
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I think I'm just stressed because I did counseling for a while as a teen and it never helped. I actually hated it. I'm just so nervous that this isn't going to make a difference. I need to think positive though. I know that. :)

    I just want to say, you all are super great of course. I'm so glad that I have you guys to help calm my nerves.

    I know I am late but I hope it went well!
  • southeRNurse2016
    southeRNurse2016 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm addicted to seasoned french fries. :/
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Confession: I feel as if I'm cheating a bit since my recent loss has been due to my medicine's side effects. (Yay, ADD!) I've been trying and trying to lose weight for so long and then giving up, it feels weird that I'm actually going in a good direction!

    Oh, just got off the phone with my doctor's office, my thyroid levels are normal! Yay! (Both my parents have thyroid issues so I may or may not have wanted that checked out.)

    Glad to hear about the positive thyroid report, and I would take the weight loss and be grateful for it, who cares if the medicine is 'helping' just keep trying to eat healthy so you learn good habits while having a loss of appetite!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a stupid confession for today and then, I will be MIA because of work stuff.

    Monday night I went to take my vitamins before bed. The L-Lysine I take is a huge pill and I have a hard time swallowing it every time. Mr. Mo suggested cutting it in half so it wouldn't be nearly as big. HUGE MISTAKE. I cut the pill in half and it got lodged in my throat. So much so, that he had to give me the Heimlich maneuver. I was freaking out because I thought, "Yep, this is how I'm going to die, having choked on a stupid supplement." Rachael was crying because I was heaving in the kitchen while Mr. Mo was doing all he could to Heimlich that pill up. No go. I'm not sure if it eventually dissolved or what, but the dang thing did a number on my throat and now, I think my esophagus is scratched or something because it is really sore.

    I was really nervous to take it again last night but I did, and I didn't choke. I'm too cheap to not finish the bottle and go buy different ones.

    Why do supplements/vitamins have to be so big?!
    Ouch. That's just scary.

    Yeah, vitamins can be pretty ridiculous. The Trader Joe's Women's Formula vitamins are listed as three per day and each pill is almost as large as the one a day I usually take.

    Silly confession: I don't have a problem with pills because I swallowed a ton of LIte-Bright pieces and Legos as a kid.

    A Lite-Brite peg I can see but how the heck did you swallow a Lego and then do it again?!

    Wait! How did I miss Legos? I only saw Lite-Bright!! You were a little dare devil!

    The only thing I remember swallowing when I was younger was a dime or a penny. My uncle had given me the change & later I had went up to my mom & told her I ate money.


    This did remind me of a story though. Has anyone ever gotten anything stuck up their nose? When I was a kid I remember getting a crayon stuck in my nose (in my sinus area) and my mom freaked out. We were finally able to get it out but I must have been a dumb/weird kid. Who sticks crayons up their noses? :)

    I stuck a fruit snack up my nose when I was about 3 :grimace: My mom was panicked and took me to her sister (who's a nurse) who calmly got a tissue and told me to blow lol.

    I've gotten a fly stuck up my nose. Except that I didn't put it there--it flew right in all by itself. (Which was both disgusting and shocking, as you can imagine.) I had to blow it out, too. Ew.

    Ew is right. I haven't gotten one up my nose, but I have ended up eating a mosquito after it flew into my mouth when I was on my bike. It was too far back to properly spit out, but I tried.

    I have eaten various bugs both riding and biking. It is gross.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Thanks all. I've been texting her this morning and no news on a surgery time - although it will almost certainly be today. Time is the essence, it seems. She's more stressed about the fact that she was having a down day yesterday, and didn't shower before she went out! I'm going to see if I can see her in a little bit and will take some nice sprays etc.

    I hope its all done and she is recovering well. Thank goodness she went to the doctor.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Thanks for all the advice too. I'm going to make a list now. :) It's a really good idea because with my nerves the way they are today, I'll forget stuff.

    Good luck. You deserve nothing less than best and don't forget it!!!!

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    I am going to my high school reunion next month. We are weird and we are having a 33rd reunion because do not want to wait for 35. Anyway, our class president is a billionaire and he has hired Eddie Money to come play for us at our party! I am kinda excited about this.

    That is super cool!!!

