20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    me too Nancy
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I thought we might change the name to >:) 2015 Misfit Easter Challengers >:) Give us some hints on a new name for us So it wont sound like a currant challenge
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I thought we might change the name to >:) 2015 Misfit Easter Challengers >:) Give us some hints on a new name for us So it wont sound like a currant challenge

    smiley-happy026.gif How about leaving off the word "Easter" and make it the friendly misfits weight loss challenge or something like that?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi Barbiecat Good hearing from you. missed you. Missing Shirley too. Shirley should be getting back soon.We will see what the others think. of a new name.
    <3 marie
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    edited June 2015
    I would keep the name the same for now otherwise lots of new people will join and we will lose our niche ;)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    JLoRuthie wrote: »
    I would keep the name the same for now otherwise lots of new people will join and we will lose our niche ;)

    I think you night be right ruthie
    By the way how are you doing? <3 marie

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Is there a way we could make it a closed group? That way it is just us with a new name and any newbies would need an invitation?

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2015
    yes there is form a MFP group.

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning, misfit friends! Oh how I've missed checking in with you. I have been reading the posts in snipits, but haven't gotten much chance at my computer to check in. I am soooo grateful that clinical ended on Thursday. The early mornings were physically stressful and I know my cortisol levels were up because my abdomen is a bit larger than when I began clinicals 5 weeks ago. :-(

    Oh well, that is now done and I am moving forward. I see my GP on Tuesday and DREAD getting on that scale. I always weigh more at the doctor than at home because I weigh in at home with only underclothing on. I know he'll have some comments about it. I'd love to cancel the appointment, but I won't. Sigh.

    Even though it's scary to consider, I am considering whether to get a personal trainer and also get their metabolic counseling program started. It's not cheap, but I think it might be just what I need to be held REALLY accountable every day. I am GREAT at fulfilling my commitments to others and terrible at doing so for myself. They take pictures, measurements, BF % (YIKES!), etc. on day one and every 21 days thereafter. I think that and the $$ spent would keep me on target. What do you all think?

    It's a few minutes from work, so I could go right after work and then come home and do all the regular night time chores without having to stop to exercise (which is exactly why I haven't been exercising!)

    I really need to change my usual routine of not exercising, and eating well but not great, and not logging faithfully! I want to lose BF% and increase my strength. I won't focus on the weight anymore, because that's not the primary goal for me. However, with a decreased BF% and increased muscle mass, the weight will decrease. I just think I need to focus on the strengthening and BF% decrease and let the weight handle itself along the way.

    It's great to be with all of you again! Connie, do you have a list of all the regulars names? I'd like to have it as a reference sheet for myself to keep more mindful of each of our members here in our Easter group.

    It's truly only because of this group that I haven't just left MFP (again) due to not having much success.
    Have a great Sunday,

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2015
    hi Becky wonderful hearing from you. that's a plus for a group / you have all the members name. I have never been involve in a group other than being a member Connie knows more about that than I do. We will have to get her opinion on it.
    Now Becky you are a successful on this . We got to get it out of our head we cannot lose weight/ for we can Calories in and calories out is the answer. We just have not got the right combination yet and our age has a lot to do with it.We need to borrow Esther body for she has it working at full steam.

    How can we get our body at full steam??????????????????? There must be an answer.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    I got this from Gretchen Rubin who wrote "The Happiness Project" and "Better Than Before". It helped me understand why I had had so much trouble staying with the path I knew was best. They are the loopholes people use to justify straying from the healthy path or habit they have set up.

    1. False choice loophole – “I can’t do this, because I’m so busy doing that.” “I can’t go for my usual 20 minute walk, because I have to get ready for guests.”
    2. Moral licensing loophole — “I’ve been so good, it’s okay for me to do this.” “I’ve been eating so healthfully, it’s okay for me to eat anything I want today.”
    3. Tomorrow loophole — “It’s okay to skip today, because I’m going to do this tomorrow.” “It’s okay for me to drink as much as I want today, because starting tomorrow, I’m not going to drink for six months.”
    4. Lack of control loophole — “I can’t help myself.” “A considerate host wouldn’t have served something so tempting.”
    5. Planning to fail loophole, formerly known as the “Apparently irrelevant decision loophole.” “I’ll just stand here by the dessert table, because the other room is so crowded.”
    6. “This doesn’t count” loophole – “It’s Thanksgiving!” “We’re out of town!”
    7. Questionable assumption loophole — “These cookies are healthy. Look, they’re gluten-free.”
    8. Concern for others loophole — “If I don’t drink wine with dinner, other people will think it’s weird.” “I have to eat seconds and thirds of everything, or my host will feel insulted.”
    9. Fake self-actualization loophole – “You only live once!” “I have to do this now, or miss out forever.”
    10. One-coin loophole – “What difference will one meal make, over the course of a lifetime?”
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Becky...I will gather a list of all of us on this Easter thread.

    Also, I think wanting to increase your strength. flexibility, and endurance is the way to go. I have a personal trainer at my gym, have been working with her since December, and do not regret it. What you have to remember is weight loss begins in the kitchen, not at the gym. You still have to eat right, or it's money wasted. I am stronger, more flexible, and I have lost inches. I love lifting weights!

