20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Just home from church and ready to find what I am having for lunch. Have read today's posts and am ready for another
    week of staying focused and getting in shape. I found it rewarding this morning as I got dressed to have my clothes fitting
    much looser. Hope we all have a good week and lose more weight as we near our Easter goal.
    Nancy in MS
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Connie, please do send us in Europe some warm temps. Today we alternated between blizzard and sunshine...a very strange weather day.
    We will be back stateside by spring-yay!
    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    What a wonderful day I had today, my son and his family turned up unexpectedly to join the rest of us on our walk, the sun was shining the views where spectacular and we finished with a picnic.

    Nancy... It's a great feeling when your clothes start to fit better, soon they will be falling of you. :)

    Kenea 993... How did your first day on c25k go, that's how I started 2 years ago, this year I'm doing a 30 mile fell race although a lot of it will be done at fast walking pace LoL.

    Have a good Sunday all.
    Linda UK.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Abakan wrote: »
    What a wonderful day I had today, my son and his family turned up unexpectedly to join the rest of us on our walk, the sun was shining the views where spectacular and we finished with a picnic.

    Nancy... It's a great feeling when your clothes start to fit better, soon they will be falling of you. :)

    Kenea 993... How did your first day on c25k go, that's how I started 2 years ago, this year I'm doing a 30 mile fell race although a lot of it will be done at fast walking pace LoL.

    Have a good Sunday all.
    Linda UK.

    Thanks Linda.. So glad you had a great day with your family. Nothing like having fun with family!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2015
    We are becoming more like family everyday. ]ove the caring for each other
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Just back from a wonderful 8 days in Sri Lanka - but unfortunately it came at a price! My scales have gone up :-(

    But I'm here and back on track - I hope to have more positive news to report later thus week!

    Happy Monday everyone!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had a great weekend with my two daughters and husband. We went to my youngest daughter's house she is pregnant and they just bought a new house. A lovely house and I think they will be happy there for many years.

    I did Aqua Fit this morning with her and it was a good 45 min with a 15 min stretching afterwards. I would like to add this to my exercise regiment. I really liked it.

    I didn't do much weighing and measuring because I ate what I was served. Back to it tomorrow and hope to see a loss next week.

    Everyone seems to be doing well so keep up the good work.

    Ontario, Canada

  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I was a bit MIA for the past few days because I went to visit my boyfriends family on the other side of the country (which isn't that far in Ireland). We had a lovely weekend since he has 4 young siblings which keep things entertaining. Back on track again today. It's hard to keep your eating in order at someone elses house, especially since my boyfriends step mum is Romanian and cooks us a lot of delicious food! It sounds like a lot of other people had very family orientated weekends. I hope everyone enjoyed. Lets rock this week!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Monday!

    Welcome back and a big shout out to all who are returning from great weekends! I agree...it is hard to eat when away from home especially at someone's home. The important thing, though, is that you are back and your routines return to normal. This is life, and we should eat and enjoy different food on occasion without any guilt.

    Today is Aquafit at the gym (glad you enjoyed it, Shirley). My body is fully rested after two days of leisure,and I look forward to going. It's supposed to rain here but after such a wonderful sunshiny weekend, who cares?

    Have a great day, everyone.
    Stay strong!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh what a cheerful bunch this morning. All but me and I am not awake yet this morning.
    no plans today except getting a hair cut.. I had a successful eating day yesterday have not got my plans map out yet.for my eating. I made a big pot of beef and veggies soup Saturday. So that will be my main meals for today. I am looking for a lost this week. Got my happy scales recorded. Now I just got to get my fit bit moving.
    Alice cleaned my freezer out yesterday so now I will have room to save left overs. That will help out. Time now to get my coffee. and think about breakfast. Will probable be cottage cheese and fruits and nuts Love cottage cheese.


  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning! hope everyone had a nice weekend! I have a busy week of baking as valentines day is around the corner. I actually am a baker and do it as a job!! just had a big bowl of oatmeal and off to work. committed to making this a good week. think I managed to get all of my superbowl damage off last week. looking for a loss this week:)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Glad to hear that girl. You are a baker. Wow what a tuff job. we can do it. <3 Marie
    Good hearing from you.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Good luck Stephanie on next week's loss. It must be hard being a baker and smelling all that wonderful stuff like breads and cakes.

    I weighed this morning just to see where I was and I stayed the same as Friday's weigh in.
    Today is nothing but clear fluids, jello, broth in preparation for my procedure tomorrow. Trying not to think about food. :|

    Have a good week everyone!

    Ontario, Canada

    More snow and freezing rain today
  • Kenea993
    Kenea993 Posts: 63 Member
    Abakan wrote: »

    Kenea 993... How did your first day on c25k go, that's how I started 2 years ago, this year I'm doing a 30 mile fell race although a lot of it will be done at fast walking pace LoL.

    Have a good Sunday all.
    Linda UK.

    Well I didn't do so good on my good choices yesterday and had a few to many girl scout cookies so my stomach was not liking this running idea. we went on an extra long walk with the puppies though and jogged the last littLe stretch home. I have pilates and Zumba tonight and then day one again on Wednesday for me. I'm determined though. I do have the month's so I have some wiggle room with reiterating days and weeks. This way I don't push myself too much as I have never been a runner. have a love - hate relationship with it.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    you will have a few days of Bad eating days. Just don't have to many or it will show on your hips.
    not being critical just stating facts.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I found a pumpkin muffin recipe I want to try out as soon as I get all the ingredients it is made with coconut flour and I need to watch my glutten better been noticing a few problems here lately. So leaving off all wheat flour

    Is any body else on a gluten free diet?

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone. Sounds like many of you had a nice weekend with family. Seems like when you are with family it always
    revolves around food!!! It's a new week and time to get in gear to lose some weight this week. My weigh in is tomorrow and I hope
    to see a loss. I am still amazed that I am not always hungry or craving something sweet since I started the One One One plan. It
    is certainly a long term or lifetime way of eating.
    Ready to hit the bike!!!
    Have a great day. It is warm and beautiful here.
    Nancy in MS
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    nancy I notice you having TV dinners on you food chart Is there certain ones we can have I would like to keep some for the one one one plan. For I don't always feel like cooking well most of the time.I don't My husband eats lots of TV Dinners. He fixes his own meals. Every since my back got so bad I cannot mess around in the kitchen much. anymore. I have been eating canned soup some.
    I am making out my grocer list now for tomorrow.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    I usually have Lean Cusine or Healthy Choice Steamers. Like yesterday I had a Lean Cusine Steak Tips Portebello, 150 calories, and it has a serving of broccoli and I added brown rice for my carb. For the Cafe Steamers I try to choose one that has a protein, a carb and they usually have enough fat. So far the ones I have had are listed in the food diary. I just like to keep some in the freezer for the times I don't want to cook.
    They usually have a lot of sodium so I don't have them often. Some of them are tasty and seem to satisfy. There are so many choices too and Walmart always have good choices.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Been busy remodeling one of our homes this past week, so I haven't had a spare moment. Unfortunately, when I get busy I sometimes forget to eat which is never a good thing and I knew it would wreck havoc on my loss this week! I do best with 3 meals and 2 snacks darn it. But despite it all I'm down another 1.5 pounds bringing me to 10 pounds toward the challenge and 13 overall! I'll take it ;)

    SW. 147
    CW. 137
    GW. 127
    Total loss for challenge: 10 pounds <3

    My goal this week is to do better getting those meals and snacks back on track and making sure I drink all my water!

    Hope you all have a terrific week. Glad to see you are feeling better Marie! Best of luck with your procedure tomorrow Shirley!

    Tami~ Pac NW