Fed Up



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    marathon23 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    What would you call it?

    Fear Mongering.

    Maybe fear mongering for those who aren't capable of watching something and determining what is the important take away from the the information given. If you are a logical person and can riffle through facts and emotional lead ons, then you will be fine and not fall prey to "fear mongering".

    You're new here. It's cute.

    You'll learn in time. Hopefully.

    No need to be condescending. What will I learn? That every one here thinks exactly alike? I truly hope not. I was simply trying to share something that has motivated me this morning.

    Honestly, it's not you but this documentary shows up here a lot and it never turns out pretty.

    This. It's just been talked to death and all the arguments hashed out. Nothing personal.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    The amount of sugar (and preservatives) in processed food may be startling. But even before this revelation, many, many years ago, I was in college with a girl who had a relative who was a food inspector. Learning that there are percentages of rodent feces and hair and bug parts that are in an "acceptable range" really put me off processed stuff. And, once I inquired to a major food label about what "natural flavoring" meant (I wanted to make sure that what I was ingesting was vegetarian) and they were unable to tell me. This was in writing. So............................sugar ain't the only thang to get worked up about, if you're looking for something to get worked up about, that is...

    Why, pray tell, do you think there isn't rodent feces, insect parts, etc. in unprocessed food? Do you think the rats are trained to not *kitten* until food is processed?

    Yep, there is an acceptable level for all of those things and more in any food product including farm fresh produce at the farmers market. Just because you don't see dead slugs, worms, and flies in it doesn't mean they aren't in there some where -- or least parts of them.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    marathon23 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    What would you call it?

    Fear Mongering.

    Maybe fear mongering for those who aren't capable of watching something and determining what is the important take away from the the information given. If you are a logical person and can riffle through facts and emotional lead ons, then you will be fine and not fall prey to "fear mongering".

    I'm with you in the idea that most of us can throw away the silly sensationalized stuff and consider any new information being presented. I don't want to turn this into a Dr. Oz thread but same for his show. Yes there is crap. Occasionally, an annoyingly large amount of crap. But not everything's crap. The promo for "Fed Up" says "Everything we've been told about food and exercise for the past 30 years is dead wrong." I have to say that doesn't entice me to watch it. That level of exaggeration means to me it may be difficult to pick out the stuff I want to consider.

    I went to the "Facts" section of the website http://fedupmovie.com/#/page/about-the-issue?scrollTo=facts, and it seems reasonable, but couldn't find any information I can use in my own efforts to get slim and fit. I am not a soda drinker, and I already knew that sugar makes stuff tastes good so gets slipped into a lot of "processed foods". And my mother-in-law's turnips and carrots.

    Marathon23, or anyone else who has seen this, what specifically was your takeaway? What, besides sugar content, has turned you off processed foods?

    Not to mention that there is tons of fat, salt, artificial/natural flavours (they are the same except for the source of the extracts), preservatives, colours (plus certain processing techniques themselves) and more yet we only focus on sugar? Highly processed foods aren't the best but to say it's just one ingredient of many just misses the mark completely and makes it totally farcical.

    That being said, have a cheeseburger and fries once in a while because something will kill you eventually. ;)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »

    Wait, you mean the majority of the people who have been successful on here think alike? They know the science and actual logic? The horror!!!!!

  • sassysniper
    sassysniper Posts: 156 Member
    marathon23 wrote: »
    Why am I surprised by the lack of social decency in comments found on the internet? You wouldn't speak to someone the way you have me in person...but yet here you are online.
    wow. you really are new here if you think these responses are mean. lol.

    Serious question here. Not being a jerk. Are newbies welcome on the forum? Or is it a "we like who's here screw the rest" vibe?

