20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • lori_renee
    lori_renee Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you, Marie! for keeping the list of the lovely people dedicated to the 20 lbs by Easter challenge! I am happy to have posted my first mfp post. Best wishes to all!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Their's Lori

    welcome to our tread Glad to have you. if we can be any help let us know.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    tenpets wrote: »
    Good morning and happy March to everyone! Well, I thought I would show a loss this week, but the one pound I keep losing and then gaining was back this week. UGH! I am tired of seeing I still have 40 lbs to go!! I am so ready for no more frigid temps, ice, and snow! I need to get back outside walking in the warm sunshine.

    I am thrilled for all of you who have had success with losing. I just feel stuck at this weight. Since Jan 1, I am only down 5 lb. :-( That's not good enough for eight weeks at all! I am really hoping March brings a loss of at least another 3-4 lbs. I would consider that an acceptable result of 8-9 lbs loss for three months.

    With the next challenge, I plan to rev up my exercise with warming temps and hope to lose 25-30 lbs additional pounds by July 4. That may be a high expectation for a 13 week challenge, but I need to get this moving in the right direction! Hubby and I will resume our 6-9 mile walks on the weekends, walk after dinner each night, and get back to long distance bike riding (20-60 miles each trip).

    SW: 186
    CW: 180.8
    Challenge GW: 177
    UGW: 140
    March is a time to finish this challenge strong!

    Becky..your 5 pounds lost is better than 5 pounds gained ANY day! (*) Cheer up...this is not a race and there is NO finish line. Take a look at your diary. See where you can do better on that end until you can get out of the house to move your body. We are here for you...post more often when you need encouragement or to just vent! <3
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    2zzjay-sorry you have been feeling bad, I hope you feel better soon, take care of yourself. Dont let counting calories, stress you out. Maybe seek help, if you havent already. 7lbs is a great loss for 2 months, especially after a breakdown. Good luck with everything.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Happy Birthday Diane

    We got back last night late from our trip. I can feel the sodium and have been peeing all day today. Trying to drink a lot of water to get rid of it. Bottled water that is.

    Woke up this morning to freezing pipes and no water. So no shower and no laundry to do.
    No food in the house due to vacation so we went out for breakfast as all our meals until this is settled. Evidently 400 homes in our area have been without water. We think it is a town problem so don't know how long this will last until they do our house. :s or the weather turns warmer and maybe it will go again. Not a happy camper :'(

    My hubby is going to try and use our hose to the neighbor's and maybe get some water in the house to use. I hope this works.

    I won't be exercising because showers are few and far between. I will try and stay on track as best I can.

    Ontario, Canada (frozen north)

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    I just went back 56 pages to find this. I posted it at the end of January; I needed to read this again since I have been up and down on the scale with the same pound for the past 10 days. I have saved it this time so I can post at the end of each month as a reminder for all of us.

    It's been a long month, and here we are on the last day of January (1st day of March). I think we should evaluate our successes this month WITHOUT using the scale as a measure. Hmmmm....what criteria should we use, then?

    How many days did you log in?
    How many days did you plan and complete your food plan?
    How many days did you move your body in some form or fashion?
    How many times did you choose something healthier than you would have a month ago?
    How many times did you choose a different place to eat out based on better choices offered?
    How many times did you pass up something in the grocery store that you would have normally picked up?
    How many times did you go to bed without the bloat, and the promise to yourself that you would do better tomorrow?
    How many times did you wake up feeling optimistic and energized about the day ahead because yesterday you ate right and moved your body?

    I am sure you can add more to this list, and I hope you will. We cannot let the scale dictate our success. This is our lifestyle and we will never be perfect, but we must continue to live it the best way we know how to be healthy and fit. <3 Connie
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    happy 621811sj9iz6jmao.gif


    March is going to be a great month!

    Thank you for all the encouragement, I did really well yesterday up until the 2 pieces of cake and a ton of tortilla chips. :P
    I am happy to say though, I brought a veggie tray with me, and when I brought it out after the cake(you know, to counteract the bad stuff ;) ), everyone else started eating the veggies too. I feel a little responsible for getting people to eat their veggies, and I like that. Haha.

    Everybody struggling to lose more lbs. remember, not gaining is good too! It means there's something you're doing right. And with a few tweaks you'll be on your way to success.

    You all are so sweet to me and encouraging. Being in this group makes me feel much more accountable for my diet, and accountability is the key to successful weight loss. And I love seeing so many other people dedicated to getting in shape. :)
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    How many days did you log in?
    How many days did you plan and complete your food plan?
    How many days did you move your body in some form or fashion?
    How many times did you choose something healthier than you would have a month ago?
    How many times did you choose a different place to eat out based on better choices offered?
    How many times did you pass up something in the grocery store that you would have normally picked up?
    How many times did you go to bed without the bloat, and the promise to yourself that you would do better tomorrow?
    How many times did you wake up feeling optimistic and energized about the day ahead because yesterday you ate right and moved your body?

