Christmas/Holiday/Dayyoucelebrate Challenge



  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    OIC Well, I'm not really trying to stay under this week, but I'm not purposely trying to go over either, so I guess I'm out. Good luck on hitting your goal.
    This post is meant as a joke, right? You guys aren't seriously going to spend the holiday thinking about how many calories you need to consume to meet a goal, I hope.

    I thought you were out.

    I think about the calories I need to eat to reach my goal every day...holidays included. Why is that odd? But I don't *just* think about calories on any of those days.

    And reaching my protein minimum on holidays is sometimes (surprisingly) difficult.

    TL;DR - reaching 3000-3500 calories every day (including holidays) isn't easy.

    I was out yesterday, but today, I'm back. Like a bad penny. :p

    Seems odd to concentrate on calories for a holiday to me, especially just so hit some seemingly randomly set high calorie goal, but that's just me. Do what you gotta do.

    it's a YOLO thread my friend.... YOLO.

    yeah I said it- you guys can throw pie's at my later- but only delicious pie- with lots of home made whip cream- none of that crappy store bought stuff.

    Oh, no! All I have is apple walnut upside down pie and vanilla ice cream.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    OIC Well, I'm not really trying to stay under this week, but I'm not purposely trying to go over either, so I guess I'm out. Good luck on hitting your goal.
    This post is meant as a joke, right? You guys aren't seriously going to spend the holiday thinking about how many calories you need to consume to meet a goal, I hope.

    I thought you were out.

    I think about the calories I need to eat to reach my goal every day...holidays included. Why is that odd? But I don't *just* think about calories on any of those days.

    And reaching my protein minimum on holidays is sometimes (surprisingly) difficult.

    TL;DR - reaching 3000-3500 calories every day (including holidays) isn't easy.

    I was out yesterday, but today, I'm back. Like a bad penny. :p

    Seems odd to concentrate on calories for a holiday to me, especially just so hit some seemingly randomly set high calorie goal, but that's just me. Do what you gotta do.

    it's a YOLO thread my friend.... YOLO.

    yeah I said it- you guys can throw pie's at my later- but only delicious pie- with lots of home made whip cream- none of that crappy store bought stuff.

    Might have to throw cookies at you.. seems the pie all got eaten!

    cookies are good too- mostly because I can catch them out of mid air with my teethies!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    OIC Well, I'm not really trying to stay under this week, but I'm not purposely trying to go over either, so I guess I'm out. Good luck on hitting your goal.
    This post is meant as a joke, right? You guys aren't seriously going to spend the holiday thinking about how many calories you need to consume to meet a goal, I hope.

    I thought you were out.

    I think about the calories I need to eat to reach my goal every day...holidays included. Why is that odd? But I don't *just* think about calories on any of those days.

    And reaching my protein minimum on holidays is sometimes (surprisingly) difficult.

    TL;DR - reaching 3000-3500 calories every day (including holidays) isn't easy.

    I was out yesterday, but today, I'm back. Like a bad penny. :p

    Seems odd to concentrate on calories for a holiday to me, especially just so hit some seemingly randomly set high calorie goal, but that's just me. Do what you gotta do.

    it's a YOLO thread my friend.... YOLO.

    yeah I said it- you guys can throw pie's at my later- but only delicious pie- with lots of home made whip cream- none of that crappy store bought stuff.

    Might have to throw cookies at you.. seems the pie all got eaten!

    cookies are good too- mostly because I can catch them out of mid air with my teethies!!!

    I don', I mean, *my friend* doesn't believe you. Please to post video proof.
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    Last year my aunt made the German Chocolate cake from the Magnolia Bakery recipe...Ermygahd. But if threw that at you, you must allow me to recoup some off yer face. I'll be gentle.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I seriously love ALL of you- and I love that you get me. You know me- and you get me.