    I've been using the app but am curious about the dynamics of the forum. Thanks in advance. :blush:
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited December 2014
    That being said, have a cheeseburger and fries once in a while because something will kill you eventually. ;)

    Speaking of burgers and fries, I think my irritation with the sugar paranoia reached its height when I was informed on one of these threads that people today are "addicted" (sigh) to McD's, because of the sugar.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    That being said, have a cheeseburger and fries once in a while because something will kill you eventually. ;)

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    edited December 2014
    marathon23 wrote: »
    Why am I surprised by the lack of social decency in comments found on the internet? You wouldn't speak to someone the way you have me in person...but yet here you are online.
    wow. you really are new here if you think these responses are mean. lol.

    Serious question here. Not being a jerk. Are newbies welcome on the forum? Or is it a "we like who's here screw the rest" vibe?

    I've been using the app but am curious about the dynamics of the forum. Thanks in advance. :blush:

    of course n00bz are welcome. it is wise, however, to do some searching in the forums for certain topics to become familiar with the general consensus in particular areas.

    here's a cheat sheet on subject matter to avoid (please add to this, as i'm sure i'll miss something)
    -fad diets
    -detoxes and other means by with to rid your body of "toxins"
    -calling any type of food "bad"
    -"clean" eating
    -gaining weight at a deficit
    -gaining muscle at a deficit
    -asking for relationship advice
    -venting posts aimed at "meanies" and "bullies"
    -discounting science and believing that "everyone is different"
    -fear-mongering "documentaries"
    -the belief that lifting makes women "bulky"
    -diet/fat burning/metabolism boosting pills
    -stopping eating at a certain time of day
    -recipes that replace noodles, bread, or dough with vegetables like cauliflower
    -belief that you can choose where to lose fat from
    -thinking you're estimating your intake right but complaining that youre not losing
    -using the word "loose" instead of "lose"

    "fed up" is just "fat sick and nearly dead" without the annoying accents.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That being said, have a cheeseburger and fries once in a while because something will kill you eventually. ;)

    Speaking of burgers and fries, I think my irritation with the sugar paranoia reached its height when I was informed on one of these threads that people today are "addicted" (sigh) to McD's, because of the sugar.


    What? Didn't they read my cheeseburger = sex post? SMH
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    That being said, have a cheeseburger and fries once in a while because something will kill you eventually. ;)

    Is that the quadruple bypass from the Heart Attack Grill?
  • sassysniper
    sassysniper Posts: 156 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    Why am I surprised by the lack of social decency in comments found on the internet? You wouldn't speak to someone the way you have me in person...but yet here you are online.
    wow. you really are new here if you think these responses are mean. lol.

    Serious question here. Not being a jerk. Are newbies welcome on the forum? Or is it a "we like who's here screw the rest" vibe?

    I've been using the app but am curious about the dynamics of the forum. Thanks in advance. :blush:

    of course n00bz are welcome. it is wise, however, to do some searching in the forums for certain topics to become familiar with the general consensus in particular areas.

    "fed up" is just "fat sick and nearly dead" without the annoying accents.

    I'm just reading and responding to already-started threads. Just wanted to check! Thanks for the welcome!

  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Here the "2 cents" of somebody who avoid adding sugar.

    Its not the sugar which is bad, its the amounts.

    but to be honest. I was shocked of how many products in the US has sugar in it, which i was not used to at all.
    Yogurt for example. The lowest amount of sugar in plain yogurt i could find is 6%

    In Holland there is no sugar in yogurt. Only the ones with fruit in it and than only the natural sugars.

    I dont add sugar to anything and very rare a sweetener. Still sugar isn't "bad" just like all the other food isn't good or bad. Its the amounts we consume of it that makes it bad.

    I choose for a couple of reasons for no added sugar in my life style. So this means i eat normally fruit etc and all the sugar that is naturally in certain food.

    I see the "fear factor" in indeed tabloid journalism. But awareness of what you eat would be very good.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    marathon23 wrote: »
    Why am I surprised by the lack of social decency in comments found on the internet? You wouldn't speak to someone the way you have me in person...but yet here you are online.
    wow. you really are new here if you think these responses are mean. lol.

