What is your most embarrassing "fat" moment in your life?



  • HausOfTina
    HausOfTina Posts: 92
    I would have to say like many of the other people, I couldn't fit into a roller coaster. I was so humiliated, I was hoping it was just one ride, but it was three times I tried to fit, but couldn't. I cried so hard in front of my cousin, sister, and boyfriend. I cried when I came home to my mom when she asked how it was. It pains me to even write this. :(

    My dream is to ride the coasters again with my sister. I hope it is by next summer.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Just one? Lord, but there are so many choice ones it is hard to choose one. How about the top three?

    Roller coaster ride at cedar point. Could not get the bar to lock in and had to get off. :sad:
    Refused to believe I was not a certain size and ripped the zipper out trying it on. :embarassed:
    Split my pants open at work one day when I bent over to pick up some parts out of a bin. Witness involved...of course.
  • shannonmaria
    shannonmaria Posts: 44 Member
    My family and I went horseback riding. The horses had a 250 # weight limit. The workers called me out in front of everyone and made me get on the scale to make sure I didn't exceed the weight limit. Luckily I was able to ride, but I was humiliated!!
  • I usually don't post anything, but this thread really got to me. My embarrassing moments happened recently in April when I first decided it was time for me to start my weight loss. I decided that if where I needed to go was within two miles of my house I will walk so I started walking. Everyday there was at least some guy that would yell out his window "you're fat" or my personal favorite "ride a bike you fat b!tch" or similar comments. Now, I still walk but my husband downloaded a bunch of metal and nerdcore on my mp3 so I don't hear mean things and I upped my two miles to three miles. I walk everywhere.
  • Noki1024
    Noki1024 Posts: 302
    I was about to get into a hot tub when someone whispered, but loud enough for me to hear, "she's going to let all the water out." Talk about embarassment!
  • rockermom5
    rockermom5 Posts: 58
    I hate that so many of us have had so many moments like this. Thanks to everyone who had the courage to post...because in the moment, when something embarrassing happens, you feel like you are the ONLY person this stuff has happened to.

    My first memories of being teased was in 3rd grade...a boy behind me called me "twinkie" and made "boom" noises when I walked. And the teacher just let it go on...never stopped him or moved him to another desk. I ignored him as best I could, but it stung. The crap didn't stop at school...lucky me had a stepfather who seemed to think that calling me names, not allowing me to eat breakfast on the weekends and watching what I ate like a hawk, forcing me on exercise equipment until HE said I was done, and otherwise shaming me was the way to make me lose weight. And back in high school..I was between a size 7 and 9. I wasn't fat, but I did have a butt.

    I have had issues with self esteem and my perception of how I look ever since. This past December was the first time I had an issue with a ride...I was at Silver Dollar City with my kids and this dumbo-like ride had rather short seat belts...they did not go around my youngest son and I together, so I called the attendant over. She said that we wouldn't be able to ride - so I got to do the walk of shame. I was ok with not going on...and so was my son, but it was embarrassing regardless.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    For me it my bed I have now. My husband is a skinny little thing and his side of the bed is the way it was when we bought it. My side is so sunkin in and broken. When you lay on my husbands side of the bed you actually feel like your falling off a cliff onto my side of the bed. Its embarrassing.
    My daughter is 5 and wants me to go on the water rides with her but I cant most of the slides say 250 limit. I plan to next year be able to go on them with her.
  • yogzilla
    yogzilla Posts: 1
    I was at work (Security Officer) when a little boy and his Dad walked by me and the little boy said to his Dad " Did you see that fat guy, Daddy?" ugh.
  • love4ransom
    love4ransom Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing your stories. We have all had a moment in our lives that still haunt us. I applaud ALL of you for staying true to this site and doing something for yourself. Good job!
  • I flew to Florida to visit family, it was only the second time I had flown and been at least 15 years and 130 larger. The plane was small, and I kept bumping people trying to find my seat as I was one of the last to board. I finally get to the seat, and couldn't get my bag to fit overhead, had to head back down the isle bumping into everyone again. Then I make it back to the seat and squeeze into the seat next to a really sweet 19 year old who became my friend over the next hour. I wish I could tell his mother what a wonderful young man he was... he gladly switched seats (I had the window side) and helped me get settled... then I realized the seat belt wouldn't go around me. I was mortified.... I was scared because it had been so long since I had flown, but now not only scared, I was just dying of embarrassment. I had to flag down the flight attendant to let her know my belt wouldn't fit. Again, the plane was so small everyone knew my seat belt didn't fit. She brought me an extender, all the while holding up the flight which was already late. I was getting flustered, and my face was red...the kind young man beside me was trying to calm me down... he made me miss my girls who would have done the very same thing he was. I am glad that I didn't have to stay on that plane for long, and was soon on a larger plane headed to FL, and didn't need an extender on that plane, but I had charlie horses in my legs the entire flight... i was a nervous wreck by the time I got to Tampa. I will have to say my second flight back home was much better, but I vowed I was losing weight, enough is enough.

