225/135 Max-Rep Bench Press "Club"



  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    jbach2 wrote: »
    jbach2 wrote: »
    I was thinking that I also want test my 225 rep max (in addition to my 1RM on a separate day) on the bench press because I have never done that before. Sounds fun. I'm guessing I will press around 20 times. 225 seems like

    Are you in?

    I look forward to hearing your results. A good pump up song for the contest: "Let the Bodies His the Floor" - Drowning Pool
    I'll keep you posted! Hopefully that song won't be my epitaph.

    No, you're going to kill it! Punish that 225! That's easy weight. I expect 25 reps, at least.

    Yep, you have it in for me. lol

  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    My bet is 10 to 12 for civilizedworm.
    Awesome! I bet that's where I will end up.

    Yeah, I am definitely not going to reach 20-25.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    edited November 2014
    dbmata wrote: »
    I digress... How am I able to lift that, but when I drop 60lbs, I can't do *kitten*?

    Strange indeed, But really weight is a means to no end. I figure as long as you lift regardless of the weight until you fail then that's all that matters....
    Because you're tired.

    My workout yesterday, my warmup set was 30 reps of 205# bench, I got 18 in, had to rack and rest a minute, got another 10, and my coach had to help with lock out of the last two. I then laddered down until the last set. 65#, 30 reps. Rep 22 or 23, I can't remember which but it was hellish feeling, I got the bar to my chest, and it wouldn't rise up, at all. 65 pounds. Then I got down to do a set of 20 pushups (I was doing those for rest between bench sets.), and nothing doing. I dropped on my face on my second pushup.

    I did get 18 reps at 205. Not bad for my tiny *kitten* arms.

    205 for 18, Your 1 rep max should be 325 lbs
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    jbach2 wrote: »
    jbach2 wrote: »
    jbach2 wrote: »
    I was thinking that I also want test my 225 rep max (in addition to my 1RM on a separate day) on the bench press because I have never done that before. Sounds fun. I'm guessing I will press around 20 times. 225 seems like

    Are you in?

    I look forward to hearing your results. A good pump up song for the contest: "Let the Bodies His the Floor" - Drowning Pool
    I'll keep you posted! Hopefully that song won't be my epitaph.

    No, you're going to kill it! Punish that 225! That's easy weight. I expect 25 reps, at least.

    Yep, you have it in for me. lol


    The new Aaron Rodgers ones were funny for the first quarter-half dozen times I saw it.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    My bet is 10 to 12 for civilizedworm.
    Awesome! I bet that's where I will end up.

    Yeah, I am definitely not going to reach 20-25.

    Get on the bench, mentally shooting for 20-25.... do as many as you can, rest a tick, do some more, rest a tick, do some more. Do them all. You can rock it.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    I digress... How am I able to lift that, but when I drop 60lbs, I can't do *kitten*?

    Strange indeed, But really weight is a means to no end. I figure as long as you lift regardless of the weight until you fail then that's all that matters....
    Because you're tired.

    My workout yesterday, my warmup set was 30 reps of 205# bench, I got 18 in, had to rack and rest a minute, got another 10, and my coach had to help with lock out of the last two. I then laddered down until the last set. 65#, 30 reps. Rep 22 or 23, I can't remember which but it was hellish feeling, I got the bar to my chest, and it wouldn't rise up, at all. 65 pounds. Then I got down to do a set of 20 pushups (I was doing those for rest between bench sets.), and nothing doing. I dropped on my face on my second pushup.

    I did get 18 reps at 205. Not bad for my tiny *kitten* arms.

    205 for 18, Your 1 rep max should be 325 lbs

    That would be so cool... and a little funny, since my squat is only 345 right now. lol.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    edited November 2014
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    My bet is 10 to 12 for civilizedworm.
    Awesome! I bet that's where I will end up.

    Yeah, I am definitely not going to reach 20-25.

    Get on the bench, mentally shooting for 20-25.... do as many as you can, rest a tick, do some more, rest a tick, do some more. Do them all. You can rock it.
    Good advice!

    Rest-pause for the wins!
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    I test my 1RM every Sunday which is my rest day. If I hit it I add 5 lbs the next week.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    edited November 2014
    dbmata wrote: »
    My bet is 10 to 12 for civilizedworm.
    Awesome! I bet that's where I will end up.

