Friends who don't exercise?



  • tidefan1784
    tidefan1784 Posts: 18 Member
    Do you know why I have chosen for years not to exercise? Because of anxiety. Do you know where this anxiety came from? My family laughing at me, cracking jokes at me about how my fat jiggled when I was 8. Have any one of you that have dogged her anxiety ever considered that something like that happened? To this day I still hate exercise. I have numerous back issues. My doc has cleared me to do nothing but ride a stationary bike and I can't start doing that until three days after I have a procedure done on my back. I plan start hard core into this life style change then. Until then ciao!
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    edited November 2014
    segacs wrote: »
    You know, the attitude in here really rankles.

    I didn't say I'm afraid of going to the gym. I didn't even say the OP is afraid of going to the gym. I just said that it is possible to be a decent human being instead of part of an insensitive crowd of bullies who gang up on a newbie to the forum by calling her lazy, wrong, full of excuses, and then taking to task anyone who tries to actually offer her some encouragement or helpful advice.

    OP, you took a big step by joining. Welcome! Not everyone here is a jerk, I promise.

    I firmly believe in changing habits a few at a time, to make something work for your life. So if you're starting off by changing your eating habits, GREAT. That's more than you did yesterday. Congrats, and that's awesome!

    I suspect that, with time, you'll naturally add more exercise -- of some form or another -- to your routine. Not only will you feel better, but you'll want to be able to eat more food, too! And eating back exercise calories will definitely help keep that going.

    But please don't be discouraged by the people who imply that you're either a gym rat or a failure. There are LOADS of ways to get exercise into your day, some involving the gym, some not. Over time, you'll find what works best for you.

    Congrats on taking the step. Wishing you much luck with your program.

    Just going to come out and ask what the heck is up with this post? I can't tell why you are treating her like she is a little wet puppy who needs to be dried off and fed. She doesn't need you to be a mother figure defending her from every reality of life. She is an adult and she is getting real advice from people who've gone through exactly what she is experiencing.

    What a shame it is how you talk to her.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    edited November 2014
    Do you know why I have chosen for years not to exercise? Because of anxiety. Do you know where this anxiety came from? My family laughing at me, cracking jokes at me about how my fat jiggled when I was 8. Have any one of you that have dogged her anxiety ever considered that something like that happened? To this day I still hate exercise. I have numerous back issues. My doc has cleared me to do nothing but ride a stationary bike and I can't start doing that until three days after I have a procedure done on my back. I plan start hard core into this life style change then. Until then ciao!

    I can understand anxiety as I have a fear of speaking in public. Fear of forgetting what to say and what people think so this is something I need to work on. The thought of face to face presentation makes me feel sick. A colleague said she would help me with that

    In terms of people laughing at me doing the wrong moves in zumba or looking a right plonker learning how to ride a bike in a busy lonDon park I honestly couldn't care less as none of them knew me. Really strange considering what I just said above.

    Help is what is needed in this situition not avoidance

  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    edited November 2014
    Do you know why I have chosen for years not to exercise? Because of anxiety. Do you know where this anxiety came from? My family laughing at me, cracking jokes at me about how my fat jiggled when I was 8. Have any one of you that have dogged her anxiety ever considered that something like that happened? To this day I still hate exercise. I have numerous back issues. My doc has cleared me to do nothing but ride a stationary bike and I can't start doing that until three days after I have a procedure done on my back. I plan start hard core into this life style change then. Until then ciao!

    I can understand anxiety as I have a fear of speaking in public. Fear of forgetting what to say and what people think so this is something I need to work on. The thought of face to face presentation makes me feel sick. A colleague said she would help me with that

    In terms of people laughing at me doing the wrong moves in zumba or looking a right plonker learning how to ride a bike in a busy lonDon park I honestly couldn't care less as none of them knew me.

    Help is what is needed in this situition not avoidance

    I have had awful anxiety in my past. I blew potential relationships. I blew academic opportunities. I had the confidence of an overcooked baby carrot.

