

  • yep! you nailed it on the head. Too much fruit/veg will do it. look at your food diary to see exactly where your carbs are coming from. Dont' give up fruit, just swap them, and choose ones that are lower in carbs. The same for veggies. ask yourself why you are eating too much carb- is it because you find you are frequently…
  • Remember Kelly osborne!!! :) :smile: I can relate: it's hard transitioning into a new-er and better healthy lifestyle, and ooohhh so easy to fall back into the old. There's a reason you joined MFP and a reason you've come so far! We may never be able to be like our 'speedy metabolism' buddies, however, sometimes the grass…
  • thanks for the help - much appreciated!!! Will put to use immediately ... :) :bigsmile:
  • Oh my little lady - that's a toughie!!! unfortunately you might have to 'create' this as a new food to add to the food database, and this will probably take some time. You will have to break it down by each ingredient in the recipe and then add the calories together, it is easy to break into portions after that. On the…
  • Oddly enough, someone on here gave me some advice about that- and it works! 1) Drink a glass of water, 2) go on a walk or exercise for 20 min or so, and 3) if temptation still exists, buy a chocolate bar that is between 50-75 % cocoa.... and let yourself have one or two squares. I swear up and down it works! Also, weird…
  • I agree! If there's one thing i've been really learning recently is that it is just as important, well more important, to let the work begin on the inside first: or you'll always look in the mirror with disatisfaction, and let what other people say affect how you view yourself. I was bullied in junior high, it wasn't about…
  • I agree! If there's one thing i've been really learning recently is that it is just as important, well more important, to let the work begin on the inside first: or you'll always look in the mirror with disatisfaction, and let what other people say affect how you view yourself. I was bullied in junior high, it wasn't about…
  • :happy: Hi!! Glad to make more friends... add me if you like!
  • Great of you to step out!!! I love this site, it's so user friendly, and I love the options... I feel so much more empowered now (compared to before when i was feeling like a tire spinning in the mud) .... Anyway, I find the support aspect to be awesome - i even had some congrats on my five days of logging in, and I…
  • I just want to say Good for you!!!! Having your health as a priority is just such a big step, and I know you can do it! I think your goals are absolutely wonderful - there is definately no better role model than a parent, and you choosing to look forward and take care of yourself will be the best lesson for your kids! Add…
  • Hi Mallory! That's amazing!! 6 pounds in a month is absolutely fab! I'm fairly new to mfp, it's been about 6 days .... and already it has helped tremendously. I love pugs!! I have two of them: Tito & Tanner, one's black and the other is fawn colored. They are the best little buddies ever, and absolutely love going on walks…
  • omg - so in the same boat!!!!! mfp has really helped me... and i'm only about 6 days in! Good luck! Add me as a friend if you like:drinker:
  • for sure!!!!! add me as a motivational pal!:smile:
  • Hi there! I am fairly new too, started thursday. I find this site has totally got me pumped & inspired ... I was 'going it alone' from Jan - mid March, and getting nowhere, when on a 'bad' day I found MFP. There is no looking back! My stats: 5"7, 190 lbs.... I have never ever been this big in my life. My goals are to to be…
  • It's hard to be objective when you see your own pictures (b/c you see yourself everyday).... dont' be discouraged.... be motivated that you are losing weight! Good job! Imagine the next few pounds dropped!
  • Hi, Funny... I have suffered from the same problem. For years when I was a teenager I thought it was simply b/c I was a teenager and needed extra sleep... just development.... But through my 20s it did not go away. Now in my early 30s I have learned to adapt, and have tried many many different things to make me feel…
  • Good for you! Pilates is so great for the core - you'll see results in your core strengths in no time!
  • yes I used to be on the depo provera shot... no effects .... however, i had a breast scare, and the nurse practitioner said that a link between breast cancer and depo was being investigated! I was scared enough to discontinue it....
  • I have gained thirty pounds since the IUD, but I know that is partially b/c of some stressors in my life, and from Sept-Dec I ate what I wanted, when I wanted + I didn't exercise at all. From some of the things I have read I about women's experiences, it is blamed as the culprit. The IUD was a painful experience and it is…
  • Thanks all - makes sense! Prob does help with energy and feeling good, but if I don't put in the important work of diet and exercise, then it won't help! I am going to try it.
  • You are awesome! I completely didn't even think about things that way, and looking at it through that perspective is so true! I 100% agree. Thank you so much for the easy, simple guidelines - I think it's something I often overlook - it doesn't need to be complicated, and I need to get back to the basics of lean, healthy,…
  • Totally! I'm with you sista - ever since I joined two days ago I have had a surge of empowerment knowing that I can accurately target my journey! I hope to get rid of at least 25 by July, so the challenge is on!! CC:smokin:
  • Easy options: Pita bread - make it whole wheat to be healthier, and prevent a sugar spike Flat bread English muffins - actually really good! Pre-made thin, whole wheat pizza crust Put ingredients on melba toast for mini pizza's Use parmesean cheese instead of mozza. Extra pizza sauce (low sodium) makes any pizza delicious!…
  • Totally an emotional eater!!! The past two years has been crazy with change in my life, and I also quit smoking last year. I have always been fairly good at keeping it all under control and trying to make good choices, but alas, last August I sort of just 'gave up' and I gained weight like crazy. I am trying to make…
  • How did you find this out? I got the Mirena IUD last June, and I have gained 30 pounds since. Not to say it's all the IUD's fault- I had a pretty stressful year, and from Sept - Dec I totally stopped dieting, exercising etc. Now I am enormous!!!!!!! Anyway, I have a doctor's appointment because I think I might want it…
  • Hi Jeannie - Welcome! I am new too, and think this site is fantastic. I agree - lifestyle choices have a lot to do with the plethora of diseases that wreak havoc on our bodies. I am lucky thus far, although I know that I must make healthy choices and lead an active lifestyle especially because cancer, heart disease,…
  • I am in the same boat - just joined yesterday & feel that with the accurate food journal, as well as the community it will help me to regain control in getting fit - keep my accountable and motivated. So, welcome & good luck. Add me if you like as a friend! CC:smile:
  • Hi Stephanie - I am new too. I hear you- I am pumped to return to my 'normal'... and look great! I have been trying super hard to lose weight, but in the past three months I haven't dropped a stitch! anyway, hoping that the food journal will help, and all the advice on this site. Good luck!