20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Monday!

    I have been up since 6:15. Now the dog wakes me up so we can get out to walk. Glad he did..another 100+degree day on the horizon. Once I got in, I just kept on walking with a 45 minute DVD, so skipping the pool class today.

    Hope everyone stays cool.
    Stay strong!

  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    Connie you are doing so well with the readjustment of calories to fuel your workouts. I know it is a tough adjustment and I'm just so proud of how you are sticking with it. I truly promise once you are properly set you'll start to lose again. Right now you've gained fuel, sleep, focus, and knowledge but not any weight.

    And Marie, your wisdom on how to be you keeps me inspired to be me.

    Esther, you are proving so many people wrong about what is possible and not with your determination.

    I could not have possibly ended up among a better group of winners.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all the misfits

    I guess I did not post my posting this morning. I am so forgettable That's happen to you when you get old and grey headed. I copy the list and posted it in my word pad.So I can copy and post here Thank you Connie

    misfit Easter Challengers

    Marie~ yep I am here and doing fine
    Connie~thank you for gathering up this list Love it
    Nancy~When will you be back home
    Janice~ Janice hang in there. You are doing great
    Esther~you are really making headways
    Tami~Tami so great you are with us
    Faye~ Faye I have an MFP friend who lives in new Zealand and her and her husband goes to sinapore on their vacations. Much be a great tourist attractions.

    Cristina~ So glad you are sticking with your plan
    Stephanie~ Hey you we don't hear from you as much but we know you are still around.
    Barbie~our one and only maintance But think I few more will be joining you
    Rachel~ How are them Baby kittens Must be fun watching them play/
    Ruthie~You have not been off traveling lately, Great
    Sunnyfarm~haned in there Sunny
    Eninad~ You are like a breath of fresh air
    Shirley~ Are you back home yet? I know you are enjoy being with your grand son But I missed you

    Look like there are 16 of us misfits

    <3 Marie
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @Eninad..thanks! It is tough!
    My new rationale is that I was starving and not losing so I might as well eat more and not lose! ;)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    oh Connie you are a nut. you have done so well. you are doing all the things right.

    Have you had any compliment on your looks? I bet you have.

    I am just the opposite I am cutting my calories more/. I have never felt hungry except when I have a low blood sugar And all I want is Carbs,carbs and more carbs my low blood sugars come from injecting too much insulin before a Meal Hard to reach the happy medium.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Marie..yes, compliments on how I look and questions about how much I've lost. My body is shrinking for sure. We women are just crazy to be hung up on the dam** number on the >:) scale! We don't have our weight tattooed on our foreheads, so why are we soooo worried about it?

    Yours has to be a fine balance, Marie. Please don't cut too low on calories. I think you can do 1:1:1 and still be vegetarian, right?

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    @tenpets Here is a listing of all who post on this thread. I went back a couple of pages. If I left out anyone, please add your name and forgive me. Marie, Janice, Nancy, Esther, Rachel, Tami, Faye, Cristina, Stephanie, Barbie, Ruthie, Sunnyfarm, Eninad and Connie.

    Also, when you commit to a personal trainer, she/he is there to help/show you how to build your strength, endurance, and flexibility. The money being spent is a huge motivator for me. I would have quit when I stopped losing.

    Some will guide in regards to your eating..calories, macros, etc. If I had started with my trainer's recommendation to eat 1850 cals to lose fat, I would not be in the process of trying to reset my metabolism. I ate much lower and that was not enough to fuel my workouts. If you want to know what your BMR and your maintanance level go to scoobysworkshop.com to plug in the numbers to find out. It will give you an idea of how many calories your body needs to survive (BMR) and how many it needs when you exercise (TDEE).

    And me on that list! :)

    I can imagine that the money spent would keep one going! I have an appointment today to talk to the gym manager about the training options. They also have metabolic counseling. I was a bit taken aback at the prices, but after searching the Internet for an average hourly rate and found their prices are actually pretty good. Connie, would you mind sharing what your gym's fees are for me to compare? It could be in a message rather than a post, if you'd like.

    I'm nervous and excited about checking it out today.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey Misfits,
    Marie, I will be going home Friday.
    Will be glad to get back on my eating plan. It's so hard to stay on track as everything we do seems to involve food.
    Been helping my sister do some chores that she has difficulty doing. I can tell you for sure it is so hot when doing outside chores.
    Hoping I don't gain too much. So discouraging to have been at my lowest weight before coming to visit family and will go home weighing more.
    I will try not to stress over it too much as I love to be with my family.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    edited June 2015
    Nancy-Its nice you can help your sister get things done while your there, I agree its hot doing anything work or being outside right now, its in mid nineties again here. I just went and got my hair cut short, they took over 4inches and layered it all over. It was time for my summer cut. It seems like after you eat before you know it, its time to figure out another meal, especially if theres a group of people, more time in preparing. We had company this weekend, and it involved food and cake, and needless to say the scale is up today, hopefully I can get it down, I know I didnt gain 3 1/2 pounds since my lowest weight. I'm sure things will be back to normal for eating when you get home , hopefully you are worrying needlessly. Have a safe ride home.

    Connie -I know what you mean about being hung up on that evil scale. But I do feel bloated today, and its up. Glad that everyone is noticing you are getting smaller, its nice all your work is showing.

