Spa owner yells at Mom of Autistic child-Facebook Firestorm



  • Joocey
    Joocey Posts: 115 Member
    If I had always gone there and liked the haircuts and liked the place, then yes I would. If the cut was worth the money, you can bet that I would take him!! Kids are everywhere in this world, my kids act up in the grocery store, even when I tell them to be good when we go in. Kids will be kids and you NEVER know what will happen, from one minute to the next. If you were a parent, then you MIGHT understand!! I can't stand when people without kids go judging those of us with kids!!

    This is a laudable attitude.

    "I know my kids scream during haircuts, but I don't care! I'll take them wherever I want! I don't care if they scream and bother others! I don't care if my kids act up at the grocery store! I never know what they do so everyone else just has to put up with it!"

  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    how terrible....i find all children annoying, but would never ever yell at the parents. So not my place!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I can't stand it when those of you with kids won't make them behave and expect those of us without kids to put up with it just because they are kids. They are YOUR kids, not ours.

    "Make them behave"? Two year olds? Children with autism? You know not about which you speak.

    Then they shouldn't be taken places where other people have to put up with them. They are YOUR kids, not everyone elses. Why should I be punished because you can't control your kid?

    Wow!! Gonna guess that either A) You don't have kids or if so, then B) your kids are robots.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm out of popcorn so I brought you bacon covered fries,
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Edit: this thread is well on its way to derailing. No need to chime in.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    The original writer is a friend of my friend and it's crazy how this took off. It's good though the owner has been bullying mothers with small children for a while now
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    I can't stand it when those of you with kids won't make them behave and expect those of us without kids to put up with it just because they are kids. They are YOUR kids, not ours.

    "Make them behave"? Two year olds? Children with autism? You know not about which you speak.

    Then they shouldn't be taken places where other people have to put up with them. They are YOUR kids, not everyone elses. Why should I be punished because you can't control your kid?

    this is a really sick unempathetic attitude. That little boy deserved a haircut, at a salon, despite his behaviours, as much as any child! Parents also deserve to be able to go out and bring their children out!!

    I hear you, kids are annoying like crazy. The other day some kids that were playing outside of the building were trying to get back into the building w/o their parents but didnt have keys. My partner and I both looked the other way because we didn't want the responsibility if they ended up screaming or doing some stupid child thing.

    As annoyed with kids as I may be, they deserve the same rights that anyone else does.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I can't stand it when those of you with kids won't make them behave and expect those of us without kids to put up with it just because they are kids. They are YOUR kids, not ours.

    "Make them behave"? Two year olds? Children with autism? You know not about which you speak.

    Then they shouldn't be taken places where other people have to put up with them. They are YOUR kids, not everyone elses. Why should I be punished because you can't control your kid?
    Kids aren't meant to be "controlled." They're people with free will like anyone else. You do your best, especially as a person alone with a special needs kid.

    I became the single mother of a child with autism when I was 21 years old. My son tantrumed constantly, and I do mean all day every day, for years. I had to do things like go to doctor's appointments, do groceries, get the car fixed and buy clothes for him and myself and other things ALL BY MYSELF with him in tow, because of course no one ever wanted to watch him and no one ever wanted to go anywhere with me because who wants to be around that? So I stopped being able to go to work, to church, to ANYWHERE, because no one wanted him in their daycares, no one wanted to babysit, nothing. It was all on me.

    It wasn't ever a matter of discipline, it was a matter of having a child who could not understand what was expected of him and could not speak or communicate at all except by shrieking, who didn't get enough sleep, and who was sent into a sensory meltdown at even minor smells and sounds, and there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT THAT. But you have to leave your house sometimes. So you learn to not give a damn that morons who have the luxury of thinking only about themselves and the short-term will get irate that you had to leave your house with a child who screams all the time. What else is there to do?
  • vdobbs28
    vdobbs28 Posts: 72 Member
    People without kids will NEVER understand and are ignorant on the subject!! Unless you have kids and have gone through their motions, you will never understand and will never know how parents feel.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I can't stand it when those of you with kids won't make them behave and expect those of us without kids to put up with it just because they are kids. They are YOUR kids, not ours.

    "Make them behave"? Two year olds? Children with autism? You know not about which you speak.

    Then they shouldn't be taken places where other people have to put up with them. They are YOUR kids, not everyone elses. Why should I be punished because you can't control your kid?

    Wow!! Gonna guess that either A) You don't have kids or if so, then B) your kids are robots.

    I don't have nor want kids. It isn't imp[ossible to have well behaved kids, people are just too lazy these days and expect everyone else to put up with their screaming sex trophies.
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    The original writer is a friend of my friend and it's crazy how this took off. It's good though the owner has been bullying mothers with small children for a while now

    see, its not about autism. thanks for proving this about the owner.

    Its about noisy lil kids in her spa that adults pay top dollar to relax
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I can't stand it when those of you with kids won't make them behave and expect those of us without kids to put up with it just because they are kids. They are YOUR kids, not ours.

    "Make them behave"? Two year olds? Children with autism? You know not about which you speak.

    Then they shouldn't be taken places where other people have to put up with them. They are YOUR kids, not everyone elses. Why should I be punished because you can't control your kid?

    this is a really sick unempathetic attitude. That little boy deserved a haircut, at a salon, despite his behaviours, as much as any child! Parents also deserve to be able to go out and bring their children out!!

