Friends who don't exercise?



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »

    I keep hearing about these people. I never see them though. I wanna see them. I'm sure a beatdown might change there mindset.

    The truth is, the gym can be a very negative or intimidating atmosphere for newbies who are just starting out.

    I often see on this forum that plenty of regulars will talk about how much time they spend at the gym, how much they love the gym, all of the above. Often, they don't feel what a newbie feels -- how unfamiliar an environment it can be, how hard it is to strip down to workout clothes and feel the eyes on you, how awkward it can be when you aren't sure how to use the equipment or what the etiquette or norms are.

    And -- broad generalization -- it can also be intimidating for women because of the (real or perceived) judgment for having extra pounds. Which, duh, is why you're there in the first place, to lose those pounds. I'm not saying this doesn't happen to men, but I feel it's a bigger problem for women -- generally the judgment comes from other women, too. (Guys are too busy working out to care, and will usually only notice really toned/thin women, though feeling invisible to men can be tough on the self-esteem too.)

    Also, many of the fitness classes like aerobics, step, yoga, etc. naturally lend themselves to a sort of competitive mindset, because if you fall out of step with everyone else or can't follow the instructor's moves, you feel like everyone is staring at you.

    I'm *not* saying that these are excuses not to go to the gym. These things DO get easier with time.

    I just think that they're all very real emotions that people deal with, and that they put a lot of people off from sticking with a gym workout program. It's important to acknowledge, not dismiss, these feelings, and to offer pointers and advice about how to overcome them.

    I remember being a noob. We do not forget those things. I remember benching my very first time at 95 pounds. I also remember being the same weight I am now if not more when I first started lifting when I was 17. Did I feel this pressure others feel going to the gym with the in shape. I have to say I never felt like I was not welcome in a gym. I felt not welcome in a bar which is another story.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Everyone was a noob at one point. The best way to get into the gym is to educate yourself on equipment and form. Then, ask for help when you need it.

    That might've been the best way for you. It wasn't for me. It isn't for everyone.

    People are all different. We all deal with new situations in different ways.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I remember being a noob. We do not forget those things. I remember benching my very first time at 95 pounds. I also remember being the same weight I am now if not more when I first started lifting when I was 17. Did I feel this pressure others feel going to the gym with the in shape. I have to say I never felt like I was not welcome in a gym. I felt not welcome in a bar which is another story.

    I hate generalizations... but I suspect it's different for most men than it is for most women.

    I've very often felt very unwelcome in a gym. Not so much in a bar. :)
  • Wronkletoad
    Wronkletoad Posts: 368 Member
    sure, but pretending that everybody is pointing and laughing seems to be a way of not handling the problem and is blaming ghosts and devoiding oneself of the responsibility of learning / trying / starting.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    OP, Print out this thread, put it in a safe place. Take it out in 30 years and read all the responses. When you are 50ish and bemoaning the fact that you have assorted aches, pains and maladies associated with "getting older", you will rue the day you 'pooh-poohed" the idea of exercise.
    Yes please do this OP!

    Having a family that is overweight should push you to make better choices for your health. That includes physical activity.

    Sometimes people just do not care about all the health issues that come along with life and how to prevent them.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I remember being a noob. We do not forget those things. I remember benching my very first time at 95 pounds. I also remember being the same weight I am now if not more when I first started lifting when I was 17. Did I feel this pressure others feel going to the gym with the in shape. I have to say I never felt like I was not welcome in a gym. I felt not welcome in a bar which is another story.

    I hate generalizations... but I suspect it's different for most men than it is for most women.

    I've very often felt very unwelcome in a gym. Not so much in a bar. :)

    So people still laugh at the person who cannot perform to a certain physical level. Is the gym like grade school back when I was five?
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    segacs wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I remember being a noob. We do not forget those things. I remember benching my very first time at 95 pounds. I also remember being the same weight I am now if not more when I first started lifting when I was 17. Did I feel this pressure others feel going to the gym with the in shape. I have to say I never felt like I was not welcome in a gym. I felt not welcome in a bar which is another story.

