Cutting out Sugar and Sweets Need Help



  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Not really sure why people are saying ana's posts are off putting. She was just trying to offer advice and help people see that no foods are really off limits unless you have a medical reason. Honestly, I just read through this whole conversation, and her comments didn't seem off putting to me in the least. If anyone's comments were off putting, it was blktngldhrt who, for whatever reason, was determined to be intentionally elusive. I don't really care what her medical reasons are for having to avoid sugar...not really my business, but it was pretty obvious that she was purposely leaving information out to annoy anna and start an argument. I mean there's really no reason to be secretive about hypoglycemia. Just my take on it.

    Right. My fault.

    I was purposely leaving information out because it wasn't necessary to share. I wasn't the one asking for advice. All I did was agree that if I didn't have to restrict sweets, I wouldn't. Which, I didn't think was unreasonable..because that's how I feel. Who cares why I personally have to? That wasn't helpful to the OP. My saying I wouldn't give them up if I didn't have to was more helpful than the rest of the conversation that followed.

    If you have to cut sweets out, cut them out..if you don't, don't.

    And if you don't have a medical condition and still would like to give them up..there's nothing wrong with that either. We're all our own people who can make the decision for ourselves. If it works, great. If it doesn't, keep trying things until you find a method that works and you can stick with.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Not really sure why people are saying ana's posts are off putting. She was just trying to offer advice and help people see that no foods are really off limits unless you have a medical reason. Honestly, I just read through this whole conversation, and her comments didn't seem off putting to me in the least. If anyone's comments were off putting, it was blktngldhrt who, for whatever reason, was determined to be intentionally elusive. I don't really care what her medical reasons are for having to avoid sugar...not really my business, but it was pretty obvious that she was purposely leaving information out to annoy anna and start an argument. I mean there's really no reason to be secretive about hypoglycemia. Just my take on it.

    So do you enjoy receiving unsolicited advice? Do you enjoy someone nagging you? Because it is exactly what she did.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Not really sure why people are saying ana's posts are off putting. She was just trying to offer advice and help people see that no foods are really off limits unless you have a medical reason. Honestly, I just read through this whole conversation, and her comments didn't seem off putting to me in the least. If anyone's comments were off putting, it was blktngldhrt who, for whatever reason, was determined to be intentionally elusive. I don't really care what her medical reasons are for having to avoid sugar...not really my business, but it was pretty obvious that she was purposely leaving information out to annoy anna and start an argument. I mean there's really no reason to be secretive about hypoglycemia. Just my take on it.
    It's a cumulative thing. She always knows best (or so she believes).

  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    Did we really have to do this entire thread again? Wasn't the last one enough?

    I was just thinking the same. I hadn't seen this one until now.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Not really sure why people are saying ana's posts are off putting. She was just trying to offer advice and help people see that no foods are really off limits unless you have a medical reason. Honestly, I just read through this whole conversation, and her comments didn't seem off putting to me in the least. If anyone's comments were off putting, it was blktngldhrt who, for whatever reason, was determined to be intentionally elusive. I don't really care what her medical reasons are for having to avoid sugar...not really my business, but it was pretty obvious that she was purposely leaving information out to annoy anna and start an argument. I mean there's really no reason to be secretive about hypoglycemia. Just my take on it.

    Right. My fault.

    I was purposely leaving information out because it wasn't necessary to share. I wasn't the one asking for advice. All I did was agree that if I didn't have to restrict sweets, I wouldn't. Which, I didn't think was unreasonable..because that's how I feel. Who cares why I personally have to? That wasn't helpful to the OP. My saying I wouldn't give them up if I didn't have to was more helpful than the rest of the conversation that followed.

    If you have to cut sweets out, cut them out..if you don't, don't.

    And if you don't have a medical condition and still would like to give them up..there's nothing wrong with that either. We're all our own people who can make the decision for ourselves. If it works, great. If it doesn't, keep trying things until you find a method that works and you can stick with.

