2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • RhondaNicole17
    RhondaNicole17 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I'm looking for a mentor! I have a tough time sticking to a plan...I'll do well for a while and drop off. 30 lbs to lose!
  • alexandreafrank20
    alexandreafrank20 Posts: 3 Member
    dc1745 wrote: »
    I am open to volunteering as a mentor as well. Just one person please.
    I have hired a fitness trainer for the past 4 months and have increased my muscle mass by a significant amount.

    Hi! I'm new to dieting but gaining muscle is something I'd like to do in order to lose my weight, I don't want to lose weight but be a stick lol! I'm 23, I work everyday but my job is slow, I have a lot of time to walk laps around the building. I've been doing okay, but already day 8 and I'm feeling a crash coming back soon! I need some help staying motivated, and some ways I can gain muscle with the many hours I spend at work! If you still need a noob, I need to be adopted! Thanks :)
  • ajbutler45
    ajbutler45 Posts: 525 Member
    Looking for someone into running. I would like to gradually improve my running.
  • marssaisrawr
    marssaisrawr Posts: 1 Member

    I'm looking for a mentor or even just friends to bounce positive vibes off of! I am pretty self motivated for the whole eating-within-my-calorie-range thing, but damn I hate working out! Haha.
    I am looking for someone to help me motivate myself even more to workout. I do that 7 minute workout thing daily but honestly- that's about all at this point.

    Just send me a request and let's see where this heads too!:)
  • bryonbella
    bryonbella Posts: 7 Member
    I'm having trouble figuring out how to get around the app efficiently. My back button and the back arrow on the MFP app take me back to home often, like after I request someone to be my friend. Also, I am not allowed to post replies on my social feed; it's greyed out.

    Would someone adopt me and teach me the ropes? I'm logging everything and will be showing my dietitian each month I meet with her. I'm starting weight watchers Saturday and going to a support group for people who have or will have gastric bypass surgery. I just need a little help learning about the features and support on here. I need to lose 10 lbs a month before my surgery.
  • xoxrobot
    xoxrobot Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 25 and need to lose about 100 lbs. I would love a mentor to help me through this!
  • MommaK34
    MommaK34 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a 34 year old mom of 2. I've struggled with my weight ever since having my children. I am at the heaviest I've ever been and need to make a change. Ideally I'd like to lose 60 lbs.
    If anyone would like to be weight loss buddies, I do well with a buddy system of encouragement and recommendations :)
  • ejm4733
    ejm4733 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love a mentor! I am 22 and a new mom. Now that I've made it past 8 weeks I'm ready to lose this weight and start working out! I need to lose 30 pounds and need some motivation and tips to do so.
  • Daiborah
    Daiborah Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! Daiborah here. I'm just beginning my fitness journey and a new member of MFP. I would love to find as many mentors willing to have me- who would be willing to help me stay motivated and on track during my transformation... or just anybody, here on MFP, who would like to be friends... please message me. :)
  • Jamie9427
    Jamie9427 Posts: 2 Member
    anyone looking for a project? I could use a mentor, I need someone to hold me accountable. I have several people in my life who do, but I need someone who has been there and done it. You know? If interested please private message me.
  • kaitlinconidi
    kaitlinconidi Posts: 17 Member
    I would love to help mentor! I am 24 years old and on my path to become fit. After giving birth to my son in March, I have lost 50 pounds so far. I have 25 more pounds to go! I would love to connect with new people and to help motivate each other. Please feel free to send me a message!
  • alehanBRO
    alehanBRO Posts: 43 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hey guys! I just joined and I'm officially a noob. I'm having a couple of questions and so far no one has really been able to help me. With that being said, yes, I do need a mentor! Any volunteers? :(
  • Naja_
    Naja_ Posts: 85 Member
    I'm 21 year old, 338 pound jersey girl! I have been overweight all of my life and I am ready to make a new lifestyle change. I Just graduated college and without the extra stress of academia, I am now taking my weight loss journey serious. I have been dieting for a week and went to the gym for the first time yesterday.

