

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    edited December 2014
    Peaceful thoughts coming your way Alison! :flowerforyou:

    Now I have to ask - what is going on with this cookie thing in the US? It seems to be a nightmare! We have our traditions, like Christmas cake and mince pies, which is bad enough, (everywhere you go they try to foist mince pies and mulled wine onto you :ohwell: I don't have the pies :laugh: ), but this obligatory cookie baking and swapping seems to be a thoroughly exhausting, not to say fattening thing. Can't someone start a campaign on Facebook to stop the madness! It seems like the force feeding of America! ! ! !
    - I wouldn't mention it as we too in the UK overindulge at Christmas and buy far too much food and too many useless presents, but so many of you are unhappy with the tradition and it causes you problems. I can understand how it originated in days when everyday food was scarce and plain, but nowdays? Perhaps someone could explain the madness to me. ? Almost every post has someone mentioning the Trouble With Cookies! :laugh:

    Hope I haven't offended anyone. :embarassed:

    Food prep today for tomorrow's dinner party. Hope DH can track down some eggplant. (aubergine).
    I also have to finish sorting the drawers, (did one last night) and make the bed in our new bedroom.
    I'm keeping our own food really simple at the moment as I don't feel like cooking when I've been doing it all day, so it's smoky, lemony salmon fillets and roasted butternut squash. I will get DH to prep the squash. :bigsmile: Also broccoli.

    I haven't weighed this week, but I have been keeping to calories so I might see a small loss tomorrow. Yeah!
    I did my ticker by pressing on the code they give you and a top bar comes up with copy etc. Then I press on the cursor on my post and the choose paste from the same bar which pops up. As long as I don't copy anything else I just do the pressing and pasting on my post each time, don't have to copy each time. I am on Android with Chrome.

    Love to all. Heather in warmer Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Heather: the Cookies are a pain in the behind on the one hand; on the other hand they're cute and the cool thing is that families often have their own traditional cookies. We weren't really a cookie-exchange family, but my aunt always made her nut "horns" (loved them!) and a couple of other kinds.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Here is Noel in her new Christmas dress, this dog loves to wear clothes :laugh:uemz9id47cyd.jpg
    081.JPG 874.4K
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning beautiful ladies :floweforyou:

    Welcome to all the new ladies! You will love this thread! I`ve been here since May of 2012, the ladies here are fabulous <3 !

    Carol :) I`ve been thinking about you and your daughter a lot, know you`re in my prayers!!!

    Beth :) I`ve been thinking about you and your son, you too are in my prayers!

    Barbie :) So glad the line dancing went well, of course I knew it would. I`m sure you brought lots of joy to the residents there!

    Diana :) I just laughed when you said your inner child pouted, mine does that from time to time too! Glad you and the puppy enjoyed the walk!

    Terri :) Sorry to hear the RA is getting worse, just do what you can!

    Robin :) Thinking about you!!! Love the furbaby hugs!!!!

    Vicki :) I`ve not sent out my Christmas cards either, am hoping to do that sometime today! What a wonderful tradition for you and the grandchildren, I`m sure the homeless will appreciate the cookies!

    Katla :) I may have asked this before…would it be easier for you and DH to fly to CO? If not, I would think if you stop every few hours for him to get out and stretch might work. Good luck!!!

    Yanniejannie :) Did you have a lot of wind yesterday? It was so windy here, sun was out and that was a plus, but the wind just cut right me…brrrr! Hope your friends daughter had a wonderful performance last night! Keeping my fingers crossed for no pain!!!!

    Toni :) Congrats on your new job at the Y!!! Shopping and coffee sounds like fun!!!

    Sylvia :) No doubt your open house will be fabulous!!! Wish I lived closer I would love to come! I like to support local businesses!!! Love all the jokes, thanks for giving me a giggle everyday!

    Sue in SD :) Congrats on 6 pounds gone!!!!

    Joyce :) I`m sure the Cantata will be beautiful!

    Michele :) I finally finished Christmas decorating, putting up two 9ft trees and decorating both, I don`t know what I was thinking, plus I have 3 more trees, one in each of the grandgirls rooms, and one on the balcony upstairs…..I think next year I will have a party for all my guy friends and let them help me get everything up! How is Loki doing on the new meds? Glad to hear that Lance hasn`t gotten worse!

    Kim :) Wow! That`s a lot of cookies, I bet you had a good time baking though! What a wonderful tradition!