    He hired Loverboy to play for our 25th reunion.

    OMG (again) I was a huge Loverboy fan when I was to download some now :)

    Ditto! What does this guy do that he is a billionaire!? Is he single? Can I come? I saw Loverboy in high school. My 2nd concert ever. .

    You crack me up! Please set @pofoster21 up with this guy only if he is single and a good dude!

    Hey what can I say. I'm an opportunist. Billionaires don't grow on trees you know. Gotta make hay while the sun shines...

    Hmmm... wonder if there are some more cliches I can throw in that one paragraph.

    This, right here, is why I like you so much! :smiley:

    Ha! Because I am an opportunist or because I use too many cliches?

    And I like you a whole bunch too!!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    OOOOHHHHH, guess what, guys!? While we were watching workout B videos to prepare for last night's session, Mr. Mo started looking for power racks online. He said we're going to get one for our basement gym!!!! I'm SUPER stoked about this!!!!

    Nice! You guys will be able to workout at your own pace, whenever you want, & not have to worry about jerks who hog equipment/throw it around/or get in your way while you're lifting.

    That sounds like a weight lifting heaven

    It really does. We'll just have to make sure to put up plenty of mirrors.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I judge on people who use the Smith machine. For those of you using it, ignore me. Any workout is better than no workout. But the squat rack will give you better "bang for your buck" than the Smith machine. You use more stabilizing muscles when squatting in the squat rack (read 'stronger core' here, and who doesn't want that?).

    Well, Miss Judgy Pants, there is only 1 squat rack in my gym and it was being used last night. I actually prefer the rack over the machine anyway, because I DO feel like I'm doing more of the work, instead of the machine.

    I will wait for the squat rack, and even ask the user when they are going to be done. Get out of my squat rack!!! :p

    What do you do while you're waiting?

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Day 2 of SL 5X5 in the bag. I'm REALLY digging working out with my honey even though he keeps accusing me of trying to kill him. >:)

    A few key things about tonight:
    I dead lifted 95 lbs. on my first time.
    I weigh 135 lbs. which is 8 more than two weeks ago.
    I HATE overhead presses.

    I think everyone does. And if they don't, then they are wrong.

    I STRUGGLED getting that bar up 5x5 and IT WAS JUST THE BAR!!! Mr. Mo was rooting me on though saying things like, "Yeah, baby, use them guns" and "Come on, you can do this!" I felt like a super badass when I got done with my 5x5 though.

    I 1000% agree with this statement.

    I use an overhead press machine and even with that, I swear the devil made up that exercise......

    Hell's going to OHP and waiting in lines that never move.

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I'm addicted to seasoned french fries. :/
    There is a restaurant here called Pal's and they have the best seasoned fries...
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a stupid confession for today and then, I will be MIA because of work stuff.

    Monday night I went to take my vitamins before bed. The L-Lysine I take is a huge pill and I have a hard time swallowing it every time. Mr. Mo suggested cutting it in half so it wouldn't be nearly as big. HUGE MISTAKE. I cut the pill in half and it got lodged in my throat. So much so, that he had to give me the Heimlich maneuver. I was freaking out because I thought, "Yep, this is how I'm going to die, having choked on a stupid supplement." Rachael was crying because I was heaving in the kitchen while Mr. Mo was doing all he could to Heimlich that pill up. No go. I'm not sure if it eventually dissolved or what, but the dang thing did a number on my throat and now, I think my esophagus is scratched or something because it is really sore.

    I was really nervous to take it again last night but I did, and I didn't choke. I'm too cheap to not finish the bottle and go buy different ones.

    Why do supplements/vitamins have to be so big?!
    Ouch. That's just scary.

    Yeah, vitamins can be pretty ridiculous. The Trader Joe's Women's Formula vitamins are listed as three per day and each pill is almost as large as the one a day I usually take.

    Silly confession: I don't have a problem with pills because I swallowed a ton of LIte-Bright pieces and Legos as a kid.

    A Lite-Brite peg I can see but how the heck did you swallow a Lego and then do it again?!

    Wait! How did I miss Legos? I only saw Lite-Bright!! You were a little dare devil!

    The only thing I remember swallowing when I was younger was a dime or a penny. My uncle had given me the change & later I had went up to my mom & told her I ate money.


