Jade0529 Member


  • they are jealous Family can totally suck. I am sorry they said that to you. You should be so proud of yourself. You are healthy now and look very happy. :) Enjoy your success!!
  • I hope that your mom is okay. That is really stressful for everyone involved, so it's understandable how you slipped into old eating patterns. You can either wait until you feel ready to tackle this new lifestyle or try small things like pre portioning out food and pre-logging so when you are in a rush to see your mom etc…
  • look into soup and stew ideas with lentils, beans, chickpeas etc. High in fiber and protein and very satisfying. Having said that, that doesn't seem high enough for a meal. I'd still be hungry on less than 300 calories
  • My only suggestion is to look at your "million" things and see if anything can be streamlined or made easier for you. -Do you have any help? -any shortcuts in cooking that you can take like using a slow cooker, precutting and freezing veg ready to go, prepackaging meals etc -can you afford to hire a cleaner - even someone…
  • Mini fridge if you can, even second hand lock on your door portion your food into smaller containers and put some in the back of the fridge. Even if some of the ones at the front get eaten you should have a few to eat for yourself. Dark containers. I'd even consider putting the calories on the top and how many servings it…
  • Drinking too much pop makes me feel terrible. (and I would say 1 litre a day is too much!) I don't know if it's the sugar, caffeine, the artificial colours or just all that fizz but whatever it is, it isn't good. Artificial sweeteners give me the worst migraine.
  • I had a sample of Secret clinical strength and that worked well I also like Secret scent expressions vanilla but honestly also just plain baking soda works amazing. If you have sensitive skin it can make your underarms red/tender so you may have to take breaks from it, but it works %100 and I say this as someone who sweats…
  • Amazing work, truly. thank you for bravely posting those pictures! and FINALLY someone who posts a mom belly that looks similar to mine!
  • I am so sad for you. 9 is just a kid. How awful
  • :laugh: still looking huh?
  • I find this interesting because our breasts change throughout our life, and that never really bothered me. I have a child so breastfeeding make mine go south lol. I have only lost 14lbs and they were the first place I lost. I am cool with that. I will be happy to be able to buy button front shirts again. If your husband…
  • I would suggest that you see your Dr first just to make sure that your back is physically okay before you do any exercise. I say this because I suffer from back pain and I had to make sure there wasn't any glaring issues, and even though I don't have a slipped disk or anything, I still have back troubles while exercising.…
  • I wish the Targets in Canada were good. I was so excited when they came here but they suck so badly!
  • a mix of stores including local small fruit and veg sellers, big chain grocery stores, and what we call "the Dep" or "Depanneur" which is basically a convenience store for late night milk and bread runs. (they also sell beer, liquor, snacks, smokes, bus passes etc)
  • rice krispies treats. I make my own one serving portion. A serving of rice krispie cereal (100 calories) and either one or two marshmallows. (I have the jumbo ones that are 90 calories each) Put it in a microwavable bowl and in about 20 seconds or less (you want it to puff but not too much) you mix it up fast and voila! a…
  • Some of my workout clothes have been torn by my workout buddy. My cat is very judgmental about what I wear. What a diva!
  • It sounds like we suffer from a similar thing. I use an electric shaver, it's what I use the most. and if you use a razor you have to shave in the direction your hair grows to prevent ingrown hairs. Sharpen your razor by running it up your arm (wrist to elbow direction) if that makes sense. It totally works to keep the…
  • Congrats on not needing those big sizes! Awesome!! I like the idea of giving to others and get them to pay it forward
  • He was down on one knee in his mothers kitchen, while a good majority of his giant Italian family looked on. yeah no pressure! Lucky for him I already knew I'd say yes when he did propose :laugh:
  • Thanks for the omelet help. I think I am putting my pan on too high then and not using enough oil. Darn, Julie Child always made it look so easy!
  • Doesn't his fellow co-workers or boss complain about his smell? I find this so hard to believe. It's really not hard to tell when someone needs a shower. Maybe you both need to see an ENT Specialist because one or both of you really lack a sense of smell. Tell him that he can use baking soda as a deodorant if it's the…
    in No Shower Comment by Jade0529 April 2014
  • I am surprised your Dr didn't tell you that some people will have high cholesterol despite a healthy lifestyle and "proper" food choices. It CAN be genetic. I know it runs in my moms family. For example she changed her died a lot, dropped her cholesterol but not enough, and even the Dr told her she had done everything she…
  • I'm a really good cook but for the life of me I can't make an omelet (even in a non stick pan) without it sticking and/or breaking it. Do you have any tips or tricks?
  • I am sorry for what happened to you. Your dog doesn't belong in the gym and I don't think that you do either right now Perhaps you should take the time to focus on your mental state and work towards getting back to the gym when you are feeling mentally prepared to be able to be in large public settings again
  • My son (who is almost 5) loves fruits and veg esp watermelon and cucumber. I'd also include those Goldfish crackers, baked chips and you can either do a big pizza cut up or mini ones. You can also get the small water bottles with characters on them and healthier juice boxes for drinks. Include a few not so healthy options…
  • could you have a gluten intolerance? I found this: Their light syrups contain gluten http://glutenismy*****.wordpress.com/2012/07/23/r-i-p-starbucks-skinny-vanilla-latte/
  • Anyone else have The Facts of Life song running through their head now? :happy:
  • I am sure your husband would much rather be with his family than having to travel for work. It can't be fun to eat dinner alone, missing you. He decided to have dinner with a colleague, it's hardly a red flag unless there have been others that signal something In either case talk to him and communicate with him how it…