
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello friends!

    I'm trying to keep up with all of you. I've enjoyed hearing about Christmas programs, dinners, cookies.......

    Welcome to Angie, Lisa, Bridget, Elaine

    Viv - I am so sorry for your loss. I am newer here but feel I know you through these other fine ladies. I am thinking of you during this difficult time.

    Carol - It sounds like you have a good, workable plan. I hope your DD responds to it well.

    Robin - enjoyed hearing about your FIL's trip(s). Wow, 93! Love the furry hug!

    Michele - I will be working at the front desk Welcome Center at my Y soon! YEAH!!!
    Part time and perfect for me. I love helping people - I think it will help me stay committed to my own fitness, too.

    Sylvia - we have much in common but my mom's overt psychosis started when I came home after my first week in college and found her a completely different mother. It was the start of 13 very difficult years until her death in 1979. (Dad died in '69 so my sister and I became the "parent" for her) Very hard but it strengthened my faith and fortitude.

    Goodnight all -
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Welcome to the new members of our happy community. I hope you will stay with us and join the conversation. It helps me to take it one day at a time and make small changes based on new things that I learn. I assess my progress and my behaviour every day to see what is working and what needs changing.

    smiley-chores002.gifThe dogs and I have had walks in both rain and sunshine today and enjoyed every minute of our time together. I broke the wires on still another corded headset (three so far, since I bought the phone in August) for my phone for listening to music so today I ordered a Bluetooth headset to get rid of the all the cumbersome wires that seem to get bent when I put the phone in my pocket and run the wires through all the clothing I'm wearing.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today. When I sprinted for 30 sec it would be at 200+ steps/min, the recovery for 45 sec was about 130 steps/min. We have a general meeting for the Newcomers tomorrow so I'm planning to do a DVD for the rebounder at home.

    I feel so behind in my Christmas chores. I need to have most things done for an open house that we're having for a few friends this Sunday. We put out some more of the Christmas decorations outside. Tonight I'm going to Rummikub. Made one of the veggie "trees". I'm wondering how transportable it'll be since it'll just be me in the car. I plan to wear the elf costume. Glad I found those green tights. There're supposed to be for up to 160 pounds. How someone who is 160 can fit into them, I have no idea. I just barely fit, and I'm no where near 160 pounds!

    Sassy - NOW you tell me that the veggie tree is harder!!!! My tree doesn't look nearly as nice as yours. But then again, this is the first time I made it. Do you put the "garland" on first and then filll in with the "tree" (aka broccoli) and "ornaments" (aka cherry tomatoes)?

    After exercising went to WalMart since Vince needed more AAA batteries, got a few other things. Then went to pick up Loki's new med. We'll give it to him at night. It's only once/day. Seems that the neurologist at the emergency clinic wrote a paper on seizures in cats since it's so rare and sent it to our vet.

    Angie - it's more than OK for you to join in!!! We love to have ya

    Viv - so wonderful to see ya

    Cynthia - thanks for asking about Lance. He's still holding in there. Not getting better (natch) but not getting worse, either.

    pipcd - thanks for clearing up the "g" for me. Makes lots of sense now

    Carol - your daughter is so very lucky to have you by her side

    Robin - your dad sounds like an amazing man. So glad to hear you're feeling better

    Bridget - welcome! Congrats on the loss, more will come because you sound so very determined

    Lisa - welcome. Any loss this month is a great loss, so you're doing super!

    Terri - wishing you lots of luck resisting

    Elaine - welcome! Come in often and you'll get lots of good tips

    Went to Rummikub tonight. The gal made these turkey meatballs and garlic mashed potatoes. I didn't have any potatoes but I had some of the green beans. I made one of sassy's veggie "trees". It was impressive, but I don't think it was as nice looking as hers were. I've learned that you really shouldn't steam the broccoli first. I'm thinking that maybe I should do the "garland" first and then fill in with the broccoli and tomatoes. Well, I'll probably make another one for bowling, they're having a "holiday" pot luck. I'm afraid there won't be much good to eat there. Well, I'll have something before I go and then have the veggies, will look see what else is decent there. Anyway, that's not until the 22nd. I brought the cone home with me and I'll probably reuse it for the bowling party. I'll just need to buy more toothpicks.

    Toni - I never worked the front desk at the Y but I know the gals that did and one thing they needed to know were the member's names (those who came frequently) so they could say something like "good morning Bob". I think you'll do well. I enjoy helping people, too, but I was working in the "womens only fitness" area and I would get so frustrated sometimes because I would want people to do things correctly and the minute I'd turn my back, they went right back to doing it incorrectly (which was usually easier)

    barbie - I'm sure you'll love your bluetooth.

