Friends who don't exercise?



  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Paige682 wrote: »
    50sFit wrote: »
    Paige682 wrote: »
    The person who resulted to name calling, well forget them, but i think i can understand what @50sfit is saying but for me it could have been worded better.

    Can i ask why you dont exercise? you may regret it later. check out the posts of people who lost the weight and still unhappy with their bods afterwards.

    Who name called?
    Nobody name called. Whoever flagged you for that is abusing the system. I was trying to make a point and get the OP thinking about the implications of connecting with friends who are not striving to become the best version of themselves.

    Worry not; we all have opinions. I welcome them agree or disagree. <3

    Actually someone did and the post is now faded out. They called the OP an idiot. Now, I wouldn't call her an "idiot"...she just needs to get her priorities straight if she wants a healthy lifestyle. She's still young so there's hope yet (doubtful but I'm optomistic)

    I'm not so doubtful. At 19 years old I didn't care about fitness, either. It didn't really hit me until my late 20s. People think they are invincible at 19. Part of growing up.

    Ditto. Totally regret not getting onboard in my 20s. Live and learn :)

    I don't think fitness is something I'm going to grow into. My family doesn't exercise at all. I've been brought up to prioritize other things. Kudos to all of you for making the choice to exercise, but it's not for me.

    Hate to sound like an knowitall old person, but... you're young. You have "better" things to do, just as I and lots of others did. Youth is wasted on the young ;)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    There are many ways you can incorporate exercise/ moving more into your daily routine. I think a diet plan without exercise is like attempting to lose weight with one arm tied behind your back. I'd ne surprised if many of those on the success pages didnt use some form of exercise to assist their weight loss.

    You should also consider the health benefits, as you can be a normal weight but still unfit.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    I really really dislike exercise. ...but I just want a skinnier one. Exercise doesn't really fit into my goals, I guess. ..

    Anyway, forget "exercise". So do like dancing? Playing frisbee? swimming? Or just watching soap operas? At 19 or 20 you can get away with no exercise, you are still developing muscle without it. Later it gets nasty.

    You might look good until your thirties. After that, your metabolism slows down, you start really losing body mass, and you will feel increasingly worse. Lots of stories on here how pregnancy put on the weight and habits were not in place to manage it afterwards.

    I'm 60 yo. At 50 I was fat and weak from not exercising, even weaker at 60 from natural muscle loss. I can pretty much guarantee you will be fat and weak at that age if you don't stay active to some extent.

    Your choice. Do what you want this year. Get serious before your mid-20's
  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    Paige682 wrote: »
    50sFit wrote: »
    Paige682 wrote: »
    The person who resulted to name calling, well forget them, but i think i can understand what @50sfit is saying but for me it could have been worded better.

    Can i ask why you dont exercise? you may regret it later. check out the posts of people who lost the weight and still unhappy with their bods afterwards.

    Who name called?
    Nobody name called. Whoever flagged you for that is abusing the system. I was trying to make a point and get the OP thinking about the implications of connecting with friends who are not striving to become the best version of themselves.

    Worry not; we all have opinions. I welcome them agree or disagree. <3

    Actually someone did and the post is now faded out. They called the OP an idiot. Now, I wouldn't call her an "idiot"...she just needs to get her priorities straight if she wants a healthy lifestyle. She's still young so there's hope yet (doubtful but I'm optomistic)

    I'm not so doubtful. At 19 years old I didn't care about fitness, either. It didn't really hit me until my late 20s. People think they are invincible at 19. Part of growing up.

    Ditto. Totally regret not getting onboard in my 20s. Live and learn :)

    I don't think fitness is something I'm going to grow into. My family doesn't exercise at all. I've been brought up to prioritize other things. Kudos to all of you for making the choice to exercise, but it's not for me.

    one word...LAZY!

    Sure, maybe I'm lazy. I've chosen to challenge myself in different areas, exercise isn't one of them. It's just a different lifestyle.

