20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'd like to join you Caliecat I'm Dragonqueen54 I weight 257 right now just joined
    I'm Debbie CNY bummer all winter got lazy just cleaning :'(

    you are in Debbie. glad to have you. Lets us help you get rid of that 57 lbs. it wont be easy but doable in the long run. no better time than now to get started.

    <3 hugs Marie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wow! What a nice group of people! I'm excited to see what happens this month.

    Today I went running around a park near my house. The sun was so bright and big today, hard to believe it's still February! I enjoyed watching the children's soccer game as I ran around the track that surrounds the perimeter of the park. Seeing so many people enjoying the fine weather makes me so happy.

    Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!
    - Delia

    Where do you live that you are having soccer. We are just coming out of a week a Snow, ice and sleet. and us Texans are not used to this. you are very welcome to join us.
    <3 Hugs Marie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    Well I lost Lori you are on it. In fact you are at the top of the list for we did not a Birthday in February in We try to post each birthday in order beginning in February

    I see this is your first post on MFP, Welcome. And welcome to the 20 lbs challenge by Easter.
    <3 Hugs Marie
    Can't find you anywhere Lori. Except you post on the Birthday list. No matter Welcome.to our thread.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    armgyo wrote: »
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Hopefully everyone is following your plan to lose 20 lbs by Easter/ I am still on course. And working my plan hard to achieved my goal. No one but me can do it for me. you guys give me the motivations to stick with it. Tomorrow is my Weigh in day.
    Good luck to everyone.

    You can do it !!!believe in yourself

    Thanks Armgyo. I believe
    <3 ((hugs)) <3

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Well, I'll just say this: I did a bad job at the birthday party. Though it could have been worse. It could have been better, but it also could have been worse. :/ It's ok though, tomorrow is back to normal, and I have no parties to attend on the horizon. :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ray just pick yourself up and get back on track. Sounds like you have too.
    love your Kitty cat. have a great day

    Marie <3 hugs
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I guess you all are still asleep.

    happy 621811sj9iz6jmao.gif

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    Me, Me!!! I'm up, Marie! (waves hands in the air)

    Good morning, losers!
    Happy Sunday! Happy March! <3

    Welcome to all newcomers. This is the best place EVER for motivation and support!

    I am just peeking in before heading to church. It is cloudy today with cold/freezing rain, but I am too blessed to let the weather keep me from going.

    I hope you guys have a wonderful, productive, and mindful day!
    Stay strong!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    oh how jolly Connie. I got to get up and get breakfast. Out of the way. Going to make gluten free pancakes. hopping they turn out good but not too good for I would over indulge in them.
    Alice will be out and we will go out to eat lunch. But really think I can handle that OK.

    Its wonderful to be here among all of you and you are doing so well

    We will celebrate St. Patrick day soon and that means parties for lots of you. Just don.t party too much. But have fun.
    <3 (((HUGS))) <3

  • Yorkielove1
    Yorkielove1 Posts: 2 Member
    Good Morning all! I just saw the post for the group and would love to join. I just ordered the kindle edition and will read it tonight and tomorrow. I should be able to start it on Tuesday. Any advise?

    Thanks Jolene
  • ginzetta
    ginzetta Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    jsdevries wrote: »
    Good Morning all! I just saw the post for the group and would love to join. I just ordered the kindle edition and will read it tonight and tomorrow. I should be able to start it on Tuesday. Any advise?

    Thanks Jolene

    Happy March! It's almost daylight saving time. I am so excited that there will be more light after work to do things outside!

    Hi Jolene! Welcome aboard. I'm a newbie here too. My advice:

    Be happy - I read that stress makes you store more fat. I believe it's true.

    Pay attention - My life hasn't really changed since joining, but being more mindful of what I put in my body has helped me to lose weight.

    Move your body as much as YOU can - Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone is at a different place in their journey. Everyone is at a different level of fitness. Do the best you can then challenge yourself to do a bit more.

    There will be temptations and you will probably give in to some of them. I firmly believe that when one indulges in something decadent she should enjoy every morsel. Take in the wonderful aroma. Revel in the flavor and texture. Then move on.

    Any deviation from a healthy diet, whether one revels in something wonderful or stuffs a whole pizza in their pie hole while filled with self-loathing (yes, I have done both), is not the end of the world. Don't dwell on it. It does not define you. Go back to eating the right amount of healthy food and move on.

    That being said, I need to stay away from the Amish market. Boy can those ladies bake! :)

    Never. Ever. Give. Up.

    So, I finally broke 180. I haven't seen the 170s in quite some time. It's funny how the same thing that made me miserable on the way up is such a source of happiness on the way down.

    CW: 179.6
    GW: 171.2
    EGW: 165

    11.6 down
    8.4 to go

    I can do this. We can do this.


  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    Good morning! Happy Sunday! Welcome Debbie and Jolene - we're so happy to have you in our group. Debbie, I applaud your anniversary goal and it helps to have one, as many of us have found with the Easter challenge, and now the planned 4th of July challenge for those who didn't start in December and don't quite make it to the Easter 20. Remember that every ounce and every pound lost is a celebration of the new healthier you to come!

    Jolene, the only advice I can give you is to be religious and honest about tracking your food in the MFP food diary. It really, really helps me! It has become such a habit that I NEVER make a food choice without mentally weighing its value vs the cost of my calorie "gold". One other thing I will mention is that the more you exercise, the more calories MFP adds to your calorie allowance for the day! It's a true savings account, and the interest earned is a healthier, happier YOU.