    Alison :) Sending you a hug…breathe my dear friend breathe!!!!

    Heather :) I`m sure your room looks just lovely!

    Katiebug :) Thanks for the info on the apps and the books!

    Sassy :) Thanks for the directions on the fruit and veggie trees, I might try one for a dinner I`m having! Love your sense of humor!!!!!

    Cynthia :) Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your guy, he`s a keeper!!! I know you`ll be glad to have the job information, it has been going on a long time and the stress…!!!

    Have to dash, the car (finally) is getting serviced this morning! Have a wonderful day ladies!!!! Wish I had time to chat with everyone…thinking of you all <3 !

    DeeDee in sunshiny NC B)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good Morning,

    Deedee Noel is darling. Thank you to all who share their puppies. We do not have a dog, so I love to see all of yours.

    It looked like Dr. Zhivago land here yesterday. (A no calorie treat) Unfortunately I did not get a picture because I was on my way to work.

    rose.gif MNMargaret

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,766 Member
    Heather... I had to laugh out loud ... it is cookie madness!! :D But we would be devastated if there were no cookies at Christmas. I used to be involved in exchanges and giving cookies as gifts, but now just bake when I have to take something. And there are a few that I make for my boys that I only make at Christmas.

    Alison, Barb and the rest with busy days ... please pace yourselves...

    Weather is cold, snowy and nasty today. Besides going to work, I will not do anything outside.

    Migraine son is still home ... IV infusion late yesterday not helping ...

    Another day ...

    Beth in Western New York

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :D DeeDee, Noel is darling, as usual, in her holiday dress.

    :D Heather, I am reading a great book now that begins with the premise "Something has to change, and it's probably me"......the only way someone can get out of any madness (cookie baking, rescuing family members, attending unwanted events or whatever) is to be the one to change. I gave away all my baking equipment and supplies five years ago and decided that I would have to be famous in my world for something else.

    smiley-chores002.gif Now I'm off to walk the precious poodles.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    I have a supplementary question. Who eats all the cookies? Is it like the jar of bath salts that nobody ever uses and they just get passed around? I can hardly ever get anyone I know to eat a cake or a biscuit. They all say "I'm on a diet", "I'm gluten free", "I'm diabetic" or just, "I'd love to but I shouldn't". My DH is almost the only one who accepts a cake graciously. I could never give cookies as a present as I don't know anyone who would be grateful. :laugh:

    Heather in showery Hampshire UK, about to start making moussaka!
  • terrillscott
    terrillscott Posts: 13 Member
    Hello wise women! I an new and appreciate being able to feed off the positive and motivational posts. I have been on fitpal for 3 months and it has been just the thing I need to help me keep going.

    I am 58 and have finally grabbed control of my life and lost 30 lbs since Sept 1 of this year. I had to, I was so unhealthy and just sinking into a bad place in my head too. The fitpal app was recommended, plus a really swift kick in my own butt and a new mantra put me on this path. As a parent and grandparent, wife and working person, I reminded myself that I can do tough things, so off I went :)

    Anyways, I love the idea of the resolutions ... so I would like to jump into December. A challenging month given all the temptations ahead.

    1) Maintain healthy eating patterns of small portions, no processed foods
    2) Exercise 30 minutes at least 3 times a week
    3) Finish my first quilted square
    4) Stop myself when I start to whine and complain at work - be constructive

    I will look forward to evaluating this in January!

    Thanx for being out there, folks!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member

    :0), lmao!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    Do I have to do Ctrl v every time or is there a way to have the ticker entered automatically?

    yes you do. ctrl c and ctrl v is a shortcut version of copying and pasting. so you'll have to do that all the time..
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    The Cookie situation: My Dad LOVES gifts of sweets, or anything home-made. We all live together in seperate areas of our duplex, but respect each others' space and food. My Dad enjoys doing things for others (taking them or their kids to movies, ballet, anything anyone truly needs), and refuses repayment in cash, so any home-made treat is joyfully accepted. Plus, since DS is still in high school, I take all those extras to his events, because most of those teenagers still burn off everything they consume, and are ALWAYS hungry). Personally, I only bake what is necessary (maybe it's lazy, maybe it's self-preservation, but probably lazy). A few years ago I was part of a cookie exchange at work, and we all enjoyed tasting the traditions of other people. I also have fond memories of spending HOURS with my Grandma, cousins, and younger aunt and uncle, making and decorating sugar cookies, and seeing how many we could each eat without Grandma "catching" us.