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Of course you don't have to exercise to lose weight, but even something small goes a long way. Most of the exercise I do is just walking. Is there a way you can fit 30 minutes walking around campus into a study break? Think of it as not for your weight loss, but for your overall health.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Lets take a different approach OP (friend). How does your family history look? I know my genetics are complete trash and I cannot believe that me being one of the heaviest in my family generation that I have not had any problems from high blood pressure.
  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Lets take a different approach OP (friend). How does your family history look? I know my genetics are complete trash and I cannot believe that me being one of the heaviest in my family generation that I have not had any problems from high blood pressure.

    Everyone's overweight except my 90 pound 15 year old sister. I'm probably going to be overweight when I'm older, but for now I'd like to be thinner for the sake of my own pride.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    Paige682 wrote: »
    50sFit wrote: »
    Paige682 wrote: »
    The person who resulted to name calling, well forget them, but i think i can understand what @50sfit is saying but for me it could have been worded better.

    Can i ask why you dont exercise? you may regret it later. check out the posts of people who lost the weight and still unhappy with their bods afterwards.

    Who name called?
    Nobody name called. Whoever flagged you for that is abusing the system. I was trying to make a point and get the OP thinking about the implications of connecting with friends who are not striving to become the best version of themselves.

    Worry not; we all have opinions. I welcome them agree or disagree. <3

    Actually someone did and the post is now faded out. They called the OP an idiot. Now, I wouldn't call her an "idiot"...she just needs to get her priorities straight if she wants a healthy lifestyle. She's still young so there's hope yet (doubtful but I'm optomistic)

    I'm not so doubtful. At 19 years old I didn't care about fitness, either. It didn't really hit me until my late 20s. People think they are invincible at 19. Part of growing up.

    Ditto. Totally regret not getting onboard in my 20s. Live and learn :)

    I don't think fitness is something I'm going to grow into. My family doesn't exercise at all. I've been brought up to prioritize other things. Kudos to all of you for making the choice to exercise, but it's not for me.

    one word...LAZY!

    Sure, maybe I'm lazy. I've chosen to challenge myself in different areas, exercise isn't one of them. It's just a different lifestyle.

    What a strangely narrow way of looking at life. I challenge myself academically, socially, physically, and mentally. I don't just toss my abilities into one category then call it a lifestyle choice.

    You say in your profile that you want to not be the chubby kid anymore. Sure, you could achieve that through diet alone, but you are really selling yourself short. You are at the age where you need to go outside of what you are comfortable with. You should explore more than what your parents taught you.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Paige682 wrote: »
    50sFit wrote: »
    Paige682 wrote: »
    The person who resulted to name calling, well forget them, but i think i can understand what @50sfit is saying but for me it could have been worded better.

    Can i ask why you dont exercise? you may regret it later. check out the posts of people who lost the weight and still unhappy with their bods afterwards.

    Who name called?
    Nobody name called. Whoever flagged you for that is abusing the system. I was trying to make a point and get the OP thinking about the implications of connecting with friends who are not striving to become the best version of themselves.

    Worry not; we all have opinions. I welcome them agree or disagree. <3

    Actually someone did and the post is now faded out. They called the OP an idiot. Now, I wouldn't call her an "idiot"...she just needs to get her priorities straight if she wants a healthy lifestyle. She's still young so there's hope yet (doubtful but I'm optomistic)

    I'm not so doubtful. At 19 years old I didn't care about fitness, either. It didn't really hit me until my late 20s. People think they are invincible at 19. Part of growing up.

    Ditto. Totally regret not getting onboard in my 20s. Live and learn :)

    I don't think fitness is something I'm going to grow into. My family doesn't exercise at all. I've been brought up to prioritize other things. Kudos to all of you for making the choice to exercise, but it's not for me.

    one word...LAZY!

    Sure, maybe I'm lazy. I've chosen to challenge myself in different areas, exercise isn't one of them. It's just a different lifestyle.

    Just throwing it out there, because you continue to say you challenge yourself in other areas...

