Recomposition: Maintaining weight while losing fat



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    AJOjr wrote: »
    Is there a amount of time you need to lift each week? I do 3 days about an hour each day focusing on day 1 arms day 2 chest and shoulders and day 3 legs and back. Each exercised done 2 to 3 times with increasing weight.

    Three times per week is good, but isolating arms as one of your three days is not using your time effectively. I suggest looking into the other beginning lifter threads for ideas on programs that are going to help. New Rule of Lifting is one that is talked about frequently.
  • sjohnson__1
    sjohnson__1 Posts: 405 Member
    Great thread. Will be back when the time comes!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I did a bulk after my last bodybuilding competition and then I maintained at the top of the bulk for about 6 months. In that time I have gotten visibly leaner and I dropped a pant size while maintaining my weight. I'm sure if I counted calories accurately through the bulk and recomp I would be leaner at the moment.

    interesting...I think that I cut too aggressively after this bulk and I would of been better off shooting or .5 pound per week loss instead of one pound per week loss..

    eh, live and learn...
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    AJOjr wrote: »
    Is there a amount of time you need to lift each week? I do 3 days about an hour each day focusing on day 1 arms day 2 chest and shoulders and day 3 legs and back. Each exercised done 2 to 3 times with increasing weight.

    Three times per week is good, but isolating arms as one of your three days is not using your time effectively. I suggest looking into the other beginning lifter threads for ideas on programs that are going to help. New Rule of Lifting is one that is talked about frequently.

    That's what I have as my plan, good to know it comes recommended.

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    AJOjr wrote: »
    Is there a amount of time you need to lift each week? I do 3 days about an hour each day focusing on day 1 arms day 2 chest and shoulders and day 3 legs and back. Each exercised done 2 to 3 times with increasing weight.

    Three times per week is good, but isolating arms as one of your three days is not using your time effectively. I suggest looking into the other beginning lifter threads for ideas on programs that are going to help. New Rule of Lifting is one that is talked about frequently.

    That's what I have as my plan, good to know it comes recommended.

    I like it because it's educational, not just a workout. I think learning about lifting is as important and doing it.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Thanks for this, I'm 11 pounds above goal and I've been meaning to read up on this.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Well, of course I am jumping in as I am a big proponent of recomp (mainly because I know my mind isn't strong enough to handle bulk and cut cycles just yet.

    Anyway, I have been recomping since January 2014. This is also the time I started lifting weights after losing 80lbs doing nothing but cycling. I was 36 years old at the time and hadn't lifted weights since high school.

    In January, I started at 176lbs. I have been eating at maintenance or right around it since then based on scale weight as my weight still fluctuates between 173 and 181 depending. I do tend to eat more on lifting days (M, W, Thur, F) and less on off days. I also burn about 4000 calories per week on cardio (Cycling). Of course this fluctuates but 4000 is roughly the average. I try to eat right around 3200 calories daily which allows me to maintain my weight. ( a little more right now as the cardio is a bit higher )

    When I started I was "skinny fat". Lost all the weight. Still wasn't happy. I knew I wouldn't be but didn't care as I had a plan to lose it first, then lift. That was the right way for me as it was the plan I knew I could stick to.

    I am not sure on BF as I wasn't all that knowledgeable and am just not sure. Looking back, I would guess I was probably around 18-20% when I hit my goal weight? Not sure really and don't have any after pictures from that time as I knew I wasn't done. Now I sit right around 12% if I'm guessing.

    Biceps - Before 13" - After 15.75".
    Chest - Before 38.5" - Now 42.75"
    Waist - Before 35.5" - Now 31"

    I can't remember my leg measurements as they haven't changed a ton and have only grown about an inch or so in the quads. Will update with calf and quads when I get home. Don't have the info handy.

    Strength gains
    Bench - Before - 135lbs - After 255lbx3 is the best I've done. Haven't truly maxed lately.
    Squat - Before - unsure - After 325lbx5
    OHP - Before - 80lbs - After 185x5
    DL - Before - Unsure - After 305x5

    My plan is to continue on with what I am doing. I can honestly say that at this point, I have no intention of doing a bulk and cut cycle as I am happy with the results I have had and haven't really thought it was that slow of a process. I will just continue to eat a lot of food, ride a lot bikes, and lift a lot of heavy *kitten* and see where it takes me.

    Thank you for sharing!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited June 2015
    in for future goals. hopefully not. I think I could be fine with a bulk/cut phase. @MrM27 who would of ever though I would say that?
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Good information, I have been thinking of doing a recomp. :)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I am just starting a recomp. I'm 5'6", 147-149 lbs. depending on the day, and around 26% bf. Made the decision to commit to a recomp through next summer, just over 2 weeks ago and then suddenly my brain went from "ugh, I am so tired of eating in a deficit" mode to "I'm not really all that hungry" mode, which has me eating just around 2000 calories a day without effort when I maintain around 2400-2500. I start a new cycle of 531 on Friday, though, so I'll up the calories by then.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    I don't have any research, but I'll post my results here. I've been recomping for about 2 years. I have chronic illness and eating at a deficit can be too much stress on my system.

    On the left I was 125 lbs, 24% body fat according to the Eat, Train, Progress body fat estimation thread. On the right I'm still 125 lbs but 2 sizes smaller.




    How were your lifts during recomp? I find I'm stalling out while cutting, and I'm hoping when I transition to maintenance I can see some further progress.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    usmcmp it think that is a good idea. I did not know about the subject until it happened to me starting last fall when I accidentally wound up eating more Low Carb High Fat that solved some 40 year old health problems. Cutting my pain levels and curing IBS after 40 years of suffering and losing body fat (started with BMI of about 34). I understand most that want to experience recomposition are not sick like I was. ILifeHeavy story was very encouraging and medically made good sense.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    In. I'm currently recomping while rehabing from shoulder surgery that cut my bulk short.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Thanks for the info :) I looked into this, but since I do body-weight strength training and not heavy lifting, I don't think it would work for me, bummer!

    Sure you can. These sites are pretty cool and show you tons of bodyweight progressions: