

  • I'm 5'0 tall. I started MFP when I weighed 157 and I have 20 to 25 more lbs I would like to lose. I Keep going between 140 and 157 but I am going to get to my goal weight this time and stay there. Us shorties need to stick together. Viva la short! HSquared87
  • I have been looking for a group like this. I'm in. I am 5 feet tall. My goal is at the high end of the spectrum for me at 130 /125. I have been trying to get back down to my post boot camp weight that was 133. Post boot camp is the smallest I've ever been. I am currently at 150 now and I can't wait to meet my goal. Us…
  • Every year my mother gives my husband a sweater for Christmas that she tells me she bought for my step dad but that it didn't fit.
  • I am also willing to workout outside of the gym if anyone knows of any meet ups for fitness or anything else to help me stay on track in my area.
  • Motion comfort makes bras for small to large chested woman. Buy the ones with regular adjustable bra straps. I love their sports bras.
  • Motion comfort!!!!!! I have spent years looking for a sports bra that was perfect for me. I am a large chested woman have trouble finding ones that work. Motion comfort is the best sports bra brand I have ever worn and they make them in so many sizes. Try them and you wont be sorry. They have a website but sometimes I find…
  • I just tried zumba this past weekend and I have Two bad knees and the only thing I noticed was I got a little tender by the end off class. I really loved it and the achy feeling went away soon after class was over. Ice your knees after class to help with any swelling or tenderness.
    in zumba? Comment by hsquared87 April 2011
  • You ate Chinese food which is filled with sodium that 1.5 wasn't real weight gain it was water. I wasn't losing an ounce when I was eating 1200 calories I finally talked to a nutritionist who made me up my calories and now I'm losing inches and weight..
  • One more thing i forgot. Measue yourself you may be losing inches insted of weight and eventually that will level out and you will lose both at the same time. I havent lost weight in the past 2 weeks but I did lose 2 inches. I saw that some were saying they were having a ton of water weight gain. Drink at least 8 to 10…
  • Honeslty up your calories by 100 for a week and see what happens. and eat all 1300. Anything below 1200 can make it really hard to lose weight. I had your same problem and I went to a nutritionist who had me add an extra 100 a week and now im at 1500 to 1600 a day. I also cut out alot of processed sugars and that seemed to…
  • I love the Arbonne protein power in chocolate. It is very gentle on my somach and to me tastes almost like chocolate milk. I mix it with more water than it says but I probley have one everyday. Also my friend swears by the vanilla Arbonne protein power.
  • You can replace your office deck chair with on of those balance balls people use for core workouts. Also you can take breaks and walk up and down stairs or just around the office for a few mins every once in a while. I found when i wore a podomiter I would walk to a printer down the hall or to a bathroom that was further…
  • That' about what I want to lose too. Welcome to myfitnesspal! :smile:
  • I BIG HEART LOVE One Life Fitness. There are a few around me and each one has extra stuff like a pool or a rock wall. I love the cardio cinima it helps me feel like I'm doing something fun instead of working out. I even have a personal trainer from One Life Fitness and it has done alot for me in regards to strength and…
  • I would try a specialty bra store again. VS is made for the average crowd and doesn't work for alot of people Myself included. Also I know that some bra companys make half sizes so you can get a a c and a half . I just can't remember the name brand but I do remember it is a big name.
  • Try limiting your sodium that in of itself might be holding you back. I was having trouble losing on 1200 and eating back some of not all my exercise calories then I went to a nutritionist and low and behold I wasn't eating enough food to stay alive let alone lose weight. So when I started eating more and drinking more…
  • The people who get skinny anerexic are normaly skinny to begin with. I had been following a 1200 calorie diet for 2 years and had the doctor tell me I was in starvation mode. My body got bigger becuase it kept all the calories it possibly could instead of letting it go. Eventualy if I would have continued that way I would…
  • I have the same problem. My nutritionist told me to cut my sodium intake to 1500 a day and drink more water. so far it has helped. I basically had to cut out most processed foods.
  • Hungry girl makes a cook book for just that. It's called 200 under 200. Basically you can mix and match a bunch of these to get 5 to 6 little meals a day,
  • I use a heart rate monitor i'm 5 foot tell, weight 149 and i burn somewhere between 165 and 185 on the first level.
  • My trick is to buy the child's snack pack it comes with a smaller popcorn without butter that is about 4 to 5 cups of popcorn and a small diet soda. Most snack packs come with a small fruit snack too.
  • Okay, so I've been absent for a while but that's because I have been so upset about how my weight loss had been going. well I'm back and I'm happy to say I lost 2 lbs this week. That means I only have 6 more lbs to go towards my first weight loss goal! I hope everyone had a great week!
  • my fave is diet coke with lime and tequila. I know that sounds weird but it tastes so good!
  • Thank you LisaKC! I am motivated and I will win this fight for my life! My physical therapist and I tried some new workouts today. I just have to stop getting discouraged because the road to healing an injury is very long and painful but well worth the effort. I'm sure next week will be BETTER!!!:happy:
  • Okay so I stayed the same this week. very disappointed but at least its not a gain right. I'm stuck and its really something that could hurt my job if i don't weight 141 by OCT 19th. My knee injuries make working out so painful I've tried everything swimming, elliptical, bike, yoga its all so painful. Someday walking is…
  • heres a meal i made yesterday and it was very healthy and very good. I took a packet of the lawerys chimichurri burrito cassarole seasoning and healhafied the recipe that is on the back, and it still made 5 servings heres what you need 4oz tomato sause 8 oz lean ground beef 1/2 can black beans 1/2 can of corn 5 la tortilla…
  • WOW! Everyone I'm a little disappointed in how I did this week. I was so sure I was gonna be a rock star doing these challenges. I only managed to drink the 8 glasses of water only 3 or 4 times this week. I did manage to stay within all my points everyday except 1. The exercise thing I will continue to try and work at. I…
  • For quick strength training I use a pilates video. Its one of the 10 minute solutions it's called slim and sculpt pilates and it breaks the workouts up into arms, abs, lower body and total body. This video uses the resistance bands and even 10 minutes is a really good workout. This video is challenging and you can work one…
  • Heres what I'm doing. I am doing the hundred push up challange from hundredpushups.com. Its and easy to follow training plan that you do 3 times a week and it only takes under 10 mins to do. Basicly this training plan can take you from being able to do no push ups to one hundred in about 6 weeks. Its been really helpful I…
  • Okay so I did my weight in and I'm up 2.4 lbs. I'm a little crushed but who knows next week might be great. Hope everyone had a great week! Hsquared87