Called fat by a stranger.



  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    Yes everytime I go out by myself for the last 15 years. It's really depressing but I expect it, especially from the scum who usually shout at me. But I'm doing something about it now. They broke me but I'm going to fix me so I can tell the whole world to F**k off and take a hike :)

    But yes kids and and teenagers are the worst for it even though I'm not a teenager any more. Screw them :)
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    Just tell him that you can't fix stupid. I have been called fat so many times to my face that I have lost count. It's gotten to the point when someone calls me fat I just say," really? Is that the best insult you can come up with?! Your parents were brother and sister, weren't they?"

    love this!
  • allyemo1985
    allyemo1985 Posts: 14 Member
    the last time i heard someone say that to me i was at college 17 years old and carrying a kfc meal, some lads went past in a car rolled down the window and shouted your a fat *****, who ate all the pies, i wouldnt mind but i was prob only size 14 it scared me for life. I will always remember the hurt i felt for years after those lads shouted at me. Now im 27 next month ten years has past and I became the bigger person I dont care now about was said i only care about being a good mum to my kids and loosing the weight to have a healthy longer life with them. Dont let them bother you next time walk with a headset on and your head held high.
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    I find that people make those types of comments when in a large group, because they don't think you're going to respond to it.

    As far as I'm concerned; if someone hasn't got the guts to say it to your face, then what they have to say isn't remotely important.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I'm sorry that happened to you (and I mean this toward everyone posting their stories and the OP). I know it sucks. It's happened to me plenty of times as well. I still have anxiety about being made fun of sometimes. It's given me social anxiety especially around other women. I agree with what someone else said about there being too many best friends and very little discipline. Not saying that ALL kids who do crap like that have no discipline at home(because let's face it... some children are just rebellious even if they have a fantastic home life and parents who do discipline at home... you can't control what they do when you aren't around though), but a majority probably don't. My nieces would NEVER say those things to anyone. Why? Because their momma would knock their little *kitten* into next week. LOL My children are only 3 and 6 and hear people saying crap like "you're stupid" and other things. I don't allow them to talk like that to each other or anyone else. My husband and I punish accordingly if we hear it and my only hope is that they don't turn into ignorant jerks as they get older. I think seeing me struggle with my weight will have an impact on them even if they are young. I have never heard my son make fun of anyone for being overweight or being different than he is and I hope I never do... because you better believe he will regret ever letting those words come out of his mouth.
  • brisbaneangie
    brisbaneangie Posts: 12 Member
    I know the feeling, several times when i was younger people yelled out fat comments driving by in cars and I had a hard time at school...

    I might sound a bit crazy, and I know it hurt your feelings, but it was the random acts of meanness that I am the most grateful for. I feel like I am more sensitive to others, because I know how hurtful being insensitive is. I also feel grateful for the kindness in the world and I try to be warm and nice to strangers, because it feels the opposite to how those people made you feel.

    No one is perfect, but aren't you glad that you do not have to worry about being that kind of person? Whatever faults you see in yourself, don't let perfectionism get in the way of YOUR opinion of you. Love yourself, and love those jerks for reminding you that you could be worse off -- you could be some rotten a**hole who puts others down because of personal insecurities.
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    I can lose weight they'll always be morons

    ^^^ This!
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    So, today while I was getting my walk in in the park, these 2 young kids (about 12yrs) were messing around with their bike in the middle of the sidewalk...I didn't think anything of it until I passed them and the one said "fat *****!" Now, I wasn't sure If I heard him right so I ignored him and kept walking. So he yelled it louder. I turned around and said "excuse me, what did you say?" Of course, He couldn't call me a fat ***** to my face because all he could say was "I didn't say nothin' homie" So i kept asking him (using vulgar language) "go on, tell me what the **** you said!" "oh i didn't say nothin homie"...his friend was just kinda standing there not saying anything...If he was not 12 I would have slapped him! I know I shouldn't be using cuss words around children but If he can call me a fat ***** then obviously he can handle the f word and plus i was so pissed words were just coming out of my mouth. I just ended up telling him to **** off...

    Seriously...I can't stand how kids are these days! That really hurts. And obviously I'm walking in the park for a reason...not sitting on my *kitten* eating cake. This is the reason why I don't want to have kids...they're so evil now a days...I never even got called fat in middle/high school (in ear shot at least) things have changed and it's really messed up. I wish his mamma woulda heard that! lol....have any of you ever been called fat to your face by a complete stranger?

    Go ahead and have those babies, just teach them right. You are right though, kids nowadays are terrible because alot of them never learned at home how to be respectful. I am blessed, my sons are pretty good kids and if I heard that coming out out their mouths I would be so heated and smack the shi^(&(&(t out of them. Alot of parents nowadays have failed in the parenting dept.
  • prjoy98
    prjoy98 Posts: 250 Member
    I completely here you there 'lette. It's a struggle for all of us. I can tell you that the problem is not the kids but their parents. Too many "Best Friends" and not enough discipline at home! Just vent to your MFP "Family" We all understand where you're coming from.