    Serious question here. Not being a jerk. Are newbies welcome on the forum? Or is it a "we like who's here screw the rest" vibe?

    I've been using the app but am curious about the dynamics of the forum. Thanks in advance. :blush:
    New people are fantastic. However, a lot of us on the boards have a very factual, sometimes brusque demeanor when it comes to science. We believe that scientific facts should be stated clearly, without a lot of "fluff." Some people like to perceive that as rude or a personal attack. It's not. We know that not everyone has the same level of education or knowledge. It's why we make points to correct people who post misinformation. Most of the time it's a matter of pure ignorance, a poster repeats something they were told without knowing better, they get corrected, they learn, everyone wins.

    Occasionally someone gets corrected that doesn't want to accept that their belief is incorrect (natural human reaction, nobody likes learning that something they thought was fact wasn't) and that's when you start to get the posts complaining about "mean people" "attacking" everyone for having a different opinion. So keep an open mind, expect to be called out if you make a claim, and be prepared to back up what you say. It's really all anyone asks. And if you can't back it up, just allow for the possibility that maybe your claim is incorrect. Can't tell you how many times I've changed my mind on certain topics around here, based on reason and evidence. I love to learn just as much as I love to teach.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Here the "2 cents" of somebody who avoid adding sugar.

    Its not the sugar which is bad, its the amounts.

    but to be honest. I was shocked of how many products in the US has sugar in it, which i was not used to at all.
    Yogurt for example. The lowest amount of sugar in plain yogurt i could find is 6%

    In Holland there is no sugar in yogurt. Only the ones with fruit in it and than only the natural sugars.

    I dont add sugar to anything and very rare a sweetener. Still sugar isn't "bad" just like all the other food isn't good or bad. Its the amounts we consume of it that makes it bad.

    I choose for a couple of reasons for no added sugar in my life style. So this means i eat normally fruit etc and all the sugar that is naturally in certain food.

    I see the "fear factor" in indeed tabloid journalism. But awareness of what you eat would be very good.

    Sugar and salt get added to a lot of products because highly processed foods tend to be very bland. Salt and sugar balance off one and other and add some body and flavor back to the food as well as add valuable weight for very low cost. So in the end there is a lot of sugar where you wouldn't expect it and that's unfortunate and also makes it an easy target for propaganda as we can see.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    this thread again????? didn't we already have a thread about this?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Here the "2 cents" of somebody who avoid adding sugar.

    Its not the sugar which is bad, its the amounts.

    but to be honest. I was shocked of how many products in the US has sugar in it, which i was not used to at all.
    Yogurt for example. The lowest amount of sugar in plain yogurt i could find is 6%

    In Holland there is no sugar in yogurt. Only the ones with fruit in it and than only the natural sugars.

    I dont add sugar to anything and very rare a sweetener. Still sugar isn't "bad" just like all the other food isn't good or bad. Its the amounts we consume of it that makes it bad.

    I choose for a couple of reasons for no added sugar in my life style. So this means i eat normally fruit etc and all the sugar that is naturally in certain food.

    I see the "fear factor" in indeed tabloid journalism. But awareness of what you eat would be very good.

    In the US, all sugar is listed on the label, whether added or naturally occurring. Plain yogurt always has sugar in it, because milk naturally has sugar in it.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    That being said, have a cheeseburger and fries once in a while because something will kill you eventually. ;)

    Is that the quadruple bypass from the Heart Attack Grill?

    LMAO! How do you KNOW this???? cackling
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    this thread again????? didn't we already have a thread about this?

  • sassysniper
    sassysniper Posts: 156 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    Why am I surprised by the lack of social decency in comments found on the internet? You wouldn't speak to someone the way you have me in person...but yet here you are online.
    wow. you really are new here if you think these responses are mean. lol.