    I threw myself out there when I was in my early 20's and said, "**** it." I tanked with women, I tanked with athletics, I screwed up academically. I put myself in every awkward position possible. I put myself in every challenge possible. I needed to fix my problems.

    I used to have my friends sign me up for karaoke in the student union and not tell me what song I would be singing. I'd then have to go up in front of everyone in the building and sing a completely ridiculous song right on the spot. I used to go into the gym with my 250 pound man boobs and play basketball against kids who spent their whole life playing. I would bench press next to D1 football players and look like a complete wimp. I went to parties and I talked to girls that were, "out of my league" and often failed miserably. I did everything possible to put myself in stressful social situations just to see how I could deal with it.

    It was a comical mess from an outsiders perspective. But now? I am happy I did it.

    Edited fact: You never realize Hotel California is a 7 minute song until you have to sing it in front of people. There is like a 3 minute guitar solo that is honestly the most awkward part of any song ever. I literally just stood there and looked at people...My friends will never forget it. The first song I ever song was this one and it was the funniest disaster of my life:
  • porscheMD
    porscheMD Posts: 26 Member
    Hey! I go to Uni too and I started my weight loss without exercising at all. I literally just watched what I ate and dropped pounds quickly. Soon after I lost, maybe 65% of the weight I wanted, I joined barre classes for toning. I'm so glad I did! My butt looks amazing and I'm so toned :) I realized that if I had just lost the weight without exercising I would have looked really crappy. I know that school gets in the way but I'm SO happy I decided to exercise. I have a full class of schedule and a part time job, but exercising became a source of stress relief for me too. Have you tried barre classes? They don't make you sweat or anything, and it's pretty girly and fun. If you think about it, an hour of your day isn't that long, and it's so worth it. Trust me, I hated exercising too. I hate running, I hate sweating. Maybe yoga even? But I would stick to just weight loss via diet, that's how I did most of my weight loss to begin with. Track your calories and you'll do great :) Good luck. Let me know if I can help
  • _celesse
    _celesse Posts: 75 Member
    I s2g I thought the OP was just here looking for like-minded folks to befriend, and not people who can't seem to catch on that she ain't feeling the exercise flow...

    Personally, I hate "exercise." It's totally boring, and I am never gonna join a gym. I mean, I could just buy the equipment to have at home. It's awful trying to work out in public. But, I do like actually being active. I like walking a lot, because I usually end up at some place where I get to do a thing. I noticed around me that some people are so lazy they'd rather waste gas on a distance they could have just walked...and I realized I don't want to ever get THAT bad.

    I guess you could call what I do like doing exercise, but I call it having fun. Playing tennis is number one - I haven't done it in ages (nobody to do it with, see aforementioned lazy folks). I like ping pong, tossing/kicking balls, touring places...anything that allows me to get out and enjoy the environment and doesn't have the typical "exercise" feel to it is cool. Even shopping and going to work. And if it's competitive (like tennis), I will probably get a bit crazy about it, lol.

    I think it's fine if you don't like exercise and don't want to do it. You're aware of the risks/consequences and you'll deal with them however you see fit. It's not mine or anyone else's job to force you to change your views.
  • WantBestME
    WantBestME Posts: 128 Member
    Ditto as porscheMD!!
    I lost 30lbs without exercise...since i was working and had a 10 month baby. But then after losing weight, my skin was flabby. So i joined the gym before 3 weeks only. My weight loss is the same (1lbs per week) but i lost inches very quickly!! and my old clothes are fitting now much better!

    I took out 1 hour time for gym and that's a good thing i did.. You can do it the fun way by joining a zumba class - dance and workout !
  • Tim_Simons
    Tim_Simons Posts: 64 Member
    Hi! It still depends on you if you don't want to add exercise on your everyday activity. I'm like that before, but i have to control my weight coz when you get old it'll be hard to lose weight. Also, exercise is beneficial to health as it combats a lot of health conditions and diseases. When it comes to energy, well exercise boost it and it even improves your mood. There's a lot of things you can incorporate with exercise that you can enjoy. Tag a friend along.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP, I'm reading some of the comments on here, and as an "older person", I can tell you that they are right. However, we all have to live our own lives and learn as we go. We've all made mistakes, and tried to correct them later, or regreted a bad decision. That's just human. I wish you well with your weight loss, and hope you have a sucess story for us in the future. :)
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,762 MFP Moderator
    ...Exercise makes me feel so much worse about myself than I feel on any given day. It makes my depression and social anxiety so much worse...

