Friends who don't exercise?



  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    I love the gym! I block everything out, its just me and the iron! Its very satisfying, and helps you feel positive. Also, when you burn a lot of calories, you can be flexible with your diet, if I want some ice cream or a treat, I don't worry about it hindering my progress due to all the calories burned!
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    An update on my end. My fitness-averse boyfriend decided he wanted to work out with me. Despite the fact that I'm very very nervous about sweating in front of him, or in front of other people in general, I'm going to give it a shot. We're going to try out the C25K thing on Saturday and see if we want to complete the program. I just really hope I don't chicken out (I've chickened out before) because I'm scared of being out of shape in front of him. Yes, he's out of shape too, but he's not chubby and gross.
    Don't say that about yourself! Its not true! My girl has a gym membership, doesn't use it as much as I would like,but when she gets sweaty, I find it sexy as hell lol! We all have imperfections,learn to love yourself, it will make you irresistable! The gym is not a place where you get ridiculed, it a place where you get support and motivation, give it an honest try! Good luck!
  • stonegirldancing42
    stonegirldancing42 Posts: 76 Member
    edited November 2014
    I understand this post. I hate seeing "blah blah did 57864 minutes of whatever" and all the feed on my board. I like similar-energied folks, too. However, I get overwhelmed even just by having pals on here, but I wanted to just send this feedback, as I also agree people on here & out in the world can be too pushy w/their life styles and nothing is wrong w/having a different temperament.
  • stonegirldancing42
    AnitaCRice wrote: »
    I don't believe the OP was asking for ways to incorporate exercise into her daily life, or for any exercise ideas. She doesn't want to exercise, and that's her decision. Not her priority, and I understand that. She's looking for like-minded people to become MFP friends.

    That being said, I do exercise, so I am not one of those. But I wish you the best of luck with your weight/fitness goals!

    Perfectly stated.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I understand this post. I hate seeing "blah blah did 57864 minutes of whatever" and all the feed on my board. I like similar-energied folks, too. However, I get overwhelmed even just by having pals on here, but I wanted to just send this feedback, as I also agree people on here & out in the world can be too pushy w/their life styles and nothing is wrong w/having a different temperament.

    Why do you hate seeing people's workouts posted? Hate's a pretty strong word. Why even be friends with them then?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I understand this post. I hate seeing "blah blah did 57864 minutes of whatever" and all the feed on my board. I like similar-energied folks, too. However, I get overwhelmed even just by having pals on here, but I wanted to just send this feedback, as I also agree people on here & out in the world can be too pushy w/their life styles and nothing is wrong w/having a different temperament.

    Did you read the thread?
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I think it's only natural, when you find something you love that makes you feel great, to want to share it with the world.

    People who are passionate about working out are just like anyone else in that regard. They have something that makes them feel happy, healthy and fit. It releases endorphins and makes them feel great. So they want to encourage others to try it.

    But I agree, it's good to understand that not everyone is the same. Just because something works for you doesn't mean it will necessarily work that way for everyone.

    Some people may get there on their own, in their own time. Others may never get there. But it's usually intrinsic, not extrinsic. Having dozens of people tell you that you should do something usually doesn't result in as good a change as deciding for yourself that you want to do something.

    Encouragement -- YES. Judgment -- NO.

    Just my $0.02.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Paige682 wrote: »
    I understand this post. I hate seeing "blah blah did 57864 minutes of whatever" and all the feed on my board. I like similar-energied folks, too. However, I get overwhelmed even just by having pals on here, but I wanted to just send this feedback, as I also agree people on here & out in the world can be too pushy w/their life styles and nothing is wrong w/having a different temperament.

    Why do you hate seeing people's workouts posted? Hate's a pretty strong word. Why even be friends with them then?

    If there is anything I like on my newsfeed it is exercise.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    edited November 2014
    Edited: the thread seems to be talking about something else other than what the OP asked, rendering my comment useless lol. Deleted.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Paige682 wrote: »
    I understand this post. I hate seeing "blah blah did 57864 minutes of whatever" and all the feed on my board. I like similar-energied folks, too. However, I get overwhelmed even just by having pals on here, but I wanted to just send this feedback, as I also agree people on here & out in the world can be too pushy w/their life styles and nothing is wrong w/having a different temperament.