    The gal gave me some of the turkey meatballs and mashed potatoes and one of the gingerbread cookies she made. I liked the meatballs and the cookie, not that I need the cookies. So what I did was get everything together to donate to the soup kitchen when I go to volunteer at the Green Room Thursday

    Michele in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Heather, thanks for sharing about the book similar to the app minus the religious aspect.

    Vickie, the app was $2.99. Worth every penny to me. I don't mind paying for an app I'm going to use all the time. I paid $4.99 for Words with Friends because I play a lot and the pop-up ads were annoying the stew out of me. I had a friend who told me that was way too much to pay for a computer app. Really? She wouldn't think anything of blowing ten bucks on a movie that is over after a couple of hours. This $5 game will give me years of pleasure.

    Right now just knowing the app is there if I need it is enough to keep me on track. I finished today with a ton of uneaten calories. I know it will get harder and harder though.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Carol ... glad daughter is home and on board with your plan.

    Viv ... so glad to see you ... praying for you ...

    Sylvia ... sounds like you've made fantastic progress getting ready for your show.

    Kim ... 185 dozen cookies is a monstrous amount!

    Joyce ... I love reading your posts!

    Alison... so much of what you're describing with your FIL is similar to our family member who is also on Depakote, but much younger. Will be anxious to hear how your FIL is after being completely off the drug because I suspect our family member should be off it too.

    Welcome to the new ladies.

    It was not a great day here. Son managed school yesterday with a severe migraine ... mainly because I pushed him after he repeatedly texted me from the school ... today he could not/would not repeat another day of school with migraine. Discovered what triggered this current migraine though ... a teacher has been giving son a hard time. For months. Administration was contacted today, son removed from teacher's class ... not able to go into detail, but this teacher's behavior has been mean spirited and borders on bullying.

    Other son was accidentally injured by his aide ... but aide didn't handle it well. Nothing serious ... but others discovered that aide was trying to cover up actions. Hard to do when son was bleeding all over the place. He'll be fine.

    For the first time in a long while I made Christmas cookies for husband's work party tomorrow and was not tempted to gorge on them. I sampled but found they were too sweet!! Huh?? What has happened to me?? This healthy stuff is finally starting to sink in!

    Time to get off of here.
    Beth in WNY

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Welcome to Angie, Lisa, Bridget, Elaine! Sounds like you are all having success in a sort time. Tell us more about yourselves.

    Tonight we had our choir Christmas party. at my previous church, we had our cantata in the evening and then went to some one else's house afterwards, the cantata was being played in the background and every on just brought something to eat. Most were things I shouldn't have eaten but there was always a couple of wise people who brought simple nutritious things. At this church they have the cantata on Sunday morning and then have a full catered dinner sometime. Here in our county we have a vocational/technical high school. Some one finally woke up and decided that not all college kids want to go to college but still needed a one up on another chosen field. So in this building they have several schools, art, mechanics, computer programming and culinary. They still have to take regular high school classes. The culinary class is taught by a well known chef in the area. So he supervises the high school classes. An upper class and him take care of all the cooking for the catered meal and it is a fund raiser. We had baked chicken with white sauce, baby red skin potatoes, California blend veggies, tossed salad in a wonderful presentation, home made yeast rolls and sinfully scrumptious carrot cake. This school also cooks lunch for anyone who wants to come in for lunch. They have to learn how to set up the dining room real special, prep and clean up and all the time stay invisible. I had never heard of the place before tonight.

    Still need to get shopping done. The fact that our Christmas Jan 3rd gives me a false since of security.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Stopping in… already after 10pm, and the embroidery machines are still going, laundry to be folded and I am tired!!! Today was my day gardening for my client, and she had me cleaning gutters! Huge house – up and down the ladder for 3 hours – but clean gutters and just in time the weather guy says a big storm tomorrow or Thursday or Friday…

    Heather recommended skinnytaste.com and I have been using it at her recommendation and have been really happy with it.

    So interesting to read what all are doing for exercise, I feel a bit like a flunky - but here is mine, walk the dog for 1 hour every morning (6-7am ish) most evenings I do arm circles (big and small) stretch my back, do 20 dead bugs, do 20 leg raises in 3 different positions so a total of 60 per leg. Plank – yesterday hit my longest hold of 15 seconds… and do bent knee pushups so far the most I can do is 8.

    Margaret – I don’t need much moisturizer but I have used the coconut oil successfully too!

    Teri – Belated --- Happy Birthday!!!

    Sylvia – Loved the swing joke!

    Carol – it sounds like a great plan! Maybe a reward of some computer time if she is doing well later on…?

    Viv – so glad to see you!

    Terri – Weight Watchers does a ice cream pop I like, about 80 cal. And works for me, I like the raspberry and dark chocolate one.