    OP this part of your story makes me sad. What have you tried that made you feel worse? In general, exercise releases endorphins - the hormones that make us feel good. That's why so many people say they get a "high" from running, etc. and why doctors recommend people with depression get at least a little physical activity each day. If you're putting yourself in situations where you feel self-conscious, try doing something in the privacy of your own home.

    I'll be honest. I don't like exercise just for its own sake, so I kind of see your point of view. Some days I have to make myself get up and move. I know I'll never run a 5K, much less a marathon. But I know that to keep healthy over my lifetime, I need to do some weight-bearing movement each day. The key is to find what you like. :) I like riding a bicycle, going for a walk, doing yoga and pilates, and dancing in the living room (not all on the same day) ;) . I hate gyms. I don't lift weights. Some days I simply take the stairs instead of the elevator. Sometimes I'm not in the mood to do anything, so I just stand up and do 10 jumping jacks so I feel like I wasn't a slug the entire day. :p

    Don't give up completely on exercise. Keep walking around campus and from time to time, try new things and see what you like. I am sure you'll find something you can add in over time. And do print this thread to save and read 20 years down the road. Probably won't change how you behave today, but you'll be able to look back and see how much you've grown.
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    missnolo wrote: »
    I don't exercise. I don't believe you have too. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to exercise. We have similar stats. Height: 158cm/5'2 or 5'3, Im not sure how the US system works. SW:60kg/132lb CW:58kg/137.6lb GW:50 kg/110lb
    I'm a 5'3, 145 pound college student looking to be anywhere from 115-125 pounds (whatever looks best). I hate exercise and I don't have the time or energy to work it into my schedule. It seems I'm always surrounded by powerlifters, crossfitters, etc. I'm looking for friends who, like me, don't exercise (for whatever reason).

    Unless one is in a vegetative state, one has the "luxury" of being able to exercise...

    Or if one is disabled.
    Edward Lychik would beg to differ

    There are more types of disabilty believe me. I would LOVE to exercise, but sadly my condition means I MUST NOT. I wish it were different - in fact sometimes I've wished I had a visible disability such as a missing limb. That way at least I could exercise the remainder of my body. As it is I can't.

    However I am far from vegetative, even if I only burn fractionally more than my BMR in calories each day due to my disability.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    zachbonner wrote: »
    OP, Print out this thread, put it in a safe place. Take it out in 30 years and read all the responses. When you are 50ish and bemoaning the fact that you have assorted aches, pains and maladies associated with "getting older", you will rue the day you 'pooh-poohed" the idea of exercise.

    Meh,I'm already 50ish and I don't have aches and pains or any maladies and I only do light exercise like walking and dog training.
    I don't rue my lack of 'real' excercise and I have no intentions of joining a gym or similar - I don't need excuses, I'm just not doing it because I don't want to and I choose not to.

    Same with OP. If she doesn't want to, that's fine. If she is not overweight there is no increased risk of diabetes by not joining gyms.

    Ah, your story must be the be-all and end-all. The fact remains that the human body ages better when exercise is part of your lifestyle. I will provide scientific peer-reviewed evidence if you need it.

    Of course my story is not the be all and end all, am not saying that.
    But neither are the 'it is inevitable you will regret it' versions - someone even going as far as to say OP was likely to get diabetes - although not exercising is not in itself a risk factor for diabetes
    ( although obesity certainly is )
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    OP, Print out this thread, put it in a safe place. Take it out in 30 years and read all the responses. When you are 50ish and bemoaning the fact that you have assorted aches, pains and maladies associated with "getting older", you will rue the day you 'pooh-poohed" the idea of exercise.

