So, I'm doing a cleanse tomorrow....don't try and stop me



  • credle071207
    credle071207 Posts: 37 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Jello and Popsicles I could do. If they made me do Gatorade and apple juice then I'd probably strangle someone.


    8.3 oz bottle of Miralax mixed into 64oz of Gatorade. Let's just say I'm not drinking Gatorade for awhile.

    It's not poop. You're peeing out your butt. No way around that.

    I had the same "cocktail". It was brutal! Your description was hilarious!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I haven't yet had the pleasure, but I'm turning 50 this year, so :#

    My hub doesn't even bother getting off the throne when things really start going. He just sits there with a book and his iPad. I try to stay far, far away.

    Just for grins, weigh yourself before and after. It's not real, but it's fun to see the numbers on the scale go down.

    Good luck!
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    Buy a seatbelt for your toilet. And read this for a good laugh (and some brutal honesty):

    Oh, and if you get a choice, definitely just have the doc put your under anesthesia for the procedure. My doc did that and the actual procedure was a total non-event. On the other hand, people I know who were kept awake said it was pretty miserable.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I'm not sure they do this over here
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    pplastics wrote: »
    It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I will third or fourth the recommendation for wipes, butt cream, and vaseline (I used that on the wipes). I also didn't feel extra hungry afterwards, and was oddly not hungry at all the day of all liquids.

    Don't be embarrassed by post-procedure farts, everyone does it.

    Congratulations for getting one done! It's not normally something people are in a rush to get.

    My brother had cancerous polyps removed at age 50, so I became eligible early (age 44) to get one. I don't understand why anyone would want to wait....why risk being able to cure it by waiting?

    My pre-cancerous polyp was found at 28 when my GI went to confirm my diverticulitis. I'm now on a 5 year for life plan. It sucks, but the surgery I just had was enough. I can't imagine adding cancer treatments on top of this. Nope. I'll take a few days of mild misery every 5 years. My parents are well past the age for having a scope done and have not due to expense . Drives me up a wall, because it's a serious matter.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    pplastics wrote: »
    It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I will third or fourth the recommendation for wipes, butt cream, and vaseline (I used that on the wipes). I also didn't feel extra hungry afterwards, and was oddly not hungry at all the day of all liquids.

    Don't be embarrassed by post-procedure farts, everyone does it.

    Congratulations for getting one done! It's not normally something people are in a rush to get.

    My brother had cancerous polyps removed at age 50, so I became eligible early (age 44) to get one. I don't understand why anyone would want to wait....why risk being able to cure it by waiting?

    It's not the most pleasant thing for sure. I put mine off and was sorry I did. I had a very large pre-cancerous polyp. I now have to have one every year instead of every three years.

  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    pplastics wrote: »
    It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I will third or fourth the recommendation for wipes, butt cream, and vaseline (I used that on the wipes). I also didn't feel extra hungry afterwards, and was oddly not hungry at all the day of all liquids.

    Don't be embarrassed by post-procedure farts, everyone does it.

    Congratulations for getting one done! It's not normally something people are in a rush to get.

    My brother had cancerous polyps removed at age 50, so I became eligible early (age 44) to get one. I don't understand why anyone would want to wait....why risk being able to cure it by waiting?

    My pre-cancerous polyp was found at 28 when my GI went to confirm my diverticulitis. I'm now on a 5 year for life plan. It sucks, but the surgery I just had was enough. I can't imagine adding cancer treatments on top of this. Nope. I'll take a few days of mild misery every 5 years. My parents are well past the age for having a scope done and have not due to expense . Drives me up a wall, because it's a serious matter.

    Doesn't Medicare cover it? It should!
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    I never ever ever want to have a colonoscopy. What I'm reading is Hilarious and scary at the same "Trust no fart".

    Best of wishes to you and your bum!
  • chouflour
    chouflour Posts: 193 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Jello and Popsicles I could do. If they made me do Gatorade and apple juice then I'd probably strangle someone.


    8.3 oz bottle of Miralax mixed into 64oz of Gatorade. Let's just say I'm not drinking Gatorade for awhile.

    It's not poop. You're peeing out your butt. No way around that.