    As for the Homeless getting sent to the park: When we lived in Minnesota, the Homeless Shelters did the same thing. Their theory is that it was each person's opportunity to attempt to find a job. They could use the Shelter as an address and phone, they could use the computers and Internet to apply for jobs, but they had to leave the Shelter in order to attend an Interview. DS and I keep granola bars, fruit when the weather is right, juice boxes, and bottled water in the car, to hand to anyone we see standing on a corner with a sign. It isn't much, but hopefully it helps a few people at least a little.

    Heidi - I crochet as much as my RA allows, but I never learned how to knit (tried numerous times, just can't figure it out). It seems I always have multiple projects going at the same time, and I have not mastered crochet and eating at the same time, so I try to choose crochet. But besides Candy Crush and Sudoku, I don't play too many video games.

    Today DS got moved to the Junior Varsity Bowling team. It seems too many of the JV boys have bad grades, and none of the Varsity team is in the same situation. Payne likes that, since he gets to bowl more often, and he is closer to the younger boys (mostly all freshman, as opposed to Varsity being almost all Seniors). Great parents and coach, too. One Dad will pick up my son and other boys from school, and another Dad will bring my son home. DH coaches his girls team at a different house, and today is my late day at work. So, boneless skinless chicken breasts on the Foremann Grill as soon as I get home.

    Now, lots of paperwork to catch up on at work, so I better get cracking !

    Hugs to everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    I haven't posted in a while so got way behind. I skimmed through and saw a couple of posts to me. Thank you! I will NOT give up! I have been going to the gym regularly but not posting my food this month. Did well in November but must get back to it.


    2 of my grandsons and 2 of my other 'babies': Wicket (white one), and Brownie, Adam and Brandon (older boy).
    My other grandson Grason being silly!

    The TRIO: Chewbacca, Wicket, and Brownie.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited December 2014
    Oh, dear!!! Seems the list of to dos on my Ipad is growing, not shrinking! I keep finding things to add.

    Anyway, it's sunny (!!!!!) again; wind is calmer---yes, Dee Dee we had a breezy day yesterday too.......it is colder today though.

    I got the name of the dance competition wrong......it was "Dancing with the Athletes" and all the Special Olympic athlete/dancers were beyond words wonderful. The police partners donated their time for the many practices it took. The sheriff's dept. volunteer dance partners were a hoot and it's already approved for next year at a larger venue. We ended up in the second row!!!! Running late (as usual), turned out two of the reserved seat VIPs couldn't make it and DD and I were given their seats so we had a fantastic view of all the action. Can't remember the last time I smiled so much! Each couple did a tango and a freestyle that they worked on for months; I could not have picked a winner.

    Dee Dee.........Noel looks very fashionable.....and quite proud of herself! A fashionista!

    Heather........How to explain our obsession with Christmas cookies????? Part of my earliest Christmas memories; the only time of the year that my mom even made cookies. Making and decorating "cut out" cookies with her were one of the biggest highlights of the season for me as a child. She had four or five standard types of cookies and traded with her sisters by the dozen for others. We ate them (boy, did we ever!!!), gave them to friends and elderly relatives and neighbors, even mailed them off as gifts.

    Rita.......Gorgeous grandchildren and cute puppy dogs!!!

    Need to go and cross some thngs off that list!!!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.Hubby and I are gonna get our tree.
    Have a good one
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sylvia: I’m not a cookie monster. I can eat just one—if I buy just one. I buy individually wrapped 50 calorie portions of dark chocolate for the sweetie cravings. I can eat just one and be satisfied. They really aren’t very sweet and chocolate is its own food group. :bigsmile: :wink:

