Golden Years



  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Thank you all for the warm welcome!! <3 You all sound fun as well! I may have to hang around here more and get some of your fun rubbing off on me!

    And thank you for the birthday wishes! So sweet of you!

    My jog is more like an injured turtle so don't be too impressed. :p
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Greetings ladies.

    *zack, Welcome to the group. We are happy you found us too. Even though I’m not in the physical condition I hope to reach, at 67, I feel like this is the best (or one of them) time of my life. If we can keep our health, there is nothing to hold us back in our mature years. Way to go on those runs!!! Have a happy, happy Birthday. It’s a day for celebration. 

    *Jo, you aren’t nearly as overweight as many of us. I’m glad you joined us.

    *Marie, or anyone, can you tell me why you are doing the 1 1 1 thing rather than just counting calories on MFP? Is it because it gives you more of a guideline as to what to eat? Do you still count calories? Is it something you will do for the rest of your life or is it a diet? Curious mind wants to know. 

    I’m starting to get things together for my cruise on Saturday. I have to narrow down exactly what clothes I’ll take but am getting other things together on guest room bed. I won’t pack until Friday, but if packing early would get it here faster, I’d be packed. Can you tell I'm looking forward to it??? B)

    Myrtle Beach, SC
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2015
    DJ I am doing it for I do not like to count caloriesAnd look up all those food.Way to much work for me. Here All I do look at my plate and see if I a serving of protein, a serving of fat, and a serving of carbs. Simple as that.
    <3 Marie

    Enjoy your cruise see you when you get back.

  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Oh Janet a cruise is so fun!!!! Don't do what I did and start enjoying the cocktail of the day BEFORE they give the lifeboat speech. :o They really shouldn't serve drinks till after that demonstration. It was a 5 day cruise and my bar tab was $900. I'm guessing the drinks are expensive since I don't drink much. ;)

    Have a marvelous time!!!!!
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Oh I have to add - i took my scale. Yes. On a boat. DUH. My weight was 156 158 155. 154. 160.

    In fast succession. Lol. Don't waste the space in your suitcase.
  • Blueharebell1
    Just poking my nose in to say good morning. Another snow day. Anne.
  • razzjohe
    Hi all
    DJ have a great cruise ...its something I always wanted to do

    as I said yesterday just got the 1-1-1 book on kindle and am trying to read it , but hubby keeps interrupting , so at the moment I am counting calories still, its boring but my granddaughter tells me after a while you just know how much of whatever it is you are having and don't need to count .

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Good Morning. Thanks for the well wishes on my cruise. I sneak on some mini bottles of vodka and mix my own much of the time because of the expensive drinks. :) That is what will put me over on calories each day as I will keep eating in check. And NO scale for me. I'll find out the damage when I get home LOL
    Razz, what I like about counting calories is that I can look up food before I eat it and find out how many calories are in it. There are a ton of foods that are good for us but very high in calories, so those I eat less often and definitely with moderation. The nice thing is, what ever works for you is what you can do. I find that I change my menu up more now than I did before MFP.
    Have a great day,ladies.

  • blaja5
    blaja5 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm new hear and checking out this site. My name is Brenda, I live in South Central Ohio, I am 54 and have 3 children, ages 23, 17 and 15. First grandson is due March 6 and I am excited for me, nervous for them. Wasn't planned, they aren't ready, and aren't grown up yet! I guess they will learn to be pretty quickly here soon.

    I have been married 35 years this year, and the last 3 haven't been good. Stress their wants to make me eat.....everything! Trying to stay on task. I started the diet whirlwind 3 weeks ago this Friday. I have lost 10.2 pounds which I am excited about.

    I still have 35 more pounds to go. Have trouble exercising because of a stress fracture and bone bruise on my knee. I also have Fibromyalgia which some days is debilitating. Any suggestions on ways to work in some exercise would be greatly appreciated. Doc says stay off knee as much as possible!

    It's nice to have people on here to talk to, my husband isn't any help, my daughter says I look fine-she likes me "fluffy"! I know I would feel better and be more active and possibly lose this Type II diabetes if I could lose more. Just the 10 pounds lost has dropped by numbers significantly. I am excited about that.

    Thanks for listening, and make it a great day!
  • Blueharebell1
    Hello BRENDA, I had 21 lbs to lose and managed to do that only to find I'd put 2 lbs back on over Christmas. Now I'm back to behaving myself! Just wanted to say, when I lost the first 10 lbs all my aches and pains disappeared with it. Particularly in one of my knees. This knee would collapse on me quite unexpectedly and I'd take a nose dive. However, after that initial 10 lb loss way back in June I've had no further problems. It's quite remarkable actually, and I'm more energetic now than I've been in years!
    DJ and RAZZ JO, I find the only way for success is for me to do the MFP calorie guidelines. It lists every food under the sun, both for the USA and the UK, it's SO easy, and if you cook a lot, you just have to go to recipes, list your ingredients, divide into portions, call it "JO's treacle pudding" or whatever and there it is, whenever you want it again. It's a bit tricky at first, trial and error on my part, but you've got a granddaughter to show you quickly JO, lucky you! The computer does all the counting for you on the daily basis. Have a super cruise DJ.
  • razzjohe
    Anne ..I do like the fact I can scan a food by its barcode on my mobile and find out instantly what calories it has

    hello Brenda ....I have only joined 3 days ago and find everyone really friendly and helpful hope you do to