    Wow, this is great!
    I logged in 32 days.
    I successfully completed my food plan for 30 of those days.
    I've maintained the gym 6 days a week.
    I've chosen healthier options 30 of those days, and half-days for the other 2.
    I've chosen healthier options no matter where we eat.
    I've passed up so many things in the grocery store, every single time I go, that I would have normally bought before.
    I've gone to bed happy with my food choices and feeling good 30 of the 32 days. This one is a big deal, because I've had nights where I felt disgusted and promised myself to stop the next day, yet didn't.
    I wake up every day excited to do the right thing again.

    This is a great list to remind ourselves of the track we're on. Thank you!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Ray..glad you like the list! Can you think of anything to add?

    Shirley..I am so sorry you came back home to such a mess! Please don't let it cloud the wonderful vacay you had. Things can always be worse. <3
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I'll be on the lookout for little victories to see if I can think of anything to add.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Shirley, I hope they fix your pipes soon. Not having running water freaks me out so much. :/
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So many wonderful motivation today.

    Will try to answer some of Connie questions

    How many days did you log in? for the last 2,281 days

    How many days did you plan and complete your food plan? Not too many.

    How many days did you move your body in some form or fashion? still not very much

    How many times did you choose something healthier than you would have a month ago?
    a few times

    How many times did you choose a different place to eat out based on better choices offered? Quite a few Alice make me

    How many times did you pass up something in the grocery store that you would have normally picked up? I am getting better.

    How many times did you go to bed without the bloat, and the promise to yourself that you would do better tomorrow? I always feel good when I make wise and healthy meals

    How many times did you wake up feeling optimistic and energized about the day ahead because yesterday you ate right and moved your body? Not to many this winter.

    I am sure you can add more to this list, and I hope you will. We cannot let the scale dictate our success. This is our lifestyle and we will never be perfect, but we must continue to live it the best way we know how to be healthy and fit. <3 Connie
    Need to post this the first of April to see if we do better
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley what a mess to come home to. No water.But glad to see your back.When do we get a report?
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    So blessed to be a part of this group. Not a pretty day in Mississippi but like Connie we did get to church and that was another blessing.

    Shirley, Glad you are back safely from vacation but so sorry you have to deal with NO water.

    Diane, Happy Birthday hope you have a great one.

    I celebrate with the losers and feel the pain of the ones who were disappointed. It's ok to stay the same or even go up a little.
    We just have to get back on track with the next meal.

    Fortunately I have stayed the course for the most part since becoming a part of this group. I have lost 5.1 lbs since joining
    In January, not much for most but I am happy!!!

    A big thanks to Marie and Connie for all the encouragement on a daily basis.

    One thing that I had to do was to get rid of anything in my cabinets that tempted me or was a distraction. This helped me

    Have a great rest of the day.

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    beszmytke wrote: »
    I keep making the cabbage soup recipe I posted and always have some in the frig <3 - it's nice for when I am in a hurry and would choose something else "fast" otherwise...

    Do you know which page you posted the recipe on? I'd love to try it!
  • angawilson
    angawilson Posts: 227 Member
    Hello my friends,
    I am so proud of everyone's loss.

    Friday is weigh in day for me
    SW 180.2
    CW 172.2
    Total Loss 8
    GW for this challenge 169.2

    I use my smartphone with the app and it will not let me type on this thread. I just want every one to know that all of you motivate me.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Good job, angawilson!
  • eileenjez
    eileenjez Posts: 38 Member
    Well I didn't lose any but I didn't gain either. Have been increasing my steps so I'm up to 15,000 a day. I think it helps having my husband as a kind of push. He usually gets in 30,000 steps but then he's on the treadmill for 3 hours. I don't know how he does it but he does. It's been a loving rivalry since we both got Fitbits.
    It looks like we're finally going to be warm again. It's been rather hard to get out when the temps have been in the minus for weeks. Weather tonight says it maybe in the lower 40's next weekend. I for one will be glad to see the end of this winter.

  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Woohoo had to weigh in this morning so I can officially complete my dietbet (I can submit my weight once I get home tonight and my boyfriend can take a full length picture of me). I weighed in this morning at 152.5lbs, which put's me at a 12lb weight loss since I began this challenge. I thought that is would be impossible for me to lose 20lbs before easter but now I'm starting to make serious progress to my goal! To celebrate I've also signed up to a 10km run at the end of April which I have to complete in under 1 hour 20 minutes, which will be tough for me at my current pace but I'm going to work super hard to do it!

    Happy Monday everyone!!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Monday!

    Anga.. Hi! Glad to see your post.
    Eileen.. Staying the same is better than the alternative, right? ;)
    Sparkle..that is wonderful news! You will reach your goals with that positive attitude!

    Well, challengers, 5 weeks left! I am excited about totaling up our losses. Our fearless leader, Marie, started this thread December 7 <3 and it has been a wonderful experience! The thread has helped me stay focused on the task at hand, and I am looking forward to continuing that focus with the next challenge.

    Have a wonderful, productive, and mindful day, all.
    Stay strong!
