225/135 Max-Rep Bench Press "Club"



  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    For me I always found that what I could bench for 10 reps I could always add 75lbs and hit it for one...

    I wish this was true for me.

    Me too. It's probably not that far off but I can do 185lbs for 10 but I certainly can't max at 260lbs.

    I can only rep 225lbs for about 3. LOL. My bench sucks

    185x10 for me did not equal doing anything 225 before.

    That's odd. What is your 1 rep max?

    Now it is more its at 245 but I can also do 195x10. Those calculators always are not on for me. Makes no sense.

    225 was a big obstacle for me to get through.
    *kitten* I wish.

    I can move 245 once.
    185x10 though? I think I'm maxing with that somewhere around 6 or 7, I will drop rep 8 on me. This is why bench pisses me off.

    i could do 185 8 times maybe more, but could not do more then 2 1/2 at 225
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    yeah, I'm going to go at this one today, but I'm right about there. Maybe I need to up to 800mg of caffeine prior to the workout.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    I tried to get 205lbs for 2 sets of 8 but could only do 7 and 7. tonight is light chest and might make another run at 205 and see if I can do one set for 8
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Just gave this a try and I barely made it through 7. My 1RM is about 285lb.

    for real? i guess how you train really makes an impact on your strength... wow, i sound really dumb saying that as if its news lol.

    But I'm surprised i can get close to peoples 185 rep-age and they totally blow me away in 1rpm
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    The narrow grip (flat) bench press brings me too much pain - even if I use it as lift for my triceps. I avoid it. I only use a narrower grip if I bench Incline.

    narrow grip really makes my wrists uncomfortable. I'll usually do dumbbells and squeeze my palms as close together as i can at the top and say that's a good alternative lol.

    i must have missed it, did you test your 225 reps? what did you get?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Just gave this a try and I barely made it through 7. My 1RM is about 285lb.

    for real? i guess how you train really makes an impact on your strength... wow, i sound really dumb saying that as if its news lol.

    But I'm surprised i can get close to peoples 185 rep-age and they totally blow me away in 1rpm
    I'm sorry. PS- I cooked Artax in burgundy wine.

    I win. lol.

    It might not be part of your programming, but sometimes it's just fun to take a run up to a max and see if you can poke at a new 1rm. That's the only reason I know I can put up 245. I was like... screw it, I'm running a crazy set anyway, let's do it.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    Just went down to the basement and hit 225 for 6 then did 4 singles to make 10, May try this a couple times a week on top of my reg sets until I can hit 10 reps....
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    Last night, 315x8 and 225x15, but I wasn't trying to rep out on 225. I may have had 1-2 in the tank. Not 20 though - I don't think.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    jbach2 wrote: »
    Last night, 315x8 and 225x15, but I wasn't trying to rep out on 225. I may have had 1-2 in the tank. Not 20 though - I don't think.

    You're a beast! Great work. You on the Jam?

  • itsthehumidity
    itsthehumidity Posts: 351 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good rule of thumb to approximate your 1RM based on reps is the following formula: Est. 1RM = Weight x Reps x 0.033 + Weight

    So, 225x20x0.033 + 225 = 373.5, or call it 370. Of course, it's likely this formula might not scale up well past, say, 10 reps, but I don't know.

    If you think your 1RM is 315, then working backwards you might expect 12 reps of 225.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    Good rule of thumb to approximate your 1RM based on reps is the following formula: Est. 1RM = Weight x Reps x 0.033 + Weight

    So, 225x20x0.033 + 225 = 373.5, or call it 370. Of course, it's likely this formula might not scale up well past, say, 10 reps, but I don't know.

    If you think your 1RM is 315, then working backwards you might expect 12 reps of 225.

    Works out about 10 lbs less then my 1 RM, But neat info.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited November 2014
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I suspect 135 would be high for a woman.

    I can rep out probably 10 at that weight- I don't do high rep ANYWAY- so repping anything out on bench kills me. I've done 95 for like 15 something and got shakey doing it.

