Runners.......what BUGS you?



  • rissy3403
    rissy3403 Posts: 4 Member
    Drivers that honk at me when they go by and scare me so badly I jump... HATE when they do that! :mad:

    I HATE that, too!!
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Drivers that honk at me when they go by and scare me so badly I jump... HATE when they do that! :mad:

    Don't have that issue around here but it reminded me of when I'm on the lake in my Kayak. Boats and Jet Skis will get as close as they can to cause waves and see if they can tip me over. Makes me wanna chuck rocks at them.
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 146 Member
    People who run with little dogs...I mean like tea cup chihuahua size dogs. I ran a 5k last weekend, and a woman had hers on a leash...but so many people nearly stepped on it. She was screaming at people as she ran for nearly stepping on the dog.

    Here is an idea lady...don't put a dog that fits under most peoples feet in the middle of a 5k! I am surprised some animal didn't mistake it for a rat, and grab for dinner too!
  • sleepyjean88
    sleepyjean88 Posts: 180 Member
    I run with earphones in so I tend not to hear anything thats going on round about me, I almost toppled over a ninja German Shepherd on Monday, it ran up behind me and I didn't see it till I was almost over the top of it!

    Also where I run there is a family of swans, twice this week I've been charged/hissed at by daddy swan, doing nothing to help my fear of swans!
  • mmeddleton
    mmeddleton Posts: 100 Member
    I really dislike looking at the discarded water/energy drink bottles and energy bar wrappers lining the sides of an otherwise beautiful running trail that some runners/walkers/cyclists just couldn't hang onto until they found a trash can. That really pi$$es me off.
  • 5) Dogs
    4) Headphones/mp3 falling out
    3) Pervy honkers (cars)
    2) 100 degree weather and humidity -_-;

    1) SHIN SPLINTS!!!!!!!
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    Groups of people who have strollers, scooters, bikes and dont forget the family dog on a leash.
    They have so much going on they need orange cones around them.
  • 319tokona
    319tokona Posts: 31
    I can't stand aggressive dogs when I'm out on a run. I love to do long out and backs but it puts me in some dangerous spots from time to time. Very aggravating. I love dogs. Just not aggressive ones.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    excuse my rudeness for not reading through all of these, but I just wanted to make sure this was up here.

    When 2 people just HAVE to be right next to each other forcing you off the path into the grass or the street. ONE OF YOU FALL BEHIND THE OTHER FOR A FRAKING SECOND!!!!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    Horseflies and deerflies are BAD down here in the south!! I still prefer the bugs when I run outside over the stinky dude that refuses to wear deodrant at the gym...just sayin!
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    I know a ton of people have said this but unleashed pets! I got bit by a dog when I was running one time, granted it was a Chihuahua but it still hurt.

    I also hate when people bring strollers to use during a race when the race entry clearly states NO STROLLERS. Then the procede to start in the middle of the pack, seriously do they want their kid to get ran over?

    Yeah, bugs too.
  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    I second the dog repsonses. As a runner than runs with a dog, it is really annoying to have your dog under control and for another's dog to come up and bother us. Mine is trained so that when the harness comes on the focus is on running; not sniffing, not going to the bathroom, we run.
  • Not a lot of things bother me. I don't even mind dogs coming up to jump on me as a I run by. However, I CANNOT stand:
    1. Trash and litter
    and 2. cat calls. I am not a piece of meat! >:(
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    Not a lot of things bother me. I don't even mind dogs coming up to jump on me as a I run by. However, I CANNOT stand:
    1. Trash and litter
    and 2. cat calls. I am not a piece of meat! >:(

    trash makes me HULK SMASH angry!

    Sometimes on a run I wish I was being called at like a piece of meat.... :cry:
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    Not running specific:

    I went on a midnight full moon hike up Grays/Torreys (it's what it sounds like: You start a hike at midnight under a full moon. On a clear night, no headlamp is necessary. It's really cool. Then you can sit at the summit at 14,000 feet and watch the sun rise). There was a large number of people going. About 2 hours in, I hear this low growling and see a group of people stopped on the trail. THEN the dog starts lunging at me. I stopped. The owner says "Oh, don't try to pass! She's really aggressive and will attack if she thinks you're a threat! You'll have to wait for us to start again."

    Why. The. *kitten*. Would you bring an aggressive dog to a hike, in the dark, when this is a very public, high traffic mountain? WHY?
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Running through spider webs. Ick.

    Yep, this is the worst!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Groups of people who have strollers, scooters, bikes and dont forget the family dog on a leash.
    They have so much going on they need orange cones around them.

    That, and people who, instead of training their dogs, just yell after them "don't worry, he's friendly!" well, that's going to help him alot when mine goes for his throat. He's a rescued fight dog, perfectly behaved until someone invades our space...
    Anyhow, even without my dog around I get pissy at the lack of control out there.
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    ok i know this is too much info but when i excercise i wear basketball shorts (only basketball shorts) and while mountain biking early yesterday morning i had a cricket hop off the trail and straight up into the leg of my shorts, almost flew off the trail, what fun that was,but gnats are much worse,i actually stopped riding my bike around the lake and switched to mountain bike trails because of the gnats!! those things BUG the hell out of me,though there are alot of good things mentioned on here really i can deal with almost everything else.
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    Irresponsible dog owners!
    I have fallen off my bike because of a dog straying into my cycle path, infact the people were walking in the cycle path when the walking path was completely clear. I tried to dodge the dog, but it ran out at me! I was so mad!!!
    I've also had a woman with a very large dog on a narrow path that couldnt control the thing. She was pulling with all her might to keep the dog away, but she really had no control. It could of turned out very different if I hadn't of got away as quick as I did.
    Also dog poo, the amount of times I've been out running and come back to find out I have dog poo all over my trainers!!
  • tniemiec1
    tniemiec1 Posts: 8
    in response to being watched and noticed by weird smiley men while running, happens to me too. find a running buddy though because if that happens often they may be literally paying way to much attention to you and what times you run and that's very creepy so please be careful! always stay alert to your surroundings when running alone!