    Ok, your prep was WAY smaller than mine. I needed a 17.9oz bottle, plus a smaller bottle, and 144oz of gatorade. By the time you're peeing out your butt, it's much less irritating than the earlier stages, IME.

    For the OP - I wasn't ever hungry during the prep. I was cold, and felt full. I like hot soup for the clear fluids part. You can simmer some herbs in it for extra flavor and soothing value. Blankets and a heating pad helped a lot. Usually the day after I'm either too tender to be really hungry, or I'm normally hungry.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I'm not sure they do this over here

    Based on my brother-in-law's experience (Diverticulitis), NHS doesn't do it as a preventive procedure, only if you've had an abnormal screening for cancer.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Here in Canada I was given the date-rape drug. No memories! (Other than the miserable prep work) They say they want patients to come back.
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    Had to have 2 colonoscopies in 3 months, which wasn't nice. For the prep, I agree with what everyone has said about the stuff-coming-out part, but what nobody has mentioned is how to get all the liquid in without gagging through the whole process. What did it for me was a straw. I had to use the MoviPrep mixed with Crystal Lite Lemonade stuff. Drinking it with a straw helped it go past my taste buds straight down my throat. Also, just the thought of Crystal Lite makes me gag a little now. :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    You got it.
  • chouflour
    chouflour Posts: 193 Member
    Yeah, I have memories of my first colonoscopy because my heart rate got too low (It went down to 32bpm, and they brought me slightly out of the sedation). The second time I said "Last time I had sinus bradycardia, and I remember waking up, then being given something else and I fell asleep again. I liked the parts I was asleep for."

    Nooooo memories of the second go round. Or most of the rest of that day!
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    BAHAHAH was waiting for this!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    So you're weighting before and after right?

    Cos you wouldn't be human if you weren't just a leetle bit interested
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    pplastics wrote: »
    It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I will third or fourth the recommendation for wipes, butt cream, and vaseline (I used that on the wipes). I also didn't feel extra hungry afterwards, and was oddly not hungry at all the day of all liquids.

    Don't be embarrassed by post-procedure farts, everyone does it.

    Congratulations for getting one done! It's not normally something people are in a rush to get.

    My brother had cancerous polyps removed at age 50, so I became eligible early (age 44) to get one. I don't understand why anyone would want to wait....why risk being able to cure it by waiting?

    My pre-cancerous polyp was found at 28 when my GI went to confirm my diverticulitis. I'm now on a 5 year for life plan. It sucks, but the surgery I just had was enough. I can't imagine adding cancer treatments on top of this. Nope. I'll take a few days of mild misery every 5 years. My parents are well past the age for having a scope done and have not due to expense . Drives me up a wall, because it's a serious matter.

    Doesn't Medicare cover it? It should!

    It was still nearly $100 for the prep solution. I'd see about asking for a different prep if I were them.
  • plateaued
    plateaued Posts: 199 Member
    Might as well get a colonoscopy.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    pplastics wrote: »
    It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I will third or fourth the recommendation for wipes, butt cream, and vaseline (I used that on the wipes). I also didn't feel extra hungry afterwards, and was oddly not hungry at all the day of all liquids.

    Don't be embarrassed by post-procedure farts, everyone does it.

    Congratulations for getting one done! It's not normally something people are in a rush to get.

    My brother had cancerous polyps removed at age 50, so I became eligible early (age 44) to get one. I don't understand why anyone would want to wait....why risk being able to cure it by waiting?

    My pre-cancerous polyp was found at 28 when my GI went to confirm my diverticulitis. I'm now on a 5 year for life plan. It sucks, but the surgery I just had was enough. I can't imagine adding cancer treatments on top of this. Nope. I'll take a few days of mild misery every 5 years. My parents are well past the age for having a scope done and have not due to expense . Drives me up a wall, because it's a serious matter.

    Doesn't Medicare cover it? It should!

    It was still nearly $100 for the prep solution. I'd see about asking for a different prep if I were them.

    hm. I would too. :(
  • aplcr0331
    aplcr0331 Posts: 186 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    So you're weighting before and after right?

    Cos you wouldn't be human if you weren't just a leetle bit interested

    This, very much so. It would be interesting to note how much the "evacuation" phase actually...evacuated.