how many days a week do you work out?



  • KINGoftheBUFF
    KINGoftheBUFF Posts: 67 Member
    Off competition season I generally do 5 days a week, Heavy Weight Training for about 90 minutes a day, with occassional kettlebells to keep my conditioning.

    Competition season 3 - 5 months of the year....I increase to 6 days a week usually 9 - 10 workouts! Generaly 3 - 4 cardio and abs sessions in the morning and weights in the afternoon. I believe conditioning is paramount.
  • girlonfire15
    girlonfire15 Posts: 77 Member
    I work out six days a week. I take Sundays off (although sometimes I'll go for a short jog or something light). I'd probably still be alright if I worked out a bit less, but I absolutely won't go below four days a week unless there are extenuating circumstances.

    It all depends on your goals and the amount of time you can feasibly work out, really. If your goal is simply fat loss and you've got a busy schedule I think four days a week is plenty.
  • bradday86
    bradday86 Posts: 4
    I cycle 15-20 miles first thing in the morning on MTW, take thursday off, and then a 10-12 miler friday evening to loosen my legs, before doing 30-35 on saturday morning. (My goal is to be able to do 50 every saturday and 75 miles once a month).

    M/Th,- Chest/Back
    T/Fr- Tri/Bi/Shoulders
    W- Legs/Abs
    Sat- Abs
    Sunday - Yoga or Stretching
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I average 5 days a week. Sometimes 4, sometimes 6, but normally 5.
  • jumoore55
    jumoore55 Posts: 6
    I think 5 days/week is good!
    An example of my routine follows...
    Day 1-60 minute Zumba; day 2-60 minute P90X Kenpo; day 3-30 minute Turbo Jam; day 4-60 minute Zumba; day 5-60 minute of P90X yoga or maybe 30 minutes of 10 Minute Trainer; day 6-walk with my dogs on farm; day 7-walk with my dogs on farm. Between my hubby and me, we have several DVDs to train by. I'm just trying to keep it interesting, as I get bored easily! I think any exercise is good, better than sitting on couch watching TV! There's a quote going around Facebook, something like "No matter what rate you're walking, you're still pacing the person sitting on the couch"...I like that!
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    Strength training monday - friday and cardio monday-saturday giving myself Sunday off to either just spend time with family or do some cardio if I feel like it. I try not to kill myself and make sure I am focused and ready to step on the scale monday at 10:30
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    I do 6 days a week of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, 2 of those days are cardio days. On my rest day I usually try to stay active, last week I went on a bike ride, this week I'll probably do the same and follow up with some yoga.
  • rebrcca3434
    I think it's fine....I've never worked 7/d wk.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Depends on my programming and what my current goals are. If my conditioning levels are fine, I usually lift weights 3-4 days per week. Then do some sled dragging and recovery work another day.

    So anywhere between 3-6. I always take at least one day off to relax and recover.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    even taking the one day off -- I still went over my goal for exercise this week..and I'm feeling pretty good. 5 years ago when I dropped 50 lbs I was just watching what I ate and walking 3 miles 3 times a week and that lose dropped off I'm confident that since I've upped my game so to speak I will lose what I want to this time.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    5-7 days per week, usually at least 45 minute sessions (both cardio & weights)

    Don't let TOM stop you! It may sound silly but in many cases, keeping up with your exercise routine will actually help with your energy and other symptoms.

    the only thing that stops me the first day is the "amount". There are too many details I don't want to disclose that will elaborate on this..but it's nothing I'm going to feel guilty about skipping the day for. AND I totally agree with what you said...with day 2 I picked my walking back up..and omg..the cramps were way less than normal...the amount dropped down..and my mood wasn't swinging like a pendulum. I will continue to walk through TTOM from now on!!!!