    Then of course there is the time I stood on my new kitchen chair to reach something in the cabinet and it broke...crumbled underneath me... in all the years I've been climbing on my chairs as ladders... only family there, but it hurt my pride, and I always check weight limits now. LOL

    I've just started this journey here with fitnesspal, but prior to finding this last week, I lost 20lbs over the last two months, and looking forward to using the site... so far I love it. :)
  • CurveAppeal86
    CurveAppeal86 Posts: 272 Member
    I know this was a few weeks ago, but I thought I'd share mine.

    I was SO excited to go to Florida and Harry Potter world. I waited in line for 3 1/2 hours to go on the ride at Hogwarts Castle, I finally go to get on the ride and it doesn't close over my boobs. The entire ride stopped with lights flashing and beeping noises and a voice comes over the PA saying the ride was down temporarily and the guy told me I was too fat to get on the ride and made me go down a back hallway to vacate the area.

    There was a seat at the front entrance of the ride to see if it would fit on me, and it fit fine but the ride itself did not.

    I was devestated. I cried so hard that I waited so long to go here and I was completely embarassed.

    I am still heart broken over it, and it was a year and a half ago.
  • krisfosgate
    krisfosgate Posts: 4 Member
    One of the most recent embarrasing moments is having to look at weight capacity on chairs. I've been wanting to buy some new camping chairs, and I exceed most of limits by about 25 pounds. I never had to look at capacity before.
  • jersey_jenn
    jersey_jenn Posts: 122 Member
    soon after I had my daughter, trying to get romantic with her father and having him look me dead in the face and tell me I was too fat to f$%k.
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    This is also a NSV but then it was very embarrassing. I was going on a ride at Belmont park and the chair clamp couldn't close all the way so I had to get off. Was returnedy
    Tickets and walked out of the ride in front of everyone.
    But I just went on that same ride about 2 weeks ago and there was no problem what so ever :) I was able to go on the ride
  • I borrowed a shirt from my Mom and she was embarrassed it fit me because she didn't think she was as "enormous" as I am. She didn't even say it to my face! I overheard her & my Dad talking.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    omg i'm so sorry u went through that. i'm glad u decided to get healthy!

    my most embarassing moment, well i was alone so it wasn't in public but i was so embarassed that it was my turning point.
    i was getting dressed to go out and SQUEEZED into my favorite pair of jeans as i had been doing for a loong time. well to "stretch it" out a little i would squat in my jeans so they would give more room except this time they RIPPED soon as I tried to squat. :noway:

    Its funny now lol but back that I was horrified!
  • andrea464
    andrea464 Posts: 238 Member
    Not being able to fit onto roller coasters- haven't tried in a long time, but I hate that I let my weight limit what I will do! I don't even try.

    Remember being a kid and having my Dad call me an elephant, and my 6th grade math teacher (Ms. Andrea Fare) calling me a whale in front of my entire class. Awful.
  • MistressAella
    MistressAella Posts: 99 Member
    My grandma introducing me to relatives for the first time as "the chubby one"

    A girl I was showing how to weight train asked me, "Do you think you'll ever be as skinny as me? Is that like, your goal"

    Or my sister-in-law laughing at me when I liked a shirt in Maraposa, "Oh, Jen, that store isn't for fat girls like you, it's only for skinny girls like me! NOTHING in there will fit you! hahahaha"

    Or when I made her maternity pajama pants and she exclaimed, "Oh Jen, those are HUGE! they would alllllmost fit YOU"

    Or someone having a friend to introduce me to because, "You are both fat, you'll have sooooo much in common!"

    Or when I went to get a dress for my honeymoon and the woman "helping" me looked at my chest and was like OOOOOhhhhh you have BIG... you need extra, extra, extra, extra large. (yes... that many extras)

    shall I go on? *rolls eyes*
  • amberxy
    amberxy Posts: 35 Member
    Not fitting into a pair of size 18 pants, and being too embarrassed to tell the salesperson they didn't fit, and buying them anyway.
  • The moment I realised that I could only fit into 3 pairs of my trousers.

    My zip constantly falling down due to the pressure of my lower stomach.

    Hearing my flesh jiggle (in the wrong way) during some bedroom time.

    Having a dress burst when in public.