    Not your fault, you simply could have cut short the entire exchange by just saying the why for your cut-back on sugar, as that would actually help others as well to understand under which circumstances people find they need to cut out sugar. If you had said "I need to cut out sugar because it makes me fat" then that would provide a good opportunity for others to explain why sugar itself doesn't make you fat, and then you and lurkers would be able to benefit. If you said "I have to cut out sugar for medical reasons but otherwise I agree that it's fine to eat and won't stunt weight loss" then I wouldn't have even replied to your quote, but perhaps others with medical issues that impact ability to eat sugary foods might then want to ask for your advice on how to deal with the same problem. It's a forum for people to help each other, and it's very difficult to help others when being vague and elusive as another poster mentioned.

    It's really important that people understand that no food needs to be eliminated or severely limited if they enjoy the food and have no medical reasons for avoiding it, because a lot of people struggle to maintain weight loss or even have trouble sticking with the weight loss process. If you choose an approach that is not enjoyable or sustainable because you think that it's what's needed for weight loss, how is that going to get you to your goals in a healthy manner? So that is why I inquired on your reasons for why you said you had to cut back on sugar.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    edited December 2014
    ana3067 wrote: »
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Not really sure why people are saying ana's posts are off putting. She was just trying to offer advice and help people see that no foods are really off limits unless you have a medical reason. Honestly, I just read through this whole conversation, and her comments didn't seem off putting to me in the least. If anyone's comments were off putting, it was blktngldhrt who, for whatever reason, was determined to be intentionally elusive. I don't really care what her medical reasons are for having to avoid sugar...not really my business, but it was pretty obvious that she was purposely leaving information out to annoy anna and start an argument. I mean there's really no reason to be secretive about hypoglycemia. Just my take on it.

    Right. My fault.

    I was purposely leaving information out because it wasn't necessary to share. I wasn't the one asking for advice. All I did was agree that if I didn't have to restrict sweets, I wouldn't. Which, I didn't think was unreasonable..because that's how I feel. Who cares why I personally have to? That wasn't helpful to the OP. My saying I wouldn't give them up if I didn't have to was more helpful than the rest of the conversation that followed.

    If you have to cut sweets out, cut them out..if you don't, don't.

    And if you don't have a medical condition and still would like to give them up..there's nothing wrong with that either. We're all our own people who can make the decision for ourselves. If it works, great. If it doesn't, keep trying things until you find a method that works and you can stick with.

    Not your fault, you simply could have cut short the entire exchange by just saying the why for your cut-back on sugar, as that would actually help others as well to understand under which circumstances people find they need to cut out sugar. If you had said "I need to cut out sugar because it makes me fat" then that would provide a good opportunity for others to explain why sugar itself doesn't make you fat, and then you and lurkers would be able to benefit. If you said "I have to cut out sugar for medical reasons but otherwise I agree that it's fine to eat and won't stunt weight loss" then I wouldn't have even replied to your quote, but perhaps others with medical issues that impact ability to eat sugary foods might then want to ask for your advice on how to deal with the same problem. It's a forum for people to help each other, and it's very difficult to help others when being vague and elusive as another poster mentioned.

    It's really important that people understand that no food needs to be eliminated or severely limited if they enjoy the food and have no medical reasons for avoiding it, because a lot of people struggle to maintain weight loss or even have trouble sticking with the weight loss process. If you choose an approach that is not enjoyable or sustainable because you think that it's what's needed for weight loss, how is that going to get you to your goals in a healthy manner? So that is why I inquired on your reasons for why you said you had to cut back on sugar.

    In all honesty, sometimes a person's reasons for doing something are personal and private, and none of anyone else's business. If they aren't seeking advice, and don't want to disclose something of a personal nature, that's their prerogative. Harassing them to tell you after they've already stated they don't want to really isn't necessary, and really isn't helpful, as it just derails the entire thread (like this one.)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Honestly I would not cut them out, just factor them into your calorie allotment for the day.

    Yep. I always try to make room for some ice cream in my calories.

    Third. Unless there are medical reasons for cutting out sweets (diabetes namely) then there is no reason to not eat them. Know your goals, log what you are interested in eating, and if it fits your goals then eat it. If it doesn't then change the serving until it does, or just eat it tomorrow.

    If I didn't HAVE to give up sweets, I wouldn't have.

    But why you you believe you have to give them up? Is the reason due to a medical condition? Or do you just think that eating sweets = gain weight/not lose weight? Is this OP's reasoning as well?