    Meh,I'm already 50ish and I don't have aches and pains or any maladies and I only do light exercise like walking and dog training.
    I don't rue my lack of 'real' excercise and I have no intentions of joining a gym or similar - I don't need excuses, I'm just not doing it because I don't want to and I choose not to.

    Same with OP. If she doesn't want to, that's fine. If she is not overweight there is no increased risk of diabetes by not joining gyms.

    Walking is exercise and you don't have to join a gym I certainly haven't

    OP does walk around the Uni campus - she just doesn't specifically go on walks for excercise.

    When she said she doesn't excercise,she didn't mean she was totally sedentary
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    missnolo wrote: »
    Paige682 wrote: »
    missnolo wrote: »
    I don't exercise. I don't believe you have too. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to exercise. We have similar stats. Height: 158cm/5'2 or 5'3, Im not sure how the US system works. SW:60kg/132lb CW:58kg/137.6lb GW:50 kg/110lb
    I'm a 5'3, 145 pound college student looking to be anywhere from 115-125 pounds (whatever looks best). I hate exercise and I don't have the time or energy to work it into my schedule. It seems I'm always surrounded by powerlifters, crossfitters, etc. I'm looking for friends who, like me, don't exercise (for whatever reason).

    Luxury to exercise? What's got you so busy?

    I'm busy managing school + a disease. Let me add that I exercise when I can which is rarely. I usually go for a walk/run once a week for 20 minutes and also do some light exercises + stretches in my room This is all I can afford to do with the way things are. I refuse to give up on my weight loss goals simply because people are telling me that my diet is no good without exercise.

    I do what I can and right now it is healthy eating.

    Well, I don't even consider the school excuse. Sorry. I work a full time job and completed and MBA program AND still made time to workout. And there are people on here who have an even bigger load than me (ex. kids) that still work out. So throw that one out the window.

    Now, I'm sorry you have a disease. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But, you are, in fact, exercising/ Even if a little bit. So, you do, in fact, have that luxury. No one here is saying OP should go from 0 to gym rat. Any exercise, even walking through campus, counts.
  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    An update on my end. My fitness-averse boyfriend decided he wanted to work out with me. Despite the fact that I'm very very nervous about sweating in front of him, or in front of other people in general, I'm going to give it a shot. We're going to try out the C25K thing on Saturday and see if we want to complete the program. I just really hope I don't chicken out (I've chickened out before) because I'm scared of being out of shape in front of him. Yes, he's out of shape too, but he's not chubby and gross.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    An update on my end. My fitness-averse boyfriend decided he wanted to work out with me. Despite the fact that I'm very very nervous about sweating in front of him, or in front of other people in general, I'm going to give it a shot. We're going to try out the C25K thing on Saturday and see if we want to complete the program. I just really hope I don't chicken out (I've chickened out before) because I'm scared of being out of shape in front of him. Yes, he's out of shape too, but he's not chubby and gross.


    This is awesome. Stick with it. It will get easier. And, I hope that last sentence wasn't a shot to yourself. You are not any of those things.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Do you know why I have chosen for years not to exercise? Because of anxiety. Do you know where this anxiety came from? My family laughing at me, cracking jokes at me about how my fat jiggled when I was 8. Have any one of you that have dogged her anxiety ever considered that something like that happened? To this day I still hate exercise. I have numerous back issues. My doc has cleared me to do nothing but ride a stationary bike and I can't start doing that until three days after I have a procedure done on my back. I plan start hard core into this life style change then. Until then ciao!

    I can understand anxiety as I have a fear of speaking in public. Fear of forgetting what to say and what people think so this is something I need to work on. The thought of face to face presentation makes me feel sick. A colleague said she would help me with that

    In terms of people laughing at me doing the wrong moves in zumba or looking a right plonker learning how to ride a bike in a busy lonDon park I honestly couldn't care less as none of them knew me.

    Help is what is needed in this situition not avoidance

    I have had awful anxiety in my past. I blew potential relationships. I blew academic opportunities. I had the confidence of an overcooked baby carrot.