    So do I. I have a full-time demanding career, I just finished my MBA, I have friends I love and family that live nearby. I have a house to maintain all by myself. I'm dating. I have pets. The list goes on and on. You aren't any busier than anyone else. Trust me.
  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    Paige682 wrote: »
    Paige682 wrote: »
    50sFit wrote: »
    Paige682 wrote: »
    The person who resulted to name calling, well forget them, but i think i can understand what @50sfit is saying but for me it could have been worded better.

    Can i ask why you dont exercise? you may regret it later. check out the posts of people who lost the weight and still unhappy with their bods afterwards.

    Who name called?
    Nobody name called. Whoever flagged you for that is abusing the system. I was trying to make a point and get the OP thinking about the implications of connecting with friends who are not striving to become the best version of themselves.

    Worry not; we all have opinions. I welcome them agree or disagree. <3

    Actually someone did and the post is now faded out. They called the OP an idiot. Now, I wouldn't call her an "idiot"...she just needs to get her priorities straight if she wants a healthy lifestyle. She's still young so there's hope yet (doubtful but I'm optomistic)

    I'm not so doubtful. At 19 years old I didn't care about fitness, either. It didn't really hit me until my late 20s. People think they are invincible at 19. Part of growing up.

    Ditto. Totally regret not getting onboard in my 20s. Live and learn :)

    I don't think fitness is something I'm going to grow into. My family doesn't exercise at all. I've been brought up to prioritize other things. Kudos to all of you for making the choice to exercise, but it's not for me.

    one word...LAZY!

    Sure, maybe I'm lazy. I've chosen to challenge myself in different areas, exercise isn't one of them. It's just a different lifestyle.

    Just throwing it out there, because you continue to say you challenge yourself in other areas...

    So do I. I have a full-time demanding career, I just finished my MBA, I have friends I love and family that live nearby. I have a house to maintain all by myself. I'm dating. I have pets. The list goes on and on. You aren't any busier than anyone else. Trust me.

    I'm not saying I'm any busier than anyone else. I know lots of y'all have full time jobs, a brood of kids, etc. I am just not interested in exercise. I find it unpleasant and a drain on my self esteem.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Lets take a different approach OP (friend). How does your family history look? I know my genetics are complete trash and I cannot believe that me being one of the heaviest in my family generation that I have not had any problems from high blood pressure.

    Everyone's overweight except my 90 pound 15 year old sister. I'm probably going to be overweight when I'm older, but for now I'd like to be thinner for the sake of my own pride.

    So everyone is overweight. Do you know in my family I am if not the most overweigth. High blood pressure is beating us even at young age. My cousin who I think is underweight has high blood pressure at

    Why are you accepting being overweight in the future?
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Paige682 wrote: »
    50sFit wrote: »
    Paige682 wrote: »
    The person who resulted to name calling, well forget them, but i think i can understand what @50sfit is saying but for me it could have been worded better.

    Can i ask why you dont exercise? you may regret it later. check out the posts of people who lost the weight and still unhappy with their bods afterwards.

    Who name called?
    Nobody name called. Whoever flagged you for that is abusing the system. I was trying to make a point and get the OP thinking about the implications of connecting with friends who are not striving to become the best version of themselves.

    Worry not; we all have opinions. I welcome them agree or disagree. <3

    Actually someone did and the post is now faded out. They called the OP an idiot. Now, I wouldn't call her an "idiot"...she just needs to get her priorities straight if she wants a healthy lifestyle. She's still young so there's hope yet (doubtful but I'm optomistic)

    I'm not so doubtful. At 19 years old I didn't care about fitness, either. It didn't really hit me until my late 20s. People think they are invincible at 19. Part of growing up.

    Ditto. Totally regret not getting onboard in my 20s. Live and learn :)

    I don't think fitness is something I'm going to grow into. My family doesn't exercise at all. I've been brought up to prioritize other things. Kudos to all of you for making the choice to exercise, but it's not for me.

    Hate to sound like an knowitall old person, but... you're young. You have "better" things to do, just as I and lots of others did. Youth is wasted on the young ;)

    Aint that the truth....