    Sally in Oregon: I wish I had your attitude about Christmas, but I feel sad when I’m not with family. The plan we have this year is insane and I don’t have a lot of confidence it will work. We are planning to drive to CO to visit DD. We are going to our son’s place near Seatte this weekend. That will let us know a bit about the impact of a long car ride on DH. We shall see. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I think of control C as copy and control V as ‘View’ or paste. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Sadly, overspending and being unfaithful may not be considered acceptable in our culture, but they’re way too commonplace. :angry: :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Your DD has a great sense of reality. Giving birth is definitely a day of labor. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: I hope you find a way to reduce your stress. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Every family has its traditions. My mom baked the most wonderful shortbread cookies. I have the recipe, but don’t make it. Cookie swaps are a common social occasion for women. No one is upset about this other than those of us with a sweet tooth and the need to watch our calories. I think a cultural revolution eliminating cookies is very unlikely. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Great puppy pic! Regarding DH and flight—not very likely. He HATES to fly. He also doesn’t want to rely on DD for transportation once we are there. He needs his solitude and control. DD’s home is difficult for him. It is nearly impossible to find a quiet place to recharge your energy there and he needs to be able to go away and rest from time to time. Hotel plus car rental is costly but not impossible but there are other considerations that motivate us to make the long drive. We will be visiting relatives along the way. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: I love the pictures! Glad you stopped in! :flowerforyou:

    I enjoyed yoga this morning, and worked out some of the kinks I’ve been struggling to conquer since my last riding lesson. I put the fitness book for equestrians that yanniejannie or Sue recommended on my gift wish list. If I don’t get it, I’ll order it myself.

    We’re expecting a high wind event this afternoon. I need to go down to the boat and make sure that it is securely tied in its slip. Other than that, we’re as ready for the weather as we can be.

    To those who want to routinely post their tickers, you can go to your home page to find your ticker and copy the bulletin board code for it, then add it to each message or save it to a word document and continually reuse the word document. That is how mine gets displayed.


    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    im sitting for a few minutes.. im soooo tired, but got alot done,my physical went fine.. DFIL is doing well, ate his breakfast on his own.. brought the boxes of candy down , and of course they loved it.. went to see my friend Doris and my dad, packed the car mostly.. and now it will be time to take Homer to his physical, then home to cook dinner and collapse lol
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone. It's 12:30 and I'm tired! My back hurts, my feet hurt and I'm hungry. So, time to sit and rest and have my lunch. I've been putting up Christmas lights in the gallery and unpacking pottery. I can tell you already that I don't have nearly enough stuff to fill this space. Even with my friends' work. I'll have to try to "fluff it up" somehow.


    Hubby came by for lunch. That was nice. I immediately put him to work moving pedestals and shelves. Then made him his peanut butter sandwich and put my chili in the microwave and just then my son stopped by. So the three of us had lunch together. I had brought plenty of chili for two people, so he had chili (which he had to add salt to) and cornbread. I thought I'd have chili left for tomorrow, but that's OK.

    Then my friend stopped by to tell me the prices of his pots. He's the one with pancreatic cancer and he was pretty tired today. He said he felt better after he had chemo on Tuesday, but the steroid wore off and today he's having a down day. Poor guy.

    I asked my son to go pick up the kids from school today so I can keep working on this mess. I will be so glad when this is over.

    I'm starting to feel a sore throat coming on. Another reason I didn't want to pick up the kids. Don't want to spread it to them. Hopefully if I'm going to get really sick it can wait till Sunday. I had a flu shot, but I'm reading now that they aren't very effective this year.

    Heather, I think most people actually eat the cookies over here. The thing that gets passed around here is fruitcake. My theory is that there has only been one fruitcake from the dawn of time, and it just keeps getting "re-gifted" from person to person every year. If anybody ever tried to eat it they would probably break a tooth. It must be fossilized by now.

    That reminds me, I need to make snacks for my refreshment table tonight. I'm making mexican wedding cookies, fudge, and a tree of fruit. I got a tall styrofoam cone. We'll see how that works.

    Well, back to work!

    I hope you are all having a fantastic day!

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I did well at the Executive Lunch at work. Catered by Qdoba, I took exactly what I had typed into my diary. Then, someone handed me a chocolate chip cookie. I smelled it, typed it into my diary, and promptly put it back. I would rather have a double serving of cantalope and a coffee. :) Feeling pretty proud right now.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Weird......as there is no wt loss shown.
    Oh,well.....Not important.
    Christmas cookies to me are like fruit cakes & peanut brittle I make
    for DH.I freeze most,after sharing with family.....then get a small container out for DH now & then.He loves home made cookies & fruit cake.He was raised on a farm where home made food was common.

    Come to think of it,most all food was home made when I was a child.Never tasted soup from a can till I was a teen.To this day,nothing is better than soup like we had.

    Mailed off cards & GCs Tuesday.A big job done.Have fruit cake in the freezer from last yr when I made 3 of them.Just 3 gifts to wrap & call it done.