Women Fit For Forties



  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Off to Virginia Beach....the hotel has WIFI though and I am excited to be able to talk to all you ladies while I am gone because I am going to need encouragement....will be eating a lot of bad food but hopefully getting in some good exercise too....anyway....talk to you all later or tomorrow!!.. :happy:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi everyone! Well the kids & I had a HOT one out there today! After the long drive to Starved Rock we got there around 11am & then started our hike. We did about 12-15 miles, can't really know for sure. We all had our backpacks filled with yummy snacks of granola bars & fresh fruit. We hiked for almost 4 hours! We took several sit down breaks to have some water & a snack. It was really hot & when we got to the waterfall that was nice & refreshing! :happy:

    After we finished our hike we got the blanket out & cooler & sat in the shade & had our yummy lunches of deli sandwiches (which I made) and lots of fresh fruit & yogurt & some baked potato chips. We had several weight watchers snacks for desserts too & the kids loved everything. :bigsmile:

    After lunch I had brought a frisbee-type toy thing & watched the kids play for awhile. I was too worn out at that point! :laugh:

    Then we packed up the SUV & headed for home. We ran up to the cafe nearby for dinner, then went over to Grandma&Grandpa's to play with the puppy for a bit. Finally we came home & all jumped in the pool! I only did for about 15 minutes however - it felt great, but it was dark outside & I am just pooped out! :yawn: :ohwell: :yawn:

    So anyway - burned over 1300 calories today! :bigsmile:

  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm pretty happy I lost a pound this week. I want to calculate in my head 2 lbs a week, but want to be realistic!!! I'm starting week 6 tomorrow. OK It is hard for me to skip a day of exercise? Does anyone skips days or not?

    I get to go hold babies tomorrow at church, so I'm very happy about that!!! I just love those babies.
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    I trained for a marathon and was told that you need rest days to get stronger it gives you more energy for a more intense workout. At first I was going to try to work out everyday but since it has been so hot, I skipped a couple of days but I have to admit, my workout tonight was much more intense I worked out for over an hour and now I am enough energy to do my laundry!
  • It is funny you should post this, because I am 39, about to turn 40 in October, and I decided a week or so ago that I was going to think of it as my "FABULOUS FORTIES." I have a desire to be in the best shape I've been in my life. By my 40th birthday, I have a goal to be under 200 lbs (getting there), and my goal for my 40th year is to be down to a size 10. I'm not sure how much weight would entail getting to that size, but 50 lbs sounds good to me! I'm glad you posted this and excited to see other women in a similar boat to mine. I want to make my forties better than my thirties ever were, or even twenties for that matter. I want to feel the best I ever have and be the fittest I have in my life. Please add me to be your friend if you'd like, as I am excited for all of us to meet our goals!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I am just starting this journey. I am a 47 yr old sahm of 7. Only 3 still at home they are 10,12 and 13. I have had a weight problem most of my adult life , but I gained alot of weight due to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid. Then I got discouraged and gave up also eating more due to stress, not feeling well and life, needless to say I gained more weight. Now I have decided I really need to do something about my weight. Even if I cant exercise alot due to my health I can do more then I have been doing.. I am looking forward to meeting other woman around my age to help motivate and encourage each other.....
  • kickbut
    kickbut Posts: 1
  • Hi there,

    I'm going to be 50 in October and I was to look fabulous for my birthday!!! My husband and kids are my greatest support system. I am on a 1200 daily calorie quota and I don't worry about the days that I am not eating enough of the calories. I read another post explaining that in order to lose the mid section belly fat; you need to do cardio and eat less calories than you consume which makes sense so I think you have to look at the whole picture and not just one variable of the healthy lifestyle one is trying to maintain.

    Women in their 40's have to take into consideration the various affects of menopause that play a role in how we lose weight, metabolize, and how our bodies react to a change in eating and exercise habits. For example, lately I have been experiencing excessive water retention. I was taking OTC water pills when I decided to research herbs that aid in menopause symptoms and discovered Dandelion Root Extract is a natural diuretic and have Potassium and vitamins in it as well. The OTC water pills depletes the body of Potassium which can cause leg cramps in the middle of the night.

    I really enjoy this site and the tools I can use to track and control what I eat. I have only lost 1 lb but my clothes are much looser on my which tells me that the Dandelion Root is working to get rid of my water problem. I'm on the right track. I exercise at least 5 to 6 days a week with my daughter; my workout buddy, and I can see certain troubled areas beginning to be a bit more defined and tones. Baby steps!

    Good luck to you all!
  • RomyNine
    RomyNine Posts: 10
    I'd like to join this group.
    I just turned 39 and have already lost 40 pounds since January. I have lupus and was on alot of prednisone and now that I was taken off a large amount of it and am on a miniscule amount, I have dropped alot of the weight. Now I am just looking to lose the rest of it and gain some muscle and a new level of fitness.
    I started kickboxing last month and after a break up, I lost my appetite so I guess that is the new appetite supressant.
    I'm really serious about getting my health optimized as much as possible and losing this extra weight is one of my main goals now.
  • flbeachbum
    flbeachbum Posts: 12
    I would love to join this group. I will be turning 39 in 4 weeks and have made the commitment to be fit for my forties! So far, since Feb, I have lost 41lbs. I have 42 more to go.
    I have 4 children age 17,14,12 and 6. I have really become quite addicted to exercise! Over the summer I mustered some courage and started going to the classes offered at our gym. I am now hooked on trying them all out! They are so much fun;)
    Feel free to send friend request.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Today is weigh in day for me!