    December goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good very early morning! (Can't sleep :sad: )
    The site just lost my very long post. Maybe it was trying to tell me something!
    Just want to express my support for those who are dealing with big family issues. Beth, Carol. Sylvia, Alison and quite a few others. My heart goes out to you. <3 You are all stars. (*)

    After my furniture shifting yesterday my poor arthritic thumbs are aching! Ouch! I've ordered a new duvet cover etc and I'm now looking for a couple of cushions in bright, accent colours. :bigsmile: I must admit I am a bit obsessed with the room. With that and the cooking plans I am not sleeping well. Small problems, but I easily get off kilter.
    For me this quote is a life saver.
    The blind fitter comes this afternoon. :bigsmile:

    I am going to do a BIG shop today to buy all the food for the entertaining meals. I will be cooking and freezing as much as I can, using my written spreadsheet. :laugh: We also have the dinner party with the painter and his wife on Friday.
    The daughter of our yoga teacher is very young and has recently had her third baby. Some of you may remember that I cooked dinner for them in the spring. She has recently learned that her second son, just a toddler, has Type 1 Diabetes. The young couple have very little money and struggle anyway. My yoga friend and I are organising a collection from the yoga group to give her a gift card for our local store where you can buy absolutely everything. I am very fond of the girl. :love: I always give to a few charities at Christmas and it struck me that here was someone in need, close to home. She is a wondefful mother. Her mum, our teacher, is wonderful too.

    Time to get up and make the morning tea and join DH in his study bed. :laugh: :laugh:

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2014
    Heather: I’m happy that you’re pleased with your remodel project. Be good to your back. :flowerforyou:

    bcamaione & ElainePelletier: Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa from NE MO: It sounds like you are off to a great start. Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    Lesley in Tasmania: We used to have a chain of stores called Woolworths when I was a kid. They sold drygoods and sundries, and had a lunch counter where mom would take me for a treat. They did not sell groceries. They aren't around here anymore. I wonder if your Woolworth’s is part of that original company or if the name is a coincidence. :flowerforyou:

    Beth in WNY: Congrats on discovering you don’t like the too sweet cookies any more! Sending good thoughts for your boys. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Christmas shopping is mostly done and the pressure is off. YAY!!!!!!!!! We even have the gifts wrapped and under the tree. I don’t think I’ve ever been this far along so early in December before, but knowing we were going to be traveling motivated me to get things done. On the other hand, we only put up about a tenth of our usual decorations this year. DH is recovering from his surgery nicely, but isn’t ready for climbing ladders and working outside in the cold and damp. I’m not willing to try to do all the outside decorating on my own. Next year we plan to go all out. graphics-christmas-trees-980702.gif[/url]

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.” sweetnsassyfied

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    morning ladies~
    didnt check in last night ,got home late and went to bed early... have to be at work at 8 this morning so just a quick hello. the other assistant is taking the last of her vacation days today.. DH feeling much better and is in a pretty good mood. tomorrow will be busy for me, I have a physical ,going to see if I can get Homer in for one he is overdue... go see my dad and my friend Doris before we leave.. and probably pack the car.. we will be leaving around 3 am on saterday, and it is a long day
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, don't even try to keep up- just tell us what's going on with you. We need to know how you're doing.

    Welcome new people! This is a fantastic place to be!

    I worked so hard at the studio today that I was just beat by the time to pick up the kids from school, but then I had to take the DGS to get his hair cut and to pick up meds for my son and drop them all off at the apartment. I got home just in time to walk the dogs with hubby, then I settled in to relax. I put a frozen lasagna in the oven for hubby and a leftover pork chop in the microwave for me and that was dinner.

    Tomorrow I have to go to joplin to pick up more pottery for my gallery, then hurry back to go to the department Christmas Party with hubby, somehow finding time to make a dish to take, then to the studio for more cleaning. It's going to be another long day.


    It's 4:00 am now, and I can't sleep. Been lying awake since about 2:30 and finally got out of bed. Now I find that I forgot to send the first part of this post. Oh well.

    I've decided to pick up a rotisserie chicken to take to hubby's Christmas party. That will be easy, and people always bring sweets to these things. There is never enough real food. Still, there won't be much for me to eat, I'm sure. I'll probably put in an appearance and then leave. I can always use parking as an excuse. Don't want to get a ticket since I don't have a campus parking pass. If I park in a visitor spot and they run the plates they find the van is registered to a professor (hubby) and give me a ticket anyway. (City tickets are $2.50, campus tickets are $45. That's crazy.). The last one I got was when I parked for a visiting lecture by Helen Thomas, the reporter who covered the White House for so many years. That was well worth the ticket! She was amazing.

