Is It Over Yet? The Perimenopause Thread



  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    So does light spotting for 2 days on the day period is due count as a period

    I was told yes, that any bleeding at cycle time is considered a period when one is in peri menopause. Any bleeding outside of cycle time (with the exception of ovulation spotting b/c some people do) is not normal and should be checked. Not sure if I should believe that or not (came from a CNP) but that's what she said.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I am so glad to hear from everyone. I am very moved by some of these stories. This isn't easy.

    I am now on Day 91 (just checked FertilityFriend, I think I was a couple days off last time I chimed in about this) and no sign of anything. If only this were the end...I'm really tired of the mood swings and random PMS-ish symptoms that never go anywhere. I realize there are worse things but this is just...a pain.
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    So does light spotting for 2 days on the day period is due count as a period

    I personally would count it as a period. You could always ask your doctor but that's how I'd treat it, anyway (when charting).

    Does anybody else chart?

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    So does light spotting for 2 days on the day period is due count as a period

    I was told yes, that any bleeding at cycle time is considered a period when one is in peri menopause. Any bleeding outside of cycle time (with the exception of ovulation spotting b/c some people do) is not normal and should be checked. Not sure if I should believe that or not (came from a CNP) but that's what she said.

    I don't have anything anywhere near a normal cycle anymore so I tend to count anything other than just staining - anything (sorry) definitively red, spotty, and at least a day - as a period simply because I don't really have any idea, nor does my doctor, it is.

    But for me...I really never spotted except immediately before period time. I know some women do randomly spot, or like you said, at ovulation. I don't think I ever ovulate anymore. The last time I had O signs was probably a year ago.
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    I am so glad to hear from everyone. I am very moved by some of these stories. This isn't easy.

    I am now on Day 91 (just checked FertilityFriend, I think I was a couple days off last time I chimed in about this) and no sign of anything. If only this were the end...I'm really tired of the mood swings and random PMS-ish symptoms that never go anywhere. I realize there are worse things but this is just...a pain.
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    So does light spotting for 2 days on the day period is due count as a period

    I personally would count it as a period. You could always ask your doctor but that's how I'd treat it, anyway (when charting).

    Does anybody else chart?

    I use Google Sheets, to chart mine! Thus far I have 4 potential dates monthly, when it's possible; to have it!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one wondering WTH is up?

    I'm 46. I get PMS too. My boobs are always tender, ovulation cramps, headaches, ect. I did the Soto pelle pellets for a while. I liked them but $100 a month is a bit much (my estrogen and testosterone were trace). I may go back to it since i have no energy.

    I'm on fertility friend too.

    Nice to not be alone in this transition!
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »

    Does anybody else chart?

    I only charted when we were trying to get pregnant and thought waiting 6 months was too long. LOL Boy was I young back then. :p I do keep track on my calendar though so I know how long my cycles are, etc.

    Not sure if this will help anyone elses hormones but I have noticed that putting my girls and myself on high doses of EPO (1300mg evening primrose oil) has definitely helped the PMS around here. It took about 2-3 months before we noticed a difference, but it's definitely improved that hormonal up and down feeling.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,051 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Does anybody else chart?

    I use two period trackers.

    They are both confused.

    Half the time they have me ovulating right in the middle of a period.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I've used iperiod since 2012
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,051 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    1) cold flashes.... it feels like hormonal thermal disregulation where I just cannot get my core temp up 24 hr before period starts. I'm cold generally, but this is different, to the bone cold. I dream of hot flashes.

    I get a hot flash or night sweat ... and almost immediately after, I'm so cold as though someone just stuck me into a deep freeze.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Thank you for this thread. LAWoman, you are hilarious!

    I am wondering what's up. I turn 52 in days and have never missed a period. Never had a FSH test -- not indicated; but weird stuff is going on.
    1) cold flashes.... it feels like hormonal thermal disregulation where I just cannot get my core temp up 24 hr before period starts. I'm cold generally, but this is different, to the bone cold. I dream of hot flashes.
    2) excess prostaglandins last month. What a pain. Haven't had that since my early 20's when my doc put me on BC to regulate that.
    3) 2 months before that, I had a freak 4lb bloat with back&ab pain. Didn't recognize myself in the mirror. It was so atypical for me, I went to GP after a week. Many tests. Clean bill of health. Big bill from radiologist. Embarrassed it was all about nothing (although metastasized liver cancer crossed my mind given pain location). Resolved upon ovulation.
    4) I have charted since 2008--mean, mode, variance, standard deviation. Went from 28 days like clockwork to 26 day average with greater variance. Like Sued0, I'm bored with periods. Ready for this show to be over.

    LAWoman, I feel you. Maybe a cup of holiday Sleigh Ride tea? I wish I had more to offer. (((hug)))

    @ahoy_m8 Can you elaborate on excess prostaglandins? What are the symptoms of this? What did you do for it?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    I'll be 50 this month and except for ballooning fibroids, have no signs of approaching menopause. The fibroids cause very very heavy bleeding. Just found out I'm anemic again, rather than Low Normal :( I may take my GYN up on her offer of iron transfusions after my period.

    When my estrogen levels go down after menopause the fibroids will shrink on their own. Because of my age, I've been trying to hold out for menopause rather than having a hysterectomy, which is my only surgical option at this point. Apparently there's an easy hysterectomy and a more difficult one, and because of the size of the fibroids the more difficult one is my only option.

    Last time I was at the GYN my uterus was the size of a 20 week pregnancy. I've stopped trying to lose weight, as if I do I will look pregnant and would rather be perceived as overweight than pregnant. (I'm about 20-30 pounds from goal so not dangerously overweight. I've switched to maintenance level calories and am still logging and exercising.)

    I take bio-identical progesterone and took Vitex for years, with no apparent benefit. Am still taking Black Cohosh with Dong Quai. I eat 2 T of ground flax seed per day. I meet my fiber goal most days. I don't consume animals products from animals that are given artificial growth hormone. I tried limiting saturated fat for a month or two and didn't see any benefit. I might try it for longer.
  • not_my_first_rodeo
    not_my_first_rodeo Posts: 311 Member
    This is killing me. I'm 47 and I've been irregular for about 2 years now, but for the past month it's kicked into high gear. The hot flashes are murder. They wake me up every darn time and then I can't get back to sleep. Part of the reason I wanted to lose weight was because I know that it's going to be a lot harder once I'm done, but man, I have no idea how to cope anymore.

    I'm torn between wanting to have my period--because then usually the insomnia will stop and just wanting this to be done.

    Not sure what to do these days. It's just way more brutal than I ever thought it would be.