Scared because dieting and gaining weight. Is it a tumour?



  • bumblebee
    bumblebee Posts: 53 Member
    OP have you said: how tall, how old, and what your goal weight is?

    5ft 7.5, 138-146lbs dependent upon day! Aiming to be 126-133lbs
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited November 2014
    bumblebee wrote: »
    OP have you said: how tall, how old, and what your goal weight is?

    5ft 7.5, 138-146lbs dependent upon day! Aiming to be 126-133lbs

    so, 5'8" and you want to be roughly 130 when you're already at a healthy. That could be tough to maintain.
    HOW OLD? and are you still menstruating?
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    bumblebee wrote: »
    Do you want someone to tell you that it must be a tumor? You don't want to hear that you're over eating... So:

    Yes, sounds like a tumor.

    Just because I log 1500 calories in my diary does NOT mean I actually only ate 1500 calories- see? Your body counts calories even if you don't. Try lowering your calories by 100 or 200 for a few weeks and see of that helps. Wouldn't that be easier/better than the tumor?

    Well then that totally poo poos the accuracy of my fitness pal. If you look at my calories over the 2 week period it would actually be impossible to gain 7lbs, which would be the equivalent of eating 15,000 extra calories in that time. Based on my diary the obvious answer is that it is NOT food intake that has caused the weight gain. YOU, don't seem able to believe that. Ok so a tumour is extreme, but having asked similar questions on here before and being told categorically that one does NOT gain 7lbs of muscle unless one is weight lifting then my question still goes unanswered.

    MFP isn't the one that needs to be accurate, MFP is just a tool that depends on what you enter if it outputs good data or not so good data.

    33 minutes running you logged at 386 calories (sounds a little high)

    Now your food entries:
    Tuna Salad wrap you enter it as the same calories every time 430... do you think every wrap is exactly the same weight?

    Progresso soup you had exactly 1 cup of soup for 80 calories, everytime?

    Homemade Flapjacks?? Did you enter this recipe yourself or use one already in the database... 2 flapjacks for 222 calories?

    So do I think you have a tumor no I think you log inaccurately and overestimate your exercise burns which eat away from your deficit, you also probably have a lot of water retention, and if it's near TOM that can be adding to it. Now if you have other medical reasons that would make you feel like it could be a tumor go get checked.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    bumblebee wrote: »
    Please could you have a look at my past couple of weeks food and exercise diary. I started on 139lbs and have gone up to 146lbs. I'm sure I'm eating the right amount and I'm running regularly. I know that fluid retention, muscle gain etc make a difference on the scales, but I have never, ever weighed 146lbs before and I'm a daily weigher! I'm actually scared that it may be a tumour that is causing the extra weight. I have ruled out pregnancy. Can you help? Xx

    While in extreme cases this could happen, I still doubt that you have a seven-pound tumor. That would be the size of a water melon, or a new born baby. Yet, if you are worried, see a doctor.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Hold you, you're gaining weight and the first thing that crosses your mind is that you have a tumor? I don't even know how to comment on this.

    From your diary, you're using a lot of generic entries, I can guarantee that you're eating more than you think, and that's why you're gaining weight. Plus you're probably going to get your period soon, which would account for some of the weight too.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member

    . I think the problem here is that you see my picture and think " what has she got to worry about when we are all struggling" - well I am struggling too you know.[/quote]

    Arrogant much? Down girl.......You are eating junk, and eating more than you think....Go for a run or lift some weights and stop looking for attention....
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    It's definitely a tumor. Sorry about your luck :(
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    The other question I have is why are we bothering to look at your diary if you are so certain you're doing everything correctly???

    Lose the attitude, realize you are not perfect yes I know this one may be difficult for you... and listen to the advice you asked for
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    After a careful review of your post, I determined that it is not a tumor and it's simply a case of eating more than your maintenance calories. I prescribe eating less to fix the problem.
    bumblebee wrote:
    Look at my diary! I am eating at a deficit
    Apparently not.
    If you were eating at a deficit, you would be losing weight. (Absent the water retention from sodium & muscle repair & TOM.)
    If there were a tumor, you would still be losing weight because it can't magically pull in food to feed itself; it has to work with what you take in.

    Your diary shows your goal is 1630 cal. Is 163 a healthy goal weight for you? My doctor & dietician told me to eat 10x my healthy goal weight in order to get there. They also told me to ignore exercise calories & to not drink my calories.

    So find a healthy weight (lbs) based on BMI*, eat 10x that in calories, don't drink the juice or wine or beer every day (maybe once a week at most), cut back on processed foods to reduce sodium, have more fruits & veggies.
    Don't use things in the database that say "homemade" unless you entered your own recipe.
    If you're making something at home, don't log it as a pre-made food you've bought from the store.