    Well, I guess I'll try to get back to sleep now, if the dog boys will let me. They are up and playing hard already. Good night!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :mrgreen: Good morning, breakfast finished. I eat the same thing every morning so I don't have to think about what to fix. Dogs are napping on the couch gathering energy for the upcoming walk. Over 50 degrees this morning and drizzly---a perfect day for walking. Intermediate line dance class at 9:00. Hope everyone has a great day.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington
  • kickinmom
    kickinmom Posts: 24 Member
    I just found this board. How do i bookmark?

    I'm 54 and just starting to lose again after years (and yes I mean that) of trying and not losing. Finally found the key which for me was the right supplements and changing up my blood pressure med. I also gave up wheat which I've found makes me hold weight. That makes me a little sad as it means I won't be able to enjoy my grandmother's cookie recipe, but it made my butt big so I'm not sad about that! ;)

    I even lost over Thanksgiving!
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    My inner child pouted last night about taking a walk - too cold, too wet. I kicked her in the butt though and got on my boots and winter gear and got myself out there. I really enjoyed it and was glad I did it. My puppy was very excited too!

    Diana in Northeast Indiana
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Hump Day !!! Seems a few people at work are getting crabby, so I'm glad the week is almost 1/2 over.

    DH ate before we left for groceries, so he didn't behave too badly. 1 pizza and 1 container of ice cream. I found 30 calorie popsicles, tomatos, avocados, and portabella mushrooms. DS stayed home to do his homework, so I bought him peanut butter (makes for a good snack for him between school and bowling, and it is personal trainer approved for up to once per day).

    The RA in my knees is getting worse again, so I'm trying to pace myself between sitting and standing for my paperwork. I will force myself to make 15 minutes on the bike during lunch, but I doubt I will be able to push myself for a faster speed or a tougher tension. I guess that means I better do a few extra arm exercises, to make up for it. I like that, since I can spread it out over the day.

    Hugs to all ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • hlbrennan
    hlbrennan Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Ladies! Nice to see y'all! Is this a group that I can join?
    :smile: Because I'd love to!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Just a quick fly by to mark my spot.
  • hlbrennan wrote: »
    Hey Ladies! Nice to see y'all! Is this a group that I can join?
    :smile: Because I'd love to!

    I'd like to join this group as well. I just recently joined MFP. I'm almost 53 and it is time to do this. I have far to go but I'm realizing others have done this and so can I. Please feel free to add me as a friend. Penny from NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Oh my word! I am tuckered out! Did the big shop, first looking for cushions to no avail, and then I had a baked potato and cottage cheese for lunch in the café there. I was annoyed by the Christmas music, (the rest of the year there is no music), but I remembered Barbie's quote, "I can bear anything for a few hours that I wouldn't want to put up with for a lifetime. " I gave myself a loving talking to and carried on shopping in a serene manner! ! ! ! :laugh: Unfortunately, the main reason I went there was to get 8 eggplants, but they only had two left. I asked one of the 'learning difficulty' emplyees to check the store room for me, but there were none. DH says he will go out tomorrow to look for some. :love:
    The blind man came and the blind looks fine, though, if I were choosing it now with the paintwork all done, I would have picked a bluer grey. It's good though and the blackout backing certainly works. DH has been busy throwing away lots of socks and I need to sort out my drawers before I put them back in there. Too tired right now. :ohwell:

    All the new ladies - welcome! Tell us a name we can call you, where you come from and a little about yourselves. :flowerforyou: I have been maintaining for a year after losing my weight with the help of these lovely women and I am sure that would never have happened without being accountable to them. :flowerforyou:

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome new folks! You are welcome here.

    Penny - Another NC girl!! Woohoo! There are several of us here.

    Sylvia - You make me tired. :smile:

    The girl child is doing okay. She is not keeping as busy as I would like, but I guess baby steps are better than no steps. She had a job interview yesterday and thinks it went well. Crossing my fingers that it works out. I think it would be a really good place for her.

    Did better with food yesterday. Those dratted Christmas cookies are horrible for me. I'm glad that folks appreciate us, but cookies are hare for me to resist. However, I am looking at them carefully and eating only those I REALLY like.

    I am so incredibly tired. I am going to push through that tonight, though, and move forward with packing. I am so much further behind with that than I had planned. I close in NINE days!!! This weekend I must go find a mattress and springs and get them ordered and ready for delivery. I also need to go order my sofa and loveseat. Those are the new things that I feel that I really need (I'm really tired of the springs in my mattress poking me--they're sticking out of the fabric). I can pick up other stuff as I go to fill in gaps.

    I guess I'd better get to work now. :neutral_face: Have a great day!

    Carol in NC