

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    sjrs11 wrote: »
    How does it work?

    Read what others have posted and then join in the conversation. You don't have to respond to everyone. Tell us a bit about yourself.

    :) I am reading and writing while riding my exercise bike.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2017
    DJ - My friend had an on-line party. The LuLaRoe consultant posted pictures of items she had in stock. She lives in OKC so only took a couple of days to get the leggings in the mail. :)

    Janetr okc
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Like Barbie, I am also reading, and now writing, as I cycle.

    Welcome Newbies!

    Chris in MA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mia - how wonderful that the doc asked you to be the first speaker. My three year anniversary for bariatric surgery was in December, we had our sugery pretty close to same time.

    Good job. <3

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    stats for the day, WINDY ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!!

    ride hm 2 gym- 15.47min, 11.1amph, 145mhr, 2.9mi, windy= 162c
    apple watch- 124c
    SPIN- 41MIN, 83ar, 93aw, 157mhr, 10-16g, 16.8mi = 340c
    apple watch- 323
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.15min, 143mhr, 11.7amph, 1.4mi, windy = 86c
    apple watch- 54
    jog station 2 wk- 4.39min, 9.06ap, 152mhr, 142ahr .5mi windy = 58c
    apple watch- 54
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.02min, 9.55ap, 152mhr, .5mi windy =71c
    apple watch- 56c
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.22min, 8.1amph, 132ahr, 156mhr, 2.6mi windy = 202c
    apple watch- 151c

    total cal 919
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Grits, the 12- step thing was a joke relating to having an addiction to buying leggings. The whole LuLaRoe thing sucks you in with the Facebook parties and the limited prints and stuff.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :) The leggings are really cute but in the winter I wear fleece lined leggings under denim pants along with wool socks. Plain leggings by themselves would never be warm enough for me.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    16,000 steps
    141 minutes walking Sasha and Bess
    135 minutes riding the exercise bike while watching figure skating on TV and knitting
    line dance class

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Thanks for the February thread Barbie!!!
    Allie, you have to do what you think is best. I wish you success! I do agree with Joyce that he should learn how to pitch in around the house--you need a break!
    Will check out the Y next week once we make it through a dental operation. Yep, DH is my friend and he won't even stand in ankle deep water with me since this one incident. But he really needs to include some water exercise with his arthritis problems.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 30 min yoga (got there late) then an hour of deep water. The plan for tomorrow is to do Joyce Vidral's Upper and Lower body DVD. Afterwards I volunteer at the Green Room. Then I'm thinking that I'll stop at this bridal store this lady told me about. To be honest, I'm not expecting to find anything just yet. Knowing me, I need to go to 3 or 4 stores before I find what I'm looking for.

    Actually, first I'll take a pic of it and send it to Denise and see what she thinks. She told me privately that she really doesn't like the gown Pete's mother picked out.

    Sharon - happy early birthday. So glad you loved the trailer

    NYKaren - you and Rori look so great. Isn't she just an awesome person?

    Welcome everyone new

    I love hearing about all the great losses

    Heather - safe travels

    Vince is working on the taxes today. So that means that I'm staying away from him....lol Well...today isn't so bad, he's finding the deductions we can take. But the day he finds out what we owe, I'm staying far, far away....lol

    Allie - wishing you all the best. I do hope Tom goes to counseling with you. I'd go to Lowe's also

    Welcome everyone new!

    Kate - she did a great job on that coat. It looks much, much better. So flattering on you.

    Meredith - come in when you can

    Toni - so glad you are better now

    Lisa - so sorry for your hubby (and you)

    Went to ceramics tonight. Nothing really special. I volunteer at the Green Room tomorrow nthen I'll probably stop at WalMart and the buy gas. Exciting, huh?

    Michele in NC
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Allie - Good luck to you. Hope all goes well and you find happiness. Sending hugs and support.

    Leigh - tremendous accomplishment in loss of 17.4 lbs. Congratulations!

    Sarah in Ontario - once a Riders fan, always a Riders fan. I try to get to a couple of games a year.

    Steamer6 - This is a great group - they offer lots of support, motivation and good chatter. Welcome.

    Joyce - I feel for Michelle. My daughter owned two male Catahoula/American Bulldogs. They started fighting over a bone one day and she ended up pulling them apart - lucky she didn't get hurt herself, but the dogs were pretty cut up and bleeding. Second major fight came just before Christmas and her hubby pulled them apart that day. They have had to give one away - fortunately, my daughter works with the woman who took him and gets regular updates on how he is doing. Their whole family had a couple of really sad days, knowing that one dog would no longer be living with them, but as my daughter told the kids, better this way so they don't end up killing each other. Always a hard decision when you try to do the best for an animal and things don't work out as you had hoped. Sending hugs.

    Tomorrow is my first weigh in day. I promised myself I would only step on the scale once a week. Will let you all know how it goes.

    Hugs to all.

    Paula Y

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :'(Lisa, sorry to hear about your husband's fall....my husband had to be urged to take pain meds after his back surgery.

    :)Re, Thank you for the encouragement about the PT exercises. I'm so good about walking, dancing, and riding the exercise bike but seem to conveniently "forget" to do the PT.

    :'(Joyce, how sad about your daughter's dogs.

    :)Michele, I gather the numbers and documents for income tax and send it all to the accountant so I don't know til it all comes back whether we owe anything.