    I think realistically 115 for a challenge would be solid. 95 just feels like it's a bit too light- and 135 is just going to be to heavy.

    It seems for women failure comes VERY quickly on bench- you feel fine you feel fine you feel fine- everything's solid and goes up super easily- then it's sudden failure with the addition of like 5 pounds.

    it's weird- and wildly annoying.

    FWIW, this is true in men too. I fail unexpectedly on bench all the time. In fact, I would say I'm close to 50% failure rate on my last rep on bench, because judging failure rate is surprisingly difficult. Same goes for OHP really. I can do a 1RM with a heavy weight and it goes smoothly, add 5lbs and I might as well have added 500lbs because that shiz ain't going nowhere.

    Alternatively, I know exactly when I've just done my last rep with DL or squat.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    jbach2 wrote: »
    Last night, 315x8 and 225x15, but I wasn't trying to rep out on 225. I may have had 1-2 in the tank. Not 20 though - I don't think.

    Damn, nice work. With 315x8 you must be close to 4 plates for a single.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited November 2014
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I suspect 135 would be high for a woman.

    I can rep out probably 10 at that weight- I don't do high rep ANYWAY- so repping anything out on bench kills me. I've done 95 for like 15 something and got shakey doing it.

    I think realistically 115 for a challenge would be solid. 95 just feels like it's a bit too light- and 135 is just going to be to heavy.

    It seems for women failure comes VERY quickly on bench- you feel fine you feel fine you feel fine- everything's solid and goes up super easily- then it's sudden failure with the addition of like 5 pounds.

    it's weird- and wildly annoying.

    FWIW, this is true in men too. I fail unexpectedly on bench all the time. In fact, I would say I'm close to 50% failure rate on my last rep on bench, because judging failure rate is surprisingly difficult. Same goes for OHP really. I can do a 1RM with a heavy weight and it goes smoothly, add 5lbs and I might as well have added 500lbs because that shiz ain't going nowhere.

    Alternatively, I know exactly when I've just done my last rep with DL or squat.

    I haven't polled to many men- or perhaps my perception has just not been very clear- only because I tend to see men capable of repping higher weights longer- and it seems there is less failure- or appearence of failure. But yeah- I know the feeling very well- it's like I've got it I've got it and all the sudden there's nothing left.

    I suspect that's why many lifters are more comfortable with deads and squats- there is more feedback on where your body stands- so you can push the way you want with more certainty. OHP is same for me as well. fine fine fine- then nope- *kitten* dont' drop it on my head- wow I look like a boob for being that shakey (after adding the cookies to each side) LOL
    Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't women usually more functionally stronger in lower body lifts, i.e. squats as opposed to upper body? Isn't that opposite of what men are?

    in terms of mass moved per body weight- *typically* yes.

    Most are- which is why I got trashed when I said 135 was warm up weight on the bench- b/c I grew up not really knowing any better. I have a skewed view- I have lifted mostly alone and with no perception of what other women can lift- for my range of lifting- and knowledge- the high hundreds and low 200's was normal.

    Apparently that's not normal. it's quiet abnormal.

    conversely- my reasonable squat in the low 200's is pathetic for my giant *kitten* and thighs (but I knew that was suspect to begin with consider the gap between bench and squat is so narrow) LOL
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    edited November 2014
    jbach2 wrote: »
    Last night, 315x8 and 225x15, but I wasn't trying to rep out on 225. I may have had 1-2 in the tank. Not 20 though - I don't think.

    You're a beast! Great work. You on the Jam?

    Thank you. No, I'm just getting back into lifting, again. Back in college I had a 500 lbs max. 6 weeks ago, I could only do 225x5, so it's coming back pretty quick. Since I am in my 40s, I only have a heavy lift day once a week and try not to over do it. I am thinking of just keeping it at 315 and seeing how many reps I can get that up to. I keep my squats at the same as my bench press (old ankle injury).
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    jbach2 wrote: »
    Last night, 315x8 and 225x15, but I wasn't trying to rep out on 225. I may have had 1-2 in the tank. Not 20 though - I don't think.

