Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge Check-In January 26
Happy weekend to all! Hope you have a relaxing but exercise filled weekend ahead of you! Have to get ready to go to my 3 year olds first basketball game. How crazy is that! I guess him starting this early will lay that firm foundation of fitness in his heart. Between that and me exercising all the time he won't ever…
Not feeling the burn in my tummy
I had a baby in September and had an emergency C-Section. I also have a 3 year old too so I've had two children and have lost the baby weight so far. I'm now also working out with pilates and yoga and running or walking as my exercises. When I am doing the exercises it does not feel like my stomach is even being tightened…
I live in montana where its really cold right now I think the high for today is 15, my gym is closed on sundays and I am wondering what I can do at home to help burn some calories. I did clean my house so that help but only a little. Any thoughts?:smile: Danielle
Sauna/ Steam
Hey guys, I searched how many calories you lose by going into the sauna and its A LOT but i cant find it anywhere... i dont think it would be under cardiovascular.. BUT it is still burning calories.. so how do i input that?
Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge Check-In January 27
Happy Sunday! Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and is getting ready for a new week to begin. The week that brings us to February and closer to the end of our challenge. See where you are with your goals and make sure you are on track. If you aren't let us know how we can help you get to where you need to be!…
tought of something...
For many who are just starting out or for those who have mentionned being at home with little ones finding it hard to burn extra calories and relying (hope that spell right I`m french) on housework to burn some extra calories here is an idea... You could invest in those wrist and ankle weights and strap them home while…
what is the right way to do squats?
I want to start doing squats but I don't want to do them the wrong way and mess up something in my body! Does anybody have suggestions?:bigsmile:
??excercises for burning belly fat??
Does anyone know of any good excersises for moving that belly fat?
any suggestions ..workout w/asthma
just wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to start working out when u have asthma..?
muffin top
I have a huge muffin top, you know where you fat hangs over your pants. Anyone know any exercises that would help me out? Thanks in advance!
cardio verses strength training
I have a personal trainer & I see him 2-3 days a week and on the days I don't see him I do cardio. When I record my cardio on here it adds a bunch of calories to my daily but on the days I see the personal trainer I record it under strength training & the calories stay the same. Why is that?
How often do you exercise?
I have been going on the tredmill 6 days a week for 20-30 mins- with increaing the intensity over the past 4 weeks since I started. I do some strength traning about 2 days a week (trying to get more in). I was just wondering if 6 days is to much- I've heard and read that you should do 3-4 days because your body needs to…
what is cardio really? what kinds of exercises could i do?
i dont really know what cardio is; like i know its running, but i live on hills ONLY and dont have the endurance for that. i like to jog sometimes, but i can hardly get anywhere. can somebody give me some ideas for changing up cardio workouts? Thanks!
# of calories to loose a pound??
how many calories do u need to burn to loose a pound?? i have heard conflicting information on the issue! a website to back up any information would be great! thx!! **i've heard 500 calories burned = 1 pound lost ** i've also heard 3,500 calories burned = 1 pound lost BIG difference in the #'s ~
Adding Exercises to Dadrabase
Is there a way to add exercises to the database in order to calculate calories burned? Along with Cardio I lift weights. None of the lifting movements are listed. :grumble:
Slim in 6 with Debbie Siebers
Anyone else using these workout videos.
What Time Do You Workout?
I used to be a morning person. Now that I'm a single parent, things are changing. I find it easier to get things done after the children have gone to bed in the evening. I used to exercise at 4:30 am. Now, getting to bed at 2-3 am, I have no plans to be lucid anywhere near 4. I, therefore, workout late at night now. I'm…
Tae Bo Lovers?
I mention it often in my posts, but let me just clarify that I LOVE TAE BO!!! It just fits my personality. I was turned on to it after a not so pretty nursing school ordeal. It was much safer for me to punch air than people, so I fell right into it!!! I started aerobics at the age of 10 with a Kathy Smith CASSETTE!!! After…
doing ab crunches
I am totally new to all this calorie burning, dieting and excercising. My question is, last night I purchased an ab roller, I believe it would be for crunches. In the data base it asks for per set per something whatever I don't understand it. Say I do 20 crunches how do I put that in the data base? Thanks a bunch!!
Have a question, if anyone can help me it would be appreciat
I've been splitting wood alot here lately and I know I'm burning calories, because it's hard work. Does anyone know about how many calories you would burn an hour or how I can find out. If not does anyone know of any exercises that would be similar to it?
Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge Check-In January 25
Here we are - a month after Christmas. Has everyone goten those pesky extra holiday pounds off yet? I am finally happy to say that with my rededication to focusing on exercise and water that I got that last pound off that I'd gained - plus one more. Yeah! If you still have a few more hanging on or seem to be stuck where…
I've packing a 60lb bag 4miles about every other day. I was wondering if this is a good excercise or not. I really need to work on some cardio, I know I'll probably get some strength training out of it but is it helping my cardio? I usually try to jog about a fourth of the way in intervals. Any advice would be appreciated.
Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge Check-In January 24
Good morning! What does everyone have planned for their exercising today? Something fun that will make you strong and fit, I hope! I've got another day ahead without my hubby - he has hockey again. :grumble: Not that I wouldn't be right out there playing hockey with him if I possibly could! Last night I rode my bike for 36…
what can I do at home?
I have 2 small kids and it's been raining outside. Is there anything I can do at home that is cardio or anything to help me tone up and get a good workout? I hate video's and I need something that's quick. My youngest is only 6 months old, so he is very demanding and my daughter is almost 3, so it's very hard to get a…
Are there any old guys out there?
I just joined a few days ago, and am really getting into this program. Already feeling better and more positive. I seem to notice though that most of the posts in the message boards are from younger folks than me and mostly female...NOT THAT HERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT...But am I alone here, is this not "age…
Not meeting the daily goal
If I am off by say 100 in reaching my daily goal in burning calories does that put the chances of loosing weight off? I still don't get with burning the calories I earn more to burn? I haven't took advantage of that because I think that would defeat the purpose and make me maintain or gain weight. Please if anyone has a…
Challenge for New and Old Weigh In!
Hello, All! Well, our 2 week weight loss challenge is almost at an end! Hopefully we were all able to avoid those bumps in the road. Tomorrow is the weigh in so good luck to everyone! I will post Midgekin's and my results on Saturday morning so that we can also see how everyone else did. Again, Good Luck!
Achieved mini goal of sort
:bigsmile: i`m proud of myself as I haven`t been working at this for too long and I am carrying an extra 40 lbs ...And let`s not forget my age of 43..Anyway I have been pushing myself to add floors to my work outs when I use the step climber at the gym and today I reached the 100 floors mark! in 26 minutes and burning 326…
i always do the same thing when i workout which is running and situp/pushup does anyone have different workout
Gliding Your Way to Fitness on Elliptical Machines
If you're looking for some variety in your cardio workouts, don't pass up the opportunity to try your gym or home elliptical machines. Here's why: (1) They work the legs through a very wide range of motion. (2) Because you can glide backwards as well as forwards, they enable you to exercise several different leg muscles.…