    Why do you hate seeing people's workouts posted? Hate's a pretty strong word. Why even be friends with them then?

    If there is anything I like on my newsfeed it is exercise.

    Agreed, but to each his own. I just wouldn't have the energy to hate something so trivial (and very positive to the person posting). Sounds like projection/jealousy/personal frustration.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited November 2014
    Paige682 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Paige682 wrote: »
    I understand this post. I hate seeing "blah blah did 57864 minutes of whatever" and all the feed on my board. I like similar-energied folks, too. However, I get overwhelmed even just by having pals on here, but I wanted to just send this feedback, as I also agree people on here & out in the world can be too pushy w/their life styles and nothing is wrong w/having a different temperament.

    Why do you hate seeing people's workouts posted? Hate's a pretty strong word. Why even be friends with them then?

    If there is anything I like on my newsfeed it is exercise.

    Agreed, but to each his own. I just wouldn't have the energy to hate something so trivial (and very positive to the person posting). Sounds like projection/jealousy/personal frustration.

    I know how hard exercise is for people some people. I am just not one of those people and I have liked exercising for a very long time.

  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    SpecialKH wrote: »
    Sorry if it's buried in the 7 pages, but what about treadmill while you study? You can read and walk at the same time. There is ALWAYS a away to fit it in. I'm a single parent with a full time job and a kid. Even when she was too young to leave at home alone, I could STILL make it to the gym while she was in gymnastics and before that on my lunch hour (it helped the gym was only 5 minutes away).

    Don't be nervous about sweating in front of him. Wisdom from someone with 25 years on you... he's already with you. He already knows your body. Even if you haven't been intimate he has observed your body's curves - he's male! Too many girls (mine included) think they can't look disheveled, sweaty or imperfect in front of their boyfriend/crush.

    If you only knew... men love that glow of sweat (kind of makes them think of sex) and the loose damp tendrils of hair and the flush in your face and they don't care if you have no make up on. They love to watch your body MOVE. Not just sexy dance moves and swaying of hips when you walk.

    When all else fails, fake confidence. Eventually you will become confident in your skin regardless of how much fat or muscle is under it. :)

    Thank you, this meant a lot. It's really hard looking disheveled in front of him. Heck, we've been together over a year and I still hate it when he sees me without makeup! But yeah, he knows I'm chubby, and he doesn't mind it. He just thinks working out together will be good for health and relationship. We'll see how it goes on Saturday.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    SpecialKH wrote: »
    Sorry if it's buried in the 7 pages, but what about treadmill while you study? You can read and walk at the same time. There is ALWAYS a away to fit it in. I'm a single parent with a full time job and a kid. Even when she was too young to leave at home alone, I could STILL make it to the gym while she was in gymnastics and before that on my lunch hour (it helped the gym was only 5 minutes away).

    Don't be nervous about sweating in front of him. Wisdom from someone with 25 years on you... he's already with you. He already knows your body. Even if you haven't been intimate he has observed your body's curves - he's male! Too many girls (mine included) think they can't look disheveled, sweaty or imperfect in front of their boyfriend/crush.

    If you only knew... men love that glow of sweat (kind of makes them think of sex) and the loose damp tendrils of hair and the flush in your face and they don't care if you have no make up on. They love to watch your body MOVE. Not just sexy dance moves and swaying of hips when you walk.

    When all else fails, fake confidence. Eventually you will become confident in your skin regardless of how much fat or muscle is under it. :)

    Thank you, this meant a lot. It's really hard looking disheveled in front of him. Heck, we've been together over a year and I still hate it when he sees me without makeup! But yeah, he knows I'm chubby, and he doesn't mind it. He just thinks working out together will be good for health and relationship. We'll see how it goes on Saturday.

    I agree with that.

    What does he say when you say I want to lose x amount of weight?

  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    SpecialKH wrote: »
    Sorry if it's buried in the 7 pages, but what about treadmill while you study? You can read and walk at the same time. There is ALWAYS a away to fit it in. I'm a single parent with a full time job and a kid. Even when she was too young to leave at home alone, I could STILL make it to the gym while she was in gymnastics and before that on my lunch hour (it helped the gym was only 5 minutes away).