    :) Thank you for all your kind words. One of my great talents is remembering the date so it's easy for me to remember to start the new thread on the last day of the month. However, the thread would be nothing without all of you who share such warm and encouraging thoughts along with the necessary kicks to the back side.

    winter-cold-smiley-emoticon.gif Barbie from chilly NW Washington

    :'( Bess's coat is on back order so our poor little Texas dog has been going for her walks with only her fur to keep her warm.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Grits, the 12- step thing was a joke relating to having an addiction to buying leggings. The whole LuLaRoe thing sucks you in with the Facebook parties and the limited prints and stuff.

    Katiebug - I'm in love with one of the Valentine prints. <3

    Janetr okc
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Hey now.....

    Just thought I would pop in and say "Hey!". This place is awesome! They have nice Neptune machines for doing laundry! It was a snap! I actually got to take a decent nap today instead of short catnaps between screaming kids (don't get me wrong, I love kids, just not when they are running amuk like little monsters constantly screaming nonsense at the top of their lungs....little girls can have the most piercing screams!). I also went for my first walk of the day and got most of my steps, gotta go for another short walk to finish them up though. They have WiFi here so I don't have to hotspot my iPhone and bought a new Roku stick for my TV instead of watching that digital over-the-air doo doo, which I will be paying them back for. They use one on the TV in the living room (they dropped their satellite TV when the bill got to be too much and I don't blame them). I didn't know those things could get soooo many channels! I get to hook mine up after I get done posting this.

    The house I'm in is located in a subdivision-like neighborhood. There is one street leading in that connects the rest of the interior streets. Nice houses with decent sized yards, some fenced, some not. Lots of trees. Flower beds waiting on the blooms of spring, now covered with snow. Kinda reminds me of the "All American" neighborhood of days long past.

    Anyway, here's some memes to cheer everybody up....


    OK, that's enough, lol....time to get off this thing and set up my new Roku stick. I'm wavin' at all the newbies!!! Welcome and post as often as you like! Thanks for all the well wishes and good thoughts for my new home, you all would like it, trust me!

    Oh yeah, RE - yeah you should have but I forgive ya!

    OK, I'm outtie! Love you all! Peace!

    Sherry in "Columbia River Gorge with my new Roku!"

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sherry, your friends house sounds ideal, from the actual home to the neighborhood. My oldest daughter has a Roku and they love it. My youngest has the Chrome stick. Have fun and keep on bringing us the Minions and naps.

    Re, Dear Charlie has been chief cook and bottle washer since December for me. well actually he started doing some things after my stent was put in August and I had so many problems with dizziness. That's the way he cooks, pizzas and hamburger helper along with green beans. He takes care of the litter box, taking my laundry down the stairs and bringing it back up after I hang them up. He used to do my laundry until I was able to do the stairs fine. I really need to pick it up and do more of the chores so I can test my back. I won't do to much. We also have to clean out the posts and pans we store in the storage drawer in our stove. Also we keep mugs we have bought throughout the years on vacation on the back of the stove. So those have to be taken off. Will be a good time to clean them. I'm sure they have picked up some extra grease through the years. There is also the hanging thing that holds our nig utensils like spatula, ladle, etc hanging above the stove. We also have very old decorative paper like you would have put in drawers many years ago hanging on the wall like a backsplash along the entire back wall including above stove. Some of it is peeling off the wall. I know in my heart that all of it needs to come down but who knows how sticky the wall will be behind it. The design/color of it does help the original avacodo blend in with the paint color of a nice pale cool green. But it is peeling away from around the stove. But the new stove comes Friday!!!! Hopefully my new othopedic shoes will also be in Friday. If not, I will be wearing my walking shoes (New Balance) to church on Sunday. Having those new shoes will help me get up and go to church. I need a lot of help in that, like some one coming in my room, making me get out of bed, get in the shower and get dressed. I am real good in talking myself out of it. Charlie could care less whether I go or not even if he knows how bad it makes me feel if I don't. It's like I feel like a failure.

    Choir practice was wonderful, in fact one of the anthems we are singing in the middle of February is so beautiful that I just will not be satisfied sitting in the congregation listening to it. I want that to be my goal to be able to stand in that choir loft and sing it with the choir.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • MeredithDeVoe1
    MeredithDeVoe1 Posts: 67 Member
    My goals for 2017 :
    Yoga 5+ times a week
    HIIT workouts 2x week
    Weights, abs, or other cardio 2x week
    Lose 24 more pounds
    Handle migraines better (as in, recover faster)
    7 hours of sleep per night
    Finish my Masters online!
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Lisa - so sorry about your hubby's wrist. Thank goodness he didn't break his hip!

    Rori and NYKaren - I meant to say earlier that I loved the picture and the thought of you two getting together.

    Sheri - glad you are so content.

    It's been a "stay at home" day but I got several things done that needed doing. Tomorrow starts my work week.


    February Goals:

    Drop 5 pounds.
    Keep moving some each hour
    Take my blood pressure and check my blood sugar each day.

    Word for 2017 - FOCUS
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Finally caught up - really tired tonight did not sleep well. I forgot to take my Ibuprofen this morning so could hardly walk when I got to work.

    Thanks Barbie - you rock!

    I'll post my goals tomorrow night.

    Love to you all - Gloria in wa