    Yeah, I am definitely not going to reach 20-25.

    Get on the bench, mentally shooting for 20-25.... do as many as you can, rest a tick, do some more, rest a tick, do some more. Do them all. You can rock it.
    Good advice!

    Rest-pause for the wins!

    It's the cornerstone of my coached lifting sessions. He'll set a number and I can't get done until I meet or surpass the number. It really sucks when he says, ok... 100 reps.

    Shoot me.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    I test my 1RM every Sunday which is my rest day. If I hit it I add 5 lbs the next week.
    Really? If I can complete my sets of such and such a weight in strict form then I go up 5-10 and carry on without testing - if I am doing a linear program.
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    I skipped a lot of this thread (at work) but earlier this year I could do maybe 11-12 reps of 225 and my 1rm was 315.

    kinda weird that now i've been focusing on incline dumbbell press and now 185 for 10 is difficult...lol

    Based on your profile pictures i would think you could easily surpass 225x10 cuz you look much more beastly than I did when i did 225x10.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    My bet is 10 to 12 for civilizedworm.
    Awesome! I bet that's where I will end up.

    Yeah, I am definitely not going to reach 20-25.

    Get on the bench, mentally shooting for 20-25.... do as many as you can, rest a tick, do some more, rest a tick, do some more. Do them all. You can rock it.
    Good advice!

    Rest-pause for the wins!

    It's the cornerstone of my coached lifting sessions. He'll set a number and I can't get done until I meet or surpass the number. It really sucks when he says, ok... 100 reps.

    Shoot me.
    Yeah I hear you there. After 100 reps, I am not sure if I haven't been shot.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    This thread got pretty interesting. :D
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    I skipped a lot of this thread (at work) but earlier this year I could do maybe 11-12 reps of 225 and my 1rm was 315.

    kinda weird that now i've been focusing on incline dumbbell press and now 185 for 10 is difficult...lol

    Based on your profile pictures i would think you could easily surpass 225x10 cuz you look much more beastly than I did when i did 225x10.
    Hey thanks for that!

    Yeah, if I can get to 15 I will punch the clock and call it day. 20 would be rad, but... probably not realistic.
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    I want to start training flat bench again cuz i feel stupid when i incline press 100lb dumbbells but completely suck *kitten* at flat barbell press...haha. barbell is supposed to be easier!

    I think I need to relearn the motion i guess. 225 still feels light in my hands but I just can't seem to get it more than 2 or 3 times now.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    225? One! One rep!

  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    I want to start training flat bench again cuz i feel stupid when i incline press 100lb dumbbells but completely suck *kitten* at flat barbell press...haha. barbell is supposed to be easier!

    I think I need to relearn the motion i guess. 225 still feels light in my hands but I just can't seem to get it more than 2 or 3 times now.

    I know a guy that's skinny as hell and looks like he has no muscle. but he could barbell bench about 315 for 1 or 2. He mentioned he was impressed with me doing 85lb dumbbells and I was like wtf? Dude, you bench 315. He said yes but he literally had trouble with even the 50lb dumbbells. Really odd
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    In response to the Crossfit scaling percentages for men/women discussion: I do Crossfit too but they don't usually treat bench the same as many other movements for the most part due to the disparity between men and women. Bench is rarely used compared to other lifts (OHP is more common and in fact replaces bench in the their "Total": Squat, DL, & Press). Generally they base Workouts of the Day with bench in them as a percentage of bodyweight or 1 rep max. Really, WODS with bench in them are uncommon and it's more of a skill that people do before the main workout. For example, a scale for deadlifts in a high rep deadlift WOD like Diane would be 225# for men and 155# for women. Yet, if they used a 225# to 155# bench ratio there would be exactly 0 women at my box who could do the workout, including a woman who won the USAPL Raw Nationals powerlifting total in her weight class in 2010.

    I found that info quite interesting - thanks for sharing. I've always been curious how Cross-fitters gauge their strength/progress.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Just for reference on muscle fatigue here is a good link for all the known factorshttps://www.inkling.com/read/medical-physiology-boron-boulpaep-2nd/chapter-60/muscle-fatigue.