    OMG!!! SO true...that's like with the Colorado shooting...WTF where a 4 month old and a 6yr old doing at a midnight showing?!?! It's astounding the irresponsibility/neglect of some parents now. I don't have kids of my own yet but my mother sure didn't raise me the way I see some kids being raised today!!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    some one once sang "i like big but and i an not lie" at me as I cycled past
    now I know the song is complementary and i know i am bottom heavy but this really upset me as it's not what i want to hear when i am bent over cycling ( not the best position anyway) and now i am more selfconscious when i cycle!
  • sjvallee
    sjvallee Posts: 2
    usally its just kids staring the problem is there parents don't teach them manners.I was never called fat to my face by a stranger mainly because im not only heavy but really tall with shoulders like a football player,so even though i'm a woman i kind of scare people but in school i was always picked on by so called friends,just hope that this boy who called you fat +++ will have to face wieght gain some day because you know he'll probably have a beer belly by 35
  • Skinnymunkii
    Skinnymunkii Posts: 191 Member
    This thread brought tears to my eyes, because I feel your pain. Earlier this year on the way to work,I had a car full of teenage boys pull up next to mine at a stoplight, open the door of the van they were in, and shout insults at me through my open window, mostly stuff like "Hey, fat ugly b****!!!" No reason for it at all. I ignored them, I didn't react, but it felt like years while I sat there waiting for the light to change. I wish I could have thought of something witty to say in response, but in the moment, you're just in shock that you are the victim of such cruelty. I cried as I drove the rest of the way to work. It still hurts. The next time they do that to someone, I hope they fall out of the van.
  • Duchessinlove
    Duchessinlove Posts: 1 Member
    We're all here because being over weight is a changeable, "fixable" situation.

    Bessie Braddock: “Sir, you are drunk.”
    Winston Churchill: “Madam, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober.”
  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    I've been called fat twice that I know of, once behind my back in high school. Another time, by someone under their breath at the movie theater because I got a small buttered popcorn.

    Many people anymore don't care about the feelings of others; have you seen what the kids did/said to that poor lady that was on the bus?.... its been all over the news here.
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    I'm sorry you had to deal with that. :/ I do agree that the current couple generations of kiddlets...leave a lot to be desired in the "let's try to be respectable human beings" dept. -sighs- It totally makes me really apprehensive - if I ever decide to have my own. But as several have mentioned, barring any legitimate mental imbalances - it's up to the parents. (That's why I mention -a couple of generations- back.) I always hope karma will be a ***** later.

    I think the worst I heard, was from a random group of teenagers, maybe about 9 or 10 yrs ago (yeah, it stuck with me)... I was visiting family and standing in line at some event and I clearly hear:

    "She's got okay legs, but with a body like that she must be a real pig."

  • coullmom
    coullmom Posts: 133 Member
    I rejected a guy at a club once, and he randomly called me a fat b*tch. I guess he was mad I refused to dance with him. It really stung and ruined the rest of the night! How was I supposed to shake my stuff if I was feeling that unconfident!?

    People are rude. People are mean. But most people aren't making a positive life change like we are. Just keep pushing forward and keep your head held high!

    Men hate rejection, so of course he will call you a name....he thinks there is something wrong with him when a beautiful girl such as yourself turns him down.
  • nataliexxxx
    nataliexxxx Posts: 262
    this has happened to me loads of times, take no notice you are better than that and you are losing weight:)
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    This is the reason why I don't want to have kids...they're so evil now a days...

    That's an awful reason to not have kids. It's not the kids, it's how the parents raise them.
  • SH08
    SH08 Posts: 5
    First of all...don't let others determine your day, rise above the ignorance and ill words. Obviously they have never had to deal with a weight problem and you don't gain the weight over a few chips or pie, although people who do not have a weight problem do perceive it that way. It can be from thyroid that is our of control, family genes whatever it is your on the right road working on losing weight and getting healthy so keep that in mind and ignore people who say hurtful words....they probly have more issues than you.
    Have a wonderful and blessed day.....its whats on the inside that counts :wink:
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    Yes and when i was skinny they called me ugly, string bean ect. so its no better on the other side. just love yourself and that is what will shine through. I wish I loved myself more when I was thin. I was bullied to wits end and it does leve emotional scars. Go above and beyond thatg. I had a friend ask me are you prego or just fat? That hurt the most cause she was stick thin and she didnt see me for a while and she had the audacity to say that. People can change their weight bullies will always stay bullies. Last person that said something mean I told them sorry i dont understand i dont speak A$%hole!