Golden Years



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Anne How is your day going? I feel better than yesterday. had my coffee now time for breakfast It is 46 degree here tis morning. have not heard any weather repot to know how warm it will get today
    have a great day
  • Morning MARIE, I'm having a busy day lugging furniture and bookcases around. Just stopped for coffee. You take care of yourself MARIE. It's dull and overcast here, hence me moving stuff, I think we might get more snow.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Marie and Anne,

    Shopping today with my sister at the Mall. We got some good deals. The weather took a turn and it was wet and slippery driving home. Now to my Yoga class tonight.

    Have a good evening.

  • Hi SHIRLEY, yes it started snowing around noon and as yet to stop. How lovely having your sister to shop with. Be careful driving to your yoga class tonight. Anne. Oh, I lie, it's actually stopped and folks are out shovelling.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No snow around here. Shirley and Anne its not daylight yet. to see if the sun coming up
    I am not getting over this sinus infection real well I have 10 days toke my medication . sure hope it don't last that . Every time I caught I pee in my panties I been keeping the washing machine going.

    Have a great day.

  • sivory42
    sivory42 Posts: 1 Member
    I just discovered this forum. I'm 73, a retired teacher. My parents lived into their 90's so I feel like I have to fight the disabilities of my golden years a lot harder than someone with a much lower life expectancy in order to have a quality life . At 69 I lost 45 pounds of excess weight but only kept it off for a few months. Over the last few years I put back on 15 of those pounds. Now I am working at eating in a more healthy fashion most of the time and continuing with cardio and resistance training. (I do better with exercise than I do with healthy eating since I am a binge eater.) It is helpful to read about the struggles of other women in my age bracket. Our problems are not exactly the same as younger women. Sharon in Mesa, AZ.
  • Hello SHARON, nice to read your post. I'm 79, but not doing too bad for an old lady. Good morning MARIE and SHIRLEY, I'm so sorry you are so sick MARIE, it sounds like that awful virus I caught around Christmas. Please get well soon. SHIRLEY, I'm so glad you got to your yoga class and back safely. It's freezing out today and I'm hoping my son will turn up to take me for groceries. On days like today, with the wind, I WISH I had a car, but I know I'd be a menace on the roads.
    Morning JERI, did your sofa get delivered and do you love it? Always a worry when buying expensive items.
    Enjoy your day everybody, ANNE
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    sivory42 wrote: »
    I just discovered this forum. I'm 73, a retired teacher. My parents lived into their 90's so I feel like I have to fight the disabilities of my golden years a lot harder than someone with a much lower life expectancy in order to have a quality <3life . At 69 I lost 45 pounds of excess weight but only kept it off for a few months. Over the last few years I put back on 15 of those pounds. Now I am working at eating in a more healthy fashion most of the time and continuing with cardio and resistance training. (I do better with exercise than I do with healthy eating since I am a binge eater.) It is helpful to read about the struggles of other women in my age bracket. Our problems are not exactly the same as younger women. Sharon in Mesa, AZ.

    Hello Sharon I have a coz name Sharon Glad to have you join us. Oh we have our problems being older, Don't we. Just make your self at home We are just home folks
    <3 Marie

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    sivory42 wrote: »
    I just discovered this forum. I'm 73, a retired teacher. My parents lived into their 90's so I feel like I have to fight the disabilities of my golden years a lot harder than someone with a much lower life expectancy in order to have a quality life . At 69 I lost 45 pounds of excess weight but only kept it off for a few months. Over the last few years I put back on 15 of those pounds. Now I am working at eating in a more healthy fashion most of the time and continuing with cardio and resistance training. (I do better with exercise than I do with healthy eating since I am a binge eater.) It is helpful to read about the struggles of other women in my age bracket. Our problems are not exactly the same as younger women. Sharon in Mesa, AZ.

    Hi Sharon, my name is Shirley. I am 65 years old and have two grown daughters. I have been married for 40 years to my husband who will be retiring the end of March. We have our first grandchild on the way in April. My youngest daughter and her husband just bought a new house and am anxious to see the inside. Exciting times. I am from Ontario, Canada.