    I hate generalizations... but I suspect it's different for most men than it is for most women.

    I've very often felt very unwelcome in a gym. Not so much in a bar. :)

    So people still laugh at the person who cannot perform to a certain physical level. Is the gym like grade school back when I was five?

    As a woman who started going to the gym while in the morbidly obese category, I can say that the gyms I've been to have never felt like grade school. It's always been a warm, pleasant atmosphere where the staff and other gym goers are helpful, especially if you aren't sure what to do. There's tons of stuff that I still can't do and I've never once been made fun of.
  • Wronkletoad
    Wronkletoad Posts: 368 Member
    it's that some people pretend they will be noticed and laughed at as a convenient, made-up deterrent to trying something new.

    so in that respect, it's them pretending that's it's gym like grade school when we were five.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    it's that some people pretend they will be noticed and laughed at as a convenient, made-up deterrent to trying something new.

    so in that respect, it's them pretending that's it's gym like grade school when we were five.

    You're being rather dismissive and insensitive.

    People have all kinds of issues and all kinds of stories. Just because something doesn't affect you doesn't mean it doesn't affect others.

    Your attitude of "your issues are in your head and therefore don't exist" is really rude and condescending.

    If you've always felt happy and comfortable in a gym, good for you. Not trying to take that away from you.

    But recognize that not everyone feels that way, and that the best way to make people stick with an exercise program is to ensure that they have an experience more like @vamaena's when they start visiting a gym, so they don't get turned off or scared away.

    Fostering a welcoming gym environment is up to everyone.

  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    it's that some people pretend they will be noticed and laughed at as a convenient, made-up deterrent to trying something new.

    so in that respect, it's them pretending that's it's gym like grade school when we were five.

    Ah, okay. I can understand that. There was a point in my life where I had similar thoughts to that. I then realized that it was silly to think that way or to care about what other people thought of me.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I agree with segacs here. I have pretty bad social anxiety and the very idea of a gym - full of people I perceive to be better than me and (in my mind, I know it's probably not true) judging me... is terrifying. Not to mention I've never stepped foot in a gym and wouldn't have the first clue on how to use any of that equipment. I get bad anxiety over not knowing what to do and worse anxiety at the thought of asking for help. Plus my nearest gym has a big open window at the front. You can see everyone inside, and it's right on the highstreet of a city. Being a village girl... yeah, that's intimidating. People say 'oh they're all there to work out too, they won't judge me'. Maybe that's true, but when the average person on the street can see me too? I think I would probably have a panic attack if I went. I'll stick to walking.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    it's that some people pretend they will be noticed and laughed at as a convenient, made-up deterrent to trying something new.

    so in that respect, it's them pretending that's it's gym like grade school when we were five.

    You're being rather dismissive and insensitive.

    People have all kinds of issues and all kinds of stories. Just because something doesn't affect you doesn't mean it doesn't affect others.

    Your attitude of "your issues are in your head and therefore don't exist" is really rude and condescending.

    If you've always felt happy and comfortable in a gym, good for you. Not trying to take that away from you.

    But recognize that not everyone feels that way, and that the best way to make people stick with an exercise program is to ensure that they have an experience more like @vamaena's when they start visiting a gym, so they don't get turned off or scared away.

    Fostering a welcoming gym environment is up to everyone.

    I can understand that. It doesn't make sense to me but maybe it does happen. I'm sure the guy I knew in high school was made fun of for not being able to bench the bar. He also wanted to play football which he did all four years of high school. That did not discourage him from getting what he wanted.