    I just want to give praise to Marie this morning - do you all know that she has logged into MFP for 2,280 days? APPLAUSE APPLAUSE APPLAUSE (*) <3:D !!

    Ray, you are still a star - we all are confronted with the rock-and-hard place food temptations; I have a cross-stitch hanging that says "New Day, New Hope, New Joy", and I live by that mantra!

    Hope everyone's Sunday is blessed!

  • LoveListenSavour
    CALIECAT wrote: »

    Where do you live that you are having soccer. We are just coming out of a week a Snow, ice and sleet. and us Texans are not used to this. you are very welcome to join us.
    <3 Hugs Marie

    Hi Marie!
    I live on the West Coast of BC, so we get maybe two days of snow a year. The temperature around here doesn't change that much. We just get a lot of rain. That's why I'm so happy when the sun comes out!

    I've lost two pounds for the month of February! I know it's not a lot to some of you but it's the first pounds I've lost and I did it just by trying to be more aware of my body and what I'm eating for the last month. I'm so excited to see what March brings!

    H: 5'5"
    SW: 156
    CW: 154
    GW: ~130

    Happy March 1st!
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    edited March 2015
    ginzetta wrote: »
    jsdevries wrote: »
    Good Morning all! I just saw the post for the group and would love to join. I just ordered the kindle edition and will read it tonight and tomorrow. I should be able to start it on Tuesday. Any advise?

    Thanks Jolene

    Happy March! It's almost daylight saving time. I am so excited that there will be more light after work to do things outside!

    Hi Jolene! Welcome aboard. I'm a newbie here too. My advice:

    Be happy - I read that stress makes you store more fat. I believe it's true.

    Pay attention - My life hasn't really changed since joining, but being more mindful of what I put in my body has helped me to lose weight.

    Move your body as much as YOU can - Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone is at a different place in their journey. Everyone is at a different level of fitness. Do the best you can then challenge yourself to do a bit more.

    There will be temptations and you will probably give in to some of them. I firmly believe that when one indulges in something decadent she should enjoy every morsel. Take in the wonderful aroma. Revel in the flavor and texture. Then move on.

    Any deviation from a healthy diet, whether one revels in something wonderful or stuffs a whole pizza in their pie hole while filled with self-loathing (yes, I have done both), is not the end of the world. Don't dwell on it. It does not define you. Go back to eating the right amount of healthy food and move on.

    That being said, I need to stay away from the Amish market. Boy can those ladies bake! :)

    Never. Ever. Give. Up.

    So, I finally broke 180. I haven't seen the 170s in quite some time. It's funny how the same thing that made me miserable on the way up is such a source of happiness on the way down.

    CW: 179.6
    GW: 171.2
    EGW: 165

    11.6 down
    8.4 to go

    I can do this. We can do this.


    Well done on reaching the 170s Gina and great advice!!


  • LoveListenSavour
    Good job Gina!
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    My weekend is almost over and I have worked hard on my fitness this weekend!

    Dragon-boating yesterday and a 20k cycle this evening!

    Here us hoping I see the fruits if my labours on the scales in the morning!!

    Goodnight everyone


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    awe Belinda. you are a living doll. Thanks sweetheart.
    And I do love all of newcomers.

    welcome all. I love reading all the post tho I may forget what I read.( that comes with age)
    But I am completely happy with life and Thanks MFP so much for given me this opportunity to to meet all of you. and our struggle with life. We are basic all the same We want a healthy and happy life. MFP has given us that chance. you all have given me the chance to keep my mind occupy Thanks for putting up with me.
    you are all my little Angels o:)<3o:)
    <3<3 (((hugs))) <3<3

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning and happy March to everyone! Well, I thought I would show a loss this week, but the one pound I keep losing and then gaining was back this week. UGH! I am tired of seeing I still have 40 lbs to go!! I am so ready for no more frigid temps, ice, and snow! I need to get back outside walking in the warm sunshine.

    I am thrilled for all of you who have had success with losing. I just feel stuck at this weight. Since Jan 1, I am only down 5 lb. :-( That's not good enough for eight weeks at all! I am really hoping March brings a loss of at least another 3-4 lbs. I would consider that an acceptable result of 8-9 lbs loss for three months.

    With the next challenge, I plan to rev up my exercise with warming temps and hope to lose 25-30 lbs additional pounds by July 4. That may be a high expectation for a 13 week challenge, but I need to get this moving in the right direction! Hubby and I will resume our 6-9 mile walks on the weekends, walk after dinner each night, and get back to long distance bike riding (20-60 miles each trip).

    SW: 186
    CW: 180.8
    Challenge GW: 177
    UGW: 140

    March is a time to finish this challenge strong!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We have a Birthday girl today

    BJRDmom ---Diane ---March 1

    Happy Birthday Diane I will be sending you a Pm soon. for your birthday.
    hugs <3 Marie

  • ae92jay
    ae92jay Posts: 153 Member
    SW 167 lbs (December 2014)
    CW 153lbs (January 31, 2015)
    GW 140 lbs (For April 5, 2015) Updated on January 31, 2015)
    UGW 118 lbs

    December 31, 2014 = 160 lbs
    January 31, 2015 = 153 lbs
    February 28, 2015 = 153 lbs
    March 31,2015
    April 5,2015

    Do to my emotional and spiritual break down in the middle of February I went from 147 lbs back to 153 lbs. Emotionally, and spiritual I am feeling a little bit better but still not feeling all that great.