    Because sweets don't cause or hinder weight loss; caloric surplus hinders weight loss, and caloric deficit causes weight loss. I've been eating sweets since before I started losing weight, I binged on sweets frequently too. Chocolate was my vice. Now? I know my caloric goals and I have no problem logging x amount of chocolate and just eating that. I ate chocolat etonight and sure, I'd be down for eating more, but I have no problem with not eating more of it because I know it doesn't fit my goals for today.

    So again, unless there are medical reasons, there is no 'have to' for cutting out any foods. I don't eat gluten, but this is because if I do eat it I have very bad digestive symptoms. So for me it's a "have to" situation. But eating the GF alternatives doesn't cause issues, so I eat those. Any food can be worked into one's diet and caloric goals if the person enjoys the food. I have had the "i can't eat this because I'll get fat" mindset, didn't work. Also had the "I can just exercise this off" mindset. That was back when I thought exercise = weight loss, though.

    I can't eat sweets. I would eat them, in moderation, if I could.

    But WHY do you think you cannot eat sweets? Is it because you have a medical condition? Or is it because you simply don't think that you can eat them within your caloric needs? If you are successfully able to eat every other type of food within your caloric goals then there is no real reason that you cannot try eating sweets within your goals. I went from eating 3-4 boxes of chocolate in a sitting to eating a few pieces, and the only difference is that I now actually understand my caloric goals and I don't put limits on anything (i.e. I don't say "I can only eat chips on special occasions/once a month/etc"). Where I once used to hate myself and feel guilty for eating chocolate because I would binge on it, I now can log two pieces without blinking an eye and just... eat it. I just enjoy food now. So there is no "can't" with food unless there are medical reasons behind this reasoning. It's really just about developing a healthy relationship with food, which will ideally enable you to enjoy food in moderation without resorting to binging.

    I know I can't..which is why I stated that I had to stop eating sweets. I know the difference between have to and choose to.

    I guess I needed to say "this" or "I agree" with the post I had quoted before posting the comment that lead to you questioning my reasons for knowing (not thinking..) I'm not able to do something.

    How do you know you can't though? You so far haven't given any reasons, which leads me to believe that it's more that you FEAR you can't eat sweets in moderation. Do you feel guilty when you eat sweets? Do you feel bad about yourself? I've been there. I felt ashamed because I almost always binged. I'd tell myself "just one piece" and then that turned into "just one bar" and then within the span of an hour I'd consumed 3-4 large chocolate bars. Or on saturdays, I work in retail and I used to buy an armful of chocoalte and eat it all on my shift. I wasn't even hungry. It was a combo of binging and a bad relationship with food that made me feel like *kitten* about myself. Once I got rid of the bad relationship with food and simply realized that no food will stop or prevent weight loss, I had no trouble working sweets into my daily caloric intake goals. If I don't have room for a whole candy bar, I will log and eat half. Or I'll have a small piece instead of the actual amount i'd like and I'll still be satisfied.

    Why do I need to give you a reason?
    You don't.
    +1 ana's posts are rather off putting, but perhaps she's still working through those food demons.
    (perhaps she's a budding undergrad psych major lol)

    and you wonder why people treat you like a troll. lol.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Not really sure why people are saying ana's posts are off putting. She was just trying to offer advice and help people see that no foods are really off limits unless you have a medical reason. Honestly, I just read through this whole conversation, and her comments didn't seem off putting to me in the least. If anyone's comments were off putting, it was blktngldhrt who, for whatever reason, was determined to be intentionally elusive. I don't really care what her medical reasons are for having to avoid sugar...not really my business, but it was pretty obvious that she was purposely leaving information out to annoy anna and start an argument. I mean there's really no reason to be secretive about hypoglycemia. Just my take on it.

    Right. My fault.

    I was purposely leaving information out because it wasn't necessary to share. I wasn't the one asking for advice. All I did was agree that if I didn't have to restrict sweets, I wouldn't. Which, I didn't think was unreasonable..because that's how I feel. Who cares why I personally have to? That wasn't helpful to the OP. My saying I wouldn't give them up if I didn't have to was more helpful than the rest of the conversation that followed.

    If you have to cut sweets out, cut them out..if you don't, don't.

    And if you don't have a medical condition and still would like to give them up..there's nothing wrong with that either. We're all our own people who can make the decision for ourselves. If it works, great. If it doesn't, keep trying things until you find a method that works and you can stick with.