    OP we had talks and for your goals what if a calorie deficit will not give you the results because heck not every person is the same. What if you realize that fitness will now only get you to your goals quicker but farther then you dreamed. It's actually been a while since we talked so I am not too sure if your goal before still stands as what you want.
  • Wronkletoad
    Wronkletoad Posts: 368 Member
    segas -- no. i think you're being obtuse and patronizing. it is not Joe's responsibility to make Bill feel welcome when Joe is doing heavy squats. He stays away from Bill and doesn't hinder Bill.

    If Bill feels intimitaded by Joe's weight lifting, that's on Bill, not Joe.

    I think your attitude gives us the Lunk Alarm, etc.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I remember being a noob. We do not forget those things. I remember benching my very first time at 95 pounds. I also remember being the same weight I am now if not more when I first started lifting when I was 17. Did I feel this pressure others feel going to the gym with the in shape. I have to say I never felt like I was not welcome in a gym. I felt not welcome in a bar which is another story.

    I hate generalizations... but I suspect it's different for most men than it is for most women.

    I've very often felt very unwelcome in a gym. Not so much in a bar. :)

    You clearly haven't tried Planet Fitness. It's a different kind of gym, and kind of a "judgment free zone."
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I agree with segacs here. I have pretty bad social anxiety and the very idea of a gym - full of people I perceive to be better than me and (in my mind, I know it's probably not true) judging me... is terrifying. Not to mention I've never stepped foot in a gym and wouldn't have the first clue on how to use any of that equipment. I get bad anxiety over not knowing what to do and worse anxiety at the thought of asking for help. Plus my nearest gym has a big open window at the front. You can see everyone inside, and it's right on the highstreet of a city. Being a village girl... yeah, that's intimidating. People say 'oh they're all there to work out too, they won't judge me'. Maybe that's true, but when the average person on the street can see me too? I think I would probably have a panic attack if I went. I'll stick to walking.

    The average person, at least in the USA, does not exercising so you would already be taking control of your life and health.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I agree with segacs here. I have pretty bad social anxiety and the very idea of a gym - full of people I perceive to be better than me and (in my mind, I know it's probably not true) judging me... is terrifying. Not to mention I've never stepped foot in a gym and wouldn't have the first clue on how to use any of that equipment. I get bad anxiety over not knowing what to do and worse anxiety at the thought of asking for help. Plus my nearest gym has a big open window at the front. You can see everyone inside, and it's right on the highstreet of a city. Being a village girl... yeah, that's intimidating. People say 'oh they're all there to work out too, they won't judge me'. Maybe that's true, but when the average person on the street can see me too? I think I would probably have a panic attack if I went. I'll stick to walking.

    The average person, at least in the USA, does not exercising so you would already be taking control of your life and health.

    I don't live in the US. I live in a city in the UK, quite a young city where many are university students like me. Most are not overweight like I am.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    segas -- no. i think you're being obtuse and patronizing. it is not Joe's responsibility to make Bill feel welcome when Joe is doing heavy squats. He stays away from Bill and doesn't hinder Bill.

    If Bill feels intimitaded by Joe's weight lifting, that's on Bill, not Joe.

    I think your attitude gives us the Lunk Alarm, etc.

    So that is where trash planet fitness got the crap from. Oh walk in a see people all shapes doing pull ups and I get discourage right. I cannot do a pull up so I run away from it.

    Instead of doing assistance workouts and modify until I can finally do one.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Just back in to say we were all noobs at one point. And, I'm still new when it comes to certain lifts and movements. There are uncomfortable moments, sure. But you have to remember that you are doing it for yourself and no one else.

    And, honestly, no one is thinking about you at the gym. If they are, they aren't working out hard enough. I can't even imagine having the energy to look and judge someone when I'm working hard.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    This thread is *still* going?
  • irleshay
    irleshay Posts: 102 Member
    Can I trade places with you, OP? I'd love to be 19 again *and* exercise! At your age I felt like you did, but now I'm hooked. I sometimes imagine how much more I'd do with the extra energy and strength of my teens and 20s. Not trying to convert you, just being wistful. :)