    Don't be nervous about sweating in front of him. Wisdom from someone with 25 years on you... he's already with you. He already knows your body. Even if you haven't been intimate he has observed your body's curves - he's male! Too many girls (mine included) think they can't look disheveled, sweaty or imperfect in front of their boyfriend/crush.

    If you only knew... men love that glow of sweat (kind of makes them think of sex) and the loose damp tendrils of hair and the flush in your face and they don't care if you have no make up on. They love to watch your body MOVE. Not just sexy dance moves and swaying of hips when you walk.

    When all else fails, fake confidence. Eventually you will become confident in your skin regardless of how much fat or muscle is under it. :)

    Thank you, this meant a lot. It's really hard looking disheveled in front of him. Heck, we've been together over a year and I still hate it when he sees me without makeup! But yeah, he knows I'm chubby, and he doesn't mind it. He just thinks working out together will be good for health and relationship. We'll see how it goes on Saturday.

    I agree with that.

    What does he say when you say I want to lose x amount of weight?

    He says "do what makes you happy, I'll think you're beautiful no matter how much you weigh."

    He also tells me to go about it in a healthy way--if I try to skip meals due to lack of confidence, he urges me to have something healthy. I swear, sometimes I wonder if I'd be in the midst of an ED if he wasn't around.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    SpecialKH wrote: »
    Sorry if it's buried in the 7 pages, but what about treadmill while you study? You can read and walk at the same time. There is ALWAYS a away to fit it in. I'm a single parent with a full time job and a kid. Even when she was too young to leave at home alone, I could STILL make it to the gym while she was in gymnastics and before that on my lunch hour (it helped the gym was only 5 minutes away).

    Don't be nervous about sweating in front of him. Wisdom from someone with 25 years on you... he's already with you. He already knows your body. Even if you haven't been intimate he has observed your body's curves - he's male! Too many girls (mine included) think they can't look disheveled, sweaty or imperfect in front of their boyfriend/crush.

    If you only knew... men love that glow of sweat (kind of makes them think of sex) and the loose damp tendrils of hair and the flush in your face and they don't care if you have no make up on. They love to watch your body MOVE. Not just sexy dance moves and swaying of hips when you walk.

    When all else fails, fake confidence. Eventually you will become confident in your skin regardless of how much fat or muscle is under it. :)

    Thank you, this meant a lot. It's really hard looking disheveled in front of him. Heck, we've been together over a year and I still hate it when he sees me without makeup! But yeah, he knows I'm chubby, and he doesn't mind it. He just thinks working out together will be good for health and relationship. We'll see how it goes on Saturday.

    I agree with that.

    What does he say when you say I want to lose x amount of weight?

    He says "do what makes you happy, I'll think you're beautiful no matter how much you weigh."

    He also tells me to go about it in a healthy way--if I try to skip meals due to lack of confidence, he urges me to have something healthy. I swear, sometimes I wonder if I'd be in the midst of an ED if he wasn't around.

    What do you mean? Is the counting calories getting to a negative point?

  • malavika413
    malavika413 Posts: 474 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    SpecialKH wrote: »
    Sorry if it's buried in the 7 pages, but what about treadmill while you study? You can read and walk at the same time. There is ALWAYS a away to fit it in. I'm a single parent with a full time job and a kid. Even when she was too young to leave at home alone, I could STILL make it to the gym while she was in gymnastics and before that on my lunch hour (it helped the gym was only 5 minutes away).

    Don't be nervous about sweating in front of him. Wisdom from someone with 25 years on you... he's already with you. He already knows your body. Even if you haven't been intimate he has observed your body's curves - he's male! Too many girls (mine included) think they can't look disheveled, sweaty or imperfect in front of their boyfriend/crush.

    If you only knew... men love that glow of sweat (kind of makes them think of sex) and the loose damp tendrils of hair and the flush in your face and they don't care if you have no make up on. They love to watch your body MOVE. Not just sexy dance moves and swaying of hips when you walk.