    I was my lowest weight this summer and am trying to get back there. Since Christmas I have lost 7 pounds so far. Still plugging at it and will be for a while again.

    Glad you could join us and hope to get to know you.

    My day was my dr. apt this morning. A conference for my next colonoscopy. The doctor seemed nice and they will let me know when the procedure happens.

    After that I went to get groceries for my eating plan and then a trip to the dollar store.
    I also broke my sun glasses so I had to pick up a new pair at the drugstore. That is why I don't spend a lot on sunglasses. I am always breaking them.
    Now to get on my bike and get my exercise in for the day after I unpack everything.

    Dinner tonight with my MIL and my hubby.

    Ontario, Canada

  • Hello MARIE, I do hope you are okay. It's odd not reading your cheery posts today.
    Hi SHIRLEY, just read your post on the sneakers. You had a busy day shopping. How do you feel about target closing down? I'm glad you enjoy Downton Abbey. I did at first, but now I find it slow and tedious. By the way, I've been longing to ask this for ages, does DH mean "dear husband"? I'm not into these phrases and had to ask earlier what ROFLOL meant. Lin explained.
    SHARON, my mother lived to be in her nineties too, but not my dad. I think I take after my mom in body if not so much in temperament, so like you I am aiming to be as healthy as possible. Actually she was quite remarkable and her sister (96) too. Neither went grey, they kept their lovely chestnut (my aunt) and strawberry blonde hair all their lives and were active, humorous, and sharp as needles until their final few weeks. I can only hope me and my sons and grands are the same!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Anne

    I guess you could say DH is darling husband. I had to learn all these shorten words here. I was the same way and didn't know what people were saying.

    I see you have long life in your family. My mom was 80 and she would still be here if she took care of herself and ate right. She came from Germany. My Dad was US military and he died at the age of 93 from dementia and had bladder cancer. He came from a family of 10 and he was the last one to die of his brothers and sisters. I think I get my discipline from him in my exercise.
    I get the trouble with food from my mom. Go figure.

    Have a good evening.

  • Hi Shirley, thanks for the explanation, DH. I was almost right! My dad would have lived a long life too I think if he hadn't smoked and also I remember him dismantling an air raid shelter and sawing it in pieces to make into something else, so I wonder if the dust got into his lungs. They didn't realise that in the forties and fifties. He was always making models that worked. Anyway the lung cancer wasn't detected and he died of bone cancer. Mom of old age of course.
    Did your Mom meet your dad in Germany if he was stationed there? Quite a few of the girls in our UK village married British soldiers stationed in Germany and came back with them to live in the UK. That would be in the fifties. You should consider writing all you can remember for your coming grand baby. So much gets lost, and there's loads of stuff I wish I'd asked about, although I know quite a bit about our family history, but of course if I don't record it, it will be gone forever. My generation and my 2 sons are a mixture of Anglo Saxon, Celtic, and Gaelic. My grandsons can add to that mix Irish in one, and Portuguese in the other. Sorry to have gone on and on. Got carried away. Lol.
  • P.S. Sawing asbestos I should have said, re dad inhaling.
  • reallyrosy
    reallyrosy Posts: 6 Member
    [Some deleted] May have to give this hobby up. But I hope not. For it keep my mind off of food. I am currently on the one one one diet and seems to be agreeing me quite

    Congrats on a positive outlook and
    A hobby to keep u on track. I try beading and earings [making them] but fin d that if i am not inspired, i cant do it. And no amt of sotting thwre trying to dream up something accpmplishes the task: getting my mind off food.

    Negative Nellie speaking here: i know that's not productive or helpful. Arthritis, vertigo, periformis muscle syndrome, facing another snow storm and not sure what to do with myself. Cleaning out the house makes me think I'm getting ready to move on. I'm too isolated and anxious. Deaf, i dont speak on a voice telephone. Constantly dieting, i feel deprived though not actually hungry because i had vertical sleeve gastrectomy 4 years ago.