  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    The goal of strength is critical to a better life. I know I need to make it my focus, it is part of my next transitioning hurdle. I think I'll keep my current motto as it helps: Progress not Perfection. I try to focus on what I've done versus how I'm falling short. Trying to keep perspective when I want instant gratification reminds me about the journey not some end goal. So much mind work goes with the body work!
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I have been thinking I havent done very good this year with my losing. It seems like I am losing very slow, but actually I have lost about 10 pounds, since January 1. Not a huge number but its slowly moving. I think we tend to be hard on ourselves, for not losing faster. What we need to do is to think of what we are doing right. I am still logging my calories everyday and trying to move more and most days not going over my calories. I have lost total 56 lbs, but that seems like old news. I will be happy to finally say 60lbs, in the next couple months. I know I could do better, I just need to regain my motivation I had, I dont really want my weightloss to end here. Thanks for letting me share my feelings. Ihope everyone is having a good Fathers Day. We celebrated yesterday with my daughter and grandson, plus his 6th birthday. I did eat some cake, twice, I shouldnt have kept any at all, atleast they were small pieces. My son is taking care of his wife, and kids, who had some minor surgery on Friday. We are just having a relaxing day, he wants hamburgers on the grill for supper, in alittle bit we might get in our little pool.
    Well I just wanted to say Hi, gotta go run to the store. Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I have to say I am amazed at the 4th of July thread. It was so overwhelming in the beginning of it with so many "flashes in the pan" as I call them. Only a handfull of us are left posting with any kind of regularity. I'm really not surprised to see so many drop out. Most of them just wanted to look good in a swimsuit or wedding dress. Not to make a lifestyle change by becoming healthier. This is what I have enjoyed most about this thread. We are here to get healthier and form a support group and friendships along the way. Thanks for everything.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I know I have been hard on myself. I expect to be able to do what I did many years ago. And the old body is not 40 years younger. I need to let it coast along on its own time. Just make sure I am getting all of my good food. and let the healthy food do it job. My number # one goal is eating healthy and not focus on them Darn scales. And quilt worry about some of you are losing and I am . My body knows what it is doing. For my age I cannot expects to eat like I used too.
    My family and I went out for Father day I had a very healthy veggies plate While my family gorge on very yeasty smelling hot rolls and cornbread and their chicken fried steak. I did not regret it at all "I am who I am" as Popeye says. Love to you all
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @tenpets Here is a listing of all who post on this thread. I went back a couple of pages. If I left out anyone, please add your name and forgive me. Marie, Janice, Nancy, Esther, Rachel, Tami, Faye, Cristina, Stephanie, Barbie, Ruthie, Sunnyfarm, Eninad and Connie.

    Also, when you commit to a personal trainer, she/he is there to help/show you how to build your strength, endurance, and flexibility. The money being spent is a huge motivator for me. I would have quit when I stopped losing.

    Some will guide in regards to your eating..calories, macros, etc. If I had started with my trainer's recommendation to eat 1850 cals to lose fat, I would not be in the process of trying to reset my metabolism. I ate much lower and that was not enough to fuel my workouts. If you want to know what your BMR and your maintanance level go to scoobysworkshop.com to plug in the numbers to find out. It will give you an idea of how many calories your body needs to survive (BMR) and how many it needs when you exercise (TDEE).

    Marie..I still weigh daily, but it is to record any gains so I will know when I have reached maintenance. I am heading into my 4th week and will increase to 2500. No real significant gain except the one pound I keep losing and gaining. So the experiment continues.
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    <3 Marie thanks for asking, I am doing well. Back to doing more cardio along with weights to try to move downward for good. I love our group! Ruthie
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    JLoRuthie wrote: »
    I would keep the name the same for now otherwise lots of new people will join and we will lose our niche ;)

    I think you night be right ruthie
    By the way how are you doing? <3 marie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2015
    @tenpets Here is a listing of all who post on this thread. I went back a couple of pages. If I left out anyone, please add your name and forgive me. Marie, Janice, Nancy, Esther, Rachel, Tami, Faye, Cristina, Stephanie, Barbie, Ruthie, Sunnyfarm, Eninad and Connie.

    Also, when you commit to a personal trainer, she/he is there to help/show you how to build your strength, endurance, and flexibility. The money being spent is a huge motivator for me. I would have quit when I stopped losing.

    Some will guide in regards to your eating..calories, macros, etc. If I had started with my trainer's recommendation to eat 1850 cals to lose fat, I would not be in the process of trying to reset my metabolism. I ate much lower and that was not enough to fuel my workouts. If you want to know what your BMR and your maintanance level go to scoobysworkshop.com to plug in the numbers to find out. It will give you an idea of how many calories your body needs to survive (BMR) and how many it needs when you exercise (TDEE).

    Marie..I still weigh daily, but it is to record any gains so I will know when I have reached maintenance. I am heading into my 4th week and will increase to 2500. No real significant gain except the one pound I keep losing and gaining. So the experiment continues.

    I see Shirley is missing she been out of town all week

    Thanks for the list Connie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2015
    " Without logging I'd probably quit." Without logging and paid for personal training, I know I would quit. LOL

    Marie..We are about 2.5 hours from Myrtle Beach. High today..104

    No No Connie do not even think about quiting. I would be a Basket case if you quit.
    I depend on you to keep us organized and so do the others misfit
    Love you
    Would love to see you how you look in Dec and how you look now after going thru these 2 challenge I bet we would all be amazed including you