    This did remind me of a story though. Has anyone ever gotten anything stuck up their nose? When I was a kid I remember getting a crayon stuck in my nose (in my sinus area) and my mom freaked out. We were finally able to get it out but I must have been a dumb/weird kid. Who sticks crayons up their noses? :)

    I stuck a fruit snack up my nose when I was about 3 :grimace: My mom was panicked and took me to her sister (who's a nurse) who calmly got a tissue and told me to blow lol.

    I've gotten a fly stuck up my nose. Except that I didn't put it there--it flew right in all by itself. (Which was both disgusting and shocking, as you can imagine.) I had to blow it out, too. Ew.

    Gnats will seek out openings to dive bomb. They really likes nostrils, eyes, and ears. I hate gnats and there's always 50,000 of those buggers together.

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I judge on people who use the Smith machine. For those of you using it, ignore me. Any workout is better than no workout. But the squat rack will give you better "bang for your buck" than the Smith machine. You use more stabilizing muscles when squatting in the squat rack (read 'stronger core' here, and who doesn't want that?).

    Well, Miss Judgy Pants, there is only 1 squat rack in my gym and it was being used last night. I actually prefer the rack over the machine anyway, because I DO feel like I'm doing more of the work, instead of the machine.

    I will wait for the squat rack, and even ask the user when they are going to be done. Get out of my squat rack!!! :p

    What do you do while you're waiting?

    Barbell lunges or leg press...
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    @ Tubbs216- I hope your sister recovers quickly and is able to see. I can't even imagine.

    So far we haven't had any stories with stuff going up the nose, here lately she has been putting things she picks up in her mouth and I have to tell her to stop. I thought that behavior stopped earlier??? :/

    Good news on the gym front!! My husband lucked into a super sweet setup for a squat rack and bench and all. I can't wait to get it home to try it out!! It's a Prospot 500. May take a few practice reps to get used to it.

    Yay! You should post a picture in the batcave. Very exciting.

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Ten minutes to go then it's a 4 day weekend for me folks. My brother is getting married on Saturday so I don't know how much time I will have to post in the next couple of days but I hope you all have a great weekend (when it arrives)!!

    Have a great weekend!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I've just gotten back to the seaside house and managed to explode my stuff everywhere. I don't know how I do it. I am clearly gifted at making a mess.

    I have eaten loads this afternoon and a bit over target, but not overly worried, due to yesterday's burn.

    Have so much to do tomorrow - including making jelly lego, animal biscuits, dinosaur jellies and a train cake for Charlie's birthday. Goodbye calories!

    Happy Birthday Charlie!!!!Take lots of pics of your goodies!! I am also gifted at making messes.

    What is jelly logo? And I am a disaster when I am home. I basically just drop things everywhere. Then wonder why I can never find anything... Sigh. Have a great time with Charlie! Definitely post lots of pics!

    Its jelly (jello for Americans), with added gelatin, set in silicone lego molds. When its set it'll look like proper lego, but have a rubbery consistancy the kids can play with it, build with it. its a bit of fun.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I feel like I can join you lifting gals, even though I'm nowhere near lifting the weights you do. I've been at it 4 weeks and I'm really enjoying it. I've found a good trainer, who makes me do reps of 24x20x20x20 and increases the weights on each set. I'm quite proud of what I've achieved so far, but my arms/shoulders definitely need more work!

    I was in the gym for 4 hours yesterday (unintentionally). I went to have a run, then chill out before circuit class, but my trainer grabbed me during my run and said we were going to do arms (didn't have a session booked), so went straight from running, to weights, to a circuit class and finished off with aqua aerobics (ok i treat that as a stretch and relax session). But today I am hungry!! I have already eaten my measly lunch. There is torrential rain stopping me heading out for something else (i'm thinking chicken) to eat.

    Sounds like that's all of us here! Congratulations on finding a trainer you like and we can all get stronger together!!

    I'm tempted to search the thread for @BZAH10 's epic shoulder workout. I am seriously considering buying some small dumbbells for my seaside house.

    Message her! She is usually quite responsive (I have checked in with her a few times... too bad she won't come back as we are too overwhelming with the posting again.

