Midmorning cravings
I'm writing this post for my husband..... He's complaining about getting midmorning cravings where he feels like he could eat a whole meal. So, what does he do...heads to the vending machine and buys junk. I've tried to give him some suggestions, but I thought I'd ask all of you for some help too. He doesn't eat much for…
Jim's Guide For married Men
It is important for men to remember that, as women grow older, it becomes harder for them to maintain the same quality of housekeeping as when they were younger. When you notice this, try not to yell at them. Some are oversensitive, and there's nothing worse than an oversensitive, aging woman. My name is Jim. Let me relate…
The Best Price
A man and wife rushed into a dentist's office. The wife said, "I want a tooth pulled. I don't want gas or numbing cream or anything because I'm in a terrible hurry. Just pull the tooth as quickly as possible." "You're a brave woman," said the dentist. "Now, show me which tooth it is." "The wife turns to her husband and…
sad facts of my baseball career
here is why I started working out 2007 pitching statistics http://www.400hitter.com/playerpitch.asp?PlID=4680&TmID=370&SeID=95&CtID=0 2006 pitching statistics http://www.400hitter.com/playerpitch.asp?PlID=4680&TmID=370&SeID=83&CtID=0 notice the ERA, SOIP, and WHIP differences. that's 1 YEAR different. Sad, I went up in…
A thank you AND an apology
Hi, First, I have to thank everyone again for responding to my "frustrated" posting yesterday. This site has been wonderful for me...to keep me on track with my eating and because of the amount of support its members gives out. I have 1 week to go on this Diet Derby at work. My goal was to lose 10 pounds and as of today, I…
Question about maintenance
Hi Is there a tool on this site to help you figure out how many cals you should eat for maintenance I've lost 13 pounds so far and have another 8 to go...(initial goal is only 2 pounds away...but I'm throwing in a few more) I'm already concerned about maint. The one thing i don't want to do (I'm sure none of us do) is to…
Out of control!
:brokenheart: :cry: :cry: :sad: I have been out of control for two days. Saturday I consumed 2000 calories and today I stopped counting. I have been faithful to the program for 1 month. I hope I can start over tomrrow without too much damage. I skipped my weigh in today. Felt better not knowing..Suggestions?
Workout Music suggestions?
Hey everyone! I like to work out to music, it really helps keep me motivated and running along, but I'm starting to run short of good songs to work out to. Does anyone know of a workout compilation album that's decent, or do you have any suggestions for good songs you like working out to? Thanks guys!
blood sugar/mood swings
Does anyone know if there is a connection between low blood sugar and mood swings? The reason I ask is that today I was called into a meeting and missed lunch. By the time I was able to get something I was a wreck emotionally. Not to mention just plain hungry. The last time I can remember this happening was when I skipped…
Need some support
This is some non dieting support. I go to divorce mediation this week, and I feel sick at the thought of seeing my ex. He is a bully, control freak and manipulative and cheated on me throught our marriage. I am on anti anxiety mediacation right now. The weekend was not good and I put on 3lbs, but I am not going to stress…
I think my Wife is sabotaging me
Man, I blew it today. I had a good breakfast this morning. Then my wife made enchiladas with rice and beans for lunch (left overs from last night which I didn't eat because I was working out late). I had no idea what the calories were going to be. But after I ate, I started to log what I just finished consuming. I was…
Lost inches, but no weight
The past two weeks I've been working my butt off to lose weight. I worked out 5 out of 7 days this past week and burned 500 calories a day on cardio, plus did strength training. I lost about 6-7 inches total on my body. I never had this problem before but I haven't lost any weight and I'm really confused. Is this what my…
Meeting nice guys
I know this is a weight loss group, but I'm trying to find a nice guy, and I'm having such a hard time. I met my last boyfriend online and he was the biggest jerk and liar I have ever met, was really mean to me all the time. Anyways, I'm not getting any results with online dating, and wanted to know where would be a good…
diet drinks
They say that the diet drinks have 0 calories and no fat (blah blah). These drinks can't be good for you. I am still eating right and started drinking diet drinks and now I have gained some weight back. Can somebody give me the lowdown on diet sodas. Thanks
Frustrated...need some suggestions.