    Not your fault, you simply could have cut short the entire exchange by just saying the why for your cut-back on sugar, as that would actually help others as well to understand under which circumstances people find they need to cut out sugar. If you had said "I need to cut out sugar because it makes me fat" then that would provide a good opportunity for others to explain why sugar itself doesn't make you fat, and then you and lurkers would be able to benefit. If you said "I have to cut out sugar for medical reasons but otherwise I agree that it's fine to eat and won't stunt weight loss" then I wouldn't have even replied to your quote, but perhaps others with medical issues that impact ability to eat sugary foods might then want to ask for your advice on how to deal with the same problem. It's a forum for people to help each other, and it's very difficult to help others when being vague and elusive as another poster mentioned.

    It's really important that people understand that no food needs to be eliminated or severely limited if they enjoy the food and have no medical reasons for avoiding it, because a lot of people struggle to maintain weight loss or even have trouble sticking with the weight loss process. If you choose an approach that is not enjoyable or sustainable because you think that it's what's needed for weight loss, how is that going to get you to your goals in a healthy manner? So that is why I inquired on your reasons for why you said you had to cut back on sugar.

    In all honesty, sometimes a person's reasons for doing something are personal and private, and none of anyone else's business. If they aren't seeking advice, and don't want to disclose something of a personal nature, that's their prerogative. Harassing them to tell you after they've already stated they don't want to really isn't necessary, and really isn't helpful, as it just derails the entire thread (like this one.)

    My intent was not to harass. If she feels I harassed by simply asking that she not be so vague, then woops. But like I already mentioned, just saying the word "medical" would have provided her "why" without even needing to go into details. Why simply saying that there is a medical reason as opposed to making others try to guess what her reasoning is is beyond me, as providing adequate information on the forums is what enables others to benefit from the advice and discussions others engage in.
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    tigersword wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    Not really sure why people are saying ana's posts are off putting. She was just trying to offer advice and help people see that no foods are really off limits unless you have a medical reason. Honestly, I just read through this whole conversation, and her comments didn't seem off putting to me in the least. If anyone's comments were off putting, it was blktngldhrt who, for whatever reason, was determined to be intentionally elusive. I don't really care what her medical reasons are for having to avoid sugar...not really my business, but it was pretty obvious that she was purposely leaving information out to annoy anna and start an argument. I mean there's really no reason to be secretive about hypoglycemia. Just my take on it.

    Right. My fault.

    I was purposely leaving information out because it wasn't necessary to share. I wasn't the one asking for advice. All I did was agree that if I didn't have to restrict sweets, I wouldn't. Which, I didn't think was unreasonable..because that's how I feel. Who cares why I personally have to? That wasn't helpful to the OP. My saying I wouldn't give them up if I didn't have to was more helpful than the rest of the conversation that followed.

    If you have to cut sweets out, cut them out..if you don't, don't.

    And if you don't have a medical condition and still would like to give them up..there's nothing wrong with that either. We're all our own people who can make the decision for ourselves. If it works, great. If it doesn't, keep trying things until you find a method that works and you can stick with.

    Not your fault, you simply could have cut short the entire exchange by just saying the why for your cut-back on sugar, as that would actually help others as well to understand under which circumstances people find they need to cut out sugar. If you had said "I need to cut out sugar because it makes me fat" then that would provide a good opportunity for others to explain why sugar itself doesn't make you fat, and then you and lurkers would be able to benefit. If you said "I have to cut out sugar for medical reasons but otherwise I agree that it's fine to eat and won't stunt weight loss" then I wouldn't have even replied to your quote, but perhaps others with medical issues that impact ability to eat sugary foods might then want to ask for your advice on how to deal with the same problem. It's a forum for people to help each other, and it's very difficult to help others when being vague and elusive as another poster mentioned.

    It's really important that people understand that no food needs to be eliminated or severely limited if they enjoy the food and have no medical reasons for avoiding it, because a lot of people struggle to maintain weight loss or even have trouble sticking with the weight loss process. If you choose an approach that is not enjoyable or sustainable because you think that it's what's needed for weight loss, how is that going to get you to your goals in a healthy manner? So that is why I inquired on your reasons for why you said you had to cut back on sugar.

