Golden Years



  • BlueHarebell
    Hugs back Marie. I'm always losing things too. The worst is my glasses, they are brown framed and they blend in with the coffee table etc. The other thing is going with a purpose to a room and then wondering why I'm going to it!
    For once the weather here was quite balmy at freezing point and even warmer in the sunshine. We are promised the same tomorrow. I'm off to bed too, nice and early. My son is coming over tomorrow to help with the groceries, but to be honest I could manage myself with the snow and ice gone. Friday is his day off and he's a really good man with his old Mom. He's 53.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi All

    Yesterday I took my MIL who is 88, for blood work. She has her oncologist apt next week.
    She has a blood disorder but has had it for over 12 years now. The doctor put her on prednisone and she did quite well with it. Now he is weaning her off and that is her next apt. with no medication. She will see how things go after that. I suggested lunch and we went to a breakfast/lunch place and she paid for me and I left the tip. She seemed to enjoy herself.

    Today nothing special just my usual exercises and then got some groceries.
    Tonight dinner with my MIL our friend Tom.

    Have a good evening,

  • BlueHarebell
    Went out with my son today as well, and had lunch out. He is good to me, both my sons are, as you are good with your MIL, SHIRLEY. I bought a Fitbit and my son set me up. Lovely day, Anne.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello all,

    Ed and I have been so busy looking at furniture. We want to replace our sofa upstairs and probably the sofa and loveseat on the main floor. With all of that I got in 8,000 steps just shopping. LOL

    It is great to get in all those steps and I'll head down to th treadmill later on this evening. I am determined to lose some more weight. Ed and I celebrate our 40th anniversary in April and I'd like to look even better for that. LOL

    I've gone back to eating gluten free. Even though the endoscopy showed no celiac disease, gluten definitely causes me grief - headaches, gi issues, etc. But it is good to have to option to have a little gluten when I am out and there isn't an alternative.

    Hugs to all,

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    jeri thanks for dropping in. Did you ever get to read the 1;1;1; plan. Seems like you said you order the book from the Library.
    W we are starting a discussion on the book soon Headed by a good friend Connie A new friend I met on the 20 pound by Easter thread. A very charming lady Would you like to join us?. 40 years You found a dude he sound so nice.. And very handsom too. You two makes a cute couple.
    Love you
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Went out with my son today as well, and had lunch out. He is good to me, both my sons are, as you are good with your MIL, SHIRLEY. I bought a Fitbit and my son set me up. Lovely day, Anne.
    Anne you ought to put lots of steps on walking to the store and other places I will be interestin to see how many you do.
    Love Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Shirley, you are a dear one so kind to your MIL and Tom is the ones who lost his wife..I bet you will beg lad to wiggling you toasties toes in the sand. imagine going barefoot this time of the year. It been so cold here today. But we are in for a warming trend When do you leave.
    Love Marie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    jeri thanks for dropping in. Did you ever get to read the 1;1;1; plan. Seems like you said you order the book from the Library.

    Marie, I did get the book from the library and it looked good however counting calories is just so easy that I decided to stay with counting calories for awhile. If I stop losing weight, I may try it out. It really did sound good.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi, Jeri glad you could join us! When is the big anniversary?
    We celebrated ours last year and it was special.

    Hi, Marie it is cold here too and the dampness goes right to the bones. Another cloudy day and no sun. I am waiting with bated breath to get to Jamaica and the warm temperatures and feeling the sun again. Counting the days. We leave Feb 21st.

    Today was a trip to Walmart to get a new electric kettle. Ours decided not to work today.
    Also replacing my blender, ours was leaking oil at the bottom it was pretty old.

    Just hanging around the house today and getting to my recipe binder.

    Enjoy your day!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :'( I am probably not going to be posting on this thread any more. I am posting in too many places. I see most of you in Senior Golden Sneakers so I'll be there more.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,169 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :'( I am probably not going to be posting on this thread any more. I am posting in too many places. I see most of you in Senior Golden Sneakers so I'll be there more.

    <3 Barbie

    I haven't posted here often and I have been reading the posts but will concentrate on the Sneakers......need to spend less time on the computer. Best wishes to all..........

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    lin and Barbie hate to see you both leave. but remember you are always welcome to drop in.
    Love you you at the sneakers.They will always be my base home.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley know you will have a great time there .Anyone going with you and Dave?
  • BlueHarebell
    Hi MARIE, how are you doing with the Fitbit. I love mine after only one day. I had no idea I did so many steps. Mind you I had a busy day, it will be a different story tomorrow. Just popping in to say hi, because I am engrossed in a crime novel and getting close to the ending. Have a good evening, you and Jerry. Anne.
    Wish I was going with you SHIRLEY. I've never been to the Caribbean or any tropical place. Well, I went to Florida once but that was the closest I got to the equator. Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good hearing from you anne. It would be nice to find a warm spot. But it will soon be hot here. and wishing for some of this sold weather. you have a good day too.Hugs Marie
  • Blueharebell1
    MARIE Hi, this me, or Blueharebell that WAS. Now I'm GawanneB. I eliminated my old account because it was so cluttered and I've started over. Hope I havent lost you.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Anne no you did not lose me iwould not like you to like to lose you. Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Marie and Anne,

    I see our group is getting smaller.

    Today Dave and I finally got downhill skiing. I never made it last year due to an awful winter and just excuses I guess. We went this morning and had a good time. We got our season passes and our locker set up. It was pretty cold, 15F and I should have added another layer under my sweater because after our break I got the shivers. I should have known better. We plan on
    going next Sunday for a few hours before the Super Bowl.

    Now just relaxing before dinner.

    Ontario, Canada
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    yep shirlwy it is geting smaller But that's Ok.
  • Blueharebell1
    Hi MARIE, I seem to have lost you on the notifications, but I can find you the long way. Oh I think I know what to do, press the star I guess. I lost the other group too but Sandy got me back on track. Who would have believed I could have got in such a mess just because I wanted to unclutter the food tracking. I tell you I am one old lady who is completely non tech savvy. I went out looking for an armchair today with my daughter in law Marie, and youngest son Mark. Didn't find an armchair to my liking but I did find a box of chocs to relieve the stress of losing everybody.
    Hi SHIRLEY, guess what, I lost you but managed to gain 2 lbs, go figure. The box of chocs won't help! Glad you had a good day on the ski hills, long past for me I fear.
    Take care you two. Are we becoming the three musketeers.
    ❤️ Anne