I was oddly fascinated by the squeak and cooked them longer then needed because I wanted to keep hearing the squeak. Anyway I heated up about half a cup of the fried rice and mixed about half the package of miracle noodles with it. I wondered if adding this would dilute the flavor. I had to find out so I just left it like that.
    It did NOT dilute the flavor! This is HUGE to me. It means that not only am I reducing the calories from the rice but I'm also reducing the calories from the sauce and oil they added. I am totally satisfied and had a full fried rice experience for about 100 calories. I don't need to fear fried rice any more. Tonight I'm going to have spaghetti guilt free!
  • finallychelle
    finallychelle Posts: 350 Member
    I got my official miracle noodle shipment Thursday right before I went out of town for the wellness convention so I didn't get to play with them until this morning. Yesterday after picking me up from the airport my SO wanted Thai food so we went out to eat. I love Thai but it doesn't love me so I got crab fried rice. They give you this huge amount so I had 2 meals of it and still had a huge amount to play with today. Yes I had fried rice for breakfast lol.
    So I rinsed the miracle noodles and chopped them up to about rice size. I dry fried them until I heard the squeak. This was the first time I heard it because I had used a non stick pan before. I was oddly fascinated by the squeak and cooked them longer then needed because I wanted to keep hearing the squeak. Anyway I heated up about half a cup of the fried rice and mixed about half the package of miracle noodles with it. I wondered if adding this would dilute the flavor. I had to find out so I just left it like that.
    It did NOT dilute the flavor! This is HUGE to me. It means that not only am I reducing the calories from the rice but I'm also reducing the calories from the sauce and oil they added. I am totally satisfied and had a full fried rice experience for about 100 calories. I don't need to fear fried rice any more. Tonight I'm going to have spaghetti guilt free!

    Yay! I often use them to "dilute" calories, too-- they're great for that!
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    It is unfortunate that they made me gag when I tried them a few times. Definitely NOT for everybody. I couldn't stomach the texture and they definitely don't taste anything like real noodles of any kind.
  • QueenGorgo
    QueenGorgo Posts: 75 Member
    I am officially a convert!! I'm starting with tofu noodles, 20 calories a serving so I can eat the whole bag (two servings) with two cups of stir fried veggies and a chicken breast for a grand total of 295 calories for a really big meal. I can't eat it all at once I have to split it into two meals!

    I currently buy the noodles at Central Market (I live in Austin) but I'm heading over to the Asian Market ASAP cause I know they'll be cheaper there..these things aren't for everyone but I am SOOO glad they're going to work for me!! No they don't taste like regular pasta, they are chewier but the ones I use look like Ramen noodles and when I pan fry them, season them and mix them with my chicken and veggies it's just awesome....

    Thanks soooo much for the post cause you really gave me a great food option to work into my long range food plan..can't wait to find some recipes to try out!!
  • kiminor
    kiminor Posts: 38 Member
    That was exactly my first reaction to them years ago. I don't think I pan fried them or mixed them with other textures then. I don't know if I could do them alone even now. I mixed them with spouts and veggies the first time and then the rice this time. Maybe try it again with different textures?
    It is unfortunate that they made me gag when I tried them a few times. Definitely NOT for everybody. I couldn't stomach the texture and they definitely don't taste anything like real noodles of any kind.
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    bumping again!! lol
  • chrissyn_2005
    chrissyn_2005 Posts: 4 Member
    My SO is very opposed to eating new things and I find it difficult to make two meals but I can see using two different types of noodles! Thanks for the post and I will definitely be checking out your blog for more ideas.
  • Moretakitty
    Moretakitty Posts: 168 Member
  • melzenitram
    melzenitram Posts: 67 Member
    have always wanted to try these but scared i wouldn't like them!! thanks for this post and congrats on your success!!
  • sheilsun
    sheilsun Posts: 47
    Hi, there's a great deal with KGB a deal website where you can get 12 pack of Miracle Noodles for $29, and 24 bags for $39 both includes the shipping costs..comes out to about 1.62 a bag..I looked into it and find it a super deal. Zero carbs and calories. we use the shirataki noodles in stir frys, soups, salads..they take on the flavor of the many sauces to mix with..I do rinse well and sometimes boil for about a minute, less mostly and just add them at the end to whatever I am making.
  • kiminor
    kiminor Posts: 38 Member
    My SO is very opposed to eating new things and I find it difficult to make two meals but I can see using two different types of noodles! Thanks for the post and I will definitely be checking out your blog for more ideas.

    That's what I do! My SO tried them but didn't like them. I dry fry 2 bags at a time so mine are ready to go at all times. I'm not able yet to do just these noodles by themselves. I do about half a serving of whatever I've fixed for him and add the same or more amount of these to that and mix right on my plate.
  • kiminor
    kiminor Posts: 38 Member
    I made the chocolate cookies the other day. I ended up having to add flour to them because the sweeteners I used made the mix too loose. I thought they were okay but I doubt I'll make them again. I might try some peanut butter ones with PB2. I also want to try the pizza bites.
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
  • cestlafete
    cestlafete Posts: 71 Member
    You DO have to be careful with shirataki/konnyaku because it is essentially like the diet coke of 'noodles', minus the (debatably) harmful chemicals. They have no calories and make a decent substitute for the real thing, but there is absolutely no benefit to eating them, save filling the craving. There have been people who have switched so much over to konnyaku for their dishes that they have become malnourished from the lack of 'real' food. The only thing they are good for is a tiny bit of fiber, which adds to the 'filling' bit.

    That said, I love using them for some gyuudon, both as noodles and in proper konnyaku blocks, but as with everything, moderation is the key. Make sure you're getting proper food and nourishment along with these empty bulk noodles.
  • Moretakitty
    Moretakitty Posts: 168 Member
    Looking for these this weekend. Struck out at the local grocery store, so I am trying an asian market in a neighbouring town.