    Marie-I am getting forgetfull in my old age of 55, I had to look up my home phone number today on my contacts, for the second time in the last few months. I am confusing my first 3 digits for some reason .
    Try and stay cool everyone, you dont want to get overheated. Janice
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Hi, Friends!

    So... I signed a one year contract today for metabolic counseling and personal training at a small very personal gym. The metabolic counseling is nice because they adjust your food frequently based on your exercise routine and how you are doing with losing BF/weight, energy levels, stamina, etc. Plus, they ask you what foods you normally eat and put those into the plan rather than weird uber untasty foods you've never heard of. The clients are regular people like me, not super buff folks. In fact, several of my fellow nursing faculty go there.

    I am away on vacation next week, so I start on July 7. I am super excited to get back to exercising because I LOVE weight lifting. I will listen to what they tell me to eat and exercise how they instruct 3x week for 30 min sessions. They will have completely healed my very screwed up metabolism in a year and I may be able to use our free college gym. I'm so happy to be investing in me!

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi there,

    I know I have been MIA but I had a very busy week with the kids. Stressful to send them off this morning but now I feel calm. it is my son's first year of going to camp all summer, he usually just goes 4 weeks. I think it is going to do wonders for him both physically and emotionally to be there. I will miss the kids like crazy but am excited to focus on me for a bit and my husband, it is nice:)

    I need to get back with the program as we have had an eating extravaganza the last week. I have done pretty well sticking close to plan but all of the extra bites add up.......also I definitely felt my little one being anxious and well,....that causes me to be anxious and.....you can finish the story from there.

    connie, that is awesome that you can eat so much more!! I feel like this will work for you. it makes me want to try it!

    Janice, my scale was up 3 1/2 lbs this morning also, crazy!!

    becky, that is such a great gift you just gave yourself.

    hi to everyone, I am going to start posting again daily! running to the store to grab something to make for dinner!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome back Steph. you were miss while you were MIA. great hearing from you

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    What a day, ladies! Spent it with my college friend and her girls and my kiddos at Stone a Mountain Park and I am exhausted. Won't log food or exercise today but back at it tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I finally made the meatless stew that's one of my goals this month.....made entirely from ingredients in the freezer and spices from my cupboard....Jake loved it.

    <3 Barbie

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    18,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi gang. Finally had time to check in. I'm drained. I got a text from a friend at 6:10 this morning. He walked his dogs with my hubby and dogs this morning. Iris had swimming lessons and I swam when she did. I had 3 extra kids today. It was supposed to be a half day but I told their mom i was going to kidnap them and take them to some workshops. We had a Chautauqua group come to town yesterday. They had a parade through town and free workshops.....juggling magic soft shoe dancing face painting hula hoops... So instead of letting the kids go home and sit in front of the TV and play video games I took them to the workshops. That was 4 hours long. My 5 yr old had soccer practice after the workshops. We stopped by subway for sandwiches for dinner. Iris ate in the car. I dropped hubby's sandwich off and grabbed Shaundra and we went to the Chautauqua show at 7 tonight. I finally got home at 9:30. Then had to get kids into bed and settled. Can't figure out why I'm so tired. I only walked 6200 steps today. Tomorrow will be a little slower. I now have the three extra kids every day but it's only half days. Shaundra has dance tomorrow for an hour and swimming lessons for Iris. So maybe beach in the afternoon if it's not raining.

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Esther, your life sounds like so much fun! It's really great how active your kids are, too. Enjoy your day of activities today, too.

    Becky :-)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I finally made the meatless stew that's one of my goals this month.....made entirely from ingredients in the freezer and spices from my cupboard....Jake loved it.

    <3 Barbie

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    18,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather

    My last batch of soup I made I added a chopped up sweet potatoes along with lots of beans and veggies, really good.

    Good morning misfits I see pop up just now saying Becky posted so will check her out
    Love uou guys

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Becky and Esther look like we are of to a good day. I will say good morning to Connie too for I know she will be along too very soon I am off to the store this morning I planned on picking up some mushrooms, eggplant, cabbage to add to a pot of soup plus some frozen veggies.
    So easy cooking this way I am so lad I do not have to plan Jerry;s meals. He is not a veggie eater. So will not eat what I make and can put anything in my soup. Maybe some corn, green beans every once in a while . I do what an old friend says she does throw some stuff in a pot and call it soup

    Have a great day all
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning early bird losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Soup sounds good! I think I have some in the freezer that I made a while back and can pull out. I'm getting tired of the same stuff! Another hot one, and I on my way to take the dog out then head to the gym for body pump.

    I decided to make Tuesday my "official" weigh day so that I can "really" see what's going on rather than day to day. So I went back to the first Tuesday from the start day. I have gained exactly 1 pound. I don't think I'm at maintenance yet. A couple more increases should do it, though. Geez...not sure how much more food I can eat!! :s Strange that when you are not dieting, you can eat any and everything with no problem. Now I struggle with making myself eat enough calories..go figure!

    Make it a great day, losers!
    Stay strong!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie are you increasing your calories to see how much you can eat without gaining? And then what? I don't, understand
    I am maintaining my weight now so do that tell me to cut calories to lose weight.

    Boy did I have to remind myself to be strong which I did for I knew they were loaded with gluten-strong to resist those yeast smelling roll Sunday at out outing for Father day. But knew what the gluten would do to me wasn't, too hard life is so complicated.
    <3 Marie