    In all honesty, sometimes a person's reasons for doing something are personal and private, and none of anyone else's business. If they aren't seeking advice, and don't want to disclose something of a personal nature, that's their prerogative. Harassing them to tell you after they've already stated they don't want to really isn't necessary, and really isn't helpful, as it just derails the entire thread (like this one.)

    My intent was not to harass. If she feels I harassed by simply asking that she not be so vague, then woops. But like I already mentioned, just saying the word "medical" would have provided her "why" without even needing to go into details. Why simply saying that there is a medical reason as opposed to making others try to guess what her reasoning is is beyond me, as providing adequate information on the forums is what enables others to benefit from the advice and discussions others engage in.

    I'm pretty sure my 'I have to cut them but wouldn't if I could help it' and 'choose a method that is sustainable for you' comments covered anything that you were trying to say without divulging my personal reasons why.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I've done so well at losing 8 pounds already and I wanna lose a total of 65 pounds or more. My biggest thing is I have a Sweet Tooth and Always looking for a way to cut back or not eat them at all. I could use any kind of recommendations on how to cut out sweets and sodas. I'm also getting better at drinking more water and juice and trying to stay away from soda. Please Help.

    I think in the future we will see more and more use of CBT techniques in weight loss to replace the old, and rather tired, notion of willpower.

    If you have an unconscious habit that you find is not beneficial to your well being you can use certain techniques that harnesses your forebrain (your conscious mind) to overwrite that programming (it never goes away but rather new neural connections are established which sit over the old ones.)

    So, a simple technique is as follows when you experience cravings:

    1) Give yourself absolute mental permission to eat what you want, at whatever time you want and in whatever quantities you want (this sounds scary but isn't in conjunction with the following.)
    2) Tell yourself that you are experiencing a compulsive desire to eat and let yourself experience them emotions you feel. Don't fight them but rather let them wash over you and consider them.
    3) Tell yourself that, if you still wish to eat, that you freely accept the negative consequences that flow from it (lower self esteem, less energy or whatever is particularly important to you.)
    4) Eat or walk away as you feel

    The goal in this is not to avoid eating (indeed sometimes you may find that eating is actually a good result.) The goal is to consciously assess your actions and let that re establish connections in your unconscious. Over time you will find your consumption gradually reduces until this becomes second nature.

    Good luck!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    c4rtr4t wrote: »
    my mom and i went on the dr. oz two-week cleanse during the summer (i know he's a quack but in the end, this actually wasn't that bad); basically, we couldn't have sugar at all--no fruit, no artificial sweeteners, nothing. yes it was hard at first but i'm telling you, by the last day of it, the eating choices felt so normal that by the time i COULD eat normally, it felt weird. if you want to go cold turkey, no sugar, it is possible. and believe me, i love my sweets. the first few days are the hardest; just try to distract yourself when you're home: get in an MFP-forum coma, take long showers, etc. then it'll be mindless in no time.

    Thanks for your post.

    I do not have access to Oz but I do not see going "cold turkey" eliminating all carbs as a tradition commercial cleanse like some are selling. In my case 'carbs' was the foods that was messing with my health and I could not seem to taper off of them. When I did the 'cold turkey approach' the cravings when away and have been gone for 10 weeks but I still do not do the added sugar, etc and working to stay <50 grams of carbs daily because that keeps my physical pain low.

    Eliminating the offending foods (it was about all carbs in my personal case) was the only thing that stopped my life long cravings and sugar crashes.

    OP where you are at today is a very common place most have found or find ourselves today. There were no easy answers in my case. While going 'cold turkey' is SIMPLE it was a very HARD few weeks in my case when I replaced Carbs with Fat and made sure I had my basic protein intake met but not more than required to protect against muscle loss.

    After the fact the Hard part fades in one's memory as the joy of being free from carb cravings becomes a way of life that is good for the rest of our lives.

    No I did not make it many times in the past but this last time I knew I 'had to' do it because years of yo yo dieting had about killed my health.

    Best of luck.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    edited December 2014
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Honestly I would not cut them out, just factor them into your calorie allotment for the day.

    Yep. I always try to make room for some ice cream in my calories.