    I threw myself out there when I was in my early 20's and said, "**** it." I tanked with women, I tanked with athletics, I screwed up academically. I put myself in every awkward position possible. I put myself in every challenge possible. I needed to fix my problems.

    I used to have my friends sign me up for karaoke in the student union and not tell me what song I would be singing. I'd then have to go up in front of everyone in the building and sing a completely ridiculous song right on the spot. I used to go into the gym with my 250 pound man boobs and play basketball against kids who spent their whole life playing. I would bench press next to D1 football players and look like a complete wimp. I went to parties and I talked to girls that were, "out of my league" and often failed miserably. I did everything possible to put myself in stressful social situations just to see how I could deal with it.

    It was a comical mess from an outsiders perspective. But now? I am happy I did it.

    Edited fact: You never realize Hotel California is a 7 minute song until you have to sing it in front of people. There is like a 3 minute guitar solo that is honestly the most awkward part of any song ever. I literally just stood there and looked at people...My friends will never forget it. The first song I ever song was this one and it was the funniest disaster of my life:

    If this is true, then YOU ROCK B)B)B)
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    An update on my end. My fitness-averse boyfriend decided he wanted to work out with me. Despite the fact that I'm very very nervous about sweating in front of him, or in front of other people in general, I'm going to give it a shot. We're going to try out the C25K thing on Saturday and see if we want to complete the program. I just really hope I don't chicken out (I've chickened out before) because I'm scared of being out of shape in front of him. Yes, he's out of shape too, but he's not chubby and gross.

    That's really good! :sweat_smile:
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    An update on my end. My fitness-averse boyfriend decided he wanted to work out with me. Despite the fact that I'm very very nervous about sweating in front of him, or in front of other people in general, I'm going to give it a shot. We're going to try out the C25K thing on Saturday and see if we want to complete the program. I just really hope I don't chicken out (I've chickened out before) because I'm scared of being out of shape in front of him. Yes, he's out of shape too, but he's not chubby and gross.

    Why do you keep using this negative talk about yourself friend? Now sometimes I do use it to motivate me. You using it it not helping you though.

    I think I remember a lot of what you feel is in your head. You don't want to be sweating (working to better yourself) in front of your boyfriend. You told me a lot of other things that you feel other people think but you do not know that unless you ask.

    Now real talk. You call yourself gross right. Exercise can and will change that outlook on yourself. The first step which you already made was to change your eating habit which is get. I have the fitness side down and still working to make my diet better.

    If you find yourself gross why are you not doing 100% effort to change that. Everyone keeps bring exercise of some form into this equation because it will help you get to where you want to be.

    I also remember you were seeing someone. Do you find this helpful? If too personal to put here you can always PM a friend.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    An update on my end. My fitness-averse boyfriend decided he wanted to work out with me. Despite the fact that I'm very very nervous about sweating in front of him, or in front of other people in general, I'm going to give it a shot. We're going to try out the C25K thing on Saturday and see if we want to complete the program. I just really hope I don't chicken out (I've chickened out before) because I'm scared of being out of shape in front of him. Yes, he's out of shape too, but he's not chubby and gross.

    Why do you keep using this negative talk about yourself friend? Now sometimes I do use it to motivate me. You using it it not helping you though.

    I think I remember a lot of what you feel is in your head. You don't want to be sweating (working to better yourself) in front of your boyfriend. You told me a lot of other things that you feel other people think but you do not know that unless you ask.

    Now real talk. You call yourself gross right. Exercise can and will change that outlook on yourself. The first step which you already made was to change your eating habit which is get. I have the fitness side down and still working to make my diet better.

    If you find yourself gross why are you not doing 100% effort to change that. Everyone keeps bring exercise of some form into this equation because it will help you get to where you want to be.

    I also remember you were seeing someone. Do you find this helpful? If too personal to put here you can always PM a friend.

    Did you actually read her post?

    She has decided to do a C25K with her boyfriend. Yay for her!