    Trying to be positive reminds me that i have to try...wish things would come naturally. No such going to make list and schedule of things to do on a snowbound day and vow to stick to that!

    Thanks for listening!
  • Hi MARIE, are you feeling any better? I do hope so. Poor MARIE. It will pass, but no fun whilst you are coughing your head off, that thought. ❤️
    ROSY, that's very creative and interesting - you beading and making earrings! How wonderful. That's something I've never tried. I've tried just about everything, but not that. Do you get your beads from craft shops? I think if I tried it I would probably favour native Indian art. Post a photo if you can, I would love to see what you do.
    Snowbound days aren't much fun I agree, but you know, spring is just around the corner, and there'll be grass to cut and weeding to be done, and windows to be washed, etc etc, so I try to make the most of these lovely cosy stay in days. I read a lot, and I like writing and artwork, and I cook lovely stews, all the things you don't want to do on the hot humid days of summer. Hang in there girl, it's just around the corner.
    Morning SHIRLEY and JERI and anybody else I've missed, Anne.
  • janetroland1
    janetroland1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Janet. I'm 75. I have 2 grown grandchildren (my daughter died 7 years ago). I have joined MFP to begin exercising and eating healthy after years of sedentary lifestyle and eating poorly. I live in Glendale, AZ, where the super bowl will be played today. I'm just starting today so have no wt loss yet. Thanks for your inspiration. B)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Welcome Rosy and Janet!

    My SIL's name was Janet. We lost her to cancer a year ago going on 2 this May. She was only 66 and much too young by today's standards.

    Anne - Yes my dad met my mom in Germany during the war. I was born in Germany and came to the US when I was 4 years old. I have been back twice now on vacation, once to see my grandparents who are no longer alive, and once with my two daughters just 2 years ago. It was a great trip.
    You sure do have a mix of ethnic groups in your family. There is Scottish on my husband's side and German. There was German on Dad's side too.

    Today Dave and I went out for breakfast at a local restaurant in town we like. He just left to visit his mom for a while and I have a few things to do before the Super Bowl game.

    I started the MFP squat challenge today. I will see how well I do since my left knee is a little sore today. I already put some bio freeze on it to help it.

    Have a good day, we are supposed to get a lot of snow heading our way. It stopped us from going skiing this morning because they have a winter warning out for today.
    Since we go over to the states to ski we don't want to get stuck there.

    Enjoy the game if anyone is watching.

    Ontario, Canada

  • Hi JANET, nice to hear from you, and especially from someone in a nice warmer place. I'm up in Canada, and it's a chilly, snowy sort of day here. A day to put ones feet up and read a book, unless you are watching the super bowl of course. I'm terribly sorry you have lost your daughter, unimaginable. I am 79 and I have two sons and two grown grandsons. Weight loss, well I was doing well until Christmas kicked in and I'm having great trouble losing the few pounds I put back. Sigh.
    Anne up in the frozen north.
  • SHIRLEY, it's a small world isn't it. My friend Evelyn, 79, who now lives in the Cornwall, Canada area has a similar history to you, and my sadly now gone 3 lovely cousins, who were really like my older sisters used to spend almost all their holidays in Germany and Austria. Easy to get to from the UK of course, but the real reason was the lure of the delicious pastries and cakes they could get in Germany. They were very pretty, poor Anne here was the ugly duckling, but also "rounded", probably from all the goodies! Their houses all had a carved cuckoo clock! I came here of course and missed out on all the cream filled goodies and cuckoo clocks. Thanks for that memory, Anne.
  • Hi everyone my name is Jo and I am 67....68 in April... I live in England ...I have just joined MFP after my granddaughter recommended it after she lost 4 stone .....I hope to lose 30lbs . I have lost 35lbs in the past but need to lose more as my husband is in poor health and I am having to take on a lot more of the jobs he used to do . He is a few years older than me he is 83 . I have had breast cancer 7 years ago , also i have diabetes, high blood pressure so losing weight will be real good .....we have 3 dogs which my sister walks with me every day when weather permits . My sister is called Marie . I hope your Marie is feeling better .....I hope I can join your group ...............
