20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    Nancy hate to admit it I taoo took a nose dive. Those days has got to stop. Don't even know what made me do it. I guess we are only human.

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi everyone. Yesterday was really crazy for me so I didn't get my weigh in posted.

    SW 294
    CW 271 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GW (by June 12) 230-240

    Today I feel like crap. My guts are in a big turmoil. So I looked at my stats for the week. Maybe my feeling so icky might have to do with the fact I am 9940 calories below my goal for the week. So today I ate "junk" just to get some calories in me. I had a pbj sandwich with a little bag of chips for lunch. I felt so bad I didn't even want to go swimming for fear of not making it out of the pool into the restroom in time. But on a high note. We are having chicken noodle soup for dinner. It is a very nasty day here today. Pouring rain and 40+ mph winds. Perfect for soup. Hopefully tomorrow I will be back to "normal". Then again maybe the icky is a side effect of my antibiotics. At least the sinus infection is way better. I'm not snoring anymore and my throat isn't sore anymore from drainage either. So at least it isn't "all in my head anymore"

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Nancy and Marie..it's okay..tomorrow is another day. Whatever you ate today may be enough to shake things up a bit. :) Drink plenty of water tomorrow to flush the sodium.

    Stephanie..enjoy your vaycay!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi everyone. Yesterday was really crazy for me so I didn't get my weigh in posted.

    SW 294
    CW 271 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GW (by June 12) 230-240

    Today I feel like crap. My guts are in a big turmoil. So I looked at my stats for the week. Maybe my feeling so icky might have to do with the fact I am 9940 calories below my goal for the week. So today I ate "junk" just to get some calories in me. I had a pbj sandwich with a little bag of chips for lunch. I felt so bad I didn't even want to go swimming for fear of not making it out of the pool into the restroom in time. But on a high note. We are having chicken noodle soup for dinner. It is a very nasty day here today. Pouring rain and 40+ mph winds. Perfect for soup. Hopefully tomorrow I will be back to "normal". Then again maybe the icky is a side effect of my antibiotics. At least the sinus infection is way better. I'm not snoring anymore and my throat isn't sore anymore from drainage either. So at least it isn't "all in my head anymore"


    Esther I have a lot of gut problems if I eat Gluten so I had to get off o it. it . I sure is a relieff.got so bad I hated to go to the store. now being gluten free No problems Besides we are making a trip next week. I had a bowl of home made soup for my dinner. Questions when you make soup with potatos can you freeze it. My potatoes tasted sort of weird.

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member

    I don't know about freezing the potatoes. I never put spuds in my soup except clam chowder. I never had problems with spuds in my chowder. I know my trouble isn't gluten. I'm not sure if it was from eating a lot less or from the crap that is going around town. There is a 24-48 hour bug going around that isn't the nicest. Im hoping the soup will help me feel better. And in my book chicken soup is comfort food. At least it is healthy.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    beszmytke wrote: »
    Rachel, I am wishing you joy when you try on those jeans and they FIT!Belinda
    Thank you!!! :D Now I just need to find them again.
    I hope you feel better very soon!

    Stephanie, you have all the tools for success! Keep using them and you'll feel so good about yourself when you get home.

    Esther: Get some crystalized ginger chunks(you can even pretend it's candy :smile: ), or some Yogi brand ginger tea. Ginger is very soothing for the stomach. Hope you feel better tomorrow!

    So yesterday I got a new pair of jeans, out of my closet! A new, with-tags pair of Levi's that my sister gave me probably 6 years ago. They're a size 13 Juniors. They're a bit loose in the butt and legs, but I don't care, jeans that fit! Woo! Late last year when I had to go out and get a bigger pair of jeans because my others didn't fit anymore, I tried on some Juniors jeans. At that time I was a size 17 in Juniors, so I'm down 2 sizes, yay! I tend to get ladies jeans these days though, since they actually fit sometimes. :p
    I was a size 9-11 in Juniors back in the day, and I thought I was so fat then, haha.

    I have 9 homework assignments to do this week, so hopefully I won't get myself too stressed out about it. My in-laws are doing Easter on Saturday, so my Easter weigh-in will be Saturday morning instead of Sunday. I don't want the copious amount of deviled-eggs consumed on Saturday to affect my weigh-in. ;)
    I got myself of bag of jelly beans yesterday, and I'm going to eat them with reckless abandon this weekend, haha. I fully plan to go over on calories this weekend, and then back to usual on Monday. I'll probably inadvertently do much better than planned when it comes to "overdoing it". I'm already aware of the fact that I don't want to drink sodas and junk at my in-laws. I'll be picking up a couple bottle of seltzer water and adding some calorie-free flavor squirts to it(better than diet soda, in my opinion).
    If I can get all my homework completed by Friday, I'll be a happy camper! I'm feeling good about this week, and I'm really looking forward to getting to weigh-in on Friday and Saturday.

    I hope everybody has a fulfilling day tomorrow. If you find yourself looking down a slippery-slope, just keep this in mind, don't you want to feel good about yourself? You deserve to. Don't punish yourself. Be your biggest champion. <3

  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Good morning everyone! Of course my scales would run out of battery right before the end of the challenge so I have to pick up new batteries this afternoon. I went to hot yoga this morning, which was really challenging but very enjoyable! Definitely a great way to start the morning though and doing something healthy in the morning helps set me up with a good mindset for eating well during the day.

    I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning, Losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Ray...shopping in your closet is very rewarding! :)
    Sparkle..exercise is always a good start to the day! Glad you enjoyed it.

    :# I am still hovering above the same numbers on the scale, but I will forge ahead. I definitely need this monthly list of "reasons" to keep on keeping on..

    <3 It's been a long month, and here we are on the last day of March. I think we should evaluate our successes this month WITHOUT using the scale as a measure. Hmmmm....what criteria should we use, then?