    Third. Unless there are medical reasons for cutting out sweets (diabetes namely) then there is no reason to not eat them. Know your goals, log what you are interested in eating, and if it fits your goals then eat it. If it doesn't then change the serving until it does, or just eat it tomorrow.

    If I didn't HAVE to give up sweets, I wouldn't have.

    But why you you believe you have to give them up? Is the reason due to a medical condition? Or do you just think that eating sweets = gain weight/not lose weight? Is this OP's reasoning as well?

    Because sweets don't cause or hinder weight loss; caloric surplus hinders weight loss, and caloric deficit causes weight loss. I've been eating sweets since before I started losing weight, I binged on sweets frequently too. Chocolate was my vice. Now? I know my caloric goals and I have no problem logging x amount of chocolate and just eating that. I ate chocolat etonight and sure, I'd be down for eating more, but I have no problem with not eating more of it because I know it doesn't fit my goals for today.

    So again, unless there are medical reasons, there is no 'have to' for cutting out any foods. I don't eat gluten, but this is because if I do eat it I have very bad digestive symptoms. So for me it's a "have to" situation. But eating the GF alternatives doesn't cause issues, so I eat those. Any food can be worked into one's diet and caloric goals if the person enjoys the food. I have had the "i can't eat this because I'll get fat" mindset, didn't work. Also had the "I can just exercise this off" mindset. That was back when I thought exercise = weight loss, though.

    I can't eat sweets. I would eat them, in moderation, if I could.

    But WHY do you think you cannot eat sweets? Is it because you have a medical condition? Or is it because you simply don't think that you can eat them within your caloric needs? If you are successfully able to eat every other type of food within your caloric goals then there is no real reason that you cannot try eating sweets within your goals. I went from eating 3-4 boxes of chocolate in a sitting to eating a few pieces, and the only difference is that I now actually understand my caloric goals and I don't put limits on anything (i.e. I don't say "I can only eat chips on special occasions/once a month/etc"). Where I once used to hate myself and feel guilty for eating chocolate because I would binge on it, I now can log two pieces without blinking an eye and just... eat it. I just enjoy food now. So there is no "can't" with food unless there are medical reasons behind this reasoning. It's really just about developing a healthy relationship with food, which will ideally enable you to enjoy food in moderation without resorting to binging.

    I know I can't..which is why I stated that I had to stop eating sweets. I know the difference between have to and choose to.

    I guess I needed to say "this" or "I agree" with the post I had quoted before posting the comment that lead to you questioning my reasons for knowing (not thinking..) I'm not able to do something.

    How do you know you can't though? You so far haven't given any reasons, which leads me to believe that it's more that you FEAR you can't eat sweets in moderation. Do you feel guilty when you eat sweets? Do you feel bad about yourself? I've been there. I felt ashamed because I almost always binged. I'd tell myself "just one piece" and then that turned into "just one bar" and then within the span of an hour I'd consumed 3-4 large chocolate bars. Or on saturdays, I work in retail and I used to buy an armful of chocoalte and eat it all on my shift. I wasn't even hungry. It was a combo of binging and a bad relationship with food that made me feel like *kitten* about myself. Once I got rid of the bad relationship with food and simply realized that no food will stop or prevent weight loss, I had no trouble working sweets into my daily caloric intake goals. If I don't have room for a whole candy bar, I will log and eat half. Or I'll have a small piece instead of the actual amount i'd like and I'll still be satisfied.

    Why do I need to give you a reason?
    You don't.
    +1 ana's posts are rather off putting, but perhaps she's still working through those food demons.
    (perhaps she's a budding undergrad psych major lol)

    I've tackled my food demons about 6 months ago actually. The only food demons I have now are when I have to decide whether I want to eat a donut or a muffin.

    And to throw around attempted insulting remarks regarding my educational vocation is quite childish. Yes, I am graduating with my pscyhology and art history degree next term, and afterwards my plan is to embark on an occupational therapy graduate degree. Does my educational and job interest somehow make my advice, opinions, and presence lesser than someone with a mathematics degree? Would someone with a fine arts degree also be looked down on in the same manner? It is quite sad for someone to look down on others because of their education.
    Stop the passive-aggressive insults.

    Stop the outright name-calling.

    Stop telling people how to post.

    Stop insisting that everyone diet according to your rules.