    Ah good idea! I'll do that!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Its my one day off a week, to lie in and snooze. So of course, I am wide awake very early *sigh*

    The weather here is beyond vile. Its is so dark outside and the clouds are pretty much sitting on top of the houses. Very heavy rain, but still quite warm and humid.

    So of course, my mood is affected. Feeling a bit icky and low. I want to go to the gym but can't quite find the motivation to go. Or do anything really. I have ordered a set of dumbells from amazon, they should be delivered tomorrow.

    Just ugh!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    I am going to my high school reunion next month. We are weird and we are having a 33rd reunion because do not want to wait for 35. Anyway, our class president is a billionaire and he has hired Eddie Money to come play for us at our party! I am kinda excited about this.

    That is super cool!!!

    He hired Loverboy to play for our 25th reunion.

    OMG (again) I was a huge Loverboy fan when I was to download some now :)

    Ditto! What does this guy do that he is a billionaire!? Is he single? Can I come? I saw Loverboy in high school. My 2nd concert ever. .

    You crack me up! Please set @pofoster21 up with this guy only if he is single and a good dude!

    He is married and has 5 daughters.

    :o Oh my gosh, that is the most stressful thing I could ever imagine for a single man!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited August 2015
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I feel like I can join you lifting gals, even though I'm nowhere near lifting the weights you do. I've been at it 4 weeks and I'm really enjoying it. I've found a good trainer, who makes me do reps of 24x20x20x20 and increases the weights on each set. I'm quite proud of what I've achieved so far, but my arms/shoulders definitely need more work!

    I was in the gym for 4 hours yesterday (unintentionally). I went to have a run, then chill out before circuit class, but my trainer grabbed me during my run and said we were going to do arms (didn't have a session booked), so went straight from running, to weights, to a circuit class and finished off with aqua aerobics (ok i treat that as a stretch and relax session). But today I am hungry!! I have already eaten my measly lunch. There is torrential rain stopping me heading out for something else (i'm thinking chicken) to eat.

    Ha ha same! It hasn't stopped all day! We were saying in the office, it feels like November, not August! And I would get the chicken, your body wants protein. After all that work you did yesterday it needs protein to recover. Or cheese. I just had half a mozzarella ball (75g) and it had 14g protein for 191 calories. You can get a low fat version, but I don't know what the stats are for it.

    Edit: 25x20x20x20 I would DIE if that was heavy lifting! He is going for the low weight - high rep option which is still fine as others will tell you, but don't expect to do heavy lifting with those rep counts. It's stronglifts 5x5 because its 5 sets of 5 reps, heavy weight. Keep going though your doing a-maze-ing!

    Yeah, that's what he said. I said I didn't think 50-60kg was all that low, but whatever :D

    I did dash out, the bottom half of my trousers are soaking (Now they don't stay around my waist, the bottoms drag on the floor. I went to get a packet of chicken from M&S, but all sold out. I ended up with a chicken roll from greggs :(

    not looking forward to my drive home tonight.

    WHAT?! That's my squat weight! You must be super woman! You sure it's not in lbs?

    nope definitely kg. Believe me, i checked!

    ETA: Thats the weight for squats/calf raises. i'm still only on 30kg for deadlifts and 20kg for OHP (which i like).

    You know what, I was about to say, I have gym today and I'm give it a go when I squat. But I genuinely don't think I'll get through the first set. It's deadlift day so I'll have time to try.
    The DOMS will definitely be strong with this one after this...

    Edit because you Deadlift less than you squat? I've never heard of this. I Squat 50kg (It got lowered because I had a week off :disappointed: ) and Deadlift 65Kg but it is only one set, so I may have just answered my own question...
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I've just gotten back to the seaside house and managed to explode my stuff everywhere. I don't know how I do it. I am clearly gifted at making a mess.

    I have eaten loads this afternoon and a bit over target, but not overly worried, due to yesterday's burn.

    Have so much to do tomorrow - including making jelly lego, animal biscuits, dinosaur jellies and a train cake for Charlie's birthday. Goodbye calories!