    Jof- my man- I will gladly take video when I get enough cookies to try to snatch out of the air...

    and totally I'm all about some german chocolate on my face- or whoseever chocolate- no need to be country specific.
    Waitwaitwait we're talkin skin on skin contact? Well then let me be more specific:

    I'll probably have exactly 85 grams of raw spinach while looking at my favorite thinspiration pictures and googling "cardio for spot reduction"

  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    I plan to stay within my calorie allotment and stay slim. Nothing is worth gaining back the weight that took so long to lose!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I plan to stay within my calorie allotment and stay slim. Nothing is worth gaining back the weight that took so long to lose!

    so one day is going to make you gain back all the weight you lost, really????
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    well I just got home today and it turns out moms decided to make pecan pie and apple pie and there are only three of us for I am totally in now!!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I plan to stay within my calorie allotment and stay slim. Nothing is worth gaining back the weight that took so long to lose!

    get out.

    also- I won't be fat on Friday- I'll still be fabulous- I'll even take before and after pictures for you if you want ;)

    one day doesn't make you fat- much like one day doesn't make you skinny.

    Also- if you have nothing calorie heavy to add... get out. Because this is apparently where the fat kids hang out.

    FAT KID_ NANNANANNANANNANANANNANANAN (you better be singing bat man in your head)
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    Thanks for the earworm, JoRocka. If I am humming this the next couple of days I will find a way to get you back.
  • jessicaswenson9
    jessicaswenson9 Posts: 17 Member
    Let's see, tomorrow night (Christmas Eve) I have a party with my co workers and there is supposed to be casserole, strawberry salad, kit kat cake, and rum cheese balls, I will eat it all and I am sure that meal alone will hit like 1500. Then on Christmas day its like this
    Orange cream cinnamons rolls and coffee for breakfast
    Chicken Noodle
    cranberry sauce
    sweet potato casserole
    kings hawaiin buns
    Cherry pie
    SO that will probably add up to a good 2000 for me.
    Definitely excited though.
    No I probably won't be meeting your 4,000 but oh well, I usually don't a whole bunch cause then I can't move.
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    ...And you know what I miss about Jersey, especially during the holidays? Wonderful fattening diner food at all hours. Omelettes with homefries, fries with gravy, gyros, I could go on, but the drool may begin to pool in my lap.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I want to hate you. But I kind of can't because it brings a tear to my eye..

    You make me proud son.
    I can haz the food of half my ancestry.

    If I could make jagerschnitzel tacos... I'd be complete.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    This post is meant as a joke, right? You guys aren't seriously going to spend the holiday thinking about how many calories you need to consume to meet a goal, I hope.

    If you're doing it right, you don't even need to think about it. Quit trollin' brah.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'll post a picture later. My small glass of beer.
  • amandarunning
    amandarunning Posts: 306 Member
    Nasty (real nasty!) dental appointment yesterday and finally tooth a little less sore. Just can't open my mouth as so sore from all the injections to try and numb my tooth. So no chewing still. Tried a chocolate biscuit - 6 teeny bites and just not the same. So I'm off out to buy every flavour of ice cream I love so as not to feel I'm missing out!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    On Monday I bought my nieces & nephews some holiday doughnuts from Wal-Mart's bakery in the shape of a tree caked with icing. It came in a six pack so of course I had to eat two of them so it would make it more even for them:D.

    Tomorrow I plan on eating:


    Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Quest Bar & maybe some biscuits & gravy


    ALL THE FOODS! Chili & Fritos, meatballs, homemade crab dip with chips & cucumber to dip in, deviled eggs, crock pot macaroni & cheese, dirt dessert, snickerdoodle cookies, lunchmeats, & who knows what else.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Waitwaitwait we're talkin skin on skin contact? Well then let me be more specific:

    I'll probably have exactly 85 grams of raw spinach while looking at my favorite thinspiration pictures and googling "cardio for spot reduction"



  • ERH56
    ERH56 Posts: 8 Member
    I plan to stay within my calorie allotment and stay slim. Nothing is worth gaining back the weight that took so long to lose!

    I hear ya. Wisdom is justified by her children. We're having home made pizzas. I'll have my share but won't stuff myself. If I ate 4000 or more calories I would feel uncomfortable (physically) for most of the day. So, pizza, some merlot and good friends will suffice.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Tonight for dinner I'm making Ham, green beans, sweet potatoes and rolls.

    Which will be promptly followed by hot cocoa while driving around looking at xmas light displays with my kiddo. There will be whipped cream and marshmallows involved.

    Also, I will need to help Santa Claus eat the cookies we leave out for him. He's fat enough as it is and I'm pregnant. I'll try to leave him a cookie.

    I'm thinking some Eggnog will also be appropriate but I haven't logged it yet.