    I hear you, kids are annoying like crazy. The other day some kids that were playing outside of the building were trying to get back into the building w/o their parents but didnt have keys. My partner and I both looked the other way because we didn't want the responsibility if they ended up screaming or doing some stupid child thing.

    As annoyed with kids as I may be, they deserve the same rights that anyone else does.

    I never mentioned this kid so I don't know what you are talking about. Parents can bring their children out, but they should make them behave.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    The original writer is a friend of my friend and it's crazy how this took off. It's good though the owner has been bullying mothers with small children for a while now

    see, its not about autism. thanks for proving this about the owner.

    Its about noisy lil kids in her spa that adults pay top dollar to relax
    It is the owner's responsibility to set boundaries for what's expected in her business establishment. If she allows child clients, she must allow child behavior. If she is not tolerant of child behavior, that is her prerogative. But to allow people to book 2-year-olds for appointments and then get belligerent that a 2-year-old has the audacity to act like a 2-year-old is moronic. Straight up.
  • Joocey
    Joocey Posts: 115 Member
    Kids aren't meant to be "controlled." They're people with free will like anyone else. You do your best, especially as a person alone with a special needs kid.

    But kids, and people, learn to behave. Because that's how society works.

    We don't all just do whatever we want because we have free will, and everyone else be damned.
    It is the owner's responsibility to set boundaries for what's expected in her business establishment. If she allows child clients, she must allow child behavior. If she is not tolerant of child behavior, that is her prerogative. But to allow people to book 2-year-olds for appointments and then get belligerent that a 2-year-old has the audacity to act like a 2-year-old is moronic. Straight up.

    I can agree with this. I don't think there's any real dispute that the owner failed in her role as an owner as well.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    Kids aren't meant to be "controlled." They're people with free will like anyone else. You do your best, especially as a person alone with a special needs kid.

    But kids, and people, learn to behave. Because that's how society works.

    We don't all just do whatever we want because we have free will, and everyone else be damned.
    Of course they must learn. I'm not under the impression that we're talking about negligent parents who aren't even trying. Learning is a process, and sometimes you will run into children who are only in the process of learning to behave. Part of learning to behave is being exposed to situations where they must exercise their newly acquired skills and learn to comply with expectations. If you want kids to learn, you must allow that this takes time and is not an instantaneous process. A little kindness and understanding goes a long way sometimes.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I can't stand it when those of you with kids won't make them behave and expect those of us without kids to put up with it just because they are kids. They are YOUR kids, not ours.

    "Make them behave"? Two year olds? Children with autism? You know not about which you speak.

    Then they shouldn't be taken places where other people have to put up with them. They are YOUR kids, not everyone elses. Why should I be punished because you can't control your kid?

    Wow!! Gonna guess that either A) You don't have kids or if so, then B) your kids are robots.

    I don't have nor want kids. It isn't imp[ossible to have well behaved kids, people are just too lazy these days and expect everyone else to put up with their screaming sex trophies.

    Try forcing a two year old to behave. I once thought as you did until I had kids. Just try it, I dare you......then you might reconsider such misguided comments, however, there are parents that take the lazy route.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Given the information provided, I think the owner handled the situation quite poorly. There are better ways it could have been handled. Because if I were there to get my nails done, I would not appreciate listening to this child crying...not for 100 bucks! No way. I don't pay that kind of money to put up with listening to crying children.

    Autistic or not, the owner has a right to ask the mother to leave if she feels he's being a nuisance to other patrons. She would lose my business had she not done anything and let the child interrupt my (expensive) services.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I can't stand it when those of you with kids won't make them behave and expect those of us without kids to put up with it just because they are kids. They are YOUR kids, not ours.

    "Make them behave"? Two year olds? Children with autism? You know not about which you speak.

    Then they shouldn't be taken places where other people have to put up with them. They are YOUR kids, not everyone elses. Why should I be punished because you can't control your kid?

    Wow!! Gonna guess that either A) You don't have kids or if so, then B) your kids are robots.

    I don't have nor want kids. It isn't imp[ossible to have well behaved kids, people are just too lazy these days and expect everyone else to put up with their screaming sex trophies.

    Good... I'm glad you are not raising more unsympathic cretins. And No, you are right, it isn't impossible to have behaved children... BUT you don't know the reason as to why a child is misbehaving. Laziness isn't the only reason to have misbehaved children... but then you might realize this if you actually tried to understand what a parent with Autism or other behavioral and/or sensory issues is going through. It never as simple as saying the parent is "too lazy".
  • Joocey
    Joocey Posts: 115 Member
    this is a really sick unempathetic attitude. That little boy deserved a haircut, at a salon, despite his behaviours, as much as any child! Parents also deserve to be able to go out and bring their children out!!

    This is the sicker attitude. Everyone deserves everything... except when it isn't you.

    The little boy deserved his haircut, despite his behavior? What about the other customers who deserved not to have to deal with the little boy?

    Parents deserve to be able to go out and bring their children? What about the other people who deserve to have a quiet night at the restaurant, or a quiet flight on the plane, or a quiet day at the spa?

    All of a sudden, they don't deserve those things anymore?
    As annoyed with kids as I may be, they deserve the same rights that anyone else does.

    Which is the right to do whatever... as long as it doesn't infringe on someone else's rights.
  • wineplease
    wineplease Posts: 469 Member
    Its about noisy lil kids in her spa that adults pay top dollar to relax

    Not sure I'd consider this spa "top dollar" nor "relaxing".