    Awwww this sounds like fuuun, if I lived closer I would so drop by for a jelly lego and cake. :yum:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I confess that I am SO OVER this back injury. Dude, just GET OUT OF HERE. *grumpgrumpgrump*

    I hate that I can't post regularly anymore because my ability to use my laptop is limited and my tab stinks for typing. And I hate that we might not get to drive to Bahrain to watch Inside Out at the theater because I can't sit for 3+ hours. And I hate... everything. Just everything. :sweat:

    *pitiful whine over*

    Big hugs. Can you take little breaks on the drive so you don't have to sit for too long at once?

    Not really--Bahrain is connected to Saudi Arabia over a long (60+ km) causeway, which goes over the sea. It has a no-stopping-for-anything-whatsoever rule until you reach the border crossing. But I'm hoping that I'll get better before my husband's two week vacation is over so that we can still go at some point. Send lots of healing thoughts! ;)

    Could you lie down on the back seat? My dad has done this many times...
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Again, thanks for positive thoughts for my sister. It's very encouraging to hear of people who have had good results after the same injury. If anyone knows of bad outcomes, thanks for not telling me about them. :)

    She's still waiting for surgery, unfortunately. I don't know what's going on. They seemed pretty sure it was going to happen today, but everyone is very vague about it. (For US people - this is the price you pay for socialised health care! Yes, you don't pay for the surgery, but on the other hand, you have to be patient.) (A patient patient).

    Anyway, I saw her earlier and took her some stuff so she could shave her legs and dry shampoo her hair because a girl likes to look respectable before having surgery. I also ran around and picked up the after-surgery equipment she needs - this is stuff like a massage-table type bed arrangement and a chair that enables you to sit up while keeping the face tilted downwards. I hope that will help.

    Ha ha awwww bless her! :smile:
    Fingers crossed for you and your sister!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I judge on people who use the Smith machine. For those of you using it, ignore me. Any workout is better than no workout. But the squat rack will give you better "bang for your buck" than the Smith machine. You use more stabilizing muscles when squatting in the squat rack (read 'stronger core' here, and who doesn't want that?).

    Well, Miss Judgy Pants, there is only 1 squat rack in my gym and it was being used last night. I actually prefer the rack over the machine anyway, because I DO feel like I'm doing more of the work, instead of the machine.

    I will wait for the squat rack, and even ask the user when they are going to be done. Get out of my squat rack!!! :p

    What do you do while you're waiting?

    Warm up with an empty bar, or do something else that is free. Depends how many sets they have left.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I've just gotten back to the seaside house and managed to explode my stuff everywhere. I don't know how I do it. I am clearly gifted at making a mess.

    I have eaten loads this afternoon and a bit over target, but not overly worried, due to yesterday's burn.

    Have so much to do tomorrow - including making jelly lego, animal biscuits, dinosaur jellies and a train cake for Charlie's birthday. Goodbye calories!

    Happy Birthday Charlie!!!!Take lots of pics of your goodies!! I am also gifted at making messes.

    What is jelly logo? And I am a disaster when I am home. I basically just drop things everywhere. Then wonder why I can never find anything... Sigh. Have a great time with Charlie! Definitely post lots of pics!

    Its jelly (jello for Americans), with added gelatin, set in silicone lego molds. When its set it'll look like proper lego, but have a rubbery consistancy the kids can play with it, build with it. its a bit of fun.

    :o Its not edible? :disappointed: I'll just have cake then.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Its my one day off a week, to lie in and snooze. So of course, I am wide awake very early *sigh*

    The weather here is beyond vile. Its is so dark outside and the clouds are pretty much sitting on top of the houses. Very heavy rain, but still quite warm and humid.

    So of course, my mood is affected. Feeling a bit icky and low. I want to go to the gym but can't quite find the motivation to go. Or do anything really. I have ordered a set of dumbells from amazon, they should be delivered tomorrow.

    Just ugh!

    Just think, the gym is air conditioned and cool and not humid, you can have a nice shower after. :smile:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Hmmm, talking to myself it seems :lol:

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I feel like I can join you lifting gals, even though I'm nowhere near lifting the weights you do. I've been at it 4 weeks and I'm really enjoying it. I've found a good trainer, who makes me do reps of 24x20x20x20 and increases the weights on each set. I'm quite proud of what I've achieved so far, but my arms/shoulders definitely need more work!