    6-01-10 240.0
    6-07-10 237.0
    6-09-10 234.4
    6-14-10 233.6
    6-21-10 233.4
    6-28-10 230.6
    7-01-10 229.8
    7-05-10 229.4
    7-12-10 227.6
    7-19-10 225.4

    This week I definitely need to get back to C25K - Saturday is the Bix 7 Run - 7 miles of hills! I'm gonna be SO sore on Sunday! LOL Oh well - its my own fault for not doing C25K all month. SHAME ON ME! However I'm still looking forward to it! My 13 year old neice is doing it with me!

  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Run/walk on the beach this morning was great....not too hot, nice breeze....heading down for some breakfast....will talk to you all later.....:bigsmile:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning ladies....everyone must be busy...anyway...nice day again here at the beach...got my walk/run in early...busy time on the boardwalk with everyone running, walking, biking....anyway...heading down to the beach with the family...talk to you all later...:flowerforyou:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I did the Skinny Wednesday Challenge today, as I do every week! Belly dancing, 3 short walks, Zumba class, C25K, and 50 crunches & 25 squats! Wow I smell! Gonna go hit the shower!

    I still have to continue C25K the rest of the week, as Saturday is the Bix 7 (7mile run) that I'm entered in. I haven't done it for 7 years! I bought my house in 2004 & it was the first time I didn't do it, as that was the weekend I moved in! I'm hoping for a good time....Shooting for 90 minutes! I hope I can do it! My neice Katelyn will be there to push me!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Left plantar fasciitis acting up big time so I am taking a break from my morning walk/run because I need to be able to walk tonight with the kids and hubby and we usually walk atleast 2 hours....so nothing but rest on the beach and Ibuprofen for me today........anyway..can't wait to get home ladies so I can get back on track with my eating....very hard to do eating out atleast 2 meals a day here....anyway....talk to you all later.....have a WONDERFUL day!!...........:flowerforyou:
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!!! I did my 30 Day Shred with my daughter!!! She scares me picking-up my weights. I'm afraid she is going to knock me out with them. Luckily, she knows how to call 911...another story for another day!!! She has decided she likes my Kelloggs Strawberry Crisp...I just got them. She has eaten two of them. I also can't keep hard boiled eggs hidden from my kids or my Laughing Cow Cheese. Someone gave me the advice to go to Costco and buy the Laughing Cow...just might have to do that. We are suppose to go on vacation next week (forever waiting on money that was suppose to come in March), but I check to see if they any reservations left at our favorite hotel....NOPE!! Ok so I'm praying we get to go and they have a cancellation.

    Plan on swimming today and elliptical. I will be sad after summer and no more swimming. I will probably start my walks again. I don't seem to burn very many calories, but hopefully can get one of those HRM soon...you know after that money comes!!! GEEZ!!! Blessing to everyone!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Just got in from doing C25K. I mowed the lawn earlier too. I'm feeling really great actually! I wasn't feeling too well before I went out on the run (body aches), but I did it anyway & I'm glad I did!

    Off to shower! Just over 30 hours till my 7 mile race! :happy:
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Its been a while since I posted, and guess what??? Not much that's very interesting has happened with me. :laugh: I have really gotten into the C25k. I am working on week 3 starting tomorrow. (Yes, I started on it 4 weeks ago, but I had to repeat week 1 and I repeated w2 d1 a couple of times.) I have actually had to control my impulses, so that I don't overdo it. I think I've come a long way because I really have hated running ever since I gained all of this weight.

    I got a body bugg and its a pretty neat little toy. I wouldn't recommend to anyone that already has a reliable method for counting calories and monitoring heart rate. I find that the results are pretty much the same. (I have a "cheap" HRM) and it seems to get the same calorie counts as the body bugg the biggest difference between them is that the body bugg tells you about your calorie expenditure even during non-active periods of the day. (So???) Well anyhow, I am using it religiously, mainly because I spent so much money on it.

    I am really excited because I actually put on and fastened, without even having to take a deep breath, a pair of size 14 jeans. Believe it or not, I was in an 18 just two months ago. My weight hasn't seemed to change drastically, but folks around me have noticed that I'm getting more toned. I believe that the weight will start to come off, but in the meantime, I'll keep working the weights and doing the C25k and maybe with all the effort, I'll make it back to the size 10's that I loved. :happy: :happy:

    Well ladies, I guess I am done rambling for now. Everyone have a great weekend!! :flowerforyou:
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    I did the Skinny Wednesday Challenge today, as I do every week! Belly dancing, 3 short walks, Zumba class, C25K, and 50 crunches & 25 squats! Wow I smell! Gonna go hit the shower!

    I still have to continue C25K the rest of the week, as Saturday is the Bix 7 (7mile run) that I'm entered in. I haven't done it for 7 years! I bought my house in 2004 & it was the first time I didn't do it, as that was the weekend I moved in! I'm hoping for a good time....Shooting for 90 minutes! I hope I can do it! My neice Katelyn will be there to push me!

    What's the Skinny Wednesday Challenge?
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Chris - Its a challenge I get into on here every Wednesday & Saturday. Fabulousfifty posts it. Join in today! :smile:

    I'm off to do my 7 mile HILLY race! Doing the Bix 7 road race today! Hope I make it! :bigsmile:
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