    Stop telling people how to source posts.

    Stop demanding that people answer whatever question you ask or get off the boards. (Honestly, who do you think you are, telling people they shouldn't be posting here?)
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    If I wanted to tame my sweet tooth? Phase one of south beach diet. To the letter.

    hookers and blow?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Honestly I would not cut them out, just factor them into your calorie allotment for the day.

    Yep. I always try to make room for some ice cream in my calories.

    Third. Unless there are medical reasons for cutting out sweets (diabetes namely) then there is no reason to not eat them. Know your goals, log what you are interested in eating, and if it fits your goals then eat it. If it doesn't then change the serving until it does, or just eat it tomorrow.

    If I didn't HAVE to give up sweets, I wouldn't have.

    But why you you believe you have to give them up? Is the reason due to a medical condition? Or do you just think that eating sweets = gain weight/not lose weight? Is this OP's reasoning as well?

    Because sweets don't cause or hinder weight loss; caloric surplus hinders weight loss, and caloric deficit causes weight loss. I've been eating sweets since before I started losing weight, I binged on sweets frequently too. Chocolate was my vice. Now? I know my caloric goals and I have no problem logging x amount of chocolate and just eating that. I ate chocolat etonight and sure, I'd be down for eating more, but I have no problem with not eating more of it because I know it doesn't fit my goals for today.

    So again, unless there are medical reasons, there is no 'have to' for cutting out any foods. I don't eat gluten, but this is because if I do eat it I have very bad digestive symptoms. So for me it's a "have to" situation. But eating the GF alternatives doesn't cause issues, so I eat those. Any food can be worked into one's diet and caloric goals if the person enjoys the food. I have had the "i can't eat this because I'll get fat" mindset, didn't work. Also had the "I can just exercise this off" mindset. That was back when I thought exercise = weight loss, though.

    I can't eat sweets. I would eat them, in moderation, if I could.

    But WHY do you think you cannot eat sweets? Is it because you have a medical condition? Or is it because you simply don't think that you can eat them within your caloric needs? If you are successfully able to eat every other type of food within your caloric goals then there is no real reason that you cannot try eating sweets within your goals. I went from eating 3-4 boxes of chocolate in a sitting to eating a few pieces, and the only difference is that I now actually understand my caloric goals and I don't put limits on anything (i.e. I don't say "I can only eat chips on special occasions/once a month/etc"). Where I once used to hate myself and feel guilty for eating chocolate because I would binge on it, I now can log two pieces without blinking an eye and just... eat it. I just enjoy food now. So there is no "can't" with food unless there are medical reasons behind this reasoning. It's really just about developing a healthy relationship with food, which will ideally enable you to enjoy food in moderation without resorting to binging.

    I know I can't..which is why I stated that I had to stop eating sweets. I know the difference between have to and choose to.

    I guess I needed to say "this" or "I agree" with the post I had quoted before posting the comment that lead to you questioning my reasons for knowing (not thinking..) I'm not able to do something.

    How do you know you can't though? You so far haven't given any reasons, which leads me to believe that it's more that you FEAR you can't eat sweets in moderation. Do you feel guilty when you eat sweets? Do you feel bad about yourself? I've been there. I felt ashamed because I almost always binged. I'd tell myself "just one piece" and then that turned into "just one bar" and then within the span of an hour I'd consumed 3-4 large chocolate bars. Or on saturdays, I work in retail and I used to buy an armful of chocoalte and eat it all on my shift. I wasn't even hungry. It was a combo of binging and a bad relationship with food that made me feel like *kitten* about myself. Once I got rid of the bad relationship with food and simply realized that no food will stop or prevent weight loss, I had no trouble working sweets into my daily caloric intake goals. If I don't have room for a whole candy bar, I will log and eat half. Or I'll have a small piece instead of the actual amount i'd like and I'll still be satisfied.

    Why do I need to give you a reason?
    You don't.
    +1 ana's posts are rather off putting, but perhaps she's still working through those food demons.
    (perhaps she's a budding undergrad psych major lol)

    I've tackled my food demons about 6 months ago actually. The only food demons I have now are when I have to decide whether I want to eat a donut or a muffin.