    It looks like you're already at a healthy weight, so maybe you're gaining muscle (which is heavy) but losing inches. Have you measured yourself?
    *Here's a BMI chart:
    At 5'7" you should be 120 - 155. So you're at a healthy weight now.

  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member

    Forgive me for this the meme, but I could help myself.

    That's all I could think about
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Even a tumor can't conjure calories out of thin air. Indeed, there is evidence from animal models that calorie restriction reduces the incidence of cancer (for example).

    If you were logging accurately and running a deficit, then any weight gain is likely due to water and/or solid waste retention. Starting a new exercise program, or increasing your intensity, is likely to lead to water retention. So is adding sodium. Personally, I also find that I put on a little water weight if I'm sick, even just a mild cold or other upper respiratory infection.

    There's also ordinary variation. I weigh daily and there have been days when I've eaten at a deficit but gained 3 pounds of scale weight from one morning to the next from retained fluids and solids.
  • I am very much confused on why your mind jumped immediately to tumor... I get that it is weight gain that is not visible to you... but as other posters have mentioned, hormones, water retention etc. are all more likely. I sincerely doubt that you have a tumor, and I just think that if you had one that weighed 7 lbs, you might be noticing something besides weight gain as the one and only indication-- then again I am not a doctor and have never experienced a tumor, so I may very well be incorrect in that. Be cautious, OP, but don't go all WebMD on yourself. I would say go to the doctor, but only because it will give you some peace of mind. I find it incredibly hard to believe that, as a woman, you have never experienced a sudden 7 lb gain-- I literally will gain up to 10 lbs some months for TOM and it comes off the week after. It is not even remotely abnormal to experience this, especially if, as others have mentioned, you may be pre-menopause. Try not to stress yourself, you'll make yourself crazy! Weigh weekly first thing in the morning, and see a doctor if you are genuinely concerned.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited November 2014
    bumblebee wrote: »
    Do you want someone to tell you that it must be a tumor? You don't want to hear that you're over eating... So:

    Yes, sounds like a tumor.

    Just because I log 1500 calories in my diary does NOT mean I actually only ate 1500 calories- see? Your body counts calories even if you don't. Try lowering your calories by 100 or 200 for a few weeks and see of that helps. Wouldn't that be easier/better than the tumor?

    Well then that totally poo poos the accuracy of my fitness pal. If you look at my calories over the 2 week period it would actually be impossible to gain 7lbs, which would be the equivalent of eating 15,000 extra calories in that time. Based on my diary the obvious answer is that it is NOT food intake that has caused the weight gain. YOU, don't seem able to believe that. Ok so a tumour is extreme, but having asked similar questions on here before and being told categorically that one does NOT gain 7lbs of muscle unless one is weight lifting then my question still goes unanswered.

    Sorry I don think its gone unanswered.

    Its possible that not all of the 7lbs is fat or muscle (although unlikely to be muscle). Some of it could be water weight. Peoples weight fluctuates and its not uncommon for it to be 6lbs in a day.

    You make a presumption that your calorie intake is accurate, normally people underestimate what they eat, which is why people are told to weigh everything. It would seem more likely that the answer is some of its water weight and some of it is the fact that you are eating more than you think and that your original target was closer to maintenance than you realised. This would push you into surplus.

    In any event the quickest way if you are concerned is not to rely on the interent, but go and see your GP who cna put your mind at rest and then you can get back to the diet.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    it is not a tumor it is trollitius….

    OP - stop posting and you will be cured of this syndrome….
  • frksfrau
    frksfrau Posts: 108 Member
    Just looked over several days of your diary. I believe some of the posters commented on the levels of sodium you ingest each day. Every day, you seem to go over the amount and not just by a little bit. Some days, you double the allowable amount.

    Many pre-packaged foods use sodium to help preserve the food longer. This is good for Florida Hurricane season, but not for weight loss. You probably are retaining lots of fluid due to this. Try cutting out these high sodium foods for a couple of weeks, see what happens.

    Good Luck!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    it is not a tumor it is trollitius….

    OP - stop posting and you will be cured of this syndrome….

    This board has such an odd use of the word troll.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Of course it's a tumor!! What else could it possibly be, right?! Go to the OR, STAT!! Get ready be cut up, opened up, and sewed back up.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    edited November 2014
    water weight gain from exercising, possibly your TOM, underestimating calories....weigh just every few days and realize you can gain 5-6 pounds a day depending on time of day, intake..etc...its water weight...or see your doctor....i can't imagine my first thought ever being i have a tumor! If you have underlaying medical issues, then please go see one!
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    Relax. It would take years for a tumor to grow 7 pounds not 2 weeks. I'm guessing its the sodium making you retain water. Drink more to flush it out and relax it will even out.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member