    I would definitely appreciate a mentor as this is very very important to my well being and my heath. I will be VERY consistent with my new lifestyle as well as within the forum.

    Thanks in Advance.
  • KatyAnn09
    KatyAnn09 Posts: 12 Member
    Heya are there any mentors available still? I'm looking to lose 20 lbs then focus on toning. Just need some support and motivation to help me get started. Thanks
  • willoughbydarryl822
    willoughbydarryl822 Posts: 4 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    I'd like to be a mentor :) Over the past year I've lost 35 pounds by lifting weights and following IIFYM. I have a 495 day streak going so I can help motivate with logging consistently.
    I seriously need a mentor
  • StartCutting
    StartCutting Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Anna I'm 34, 5'2" and from the UK. I started my weightloss journey in October last year starting at 186lbs. My journey has been pretty straight forward eat less move more. Until now that is, I weigh 138.6lbs and my goal weight is 126lbs. I'm not only finding it difficult to loose weight but also to motivate myself to eat well/clean :(

    I workout 4/5 times a week, this includes 2/3 days weight training, 1 day of either yoga or pilates and 1 day of swimming. I've really got into exercising and enjoy it!

    I've started to use mfp to track my calories/macros to see if I can spot what the problem is and also hopefully this will also keep me on track.

    I know I'm on the home straight of my weight loss journey but up until now I've found it relatively easy but I'm seriously struggling now!

    I would really appreciate any help or support you can offer, whether as a mentor or friend - please help me to the finish line and my goal.

    Thanks x

  • Jessyd76
    Jessyd76 Posts: 539 Member
    Technically, I'm not a noob. More like a born again noob.

    I've been a yo-yo dieter all my life. I kept jumping from one new diet program to the next with very little success. I've finally realized that it doesn't matter what specific program I'm on, its more about the consistency and doing the little things that will eventually add up - in theory at least.

    So I'm 39; I'm turning 40 in 8 months. My 30's weren't the best decade, but I want to make my 40's frikkin fabulous. And dropping 60 lbs will go a long way towards doing that.

    As they say... it take 21 days to make a habit. So I'd love to find a mentor for a month or two to help keep me accountable as I develop some of those healthy habits. Someone who can steer me away from bad nutrition and fitness advice. After that, I should be good to go!

    Thanks! Appreciate the help!
  • elykt
    elykt Posts: 20 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm looking for a mentor. Just recently got back on here and am looking for some help/support to get myself back where I used to be.
    The last few years have had some challenges and changes in my life. I moved, got a new awesome job which is good. But I also had a very sick aunt for almost a year (she's better now thankfully), lost my great aunt and my grandmother, my boyfriend of several years left me, and I had a miscarriage. I also developed an anxiety problem.
    In that time I've gained weight and gotten out of shape, as I was busy focusing on my family and mental health. But now that I'm feeling better, and life is back to normal I would like to get my body back to where I used to be.
    I'm 28, and a graphic designer so I sit at a desk all day. I do walk to and from work (about 40 minutes each day) but am having a hard time getting back into working out.
    Any help is appreciated.
  • akgreen324
    akgreen324 Posts: 74 Member
    Will someone mentor me??? B) I am still recovering from intensive reconstructive ankle surgery (hopefully next week). I can do upper body and ab workouts, and soon lower body but limited. Thing is my eating has to be on point and sthat's what I struggle with the most. Someone message me :) -Annette
  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    edited August 2015
    I would love to get a mentor,
    I am back on mfp (really hoping for good this time,as Ive had a few failed attempts) for the first time in over 3 years. I previously lost 30 lbs on mfp in college. But have gained it all back and some since.
    I am 23 years old,Im a single mother to a 2 1/2 year old,and work in healthcare.
    Im hoping to get back into yoga and fitness ( I like circuit training,like the 30 day shred). Im also debating attempting either paleo or veganism.
    I am 5'3" and currently weigh 145 lbs-hoping to lose around 15-20 lbs.
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