Hi, I'm feeling a little defeated at the moment and I need to know what I'm doing wrong. My goal 8 weeks ago was to lose 10 pounds. I've been tracking my food and my exercise and I'm getting close, but I don't think I'm going to reach my 10 pound goal. I only lost a half pound this week, and I don't understand why? I know…
my fiance and I just bought a 2007 mustang and we went to dinner tonight. My first time riding in it except for that short trip to the store down the road. Anyway we were on the highway and what do you know.... we are getting pulled over....... because we are on the highway the cop comes to my side and the 1st thing he…
kjilose: Karen, you're baaaaaccckk !
I tried to message you but it appears that it won't go through. See if you can request me as a friend before we get Mike involved. I also tried to send you a new "Friend Request" and no way for me to know if you got that, so let me know. Try sending me a "Friend Request". Maybe Mike figures we will change our minds at…
Article on Self-Sabotage
Diet. What diet? "I'll start again tomorrow." But that's what you said last week and the week before -- this holding pattern is really getting you down. Don't worry, you're not alone. In an early-'90's study researchers found that, on average, dieters had tried to lose weight before, and in fact, averaged one diet a year…
What is a goal anyway?
When I started this site I had weight loss goals and I still have a ways to go. I learned that setting short term goals when I reached them left me completely elated. However when they were not met I would become depressed. My wife and I both had these ups and downs. The operative word is HAD. The idea of this site I…
Loss For The Week!!
Yeah I lost my first 4 pounds. 78 to go!!
Hey everyone.... tired of all the wrong plans, false pills and dieting guides... I am.... And trust me, I have tried a TON........... Let me tell you what I have tried over the last years, and whether you agree, have a different opinion, or are wanting to try something, maybe we can all learn something from eachother.…
A little off track
Hi all. :smile: Since I have stopped smoking, I have gotten a little off track. I gained several pounds within the first 24 hours that I quit. I've gained 5 in total. I have got off my hiney and moved more than I normally do plus I have even worked out. I still have the 5 pound weight gain. I may be in PMS mode right now…
mothers day
omg its come round so fast!
A smart blonde joke
A "Mensa Blonde" Joke A blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan Officer. She says she's going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for The loan, so the blonde hands over the keys to a new Mercedes Benz SL 500.…
Take care of all of you
Are you taking care of your skin, teeth, hair and also your mental being? They are a big part of the lifestyle change too.
Awesome B-day Present! :D
My bf got me an early present...a Polar F11 Watch! It uses a telemetry strap to monitor HR..but it also does RHR tests, "OwnZone" to determine your cardio fitness, creates programs according to your fitness/training level and goal, tracks calories burnt (including what % from fat), notifies you as to how long you should…
Sooo happy!!
Today's the first time I ate the amount of calories aloud for me!! YAY!!!!!!:bigsmile:
calorie challenge???
Hi I am new to this and I have been tracking my calories prior to joining this site and I usually only cosume around 900-1000! When I did the info. they told me I need 1500. i am know you need food to fuel and that is what helps aid in losing weight. I am nervous though that if I increase so many I will gain weight?? I…
Here are our latest articles for you:
EGGciting News! The egg appears to be the healthiest staple food on the planet. The egg is nutrient rich containing 13 essential vitamins and minerals and all 9 essential amino acids. An egg only contains 72 calories and provides 6.29 g of protein. So, why is the American public afraid to eat such a wonderful healthy food…
I don't know if anyone else knows what Thon is but the results just came in and I have to share. Basically, all year PSU students raise money for the four diamonds fund through canning. Then ... this past weekend... dancers (700 this year) stand on their feet for 46 hours and wait for the big reveal. This year PSU raised…