Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • kimberlyy_s
    kimberlyy_s Posts: 16 Member
    A few things.
    Getting on an airplane for the first time in a long time and struggling to get the seat belt to fit around me.
    The office was getting new carpet and we had to move out everything. While we were moving my desk I was panting a bit and pouring sweat. My manager came up with a concerned look in his eyes and said " why don't you let one of the younger guys do that for you?'.
    I hadn't weighed myself in forever. My sister said I could come over and use her scale. It maxed out at 300 lbs. When I came out of her bathroom I had to tell her that her scale didn't go high enough.
    I bought a scale and found out I weighed 339 lbs. I am down to 253 right now. It's the best I have felt in a long time. I am not there yet but I refuse to go back.

    That's great! good for you.
  • LeTmblwid
    LeTmblwid Posts: 160 Member
    Just the desire to look better and live healthier. Been watching a variety show with 40+ year old hosts being able to endure endurance challenges like they're 20+. I want to be like them, strong and fit for their age.
  • cathed42
    cathed42 Posts: 88 Member
    When my blood pressure starting rising and my knees complained!
  • BeaUtiful_1413
    BeaUtiful_1413 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm still in the beginning of my journey but I realized I should start when I'm at my heaviest. 166lbs started around 173. When I put my yoga pants on or stretch pants and they start to tear on my inner thigh from my thighs rubbing together. Hate seeing this big belly and don't feel good about myself and the big one is when my mother asked if I was pregnant again and when my oldest daughter which is 5 asked me the same thing. So yeah need to get this belly gone lol
  • deetails26
    deetails26 Posts: 108 Member
    edited March 2016
    I was 28 years old and 2 lbs away from 200, a place I said I would never want to be (I'm only 5'2"). My aunt, shorter than me, started weight watchers and lost a bunch of weight. When I was at her house for Easter she offered me all her fat clothes... that's what triggered it for me. I lost nearly 30 on WW and have been working on the rest here at MFP.
  • Pascooty
    Pascooty Posts: 48 Member
    edited March 2016
    I will be 40 next April (2017) and I don't want to be obese starting into my 40's. I'm tired of feeling tired and lazy.
  • Embalou
    Embalou Posts: 2 Member
    My Eureka moment was very recently.
    I was over the 17 stones weight limit to join in the ariel slide and tree top adventures with my kids
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I was tired of feeling miserable and not liking who I saw in the mirror
  • CyberR3V
    CyberR3V Posts: 6 Member
    I decided that I need to be in shape to defend myself and family after having a few scuffles in the area I live in. When I get a significant amount of weight off I plan on taking some MMA classes and lifting. I am a minority where I live and get treated as such. I hope one day to move over seas but until then I will go with health, fitness and self defense classes. *snorts*
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    When I was on an overnight trip with my oldest son and when I was changing that night he said, "You're getting fat, Dad." That was enough for me.
  • panagioda
    panagioda Posts: 2 Member
    While i was shopping clothes i catched my self checking the maternity clothes cause i knew that nothing else fits. Trying a strechy dress in a fitting room i realised that is not what i want for my life. Its time for action!
  • briano298
    briano298 Posts: 2 Member
    What spurred my latest attempt to lose weight was taking my shirt off in a dressing room and seeing my back in one of the mirrors. I thought "Wow, I'm heavier than I thought I was. I'd better get serious about this fitness thing."
  • maplesyrup10
    maplesyrup10 Posts: 52 Member
    My past reason: I was my heaviest at 17 years old and I was tired of it. I was never able to share clothes with my friends or play dress up. Plus, I was going to Nicaragua on a missions trip and wanted to be able to withstand the physical labor and temperature.

    Currently: My friends hate it when I say this (because it's very degrading to myself), but I'm always "the fat friend". Even after my initial weight loss of 60lbs, I was still the heaviest, even if by 10lbs. I no longer want to be that. Idk if this is mean, but I want to weigh less than at least one of my friends.
  • zenia41185
    zenia41185 Posts: 1 Member
    When I finally got on the scale and saw I was 184lbs at 5'1". Just a few pounds away from when I gave birth to my youngest 4 years ago. I said I NEVER wanted to get that size ever again. So I started changing some of my eating habits and then a friend told me about this app. In 2 weeks I've already lost 6lbs. But I am going to continue this journey!
  • motivated310
    motivated310 Posts: 19 Member
    When my yoga pants started getting tight and my mid section started feeling more round.. smh I would sweat while walking up the stairs... shouldn't get winded from that. Ever since I started losing weight I've been feeling better and looking better
  • JenRainbow1
    JenRainbow1 Posts: 74 Member
    After buying a bigger dress size some time later, ok maybe a yr, I was looking at myself in the mirror and though that I looked fat wanted to look better. I tried exercise and healthy eating for a month. Then I used a weighing scales and a BMI checker online and realised I'm overweight! That was the tipping point and I joined this website to sort it out
  • Nausicca55
    Nausicca55 Posts: 56 Member
    I've been on and off of MFP several times. I wasn't able to keep to it. Then I went to see my doctor last week for the first time in over 3 years and he informed me that I had a silent heart attack sometime in December of last year. That did it. Now I'm back and I'm staying until this weight is off.
  • brigg9
    brigg9 Posts: 104 Member
    I realized life is too short. We're all on a ride to the grave, and I want to have enjoyed a happier, healthier, longer life than a short, miserable one that I didn't appreciate like I should have. When it's time to put me in the ground, I want to feel like I've lived a good, honest, respectable life.
  • k_nelson_24
    k_nelson_24 Posts: 251 Member
    I figured that if I couldn't lose the weight after having a baby, that I never would. I tried to start losing weight before I even got pregnant and then gained an additional 50 lbs on top of that. Once I was cleared for exercise I started MFP and working out three times per week. That was March of last year and I am down 85 lbs.