  • Blueharebell1
    JO, wow you can do that! I don't have a mobile. I was completely lost when I first came on the Internet last April, and all this technology just amazes me! There was talk on the TV the other day about putting "chips" in people's fingers to access their homes etc. Now THAT I don't like the idea of! Mind you, my cats got a chip in case she gets lost. Put in by the humane society years ago when I found her.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome Brenda glad you join us. So you are going to be a grandma. Wonderful. I have a new grandson Born the 19 of January weighing in at 9 lbs and 5 oz, Big baby.

    We are finally getting out of this cold spell and going to have a lovely weekend coming up

    Post as often as you can love hearing from you

    <3 Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    blaja5 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm new hear and checking out this site. My name is Brenda, I live in South Central Ohio, I am 54 and have 3 children, ages 23, 17 and 15. First grandson is due March 6 and I am excited for me, nervous for them. Wasn't planned, they aren't ready, and aren't grown up yet! I guess they will learn to be pretty quickly here soon.

    I have been married 35 years this year, and the last 3 haven't been good. Stress their wants to make me eat.....everything! Trying to stay on task. I started the diet whirlwind 3 weeks ago this Friday. I have lost 10.2 pounds which I am excited about.

    I still have 35 more pounds to go. Have trouble exercising because of a stress fracture and bone bruise on my knee. I also have Fibromyalgia which some days is debilitating. Any suggestions on ways to work in some exercise would be greatly appreciated. Doc says stay off knee as much as possible!

    It's nice to have people on here to talk to, my husband isn't any help, my daughter says I look fine-she likes me "fluffy"! I know I would feel better and be more active and possibly lose this Type II diabetes if I could lose more. Just the 10 pounds lost has dropped by numbers significantly. I am excited about that.

    Thanks for listening, and make it a great day!

    BLAJA - Welcome to the group. I am 65 years old and have two grown daughters.
    One is married and due with our first grandchild in April, exciting times.
    You will like this group, we just chat about our weight and what we did this week.

    I just got back from Yoga class and no meditation due to my instructor going to another job. I went to visit my MIL after that and then went to pick up some dressings at the grocery store. I like the President's Choice coleslaw dressing on my cabbage salads. Before I went into the store I realized I locked my keys in the car and my cell phone because I was charging it. I did remember my extra key in my wallet and that is what saved me.

    Now safe at home and have to get my lunch ready. I still have 20 squats to get in for the challenge so I better say good bye for now.

    Ontario, Canada

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Blaja, welcome. Congrats on new grandson! Are you on a diet? Many of us just follow a new lifestyle using MFP to track our food intake and exercise. It is working for me so far. But I know it is something I have to follow for the rest of my life if I don’t want to end up “fat” again. I started almost 100 days ago and have lost 35 pounds but have at least that much more to go. I’m Type II diabetic also and have been able to cut my Metformin in half, which was a great thing for me. 
    With your stress fracture and knee problems, try some of the exercises for disabled or obese that are on U Tube. They may help get you started. Also, any arm exercises while seated or standing will still burn a few calories. Here are some and you can put in more searches.
    Strangely enough, exercise will help the Fibro in many people. My daughter had a severe case for a number of years, so I know how hard it can be to make yourself get up and do something. Best of luck to you.

    *Shirley, good for you on the extra keys. Also glad you remembered them. :)
    I didn't mean for the sites to post, just the link, but now can't get them off of here??
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch."

    Ontario, Canada
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Shirley you are so right. Thanks you. Where our buddie Anne.?

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hi Pals,
    I was up early, did my exercise and took off to get nails done. I peeked in here but everyone was asleep. :) Now it's time to go get serious about narrowing down clothes for the cruise and have them ready to pack tomorrow. I'll check in later.
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I took a suitcase on my cruise that expanded and only used 1/2 of it going so I had room for souvenirs. And I only bought stuff that would fit. As far as clothes take 3/4 of what you think you need is my advice. Mix and match. Carry everything (meds etc) you MUST have in a bag with you. When you get to the ship they have you leave your luggage outside the ship and they take to your cabin. Some people ended up with no luggage. It didn't make it on the ship. Of course this probably isn't your first cruise, in which case - never mind. ☺️. Have fun!!
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    My lock keys in car story: I had 4 year old grandaughter with me and of course she was buckled in very well. My keys and phone were inside. She couldn't reach the door to unlock it so had to borrow a phone from the surrounding crowd and call 911. They do come quicky when a child is in the car. Good to know. I need a child in the car permanently. ☺️☺️. Lol.