    If I could only go back in time...
  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Lets take a different approach OP (friend). How does your family history look? I know my genetics are complete trash and I cannot believe that me being one of the heaviest in my family generation that I have not had any problems from high blood pressure.

    Everyone's overweight except my 90 pound 15 year old sister. I'm probably going to be overweight when I'm older, but for now I'd like to be thinner for the sake of my own pride.

    So everyone is overweight. Do you know in my family I am if not the most overweigth. High blood pressure is beating us even at young age. My cousin who I think is underweight has high blood pressure at

    Why are you accepting being overweight in the future?

    Because life will get in the way. My mother is very overweight, but she's also an executive that travels the globe and earns respect wherever she goes. She has two children, a husband, several pets, and she never sits down or has much time to herself. I intend to live a life like hers, she's my role model. The fact that she's overweight is irrelevant.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    Exercise is my hobby.Its something that you would want to do. No one can make you
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Lets take a different approach OP (friend). How does your family history look? I know my genetics are complete trash and I cannot believe that me being one of the heaviest in my family generation that I have not had any problems from high blood pressure.

    Everyone's overweight except my 90 pound 15 year old sister. I'm probably going to be overweight when I'm older, but for now I'd like to be thinner for the sake of my own pride.

    So everyone is overweight. Do you know in my family I am if not the most overweigth. High blood pressure is beating us even at young age. My cousin who I think is underweight has high blood pressure at

    Why are you accepting being overweight in the future?

    Because life will get in the way. My mother is very overweight, but she's also an executive that travels the globe and earns respect wherever she goes. She has two children, a husband, several pets, and she never sits down or has much time to herself. I intend to live a life like hers, she's my role model. The fact that she's overweight is irrelevant.

    What a defeatist attitude.

    And, like I said above, your mother is no different from anyone else who has a "life" to get in the way. I am an executive. I do travel for work. I also work out. Because, healthy.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Tanie98 wrote: »
    Exercise is my hobby.Its something that you would want to do. No one can make you

    This is true. No one can make her exercise.

    But I will call out excuses when I see them because, lurkers.

    You can absolutely have a rewarding career, a family and other pursuits and still make time for exercise. If OP doesn't want to do that, then that's on her. But for anyone else reading this, don't think for a minute OP's perception is correct.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Is your schedule really that busy as a student that you cant find half an hour a day to do some exercise? As people want to live longer these days then id almost say you cant afford not to exercise due to the health benefits and especially those later in life. Your choice, but you should be aware of them.

  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    OP- you're certainly not alone. I know several people who maintain slim bodies through diet alone and hate exercise. However, as another poster pointed out, you are probably in the minority on this site. Many people here enjoy exercise, and then there's a whole other class that don't love exercise, but enjoy the extra calories to eat :) If you're looking for shared diaries that are in a similar net calorie range as yourself, I'd probably try a new post more specific to that and ignore whether the friend exercises or not. Good luck!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Is your schedule really that busy as a student that you cant find half an hour a day to do some exercise? As people want to live longer these days then id almost say you cant afford not to exercise due to the health benefits and especially those later in life. Your choice, but you should be aware of them.

    It's not about finding time for her. She just hates it and she is using her "other pursuits" as an excuse to justify it.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Lets take a different approach OP (friend). How does your family history look? I know my genetics are complete trash and I cannot believe that me being one of the heaviest in my family generation that I have not had any problems from high blood pressure.

    Everyone's overweight except my 90 pound 15 year old sister. I'm probably going to be overweight when I'm older, but for now I'd like to be thinner for the sake of my own pride.

    So everyone is overweight. Do you know in my family I am if not the most overweigth. High blood pressure is beating us even at young age. My cousin who I think is underweight has high blood pressure at

    Why are you accepting being overweight in the future?

    Because life will get in the way. My mother is very overweight, but she's also an executive that travels the globe and earns respect wherever she goes. She has two children, a husband, several pets, and she never sits down or has much time to herself. I intend to live a life like hers, she's my role model. The fact that she's overweight is irrelevant.

    Really OP?