100+ pounds to loose, lets all talk



  • KarenGog
    KarenGog Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there - I have 100+ pounds to lose and have always just done it alone on MFP but I need to change things up because the 60 lbs I lost 2 years ago found me again!! Instead of waiting until New Years I am also starting today!!!!!
  • rweaver14
    rweaver14 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, Today is my first day, I have about 140 that I want to lose to get back to where I once was. Feel free to add me, or anyone for that matter. As well as if anyone has any tips, let me know!
  • tifsimmons91
    tifsimmons91 Posts: 84 Member
    hi, i also need to lose over 100lbs. im starting fresh right after new years. right now im at 260 and 5'3. for now my goal is to get to 199 but eventually id like to be 140 135... i definitely could use motivation from others who need to lose 100+ lbs
  • Jesslan_Rose
    Jesslan_Rose Posts: 137 Member
    edited December 2014
    I started out at 400 lbs. Last week I hit my lowest weight yet - 255 lbs. Then gained back enough over Christmas it put me back up to needing to lose over a 100 lbs again.

    I would love to have friends who understand the emotional and physical needs of having to lose 100 lbs or more. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ratterrierlover55
    KarenGog wrote: »
    Hey there - I have 100+ pounds to lose and have always just done it alone on MFP but I need to change things up because the 60 lbs I lost 2 years ago found me again!! Instead of waiting until New Years I am also starting today!!!!!

  • ratterrierlover55
    I have to lose 130 lbs. I just joined and can't figure out how to request someone to become a friends. If interested please send me a friend request and I will accept. Its good to know I'm not alone in my weight loss goals. We can do this.
  • 221shannon
    221shannon Posts: 34 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 120 feel free to add me!
  • jbrixe00
    jbrixe00 Posts: 219 Member
    Anyone can add me! I've lost 89 but I still have a lot left to lose!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Ok folks. We can make this thread a "group". If you click on the star at the top of the page, you can look up this thread in your favorites.
    We can post about ourselves, or message to each other right here. We can write about our personal challenges as well as our progress.

    I am willing to start. Follow along if you wish. If not, oh well.

    My name is Lori. 54 years old, married, two grown sons. My top weight was 297 on December 27th, 2011. A week later I joined Weight Watchers and lost 40 ish pounds over the next 5 months. Stalled there for 2 years. During that time I joined a gym and started with a personal trainer. She left the gym in May of this year. In June I started with a new trainer who got me logging here. Since then I am down an additional 55 pounds for a total of 95 pounds. (I am currently 5 pounds above my ticker... holiday weight.) Today's weight was 203. My ultimate goal is to get below 150.

    I log every bite, sip and move. Except for a few holidays. My goals are 1300 calories a day with more protein than carbs. I workout for 90 minutes a day. I meet with the trainer twice a week. Spin class 4 days/week. I add other fitness classes in when I can. I also spend time on the cardio equipment every day.

    This process has changed my life in more ways that I could have ever imagined. My MFP friends are big in my success. I hope all are willing to join with me on this.

    Don't wish for it. . . . Work for it!
  • xina3
    xina3 Posts: 1 Member
    This is my first post here. Thank you, Lori, for the star suggestion. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired, and want to really change things.

    I'm Christina. I'm 46 years old, married, and have an 18-month old son. That's right, I had my first baby at 44! I conceived him naturally, when I was about 205 lb. Right now I am 245. It's the highest I've ever been, except for when I was pregnant. I think I gained 55 lb when pregnant. A few months after my son was born I was down to 220 but I've gained more and my sister lives with us and is our nanny, and there's a stressful relationship history with her, which has contributed to my resistance to moving and being back on track with healthy eating. Family... they know you at your best and worst, and their pressure for you to always be like you were at your best can sometimes contribute to or cause intense internal resistance! It's like I want to be fat so I can force them to accept me this way. But it's gone on too long and I don't know what point I am proving any more.

    Ten years ago I met my husband and I weighed about 138 at the time. About 145 is my best (healthiest, most active, look like the image of me in my head, etc) weight and when I weighed in the 140s and 150s I was an avid rock climber and mountain biker (in my middle and late 30s). I want my son to have an active mom, not an out-of-breath and in-pain mom whose obesity is causing health problems and will curtail my ability to keep up with him. And I want to show him rock climbing too, because I had an entire community of climbing friends with whom I spent every Sunday morning out in the beautiful environs, challenging myself physically and mentally and supporting my fellow climbers as they reached new heights - literally. I miss the group, the regular time in nature, the challenge and the physical joy I got from testing my limits.

    I haven't even started my weight loss journey yet, or know exactly what I'm going to do (yes, I know that tracking is key), but reading this thread makes me want to jump in and say "Help!" and "Me too!" and "I need support and don't even know where I'm going to start this time!" and "I'm ready!"

    I feel like just reading this thread and joining anything is much better than not doing anything. And I have to be honest but also gentle with myself and start small so I can celebrate some successes instead of set myself up for grandiose failure. I have to think about doing this for the long haul so that my son has a healthy mom. With my advanced maternal age, I can't be fat another ten years; it will take years off my expected lifespan and now that I have a kid I have more than myself to think about.

    I have to make time to exercise, but I know from a previous successful weight loss attempt, from about 192 to 145 pounds, that for me it is all about eating. Exercise in and of itself is important to me, but I want that to be something I do for doing it, and I want to really take a cold hard look at how my healthy eating habits have become so weak. I was mostly vegetarian with little taste for meat until my late 20s, and except for one meat-and-potatoes boyfriend experience for a few years, have always been a very healthy eater until getting together with my husband. I need to separate my eating style from his, unlearn his habits that I took on when we started dating, and independently get myself back.

    I've got a lot to work on but mostly I want accountability buddies, someone to check in with and most importantly someone who will be watching for me and egging me on and prodding to see what the F is up when I am not around.