    Serious question here. Not being a jerk. Are newbies welcome on the forum? Or is it a "we like who's here screw the rest" vibe?

    I've been using the app but am curious about the dynamics of the forum. Thanks in advance. :blush:
    New people are fantastic. However, a lot of us on the boards have a very factual, sometimes brusque demeanor when it comes to science. We believe that scientific facts should be stated clearly, without a lot of "fluff." Some people like to perceive that as rude or a personal attack. It's not. We know that not everyone has the same level of education or knowledge. It's why we make points to correct people who post misinformation. Most of the time it's a matter of pure ignorance, a poster repeats something they were told without knowing better, they get corrected, they learn, everyone wins.

    Occasionally someone gets corrected that doesn't want to accept that their belief is incorrect (natural human reaction, nobody likes learning that something they thought was fact wasn't) and that's when you start to get the posts complaining about "mean people" "attacking" everyone for having a different opinion. So keep an open mind, expect to be called out if you make a claim, and be prepared to back up what you say. It's really all anyone asks. And if you can't back it up, just allow for the possibility that maybe your claim is incorrect. Can't tell you how many times I've changed my mind on certain topics around here, based on reason and evidence. I love to learn just as much as I love to teach.

    Got it! I have Gastroparesis (paralyzed stomach) so I can't eat certain things that others can. It is a scientific fact that a person with a paralyzed stomach cannot eat what a healthy person can, so I don't plan on getting in any arguments or making any claims about diet. I'm here to track my protein intake since it's more difficult for me to get proteins, and I'm doing my best to stay feeding tube free as long as I can! I wish I wasn't allergic to nuts, or I could eat peanut butter for extra protein. The app is amazing for showing me where I need to add nutrients. Thanks for your reply! :smile:

    For more info on Gastroparesis, here's a link: patients.gi.org/topics/gastroparesis/
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    Why am I surprised by the lack of social decency in comments found on the internet? You wouldn't speak to someone the way you have me in person...but yet here you are online.
    wow. you really are new here if you think these responses are mean. lol.

    Serious question here. Not being a jerk. Are newbies welcome on the forum? Or is it a "we like who's here screw the rest" vibe?

    I've been using the app but am curious about the dynamics of the forum. Thanks in advance. :blush:
    New people are fantastic. However, a lot of us on the boards have a very factual, sometimes brusque demeanor when it comes to science. We believe that scientific facts should be stated clearly, without a lot of "fluff." Some people like to perceive that as rude or a personal attack. It's not. We know that not everyone has the same level of education or knowledge. It's why we make points to correct people who post misinformation. Most of the time it's a matter of pure ignorance, a poster repeats something they were told without knowing better, they get corrected, they learn, everyone wins.

    Occasionally someone gets corrected that doesn't want to accept that their belief is incorrect (natural human reaction, nobody likes learning that something they thought was fact wasn't) and that's when you start to get the posts complaining about "mean people" "attacking" everyone for having a different opinion. So keep an open mind, expect to be called out if you make a claim, and be prepared to back up what you say. It's really all anyone asks. And if you can't back it up, just allow for the possibility that maybe your claim is incorrect. Can't tell you how many times I've changed my mind on certain topics around here, based on reason and evidence. I love to learn just as much as I love to teach.

    Got it! I have Gastroparesis (paralyzed stomach) so I can't eat certain things that others can. It is a scientific fact that a person with a paralyzed stomach cannot eat what a healthy person can, so I don't plan on getting in any arguments or making any claims about diet. I'm here to track my protein intake since it's more difficult for me to get proteins, and I'm doing my best to stay feeding tube free as long as I can! I wish I wasn't allergic to nuts, or I could eat peanut butter for extra protein. The app is amazing for showing me where I need to add nutrients. Thanks for your reply! :smile:

    For more info on Gastroparesis, here's a link: patients.gi.org/topics/gastroparesis/

    I wish you well and hope you stay healthy and free of tubes! :)