Golden Years



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi, my name is Janet. I'm 75. I have 2 grown grandchildren (my daughter died 7 years ago). I have joined MFP to begin exercising and eating healthy after years of sedentary lifestyle and eating poorly. I live in Glendale, AZ, where the super bowl will be played today. I'm just starting today so have no wt loss yet. Thanks for your inspiration. B)

    So Welcome to this thread , Janet. We are so glad to have you here with us.We will be your friend and if you need any help just let us know. I don't know too much but If I don't I sure know how to find out. Welcome again Sorry to hear about your daughter I do not know what I would do without my daughter She came out yesterday to help me Out some.

    If you have tie time let us hear from you every day Love hearing more about you
    <3 Marie I plan on watching the Super bowl tonight.

  • Hello JO, I live in Canada but my sons and I are originally from the East Riding of Yorkshire. I'm older than you at 79, but I am pretty active. It really is a good site for losing weight. Congratulations on beating the cancer. I had 21 lbs to lose and once gone, everything else went too. All the aches and pains, it was quite amazing. I wish I still had my dog to walk, and would love another furry friend apart from Tabitha Daisy my 17 year old cat, but feel it wouldn't be fair to get another dog at my age. Just keep writing in, that's all I did when I joined this group 2 months ago. Our MARIE is a real sweetheart, and I just hope she gets better soon because I miss her encouraging posts. Talk again,

    Anne (my real name, Blueharebell is so long winded!)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    razzjohe wrote: »
    Hi everyone my name is Jo and I am 67....68 in April... I live in England ...I have just joined MFP after my granddaughter recommended it after she lost 4 stone .....I hope to lose 30lbs . I have lost 35lbs in the past but need to lose more as my husband is in poor health and I am having to take on a lot more of the jobs he used to do . He is a few years older than me he is 83 . I have had breast cancer 7 years ago , also i have diabetes, high blood pressure so losing weight will be real good .....we have 3 dogs which my sister walks with me every day when weather permits . My sister is called Marie . I hope your Marie is feeling better .....I hope I can join your group ...............

    JO you are so Welcome to join our group Thank you Jo I am feeling better but got a way to go yet If you have the time we would enjoy hear from you everday My husband is having a little memory problems but really not too bad yet.
    <3 Marie

  • MARIE YOU ARE BACK!!!!!! Hope you feel a lot better, Anne.
  • thank you Anne and husband has heart trouble .....I thought I would tell u a bit about my family ..I have 4 children one girl age45 and 3 boys 42 ,41 and 38 and 10 grandchildren whos ages range from 26 to 11months....we have just moved from a large house to a bungalow as the stairs were a problem for hubby , we are still settling in ,its a lot smaller .......will try and talk everyday .......glad to hear you are feeling better Marie

    Jo :D
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    reallyrosy wrote: »
    [Some deleted] May have to give this hobby up. But I hope not. For it keep my mind off of food. I am currently on the one one one diet and seems to be agreeing me quite

    Congrats on a positive outlook and
    A hobby to keep u on track. I try beading and earings [making them] but fin d that if i am not inspired, i cant do it. And no amt of sotting thwre trying to dream up something accpmplishes the task: getting my mind off food.

    Negative Nellie speaking here: i know that's not productive or helpful. Arthritis, vertigo, periformis muscle syndrome, facing another snow storm and not sure what to do with myself. Cleaning out the house makes me think I'm getting ready to move on. I'm too isolated and anxious. Deaf, i dont speak on a voice telephone. Constantly dieting, i feel deprived though not actually hungry because i had vertical sleeve gastrectomy 4 years ago.

    Trying to be positive reminds me that i have to try...wish things would come naturally. No such going to make list and schedule of things to do on a snowbound day and vow to stick to that!

    Thanks for listening!

    Hello rosy.

    I am on the one one one plan. how are you doing on it.I just love it. We have a group called one one one If you are interesting in it I will give the leader your name so se can invite you. We are just a small group but growing and have a very sweet lady for our Leader let me know.

    I have been under the weather too with a sinus infection and it is in my chest got to call the doc in the morning.
    And this is a place for us to vent so feel welcome to it I have lost 11 lbs.
    you came to the right place Rosy.
    <3 Marie

  • Good morning, or is it! We are snowed in! Schools etc cancelled!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Anne - Us too, Dave is snow blowing the driveway right now. Big storm last night.

    I missed my Yoga Class this morning :| Today is cleaning, laundry and grocery shopping for my eating plan. I started the February squat challenge yesterday, so far so good.

    Hi Marie, how are you doing?