    Thank you for starting this thread.
  • lilme21baby
    You can do it :) just keep focused! 7 months ago I never thought I'd b able to lose weight, I'm now 135 pounds lighter x
  • Stargrace2
    Stargrace2 Posts: 48 Member

    Glad I found this thread, though I have seen a few others like it I haven't spoken up before. Right now I have my goal set to losing 95 pounds, but that will bring me just to 150, and I know I have to lose more than that in the long run. I didn't want such a huge daunting number to look at right away. I'm currently 245, and I did lose 50 pounds last year, but then I left a long term relationship and moved across the country to some place completely new, so of course I stress ate it all back (and then some). I'm hoping that with goals, schedules, and motivation up the wazoo I can make it below 200 and then keep going. Last time I was SO close. I saw the scale at 198 which was probably the lowest I had been in 15 years. I want to reach that again. Please feel free to add me, and I've starred this conversation so I can keep coming back and reading updates. :)

    Thank you!
  • nerdymathgrrl
    nerdymathgrrl Posts: 270 Member
    You can add me (this goes for everyone). I started in October 2013 when my son was born, and I've lost 87 lbs so far. I have 24 more to go until I hit my arbitrary goal--the highest weight in the "normal" weight bracket for my height. I plan to lose slowly, and I'm not sure what my final goal will be, so I'll be here for a while! I log every day, whether I'm under my target or not, and I have an open diary. :smiley:
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Loving all the sharing! Lets keep this going. Having a place to get it all out is so important.
  • Jesus4Mayor
    Jesus4Mayor Posts: 7 Member
    I have 100+ pounds to lose. So far I've lost about 13 with a whole lot more to go. Feel free to add me.
  • Stephen0077
    Watched my younger brother go from 380 lbs down to 172 in about a year and a half! Incredible! I need to lose ~130 to reach that (we are very similar in builds). Looking forward to trying this MFP thing out - if nothing else for some motivation from others on the path.
  • justalittlecrazy
    justalittlecrazy Posts: 88 Member
    Hi all. My name is Jeanette and I am 37 years old. I have been a stay at home mom to my 3 children. I started with needing to lose 160 lbs at the end of August. I dropped 35 lbs when 5 weeks ago... surpise! Found out my husband is having an affair and I got a smidge sidetracked. I might have gained a few pounds back physically but I have lost 200 lbs of man-child from my life. The only way from here is up, up, up! I am so thankful for this weight loss journey because 6 months ago I didn't really believe in myself and wouldn't have had the courage to do what needs doing. Tomorrow I face the scale again but I am okay with whatever it says. I am excited for the changes in my life and the opportunity to support and encourage each other here. We got this!
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    edited December 2014
    I don't have over 100 to lose anymore, when I started I wanted to lose about 125 lbs. I have about 10 more to go.

    But what I wanted to say is just because people don't have a lot to lose doesn't mean they aren't in this for the long haul they just have different goals than you.

    Many of the people I've met in the past 2 years had very little to lose or had already reached their goals, those are the ones that gave me the best advice and who I wanted to learn from. So don't only look for those that have lots to lose, look to those that you enjoy talking with, and others you can learn from.

    Good luck to all of you

    ^^ This has been my experience over the past 2.5 years as well. I do have a number of people on my FL who have lost a significant amount of weight, but that's not why they are on my list. I also have people who have lost no weight, or who have bulking goals, and have benefitted from their friendships as well. My attitude about fitness has changed, it's no longer a goal to lose xxx pounds, but more of a series of goals that I progress towards. I don't expect that to change once I lose my last 50lbs. I'll just pick some new fitness goal (powerlifting meet, ultra marathon, whatever I feel like doing).

    Please know that losing large amounts of weight CAN be done. The real key to success is just to keep eating at a deficit, and don't be all or nothing about it. When you slip, or have issues, just get back to it and regain control. If you can do that with any kind of consistency, you'll win.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning all. Had a really good weekend. Met all my fitness goals and stayed within calorie range. A little short on water.

    Goals for this week:
    Food - At or under 6 of 7 days (Party on NYE)
    Fitness - 90 minutes/day
    Monday, Spin, swim
    Tuesday - Trainer, cardio
    Wednesday - Total Body Fitness Class, cardio
    Thursday - Swim, run
    Friday - Trainer, cardio
    Saturday - Spin, cardio
    Sunday - Spin, Body Pump, stair treadmill
    Water - 13 glasses/day

    I own a small business and it is just me and my sister. She is very good at her job, but can be difficult to work with. Everything has to have added drama. Everything is a conspiracy. You get the picture. This week I have to finish the end of year bookkeeping. I will try to stay focused. I will work at staying calm and I will not rise to her level of drama.

    Thanks for listening :)
    You can have results or excuses, not both.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I have lost over 100lbs and if you want my advice don't focus on the weight. That's a depressing goal because it will be a while before you see any results that you like. Since when very heavy people lose weight it doesn't show as much at first. If I where you I would focus on general health. Improve your diet and fitness as this will help you lose weight. And feel better. It's amazing how much changing what you eat can change how you feel. And no I don't mean paleo or low carb. I just mean cutting down the amount of junk food in your life and eating more healthy stuff. But of course cookie dough ice cream happens. Life is short. Just make sure the majority of your diet isn't stuff like that.

    Also one thing I learned is that if I don't exercise I feel like *kitten*. It isn't even a matter of fitness if your body stays sedentary for too long it sorta goes into standby mode. You feel tired lethargic and slow witted. Exercise helps you to feel better and be better thought the day. Do not neglect it.

    Just keep focusing on improving your life and before you know it you will look in the mirror and realize just how much you've lost and have a big slow smile that will make it all worthwhile.