    I was in the gym for 4 hours yesterday (unintentionally). I went to have a run, then chill out before circuit class, but my trainer grabbed me during my run and said we were going to do arms (didn't have a session booked), so went straight from running, to weights, to a circuit class and finished off with aqua aerobics (ok i treat that as a stretch and relax session). But today I am hungry!! I have already eaten my measly lunch. There is torrential rain stopping me heading out for something else (i'm thinking chicken) to eat.

    Ha ha same! It hasn't stopped all day! We were saying in the office, it feels like November, not August! And I would get the chicken, your body wants protein. After all that work you did yesterday it needs protein to recover. Or cheese. I just had half a mozzarella ball (75g) and it had 14g protein for 191 calories. You can get a low fat version, but I don't know what the stats are for it.

    Edit: 25x20x20x20 I would DIE if that was heavy lifting! He is going for the low weight - high rep option which is still fine as others will tell you, but don't expect to do heavy lifting with those rep counts. It's stronglifts 5x5 because its 5 sets of 5 reps, heavy weight. Keep going though your doing a-maze-ing!

    Yeah, that's what he said. I said I didn't think 50-60kg was all that low, but whatever :D

    I did dash out, the bottom half of my trousers are soaking (Now they don't stay around my waist, the bottoms drag on the floor. I went to get a packet of chicken from M&S, but all sold out. I ended up with a chicken roll from greggs :(

    not looking forward to my drive home tonight.

    WHAT?! That's my squat weight! You must be super woman! You sure it's not in lbs?

    nope definitely kg. Believe me, i checked!

    ETA: Thats the weight for squats/calf raises. i'm still only on 30kg for deadlifts and 20kg for OHP (which i like).

    You know what, I was about to say, I have gym today and I'm give it a go when I squat. But I genuinely don't think I'll get through the first set. It's deadlift day so I'll have time to try.
    The DOMS will definitely be strong with this one after this...

    Edit because you Deadlift less than you squat? I've never heard of this. I Squat 50kg (It got lowered because I had a week off :disappointed: ) and Deadlift 65Kg but it is only one set, so I may have just answered my own question...

    I dunno, i just do what I'm told. My trainer sets the weight at what he thinks I can manage, and puts it up if it looks too easy, so the top weights are only for the final set of 20.

    For comparison, for tricep extensions (i think - dumbell in hand behind head, then straight arm up in air) i can just about manage 5kg.

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I've just gotten back to the seaside house and managed to explode my stuff everywhere. I don't know how I do it. I am clearly gifted at making a mess.

    I have eaten loads this afternoon and a bit over target, but not overly worried, due to yesterday's burn.

    Have so much to do tomorrow - including making jelly lego, animal biscuits, dinosaur jellies and a train cake for Charlie's birthday. Goodbye calories!

    Happy Birthday Charlie!!!!Take lots of pics of your goodies!! I am also gifted at making messes.

    What is jelly logo? And I am a disaster when I am home. I basically just drop things everywhere. Then wonder why I can never find anything... Sigh. Have a great time with Charlie! Definitely post lots of pics!

    Its jelly (jello for Americans), with added gelatin, set in silicone lego molds. When its set it'll look like proper lego, but have a rubbery consistancy the kids can play with it, build with it. its a bit of fun.

    :o Its not edible? :disappointed: I'll just have cake then.

    yeah its edible....not sure how tasty it is (yet) but i'm doing regular jelly in dinosaur molds.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Its my one day off a week, to lie in and snooze. So of course, I am wide awake very early *sigh*

    The weather here is beyond vile. Its is so dark outside and the clouds are pretty much sitting on top of the houses. Very heavy rain, but still quite warm and humid.

    So of course, my mood is affected. Feeling a bit icky and low. I want to go to the gym but can't quite find the motivation to go. Or do anything really. I have ordered a set of dumbells from amazon, they should be delivered tomorrow.

    Just ugh!

    Just think, the gym is air conditioned and cool and not humid, you can have a nice shower after. :smile:

    not quite got there yet, but i have wrapped all charlie's presents and made the first batch of lego, so not entirely wasted morning. I'm also on episode 3 of breaking bad. The pharmacists at work told me to watch it....

    On the plus side, because of the rain, i also haven't been shopping and bought bad things.