    Ontario, Canada
  • SHIRLEY, measured back yard, 2 feet of snow. No sign of contractors, poor things. That's okay, I ain't going anywhere! Anne.
    Morning Marie.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning, all. It's raining like crazy in SC. The temp is around 60 F but will begin to drop as the rain ends. At least we don't have to shovel it. :)
    Hello to all the Newbies. Janet, I'm Janet too and 67 going up in April.
    I love MFP and how it lets us see what we eat and how it affects our weight. I started in Mid Oct and have lost 35 pounds with around 45 to go.
    Last night, I saved calories to have 1 small piece of pizza, which I haven't had since starting this journey. I had about 3 bites and gave the rest to hubby as I decided it wasn't good enough to justify the calories.
    BTW, (by the way) I've been told that DH does mean husband for the H, but the D can mean, "dear, darling, Damn, dumb" or what ever fits the occasion. :)

    I'm happy to report that after just a couple of months on this new journey, I don't think about food all the time. DH used to say that I lived my life from one meal to the next. It takes a while for this new way of eating to become second nature, but it is well worth the effort. It's nice to know this is something I'll do the rest of my life and not just a diet with an end. Every time I went on a diet and lost weight, I'd slowly gain it back with a few new friends in the process.
    I wish you all the best outcome to your journey. There are a few words and sayings that I have picked up from friends that keep popping to mind at the appropriate times, so thought I'd share a few:

    *Hunger is not an emergency.
    *The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
    *Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
    *My word for now is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    *Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    *"now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future
    *If you change nothing, nothing will change.
    *Do not reward yourself with food. You're not a dog.
    *What you eat in private is what you wear in public.

    I wish us all a safe, happy and healthy day.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • hi all ......can someone tell me what the one one one plan is as I have never heard of this ...sorry to hear you are snowed in this a usual thing for you in East Anglia England we have had a few flurries of snow but nothing to lay ......hope everyone is well ....I am feeling shattered right now as just got in from walking dogs for 90 minutes off for a nice cup of tea


  • Nice warm JANET, thanks for the explanation on DH!! Even I can use it, DH for "departed husband" lol. Liked your sayings.
    Yes JO, being snowed in can be usual as I found out to my horror on emigration 46 years ago. We arrived to 95 degrees in July, just like walking into an oven when we got off the plane onto the melting Tarmac in those days, to have it snow on October 8th. I walked to the stores one day thinking I was still in Yorkshire without a hat or hood and my ears nearly fell off! I had a headache for 2 days. This was in Quebec, not quite so bad here in Ontario.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Razziohe , It is an eating plan where you eat 3 meals a day consisted o 1 swerving of protein, 1 serving of fat and 1 serving of carbs. plus all the non starchy veggies you want. plus 2 snackd a day consist of 1/2 of a meal. You will have to buy the book to understand it all,It is a pretty good plan.For us olders folks.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    HI dAMIT. MISSED YOU GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU. your ring new life to this thread. As do Anne , Shirley and the rest of you. Wonderful having you back.
    <3 Marie
  • janetroland1
    janetroland1 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for your replies and support. I did pretty well yesterday, until the Super Bowl, when I had too many calories, but today begins another day and I'm learning to say it's OK. It is nice and sunny here, keep warm and safe in the snow. It's my granddaughter's birthday today, she is 25 and lives in CT. We miss her mom who has missed so much of her children's lives, but we celebrate her life, not her death. It has quieted down here in Glendale where the Super Bowl was played. I live not far from the stadium it was played in. I'm going to start the crunch challenge today, we'll see how that goes. I woke up feeling as though a cold was coming on, but I took some medicine and hope it doesn't develop.
  • thanks Marie for telling me about the plan suggest I should buy the book to understand it .....would I be able to buy the book in England

  • hi Janet from Myrtle Beach........I am 67 and will go up in April to.... what a coincidence.......I have just joined MFP.......i'm in England and we have cold wet weather here .......

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hi Jo, it's amazing how many ladies I've met on here that turn 68 in April. Must have been a good month for lovely ladies. :D Or who knows, maybe just ladies that ate too much for a while?
    If the 2 Janets are going to be confusing, you are welcome to call me DJ and I can sign my posts that way. That has often been my nick name on sites.
    Thanks, Marie. I have been here all along but often lurk and don't post. lol

    I'm off to the Moose Club for the Ladies of the Moose meeting. They serve food which is rarely healthy, so eating before I go. Have a great evening, All.

    Janet or DJ
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie- Glad you are back with the Goldies again. Glad you are feeling better.

    Janet from Myrtle Beach, thanks for the tips to live by. Sometimes we need a refresher so we stay on track.

    Janet from Glendale, if i lived so close to the Super Bowl I would have gone just to the see the
    wonderful show Katie Perry put on.

    Hi Jo from England- I don't know if you can get the 1-1-1 eating plan, but you could probably
    order it on the internet and have it shipped to your house.

    Have a good evening, I have to unpack groceries.

    Ontario, Canada
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    razzjohe wrote: »
    thanks Marie for telling me about the plan suggest I should buy the book to understand it .....would I be able to buy the book in England

    you can get it from amazon and it can be delivered to your computer I have an I pad and can read it on that alone with my Kindle or computer. I prefer my I pad for I can adjust the size of letters. I am blind in one eye and can not see good in the other.
    Here is a link to Woman World article on the plan you might want to read before you order the book.