20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • MsLadyPirate
    MsLadyPirate Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you for the kind words Belinda. They say that the Lord will not give you more than you can handle. Well he must think that I am superwoman lately!

    It was in the low 80's today so I decided to leave my problems at home, and took my motorcycle for a 200 mile ride! I had a wonderful ride, stopped at a Casino and had lunch at the buffet. I made some good choices and did not over eat. Watched the jet skiers for a while on the river, then I noticed that a maintenance crew was setting up on the island for a wedding. It was a perfect day for a wedding. I decided that I should take off so I headed in the direction of home. When I stopped at a truck stop for gas, there were some Girl Scouts that had a booth set up selling cookies. I went over bought a box of my favorite cookies, and said thank you girls, Then I opened the box of cookies, put them on their table, and told the girls to enjoy and share them. I walked away from the cookies. It felt so good to be able to do that. Got back on my bike and headed for home. It was a great day.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    It looks, and sounds, like you had a beautiful day. :)
  • CALIECAT wrote: »
    Anyone want to join me. ? I been a member here on MFP for 6 years and Have not been able to lose any weight. But stumble on this ONe One One diet and been following it for going on 3 weeks Its working for me at long last. my goal is to lose 20 lbs. by Easter. I have lost 6.8 in the first 3 weeks
    Currant weight 197
    Beginning weight 203.8
    Total lost 6.8

    See 'ya

    Good job!!!
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi. I am new to MFP. I am in need of losing more than just 20 by Easter. I need to lose at least 50 by June 12. I am in desperate need of new knees so anything I lose will be beneficial. I could use all the support I can get. May I join your "clan"?

    SW 290
    CW 274
    GW ultimately below 200 but to have surgery at least 240

    I lost 9 lbs in a month before being MFP was recommended by my dr. Since starting MFP on March 1 I have lost 7 lbs! Thanks for any and all support
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good Morning, losers! Happy Sunday!
    Welcome SeeA!..we are a supportive group of losers and will cheer you on to getting your new knees! (*) (*)

    Lots of posts I have not read yet, but I will be back to do that. Woke up late and rushing to get out to church. It's going to be a beautiful day here..warm with lots of sun B).

    Make the best of the day that's been given to you, friends, and stay strong!

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Belinda, great job with your smoothies! I just started this morning and it was delicious! I also had a hot cup of berry detox tea and a glass of water. I have hard boiled eggs, cucumbers, celery, carrots, almonds, and apples should I feel the need for a snack between my three smoothies for the day. I will take my measurements now and pics to compare when I'm finished.

    Msladypirate, great job getting out and giving the cookies to the girls! Keep the faith, things can only get better, right? :-)

    Ray, great job getting into your size 10s! I'm in 12 now and look forward to buying some new clothes in the near future! :smiley:

    Have a great day,

    Becky in MD
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    beautiful morning, beautiful posts this morning.

    Welcome Sea ahtter we love new members. Glad to see you here. <3

    Brooks welcome to our thread love you new folks. <3

    ms Lady what a beautiful loving day you had yesterday. Love that about you buying cookies from the girls scouts and leaving them to enjoy. Very sweet of you. <3

    Why don't we all do a good deed for someone today. That would be lovely.
    I remember r I as grocer shopping one day and a total stranger walk up to me and gave me a 20 dollor bill and told me to put it on my grocer bill.At that time we were really having a tough time of it and it was a blessing. I have since done the same thing makes you feel so good..

    Ray good morning to you. have a great day. <3

    Connie you bring sunshine into my heart every day <3

    I think it finally got daylight


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    A late night celebrating my hubby's birthday. We went to a pub for drinks and met friends there.
    We haven't seen them since the summer so it was nice to get together. We were supposed to eat at the pub restaurant but it took way too long for a table so we ended up at a Thai Restaurant.
    The food was delicious but still not my favorite. Our friends got Dave a chocolate cake to share after the meal. It was so decadent. Yes I did have some, I haven't had chocolate cake in I can't tell you how long. So I enjoyed it and now back to normal eating today. It as a fun night and tired this morning from the timer change. We were supposed to go skiing but that is not going happen.

    PirateLady - I did that once in a snow storm coming home from work. I had two boxes of Girl
    Scout cookies and gave them to a bus load of kids going home that were behind me. I never made it home that day and stayed overnight at the United Way because of the storm. It felt good to do that and no extra calories to boot. That was great what you did.

    I hope the smoothies work for you ladies. I have another recipe I use if you would like it.