    And to throw around attempted insulting remarks regarding my educational vocation is quite childish. Yes, I am graduating with my pscyhology and art history degree next term, and afterwards my plan is to embark on an occupational therapy graduate degree. Does my educational and job interest somehow make my advice, opinions, and presence lesser than someone with a mathematics degree? Would someone with a fine arts degree also be looked down on in the same manner? It is quite sad for someone to look down on others because of their education.
    Stop the passive-aggressive insults.

    Stop the outright name-calling.

    Stop telling people how to post.

    Stop insisting that everyone diet according to your rules.

    Stop telling people how to source posts.

    Stop demanding that people answer whatever question you ask or get off the boards. (Honestly, who do you think you are, telling people they shouldn't be posting here?)

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited December 2014
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP: you may find that after you recalibrate (by taking a couple of weeks of no sweets), you can easily control your sweet tooth. If that's you, awesome! All the better.

    Also, I find that if my "sweet treat" is a small piece of dark dark chocolate (like 1/3 of a candy bar) I don't feel the need to eat more. It hits the spot perfectly.

    Good luck finding what works for you, and ignore the folks who demand that you MUST eat junk food and sweets (it's a rather odd form of pressure, that in the real world would definitely be deemed socially unacceptable, but for some reason is A-OK on this "fitness" website).

    LOL and the restrict whole food group makes sense too …

    If OP is already losing weight eating sugar then what is the point of cutting it out?

    Well, captain, she wants to reduce her intake of sweets. It's not a dangerous, unhealthy thing to do, so I offered her my thoughts on it. As did you.

    ps: "sweets" isn't really a "food group".

    Yes, but WHY does she want to reduce the intake? Based on her OP, it seems that she wants to reduce the intake because she thinks that it's the only way she will successfully lose weight. She did not make any mention of other reasons for cutting down on sweets, such as headaches or nausea or constipation or cavities or whatever. Simply "I've lost 8lbs but I need to lose another 65, how can I cut back on sweets."

    So it's very informative to let OP know that if she enjoys eating these things, and they have clearly not stopped her from losing weight, then she can still eat them exactly as she does now.

    Perhaps. Just perhaps, she has several goals. Only one of which is a number on a scale....
    Just maybe. Who knows. Do YOU? For EVERY SINGLE POSTER ON MYFITNESSPAL? Wait. Are you.... PSYCHic too?????

    If there are numerous goals then, to which one does limiting sugar intake apply?

    This is why it is important for people to provide quite a bit of information. But if her goals are body compositional, no reduction in sugar is needed. If they are medical, then I have no idea if it is needed as she should consult her physician. If it is to improve cardiovascular health, it is also not a requirement to limit sugary intake. And it's not a requirement for weight loss.

    I haven't read the whole thread YET, but have read most of it. Here's the point: someone else's REASONS don't matter to you. Or they shouldn't. They are their own choice and their own matter. For goodness sake, give people the benefit of at least couching your advice in a less badgering tone.

    I choose to not eat sugar except on very rare occasions. I have my reasons and they are my own. I had them before I came on this site and started counting calories, that's all I'll share. I and no one else in this world answer to you. It might have been a revelation to YOU that you could still have sweets and lose, but someone who has made their own choice to forgo them deserves the benefit of belief that they are capable of coming to that decision without being browbeaten and with just a simple explanation that moderation is possible for some people and maybe not for others.

    I really don't understand why it's so impossible for you to grasp the simple fact that people are different from you and might have different objectives.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    did OP every come back in this thread?
  • toofatnomore
    toofatnomore Posts: 206 Member
    c4rtr4t wrote: »
    my mom and i went on the dr. oz two-week cleanse during the summer (i know he's a quack but in the end, this actually wasn't that bad); basically, we couldn't have sugar at all--no fruit, no artificial sweeteners, nothing. yes it was hard at first but i'm telling you, by the last day of it, the eating choices felt so normal that by the time i COULD eat normally, it felt weird. if you want to go cold turkey, no sugar, it is possible. and believe me, i love my sweets. the first few days are the hardest; just try to distract yourself when you're home: get in an MFP-forum coma, take long showers, etc. then it'll be mindless in no time.

    +1 on long
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    miketoryan wrote: »
    If I wanted to tame my sweet tooth? Phase one of south beach diet. To the letter.

    hookers and blow?

    That would probably do it.