20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • ldavislamer
    Happy Friday all! Ready for an awesome weekend! It is supposed to be in the 70s here in Kansas...looking forward to spending some time outside. I signed up for "Walk Kansas" today. It is a team challenge that encourages you to be active. When it is over, our physical activity will equal walking across the whole state of KS. We log our exercise and number of fruits and veggies. Looking forward to moving forward with my team.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2015
    That's sounds wonderful walk across Kansas ?How many days do the give you to do that?
    r is surpose to be close to 70 here in Texas tomorrow. I plan to get out and enjoy that Vitamin D. may even have a glass of Lemon aide. What part of Kansas are you from. meet you half way. Have fun.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    connie I am thinking about keeping it simple like 20 lbs by July 4th Challenge What do you think? Or does anyone else has a suggestion?
  • webby314
    webby314 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm with you Marie!

    Thanks for the reminder about fruit Connie, I've been missing apples and I think they are fine as long as I don't over do it.

    I'm weighing tomorrow. My goal for the weekend is to do some free weights, and a walk outside as it's going to be warm (30 degrees) here for a change.

    I love the energy of everyone here. I see you all check in and I love reading through the posts for inspiration. I'm just so glad to have found MFP, it's so much better than WW!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Read through 3 pages of post and didn't find the one from thursday but that's ok. I'll put it here.
    Starting weight was 210 and as of wed. I was 213 at tops. I had a hard time with losing a friend and fell off the wagon for awhile. Well I'm back with it. And wii smiled at me this morning. So back with it.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Happy Saturday! Hope your day will be a sunny one like ours is promising to be!
    What a week...I finally hit 10,000 steps and my home scales showed a loss! Official WI is at noon-hope it lasts!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    connie I am thinking about keeping it simple like 20 lbs by July 4th Challenge What do you think? Or does anyone else has a suggestion?

    I like keeping things simple, Marie. "20 pounds by July 4th" is fine by me.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers and new people! Happy Saturday!

    I'm just peeking in for a bit before getting breakfast. Today and tomorrow are rest days, and I need them...the body is tired. I need to do housework and the dog will get walked, but that is all.

    Have a super day and Stay Strong!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Maybe you should do like me Connie crawl back to bed. The housework will be there when you get up and so will the dog.

    See you all lighter
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Maybe you should do like me Connie crawl back to bed. The housework will be there when you get up and so will the dog.

    See you all lighter

    That sounds like a great idea!
    Hmmmm... I think I will!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie I don't know what I would do if I didn't see your post the first thing in the morning I don;t think you have missed a morning since you join us.. I do appreciate you.

    And Alice my daughter reach her first 10,000 steps in a day .Congrats

    contracts all the loser. doing great. What a team we have. love you all.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Hello, friends! Sorry I've only been checking in once a week, but with work I've been really busy. I had a stall for the past two weigh ins, but today I am down! Yeah!
    SW:186 (first week of Jan)
    Challenge GW: 172 (adjusted due to 8 weeks left and shooting for 1 lb loss each week)

    If I could reach 172 that would still be a great success of a 14 lb loss! Especially given the fact that my last real weight loss attempt was the summer of 2009 when I lost 25 lb.
    After Easter, I could focus from the start of the 20 lb by July 4th and hopefully reach 152! I haven't weighed that since 2004. That will be spectacular!

    I'm SO very grateful to Marie for starting this group challenge and for each one of you who always inspire me to keep at it. I also love that we are all kind, "regular folk." I simply cannot relate to groups where people are exercise and diet fanatics to an extreme. When I was in my 20s I could relate more to that due to peer pressure to be thin. As a nurse, and now in my 50s, I know how short life can be and that each day is to be spent living and loving life to it's fullest while maintaining healthy eating and exercising patterns that are sustainable.
    I hope to get in a good walk today and tomorrow as the weather is supposed to be 49 today and 52 tomorrow! Have a great weekend and successful loss in the upcoming week!
    Becky in Maryland
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So good to hear from you. Becky Yes we are just homefolks trying to lose weight I have been on other threads where they used spreadsheets and all it is about numbers. No friendship at all.
    have a great day

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    So good to hear from you. Becky Yes we are just homefolks trying to lose weight I have been on other threads where they used spreadsheets and all it is about numbers. No friendship at all.
    have a great day
    Thanks, Marie! Love this group and plan to stay with you all through many challenges yet to come! Becky
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    As far as my fitbit I do not know how to really used it. for 3 weeks I have not even had it on. Yesterday was the first day to wear it. and not many steps at all. in fact I have not even look to see how many. And certainly do not know how to add friends. Today is my last day of antiboictic Big old horse pills.I am not completely over the infections but going to wait till Monday to call the doctor and see how I do over the weekend.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    still hanging in there!! loving the one one one!! hope more of you join the group. just had a bowl of oatmeal with chocolate peanut butter protein powder and almonds. it taste like a big mushy reeses, sort of:) off to spin in a little. wish I could take a day off but mentally not there yet!
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good morning challengers! Its going to be a beautiful day here in Ky, I plan to get out and get some walking in. As far as my weight, I have lost 5.2 since the challenge began, hopefully I will show a loss next week, trying not to let the scale rule me, I feel like I look slimmer lately in my clothes, so a non scale victory.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yes Janice it's a no scale victory. Like the feeling of loose clothes.
    Congratulation all you losers.
    I'm waiting for my healthy muffins to come out of oven. If there good I will share the recipe with you all.

    See you lighter
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    Good morning. All no weight lose for me this week, but I have logged in consistently for 40 days. I feel good about that. I plan to start using my gym membership this coming week. I have only been exercising at home about 2 times a week so I am going to increase it to 5. Happy Losing. Have a great weekend.

    SW 181
    CW 173.4
    GW 161
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Linda I have been looking for a healthy muffin. Hope it is good.So you can share.

    morning Janet non scale victory is a good thing. Sometime I think the scales are too harsh on us.

    that's a good plan sunnyfarm.