    1 cup of water
    3/4 c Greek Yogurt 0% fat
    1/2 scoop Vega One protein powder
    1/4 c berries or banana (frozen)
    Handful of spinach or Kale
    1 tbsp ground flaxseed
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1/4 avocado or 1 tsp peanutbutter

    Put in a blender and blend. It is really delicious and you can substitute any fruit.



  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    So last night I dreamed that my when I asked my husband what I should make for dinner, he suggested I warm up some queso, and I said "But we don't have any chips for it", and then suddenly he had some left over restaurant tortilla chips. But then I said "Well I think we should probably have something more filling instead", with the mindset of more healthy instead. Even in my dreams I'm staying on track and being mindful! ;)
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    I enjoyed reading all the posts today.
    I have totally been out of my routine.
    I traveled this morning to spend the week with my sister. Finally got a chance to look at MFP
    and log my food diary.
    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Well, after day 1 of the 10 day green smoothie cleanse I went from:

    Day 1 180.6
    Day 2 178.9
    1.7 lb loss

    So far, so good.
    Have a great Monday everyone!

    Becky in MD
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    becky how sweet you are in the 170's~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kick those 180 in the bu**I am anxious to see what it will be in 10 days.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I enjoyed reading all the posts today.
    I have totally been out of my routine.
    I traveled this morning to spend the week with my sister. Finally got a chance to look at MFP
    and log my food diary.
    Hope everyone has a great week.

    Nancy enjoy your visit with your sister.

  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    Drop 20 by Easter
    SW: 237.7
    EGW: 181.9
    UGW: 163

    Jan 1 -201.9
    Jan 8- 201.3 (.6 loss)
    Jan 15 200.0 (1.9)
    Jan 22 197.3 (2.7)
    Jan 29 195.8 (1.5)
    Feb 28 195.5 (.3)
    Mar 8 194.7 (-.8)

    Pounds to Goal: 12.8
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    They pull the tube out on my daughter Father in Law yesterday. They gave him
    2 days to live.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    I am so sorry marie:( that is very sad. my thoughts are with you and your family.

    congrats to all the losers, becky sounds like you are off to a great start!! not sure I could survive on only smoothies:( can't wait to hear how it goes.

    spring is in the air this week, can't wait for it to warm up. looking forward to another good week! I had a cheat last night, mcdonalds ice ream cone with sprinkles. it was really yummy but back on the plan!!!

    have a great Monday peeps!!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, challengers! Happy Monday!

    Becky..good luck with the smoothies! You are off to a great start!
    Nancy.. have fun this week!
    Mrsmuckster..that's the way to do it!
    Stephanie...we all need a cheat every now and then. Hope you enjoyed it!

    Maire..so sad..as I said on your homepage, you are in my prayers.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful, productive, and mindful day!
    Stay strong!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am getting on the band wagon too only 1=1- 1 style
    - This morning it was 1 scoop of protein powder, 1 c water 1T of coconut oil, 1 c frozen chopped spinach, 1 cup of frozen banana and strawberry Surprising it was really good. taste better than prepare smoothie you can buy. Will be changing fruit and veggies up as I go along. At least that is my plan for 10 days.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie - Sorry to hear of your family troubles. Prayers are with you. <3

    Well still working on vacation weight . We met a couple from our sailing club for a meeting and drinks yesterday afternoon. The drinks ended up with food, chicken wings, coconut shrimp and chips and cheesey dip. :s That really blew my day. We did not have dinner when we got home but I was snacking after that. Got on the scale this morning as I do everyday, and was not happy. Back to normal eating this week and getting back on track.

    The temperatures are warming around here so I am going to get some walking in this week to bump up the exercise.

    Yoga today and errands. Enjoy your day whatever it is.

  • angawilson
    angawilson Posts: 227 Member
    Good afternoon everyone.

    Marie I will keep your family in my prayers.

    The smoothies sounds so good. I think want to try the smoothies when I get back from Fla. in a couple weeks.

    I have been eating a 50-90 carbs each day for the last 12 days, and I will continue until next Monday. This has really boosted my weight loss. However I want to lose slow so I can keep it off. I decide 12 days ago I wanted to have a total of 15 lbs. off before I went to Fla. to see my best half. Just want him to wonder what I have been doing while he has been gone. Guess I have too much time on my hands....not! As of this morning I only have 1 more lb. to my goal, so might go beyond. The 9 days of vacation I will we exercising more, and I will continue to eat healthy. I hope not to gain.

    Thank you EVERYONE for the motivation you all are awesome!