    Damn, nice work. With 315x8 you must be close to 4 plates for a single.

    Honestly, the thought of 4 plates makes me really nervous. I think I will stick with 3 plates for a while and build up the reps. I have always enjoyed benching and would like to still do it in my 50s and beyond.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    jbach2 wrote: »
    jbach2 wrote: »
    Last night, 315x8 and 225x15, but I wasn't trying to rep out on 225. I may have had 1-2 in the tank. Not 20 though - I don't think.

    You're a beast! Great work. You on the Jam?

    Thank you. No, I'm just getting back into lifting, again. Back in college I had a 500 lbs max. 6 weeks ago, I could only do 225x5, so it's coming back pretty quick. Since I am in my 40s, I only have a heavy lift day once a week and try not to over do it. I am thinking of just keeping it at 315 and seeing how many reps I can get that up to. I keep my squats at the same as my bench press (old ankle injury).

    Cool, Thats incredible gains fast.. I'm still eating at a deficit which I think is hindering my rise in my press.
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    McCloud33 wrote: »
    I'm just over 5 months into lifting with SL5x5 (never touched a free weight seriously before that). When I tested my 1RM after the first three months I was at 235 bench, 365 squat, 385 DL. After that I dropped everything back down and started the linear progression again and am up to a 200 5x5 bench, 300 3x5 squat and 360 1x5 DL. Have 3 weeks left on this rotation and then I'll test 1RMs again just before christmas. Looking for a 245+ bench, 400+ squat and 420+ DL at a BW of 185 and BF% of around 17%.

    I would love to be able to do 225 for reps. I might be able to get 2 right now.

    I look forward to reading how you do (if I catch your post); maybe PM me when you get the results. I rarely work in the 5 rep range and prefer the 10-12 reps; it just takes so much toll on my joints to use those lower reps.

    I read that if you try to add 5 lbs per week to your lifts, that might work to allow your tendons and connective tissue to adapt. At a certain point, you might only want to increase by that amount every few weeks. Good luck.
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    jbach2 wrote: »
    jbach2 wrote: »
    Last night, 315x8 and 225x15, but I wasn't trying to rep out on 225. I may have had 1-2 in the tank. Not 20 though - I don't think.

    You're a beast! Great work. You on the Jam?

    Thank you. No, I'm just getting back into lifting, again. Back in college I had a 500 lbs max. 6 weeks ago, I could only do 225x5, so it's coming back pretty quick. Since I am in my 40s, I only have a heavy lift day once a week and try not to over do it. I am thinking of just keeping it at 315 and seeing how many reps I can get that up to. I keep my squats at the same as my bench press (old ankle injury).

    Cool, Thats incredible gains fast.. I'm still eating at a deficit which I think is hindering my rise in my press.

    Eating at a deficit will sure hinder strength gains (I learned this first hand). I am now eating 200 more than my basal metabolic rate, and I am creating a calorie deficit through exercise only. This seems to be working best for me, right now. Plus, I rest on the 3rd day and just do 40 minutes of cardio. My cardio is just walking on a 15% incline treadmill or doing the stairmill for 40 minutes. I do light HITT by increasing my heart rate above the anaerobic threshold for a little bit and coming back down and cycling that. I don't think I am losing any muscle (I might be though) - from appearence, but I am losing more body fat. Recover is so important for gains, though.

    I lift 2 days doing an upper/lower body split between the days, then do a rest day with just cardio, so I can get at least 2 full days of rest before working a body part out, again. I hope you find a way that works best for you.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    i must have missed it, did you test your 225 reps? what did you get?
    Nope you have not missed it. I will be testing this out next week during my week off from the gym between programs. I am finishing with a high volume training this week so I thought in my off week it would be fun to test this because I am a gym dork like that.