    When all else fails, fake confidence. Eventually you will become confident in your skin regardless of how much fat or muscle is under it. :)

    Thank you, this meant a lot. It's really hard looking disheveled in front of him. Heck, we've been together over a year and I still hate it when he sees me without makeup! But yeah, he knows I'm chubby, and he doesn't mind it. He just thinks working out together will be good for health and relationship. We'll see how it goes on Saturday.

    I agree with that.

    What does he say when you say I want to lose x amount of weight?

    He says "do what makes you happy, I'll think you're beautiful no matter how much you weigh."

    He also tells me to go about it in a healthy way--if I try to skip meals due to lack of confidence, he urges me to have something healthy. I swear, sometimes I wonder if I'd be in the midst of an ED if he wasn't around.

    What do you mean? Is the counting calories getting to a negative point?

    On occasion, but this isn't often. Eating at a college dining hall means you eat every day at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Sometimes the food looks intimidating. I'm a picky eater, so my options are already slim. Then I try to eat healthy--options get even slimmer. It can be discouraging at times. This happens occasionally.
  • page8040
    page8040 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm a 5'3, 145 pound college student looking to be anywhere from 115-125 pounds (whatever looks best). I hate exercise and I don't have the time or energy to work it into my schedule. It seems I'm always surrounded by powerlifters, crossfitters, etc. I'm looking for friends who, like me, don't exercise (for whatever reason).

    I don't exercise. I don't have time. I work 8-5, pick up my child by 5:30, get home by 6, feed him, bathe him, and have him in bed by 7:30. My evenings are spent in a perpetual cycle of cooking, cleaning, laundry, and keeping up with my home. So I guess I get minimal "cleaning exercise". And I listen to music and dance around. I've lost 20lbs post-baby and am smaller than I ever have been. My diary is open. Feel free to follow me.
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    I used to be like you and hated exercise. I never was much of a gym person anyways, however I love doing stuff outdoors - biking, kyaking, and swimming - basically things that don't really feel like exercise. I also like spinning and kickboxing, which are gym classes. Anyways, I had foot surgery in September and have only been cleared for low impact exercise - walking and biking. I missed it so much and I just generally feel so much better when I do exercise. I don't exercise every day. I try for at least 3 times. Try something fun like one of the above. You don't have to set foot into a gym to exercise! :)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    SpecialKH wrote: »
    Sorry if it's buried in the 7 pages, but what about treadmill while you study? You can read and walk at the same time. There is ALWAYS a away to fit it in. I'm a single parent with a full time job and a kid. Even when she was too young to leave at home alone, I could STILL make it to the gym while she was in gymnastics and before that on my lunch hour (it helped the gym was only 5 minutes away).

    Don't be nervous about sweating in front of him. Wisdom from someone with 25 years on you... he's already with you. He already knows your body. Even if you haven't been intimate he has observed your body's curves - he's male! Too many girls (mine included) think they can't look disheveled, sweaty or imperfect in front of their boyfriend/crush.

    If you only knew... men love that glow of sweat (kind of makes them think of sex) and the loose damp tendrils of hair and the flush in your face and they don't care if you have no make up on. They love to watch your body MOVE. Not just sexy dance moves and swaying of hips when you walk.

    When all else fails, fake confidence. Eventually you will become confident in your skin regardless of how much fat or muscle is under it. :)

    Thank you, this meant a lot. It's really hard looking disheveled in front of him. Heck, we've been together over a year and I still hate it when he sees me without makeup! But yeah, he knows I'm chubby, and he doesn't mind it. He just thinks working out together will be good for health and relationship. We'll see how it goes on Saturday.

    I agree with that.

    What does he say when you say I want to lose x amount of weight?

    He says "do what makes you happy, I'll think you're beautiful no matter how much you weigh."

    He also tells me to go about it in a healthy way--if I try to skip meals due to lack of confidence, he urges me to have something healthy. I swear, sometimes I wonder if I'd be in the midst of an ED if he wasn't around.

    What do you mean? Is the counting calories getting to a negative point?

    On occasion, but this isn't often. Eating at a college dining hall means you eat every day at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Sometimes the food looks intimidating. I'm a picky eater, so my options are already slim. Then I try to eat healthy--options get even slimmer. It can be discouraging at times. This happens occasionally.

    School foods tend to be on the high calorie side.