    How many days did you log in?
    How many days did you plan and complete your food plan?
    How many days did you move your body in some form or fashion?
    How many times did you choose something healthier than you would have a month ago?
    How many times did you choose a different place to eat out based on better choices offered?How many times did you pass up something in the grocery store that you would have normally picked up?
    How many times did you go to bed without the bloat, and the promise to yourself that you would do better tomorrow?
    How many times did you wake up feeling optimistic and energized about the day ahead because yesterday you ate right and moved your body?

    I am sure you can add more to this list, and I hope you will. We cannot let the scale dictate our success. This is our lifestyle and we will never be perfect, but we must continue to live it the best way we know how to be healthy and fit.

    Have a great day, losers!
    Stay strong!

    <3 Connie
  • Kenea993
    Kenea993 Posts: 63 Member
    Good morning! Just popping in quick before school. out has been an absolutely crazy week. hopefully it'll let up soon but I have been all over the place abd getting in kids of walking. Definitely feeling the fatigue today so outside I'd walking at school think I'm going to give body a littLe break and not overt do it with zumba tonight.

    Everyone us doing so great! I can't wait to see all the totals. Sorry I've been mia and my posts are so sorry and to the point lately.

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    beszmytke wrote: »
    Good morning, everyone! Happy last week of the challenge, and I am amazed at all the losses we've seen so far :)

    Becky, so glad the news looks good for your son. Two years ago, my son had a motorcycle accident and nearly lost his middle finger after skidding through a field with the handlebar pressing down on his hand the whole way. The tendon was severed and the skin pretty much gone. He had a wonderful hand surgeon who repaired the tendon etc, but they were worried that with so much debris embedded that they could not get to, he might have to have the amputation. God was with us, and he was able to keep it. He lost just half the tip, and has complete use of it. I will pray your son has the same wonderful outcome.


    Thank you for sharing the story of your son and how well he did in the end! We are very hopeful for a good outcome. He texted me this morning and said he thinks it may be turning a little pink. He sees the surgeon again tomorrow and I'm excited to possibly hear good news. :-)

    Thank you, everyone for your well wishes for my son <3

    I love reading everyone's posts and Connie, I love the fourth of July image! I'm really hoping for better overall success with the next challenge. I know I could have done so much better on this challenge than I have. I'm a little fearful of my final weigh in, but I will just face it and move on from there. :-)

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Big day for my hubby. His last day of work after 25 years with the company. We are going out for breakfast and then a retirement lunch with his coworkers. I will be mindful of my food today.
    I will read all comments later.

  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    Good morning! Connie, I love the Fourth of July glitter bomb, AND your list of criteria for how we should measure ourselves above and beyond what the scale tells us. We are all so much more than our weight!

    Still feeling so sick and yesterday was so nauseous and weak - I had to force myself to eat just little bits. I called the doctor's office and the nurse said it sounds like the flu that is going around, so to just keep doing what I am doing. Rats.

    Tomorrow is my weigh and measure at Curves so I hope I am well enough by then to go :)
    Our son Matt is coming home for a visit a week from this Friday, so I am pretty excited about that!

    Sophie, what is hot yoga? Please tell me you do it in a hot tub LOL!

    Have a great and healthy day, everyone!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning girls, I woke up early this morning and went back to bed. I was extra tired from our outing yesterday. I don't take much for me to get real plum out. hope I make it to Spring fied next week to see baby Grayson. we are off to the store now for some grocery this morning
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    Good morning,
    Ok so my scale in the hotel is so kind, it said I lost 2lbs, haha!! I will use it as a tool to make sure I am staying on track! Made my oatmeal pancake and off to exercise while kids and hubby ski:) it is so warm here, think the snow is like mash potatoes.

    I tried to read everyone's comments, hard to do it on my phone and keep track! Shirley, very exciting about hubby! Sounds like a lot of you are sick, hope u feel better soon. Stomach stuff is the worst but usually quick! Rachel, great news about jeans! That always makes me feel good! I am waiting until may to see where I'm at:)

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Congrat to Dave on is 25th year retirement celebrations. Shirley don't celevrate too much.
    Marie You got a birthday coming up to celebrates too.
    Love marie
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    <3 It's been a long month, and here we are on the last day of March. I think we should evaluate our successes this month WITHOUT using the scale as a measure. Hmmmm....what criteria should we use, then?

    How many days did you log in?
    How many days did you plan and complete your food plan?
    How many days did you move your body in some form or fashion?
    How many times did you choose something healthier than you would have a month ago?
    How many times did you choose a different place to eat out based on better choices offered?How many times did you pass up something in the grocery store that you would have normally picked up?
    How many times did you go to bed without the bloat, and the promise to yourself that you would do better tomorrow?
    How many times did you wake up feeling optimistic and energized about the day ahead because yesterday you ate right and moved your body?

    <3 Connie
    I think I'm going to print this list out each month, hang it somewhere I can see it, and fill it out on the last day of each month. :)
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    Good morning. :)
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning,

    I have logged in for 85 days and am pleased with that.

    Rachel, I have a pair of blacks slacks in my closet that still have the tags on and I am close
    to being able to wear them. Could not even pull them up when I started this journey 85 days ago.

    Time to get started with my exercise.

    I am ready to start the July Challenge.

    Have a great day!!!

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Great work, Nancy! I'm excited for you to fit into those slacks! Clothes are so much more validating than the scale. :)
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Good morning girls, I woke up early this morning and went back to bed. I was extra tired from our outing yesterday. I don't take much for me to get real plum out. hope I make it to Spring fied next week to see baby Grayson. we are off to the store now for some grocery this morning

    You can make it, Marie...you can nap in the car. ;)